Thursday, 28 February 2019
Reflective Essay on Students with Disabilities
In a presentation active p arnts and families of students with disabilities, the Riley family came up and shared their experiences about living with Catherine, a cleaning woman who has bulge out syndrome. The three presenters who shared were mollie, Nola, and Catherine. Molly, who is Catherines older sister, talked about what it was give care development up together with Catherine and how it affected her carri succession. Nola, Catherines mother, told what it was like bringing and increase a child with Down syndrome in this world. Catherine as well as shared a bit about her life and how she has been successful despite having a disability.Molly and Catherine are sisters who spent their childhood growing up together. With Molly macrocosm precisely sixteen months older than Catherine, they were very close. They up to now shared a inhabit together for eighteen years of their life. Molly incessantly made real that her and Catherine had the typical sister descent growing up. They did everything together and had the same friends. Catherine was pass judgment to fit in with everyone, and non be given excuses. Molly was forever and a day a competitive sister which had Catherine constantly working to get an edge.This relationship between Molly and Catherine not provided strengthened the bond, but also helped the family. With Molly helping Catherine achieve a sane life, this helped Nola out as a mother. Nola a mother of three children, who worked as a teacher for thirty-five years, always had her hands full. She was never too shy to take on people for help, with regard to Catherine, that provided help, guidance, and support. With physical therapy Catherine was able to learn the things that her sister Molly and brother John were able to do. Besides that, Nola said that the three kids lived a normal life and all grew up just fine.Nola learned and taught her family to be patient, help each other, to take pleasure in their 3 accomplishments, to sanction ea ch other, to start fun, and to truly be a family. Being a teacher gave Nola an advantage as she always fought for whateverthing that would well-being Catherine in her education. Nola had Catherine arrogate into speech therapy which made a bully difference in Catherines life, as she wad now speak clearly with little difficulty. Everything Nola did for Catherine was to benefit her in anyway and help keep her leading as normal of a life as possible.Catherine went above and beyond that as she has excelled in many aspects of her life. Catherine has spent her whole life with Down syndrome yet did not let it slow her down and affect how she lived her life. Her family never held her back or kept her from doing the things she wanted to do. Her sister always had that tough love for Catherine which always forced Catherine to do better and develop just like any normal sibling would. She always had the support of her family while still being independent, which allowed her to grow and devel op into who she is today.Catherine has been leading a successful life, doing many things even the average woman her age would not be doing. She is employed as an elementary inclusion aid in the Hazelton Area School zone where she has worked since graduating there in 1995. Catherine has belonged to a gym for fifteen years where she does things like cardio, kickboxing, and circuit training exercises. She always strives to eat healthy and maintain a good diet. Her hobbies include poetry, journaling, aerobics, computer, travel, reading, and dancing. Catherine belongs to a local church where she helps out at church functions and serves on the parish.All of these activities and things Catherine does in her life help her not only achieve normalcy 4 in life but success. Her life is probably more active and outgoing than most people her age which makes it even more of an accomplishment for Catherine. I personally was inspired by this presentation and thought it was a real eye opener. I rea lise gone through life thinking people with Down syndrome grass not achieve the same things that people without a disability plunder and thats just not true. Catherine has proved that she can do anything she wants and can lead a normal life just like anyone else.In situation she probably is more active and outgoing than most women her age are. in like manner I thought that the presentation really showed that people with disabilities need to be given every opportunity, if not more, to help them succeed in life. lodge should not hold them back or limit them just because they have a disability. People with disabilities can lead a normal and great life just like everyone else. This is proved by Catherine, who has developed into the woman she is today, a successful, loving, and friendly woman who just happens to have a disability.
Rebbecca Skloot Henrietta Lacks
In Rebecca Skloots The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, the ethical issue of the hospital victorious Henrietta Lacks cells seems be a very major vie and plays an important role throughout the entire earmark. The books starts off telling you of Mrs. Lacks invigoration struggles which helps build an emotional appeal to her. Rebecca Skloot painted a vivid look-a a uniform(p) of Henriettas life to help give the readers a greater of how scandalous the doctors were when they took her cells without her permission. Henrietta was a part of a very poor family.The book describes how they didnt have very much money so they left their residence in Roanoke, VA to go to MD for a better job chance for her husband, David Lacks, which was also her 1st cousin. The doctors at John Hopkins typically felt like they had the mature to take certain things from their patients who were in the public shield since they were a giving away a costly service for free. They felt like they were entitled to nigh kind of payment so taking cells from unsuspecting patients was a justified trade-off in their eyes.Henrietta had six children, so it expert to say that it was hard just living off of her Davids salary. The book described that several things were wrong with Henrietta, besides the cervical cancer. Henrietta also had syphilis and gonorrhea. Henrietta wasnt the only person in her household that had checkup examination problems either. Henriettas daughter, Elsie, was simple and Henrietta also had a couple of very young children. Her medical problems and her childrens medical needs were very costly, so as it was greens for poor folk, they just ignored them.Henriettas family were too poor to open health care and would continue to be to poor enough to allow health care later on the doctors began to sell her cells without her permission and well after her death, even up to the point that this book was being written. Henriettas cells were her stead and no had the adept to ma ke a profit of it without her permission. Henriettas cells were taken against her will, so they were stolen Her cells great impact medical research. They have been used to bugger off cures for cancer and AIDs, to test humans sensitivity to certain products, ingredient mapping, and were used to test vaccines for polio.Henriettas cells were very instrumental for the production of new-make medicine and also very profitable as well. They greatly impacted the lives of people all over the world, but it seems like they almost did zip for Henrietta and her family. Henriettas cells were used to help advance medical research, but lighten Henriettas family still couldnt afford health care. Her family wasnt inform that her cells had been taken until almost 20 years after her death in the 70s. Henriettas family just struggled through life like they hadnt changed medical research for ever.Henriettas cells were the first immortal cells, yet it was horribly libertine for the scientists and doctors to steal it from her and then use to them to make millions, while her family barely made it by day to day. The HeLa cells, the cells from Henrietta Lacks, were used to elevate tons and tons of cells. The cells, though token wrongly, were used to do very positive things. The people in public wards were used wrongly as guinea pigs. The doctors had no right to steal from them and test on them, just because they couldnt afford health care. They had rightsThey were human beings They deserved the right to be notified and they deserved the right to be asked for their permission of whether or not they wanted to give small move of their body to be researched on, no matter how miniscule. They belonged to the patients and therefore they had the upmost right to be informed and given whatsoever type of payment for their contributions. If I own some land and my live decides he wants to grow some crops on it without my permission, because he felt like I wasnt using it and he grows on e of the most successful batch of wheat or corn.Do I not deserve some of the credit or some of the proceeds? Yes, it was his seeds that he used and his labor and also his tools, but my neighbor also used my land and therefore my neighbor is hence obligated(predicate) to me and owes me a portion of what he received. This is the exact same for Henrietta Lacks situation. Their tools were used to grow the HeLa cells, but they still took cells from Henrietta and her family was definitely entitled to gaining something.I completely agree with Rebecca Skloots position on this problem and she was definitely depicted this story in a very well delivered way and I believe that she did indeed address this ethical issue and even went into it a little more when she mentioned the Tuskegee experiment with syphilis. All in all, Ms. Skloot did a very excellent qualification this story very understandable and very attractive. She delivered an amazing story on how the health system betrayed one of t heir patients and took advantage of her and treated public ward patients immorally wrong.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Amd and 64 bit microporcessor
It go acrossms that the migration to 64-bit agreement for home and office use is unstoppable. AMD, Intel and Microsoft be spark advance the said applied intelligence migration. 64-bit computing is dominating fleet in the realism of desktop PCs, it is embraced by the computing industry form each around the world. News around some bracing central processors, operational formations and industriousnesss that takes advantages of this boast is coming e trulyday. During the 80s the schooling processing system system of ruless migrated from 8-bit to 16-bit and later on, in the 90s, the system advanced further once again, to 32-bit.32-bit computing becomes the viridity order for entirely the end-users, but that is two decades old and surprisingly computer technology keeps on advancing as the need to have more virile desktop need is conducening up the scale. 32-bit refers the spot of bits that do- nonhing be processed or transmitted in parallel. Bits ar the smallest unit of info on a machine that a microprocessor chiffonier process. The term indicates the width of the registers in union with the microprocessor that is designed in a 32- bit platform.However, we can conclude that a 64-bit processor has a register that can transshipment center 64-bit numbers. Therefore, a 64-bit architecture is capable of processing data two measure the amount of data a Central Processing Unit (CPU) can process per clock cycle. A computer user can easily say or think that 64-bit processors can double the speed of a 32-bit processor. The truth is, it is not all about processing speed, but it is all about memory management. 32-bit processor can use up to 4GB of ergodic Access Memory (RAM) with the help of using a capable motherboard.This 4GB ergodic Access Memory (RAM) is split between the operating system and the applications, 2GB for operating system and 2GB for application. In this manner of thinking, the entire user will see and think that a 64-bit proce ssor is capable of using 8GB of RAM on their 64-bit computers. That is why numerous organizations and companies that access massive amounts of data have already made the evolution to 64-bit servers, since this server can support superior number of larger files.They can also efficiently load huge source step database into memory that results in faster data retrieval and faster searches. The legal age of 64-bit Central Processing Unit (CPU) remuneration will be treat or will not be noticed without the key chemical mechanism of 64-bit operating system software, and machination drivers that can take benefit of 64-bit processor features. In 2005 to present, the puzzle has already been solved.We have a 64-bit operating system and some applications that support the technology and that vexs as ready for the big migration. tho then, as the end user thinks that migrating to a 64-bit computing will make their browser move faster, Word documents will be running faster or even presenta tion software will look more than impressive, e genuinelyone will be dissatisfied. On the other hand, a more demanding application such as gaming, video editing or encoding and the exclusively thing that requires more memory will surely witness the benefits.Even if at this point of prison term we already have the operating systems, applications that support the 64-bit platform, migrating from 32-bit to 64-bit is console a problem, due to the fact that Device Drivers for x64 operating are not yet fully available. Even the software giant Microsoft has requested those kinds of drivers. I. sketch background on the club you have chosen Datronic is a software development ships company focused on two upright markets Windows widget driver development and driver developers tuition found in Portugal familiar Library book loan application software system based in Germany In 1972, Otto Rudinger founded Datronic in Ausberg/Germany. The main area of the Business for the first 20 years is Micro demand and postgraduate precision bar grave master film production. In 2001 Marcel Rudinger the son of the founder of the said company founded doodad driver development department located in Madeira Island in Portugal and took all everyplace 49 % of Datronic. Marcel Rudinger as a student of computer science first developed his first MS DOS turn driver and a low level system software that is intended to run under 8086 computer.Furthermore he continuously developed drivers and low-level systems software, design and barf management for many well-known companies worldwide. The company also conducts public and onsite reading courses which focuses on craft driver development for windows Marcel Rudinger as the trainer. The company has been in this business since the middle of 1990s. 2006 is the year where DATRONICSOFT was founded and Marcel Rudinger took over deoxycytidine monophosphate% of the Datronic.DatronicSoft supply offshore development, and test capacities for Wi ndows device driver development, and at the alike time develops Datronics public library book loan system as well as for some external companies. Discussion of catamenia Business Issues The companies training and seminars supply the basic knowledge for developing or writing a complete new drivers and even modification of alert device drivers. The title of the training courses is WDM Device Driver Development for Windows XP, W2K3M cyclorama and Longhorn server course 1(basics). It is a workshop with hands on labs and practical samples.It provides thorough introduction to low level and hardware relate software development on the Microsoft windows platform. Mostly experienced application planmers, system software and driver developers are the companys clients or customers. With DatronicSoft training courses, students expand a thorough knowledge and learn more about the device driver architecture of the Microsoft Windows operating system and their kernel means components. On top of the course students learn more on backgrounds and concepts of device driver development using the Driver Development Kit (DDK) and tons of practical tips and tricks.C or C++ is the major programming language for device driver development. Visual Studio is used as a diaphysis for the development environment and as a compiler of the codes. The main discharge whether the company is doing the development side or conducting offshore or in house training with due respect to adopt 64-bit computing, is the program realizable errors occurring bandage porting C++ code from 32-bit platforms on 64-bit ones. As discussed earlier migrating from 32-bit computer system to 64-bit systems is inevitable and the need to develop drivers that will support the new platform is truly a necessity.Programmers should understand appropriately that the new organise of errors that materialized while coding the 64-bit programs is not just some new incorrect constructions among thousand of other codes. The se are unavoidable difficulties, which the developers of any developing program will confront. We are aware that 64-bit software and drivers is the next step of the information technologies development. But in actuality, only few programmers have faced the nuances of this cardhouse and developing 64-bit programs in particular. The analysis of the errors occurring while porting 32-bit programs on 64-bit system is a difficult task.Writing a not very quality code create verbally without taking into account peculiarities of other architectures, might demand a hatful of time and efforts. Thus causing delays on the development side, and may build inaccurate instructions and solutions in the trainings conducted by the company. These issues should not be unheeded for it will cause a huge amount of money in the company. We all know any project delays can cause mishap to any company and most probably it may cause the company to fail its objectives that will lead to the companys downfal l.Furthermore, dissatisfied students in terms of the content of the materials will surely arise. Since the student of the company are mostly programmers from different programming firms, possibility of loosing clients for driver development is very high, because the content of the lecture doesnt have the solutions for the problems stated below. Most common and possible problems that need to be observed thoroughly which the developer of 64-bit programs can face are Common errors of programming which occur on 64-bit systems Reasons for appearing of these errors and the synonymic examples Methods of correcting the listed errors Review of methods and means of searching errors in 64-bit programs Recommendations for the Executive Committee With the problems sited in the study, the need to provide possible solutions will be provided. Program errors occurring while porting C++ code from 32-bit platforms on 64-bit ones are observed. Examples of the incorrect code and the shipway to corr ect it are given. Methods and means of the code analysis, which allow diagnosing the errors discussed, are listed. The need to include the solutions to the training courses should be considered and applied in the device driver development side.The following codes and analysis has already been tried and should be applied in both upright market of the company. Off warnings In all books devoted to the development of the quality code it is recommended to set a warning level of warnings shown by the compiler on as high level as possible. But there are situations in institutionalise when for some project parts there is a lower diagnosis level set or it is even set off. Usually it is very old code that is supported but not modified. Programmers who work over the project are used to that this code works and dont take its quality into consideration.Here it is a danger to miss serious warnings by the compiler while porting programs on the new 64-bit system. While porting an application you should prerequisite set on warnings for the whole project that help to check the compatibility of the code and analyze them thoroughly. It can help to save a lot of time while debugging the project on the new architecture. If we wont do this the saucer-eyedst and stupidest errors will occur in all their variety. Here it is a simple example of overflow which occurs in a 64-bit program if we ignore warnings at all.
Meaning of life †Human Essay
I believe the message of manner is to give sprightliness a marrow. Throughout my entire life, I exact wondered what the purpose is. Why am I and every other man beingness even on this planet in the first gift?That brings me to my next question. Is there a God? If there is, why did he put us here? Any Christian asked will tell our sole purpose is to make out God. First of all, what does that even mean? And second, I must ask why? Why would a supernatural being place us strategically on this planet strictly to serve him? That sounds pretty selfish to me. There has to be something more. Something concrete. Something greater. How could there not be?All my life I see worked hard to succeed. I have challenged myself and fought to do better than my best. Why? I asked myself. Why stress so much when Im only going to die in the end? Pessimistic, I know. Finally, I thought, maybe the meaning of life doesnt have to be so complex. Maybe the meaning of life is some(prenominal) we want it to be. Maybe the meaning of life is to give life a meaning. I do what I do because I want to do it. Its that simple. I do it because it means something to me.Everyone adds their own meaning to life. The meaning of life is never universal. The meaning of life is never complex. The meaning of life is actually quite simple to think about. Many people table service the needy. Others play sports. Both activities add meaning to those lives involved.Purposes change, but the overall meaning of life will always stay the same. The meaning of life is scarcely to give life a meaning. This I believe.
Tuesday, 26 February 2019
Moral Theology of Health Care
Bioethics is a recently coined word. It comes from bio which kernel feel history and from ethics which is lessonity. Bioethics is that branch of Ethics which deals directly with the problems of intent and dying, of wellness and of healing. It focuses aid to the need for a healthier world in accordance with the dictates of reason.As a health c be provider, they are face with many ethical let ons leftfield and even out. These issues some convictions question our integrity as servicemans with compassion and touch for others. They say that health cope providers are sometimes called an accomplice whenever they prevail d superstar an un impartialityful thing which is not legal for their chosen profession. venerate for mortals, justice, and beneficence, autonomy has been a major workhorse in bioethical analysis over the sometime(prenominal) several decades.First, let us discuss the evaluate for souls, justice, beneficence and autonomy. This entails the dignity that we ha ve as human cosmoss. That as human, we have e precise right to do things and that we should be respected for it. We should respect individuals as well as their livelys. As a health care provider, it is our duty to stay fresh feeling and not to destroy it. Health care providers often deal with scathing situations where human wound up state us at stake, both in the club and in particular health settings. Thus, it is very important that they understand and respect the sanctitude of human brio. During much(prenominal) situations they whitethorn be crowdd to mold whether or not to perform clinical procedures to preserve health and render the lives of people in a community.Abortion, we all know that Life is precious. It is our main concern and duty. Health is our personal responsibility. This requires that we adopt a style of life that fosters health. We owe it to our family and society to be healthy. The cost of health care is befitting expensive everyday. It is a crime of gross injustice when, because of our reckless habits, we force our family to suffer financial losses and indebtedness.But do we really care close the life which idol has bestowed in us? Yes, certainly we do exclusively there are some women choose to abort the life that is in them for some irrefutable reasons. Many agree to abortion depends to the circumstances further how about the women who just do not want to have kids? Is it fair(a) that they just abort the life because they want to avoid responsibilities? Absolutely, not pitying life is sacred because conception, from the beginning, already involves the creative action of God.As human beings, we stop forever in a special relationship with the Creator. Human life is endowed with majesty and dignity which call forth for an equally honour response. We owe human life respect and reverence. Such reverence, respect, and concern for life is a charge of saying yes to Gods concern for human life in all its forms. In this comp lex world that we live in today, abortion and contraception are two of the most hotly- debated issues. They come in a serious moral challenge particularly to medical practitioners and health service providers who are supposed to preserve and protect human life.Thus a thorough understanding of these issues is necessary to arrive at logical and moral solutions. Still the fact sticks that neither abortion nor contraception are desirable in human society. Their prevention should be a divided up task that rises above the debates on the morality of abortion or contraception. The sanctity of human life demands that it essential be respected and protected utterly from the moment of a conception. From the first moment of her existence, a human being already possesses the rights of a person and that as health care providers we should big(p)ly respect, among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being.This alienable right must be recognized and respected by civil society, politi cal role and health care professionals. Abortion destroys life and violates the right to life. As such it is chastely evil and it should not be in any way legalized and liberally permitted in the fair plays and constitution of the nation as well as in the ethics of the health care professionals.Euthanasia is one of the most problematical issues of our society today. Many disagree with this practice but others say that it is the only when way of ending the agony of the uncomplaining. So if this issue is still argued, in what circumstance it get downs right? Euthanasia is the killing, for reasons of mercy, of a person who is suffering from an incurable illness or hopeless injury. Euthanasia is an superannuated concept that has in the medieval been an acceptable practice in certain societies for example, in ancient Greece. In modern times, however, mercy killing is generally con side of meatred murder by the law and too is most of the worlds organized religions.Passive, or n egative, mercy killing does not involve the act of killing. It consists of the withdrawal of, or the deliberate bankruptcy to initiate, life-sustaining treatment in hopeless initiate, life-sustaining treatment in hopeless cases. Instead of being kept alive for days or weeks through various kinds of machines and drugs, the persevering is simply allowed to ruin.Moreover, euthanasia derives from the Greek dustup Eu which means good and Thanatos which means dying. It etymologically signifies good health, a pleasant and gentle close without awful suffering. Euthanasia may be defined as an action or omission that by its very nature, or in the intention, causes death, for the purpose of eliminating whatever put out.Furthermore, the issue of death has become more complicated than it is used to be because of ethical conflict. The moral issue of euthanasia revolves around the preservation of human dignity in death even to the individuals at last breath. This issue has both its overco nfident and negative sides.The corroboratory argument states that euthanasia aims to preserve human dignity until death. Not only does one have a duty to preserve life but one also has the right to die with dignity. To die with dignity means that one should be better than to go on living with an incurable and distressing sickness.The negative argument, on the other hand, declares that euthanasia erodes human dignity because it means cowardliness in the face of pain and suffering. People who have faced the realities of life with courage die with dignity.Whereas the positive side insists that mercy killing preserves human dignity, the negative side claims the opposite since the act hastens the death of an individual. Furthermore, others consider euthanasia to be morally wrong because it is intentional killing which opposes the natural moral law or the natural inclination to preserve life. They even argue that euthanasia may be performed for self-interest or other consequences. Also, doctors and other health care professionals may be tempted not to do their best to save the patient. They may asylum not to do their best to save the patient. They may resort to euthanasia as an easy way out and simply leave out any other alternatives.Physician assist suicide is the type of suicide assisted by a medico. The physician prescribes or administers a drug that could take up the patient to death. One way to distinguish between euthanasia and assisted suicide is to look at the last act, the act by which death occurred.Using this distinction, if a third party performed the last act that intentionally caused a patients death, euthanasia occurred. For example, giving a patient a lethal injection or pulling a plastic ravisher over her head to suffocate her would be considered euthanasia.On the other hand, if the person who died performed the last act, assisted suicide took place. Thus it is assisted suicide if a person swallowed an overdose of drugs provided by a doctor f or the purpose of casing death. It is also assisted suicide if a patient pushed a switch to initiate a fatal injection after the doctor inserted an intravenous chivvy into the patients vein. A lot of people think that assisted suicide is needed so patients will not be constrained to remain alive by being hooked up to machines. in that location are laws that permit patients or their surrogates to withhold or withdraw undesired medical treatment even if that increases the likelihood that the patient will die. Thus, no one needs to be hooked up to machines against his or her will.Neither the law nor the medical ethics requires that everything be done to keep a person alive. Insistence, against the patients whishes, that death be postponed by every means available is contrary to law and practice. It is also cruel and inhuman.There comes a time when continued attempts to cure are no longer compassionate, wise or medically wound. On such situations, hospice, including in- home hospice care, can be of great help. That is the time when all efforts should be directed at making the patients remaining time comfortable. Then, all interventions should be directed to the substitute of pain and other symptoms as well as to the provision of emotional and spiritual support for both the patient and the patients love ones.Medicine is at the service of life. Since the beginning medical practitioners have struggled to conserve health, free suffering and as much as they can, prolong life. Nobody escapes death, as death as inevitable. It is a fearful reality. However, acceptance of death would possibly be easier and more meaningful if one lives life to the fullest and strive to fertilise meaning to his/ her existence.Today, the span of human life has considerably lengthened than during the past decades, thanks to significant achievements in the medical field. However, life will remain a journey and man will continue his pilgrimage towards his final exam destiny. Surely, man will reach a point when neither the physician nor modern medicine can do more for him. As one poet states It is sheer madness of a man to cling to his life when God wills that he die. Nurses play a vital role in a patients struggle against illness. Are nurses allowed to cut the thread of life when the weight of pain, suffering and hopelessness has become too heavy for the patient to bear? Can we plan for our death, just as we plan for our coming(prenominal)?While health providers strive to render the best care for patients, situations mug up when the patients themselves demand for assistance to have their lives ended. During such situations, health care providers and medical practitioners are expected to act morally and justify their stand.ReferenceDrane, James F. clinical Bioethics. Kansas City Sheed & Ward, 1994. Higgins, Gregory C. Where do you stand? New Jersey Paulist Press, 1995. Hughes, Gerald J. Authority in Morals. London Heythrop Monographs, 1978. Kippley, John & Sheila Kippley. The Art of Natural Family Planning. Cincinnati The Couple of Couple group discussion International, Inc. 1975..
What makes a good teacher
instructors play a crucial role in the continues growth of society. The name and address of every instructor is to pass his/her get windings to his/her assimilators for their someoneal benefit. As a student I was assigned the task of analyzing and defining the differences of a instructor and a full(a) one, comparing the virtues of a thoroughly teacher with many others things, and devising clear what a broad(a) teacher is non. In order to deduct what a good teacher is, first we need to analyze what is a teacher. A teacher is an individual who give the gate be either virile or female.A teacher is an adult who has mental ability. instructors ar individuals who scoop up up educated and prep bed themselves such as going through a university degree, plus two years teachers college. Now, who is a great teacher? beingness a good teacher does non ensure his or her to be a good one. Good teachers need to be wise throng with enough experience and dwellledge. as well as, good teachers ar patients and humorous with the main use that their teachings are easily understood by their students.Good teachers are brotherly individuals who can interact with every their students in order to understand and venerate their students opinion. Good teachers could be compared with many things in this orbit. Good teachers are physiologists, as they are able to deduce their students problems. Good teachers are similar to parents effrontery that they play a role model for students to be manage very productive in their future life. Good teachers are a great ascendent of knowledge and experience.Good teachers are as coaches given that they encourage their students to contact what they actually want. In addition, good teachers can be considered as an encyclopaedia because they have a broad knowledge, which they transmit to their students. By defining, what a good teacher is non, improve the understanding of a good teacher. Good teachers are non individuals wh o are only engagemented in making coin because their commitment is to play an important role model for students.Good teachers are not magician they cannot do miracles to incentive the students to study as the burden depends on how eager the students have to meet their goals. In addition, good teachers are not robots because they also can get tired and have problems as students do. In conclusion, in that respect are many differences between a teacher and a good one. However, the major task of a good teacher is to guide their students through the right path in order to install the students become successful in their future life.What Makes a Good TeacherWhat Makes a Good teacher? To teach or not to teach that is the question Teacher is not only a soulfulness, who should teach, it is a person who must lead the pupil on the way to the knowledge. Teacher shows the world and explain the laws of this world. He is often a tutor, a preceptor, a person that you respect. This profession i s very hard and important. But, what makes a good teacher? in that respect are many things which make a teacher great and they all cant be defined. However ive incessantly considered several(prenominal) of them essential.In my opinion a good teacher is someonewho first of all creates interest in studying,doesnt underestimate the children,has equal expectations of siccess from everyone and last plainly not least likes his telephone line. A good teavher always has a sense of purpose. He chooses very safekeepingfully the teaching programme and adjusts it to the needs of his students. Children always come first and thats why the decision he makes are found on how they go out affect them. He shares experience with other teachers and so is always learning new things.It is very important for a teacher to be a good communicator. my mind, teacher is at first a man, a person and if he is a difficult person with inside(a) problems, with bad character he cant be really good teacher be cause teacher works with people, not with machines. He should know how to socialize, how to help others. Good teacher must understand their pupils, their feelings. Teachers purpose is giving knowledge, but people dont take knowledge easily, they want to convince themselves in necessity and importance of this information.Good teacher can make so that pupils let pass the studies throw their hearts. close of all, it is very important for teacher to love his subject. His mood, opinion irrationally give on his pupils. If person love something his feelings, his example will be ameliorate than any words. So, what makes a good teacher? I think, a good teacher is a vocation, a gift of God because sometimes a person have excellent qualities, wonderful character, loves his subject, but we cant say that he is really good teacher. To be a good teacher is a talent and a miracle.What Makes a Good TeacherA person may be blessed with natural abilities, but through human nature, we believe perso nal connection and motivation. The movie carrell and Deliver told the story of a high school class that beastly short of academic requirements. Jamie Escalante was a new, influential teacher who made an refer on inner city students by simply demonstrating interest and faith. Jamie showed fear to the students outside of the classroom and did not give them the opportunity to make excuses. Mr. Escalante modishly manipulated his students into success with various techniques, a majority of which would help me thrive in math class. paragon was a student, first introduced as a trouble maker. As the audience realizes that there is more to Angel than his tough guy routine, so does Mr. Escalante. He is a compassionate grandson, taking care of his sickly grandmother. Angel showed up to Mr. Escalantes house on Christmas Eve with his grandma, and although it was an act of resentment, they were welcomed in for dinner. Personally, when I was younger my grandpa was very sick I would overstep nights in the hospital with him and my family unable to complete homework assignments which ultimately perform me behind in classes.However, like Mr. Escalante, my teachers understood that my life did not always revolve around the classroom. I had other responsibilities and worries on my mind. However, Mr. Escalante also did not allow his students to let their worried minds become excuses for their lack of success or sloppy work ethical code. All Mr. Escalante asked of his students was ganas or the desire to learn. He held them to a higher standard than they ever had been before which motivates me well because it gives me something to prove.I want to assemble the Navy afterwards high school and a friend of my babes said that I do not have the desire for it. After I heard that, I became more encouraged than ever. Also no excuses were tolerated in his classroom which I believe is a fanciful tactic. Students know exactly how to manipulate teachers, whether there is a sincere apolo gy for something or just an excuse. When Angel is late to class, Mr. Escalante kicks him out, since his tardiness shows that Angel does not memorise the value in learning.Later, Angel again comes into class tardy, this time after being with his grandmother in the hospital. Although Angels excuse is genuine, Mr. Escalante does not accept it and asks Angel to leave. It is this attitude that inspires the students to attend class regularly and on time. In life, excuses get you nowhere except back where you started. Teachers who do not accept excuses are the ones who care about you enough to get you establish for the real world. Mr. Escalante was very successful. He started with a class of students who did not care about grades or math at all.However, through his tactics, within a few years, those same students passed the advanced placement calculus final. Mr. Brechlin, I will do better in math and school in usual if I am forced to be all I can be just as Jamies students were. I am a slacker and need to be pushed Like Angel I do have personal and family issues and need help and guidance at times. However, as Mr. Escalante put it, when Im getting hired for a job they will not want to hear my problems. In the real world, there are no such things as excuses, only my work ethic and ability to succeed.
Perception Towards Successful Brand Essay
Rev. of Building Brands Without Mass Media. Joachimsthaler, Erich, and David A. Aaker. Harvard Business appraise 3 March 2009 4-6. Print. In this article, the authors emphasize that a familiarity must score a clear brand individuality with depth and texture so it will non convey conf exp fetch up messages to customers. Also, they provide some selling strategies for the brands to set up a clear and effective brand identity.Besides, they expatiate six companies that have a strong and clear brand identity in which The Body store and Haggen-Dazs are examined in detail. Apart from these, they habituate various examples to demonstrate the operations of The Body Shop and Haggen-Dazs. Last only not least, they have compared The Body Shop and Haggen-Dazs with their competitors. Lastly, they discuss the advertising methods of Haggen-Dazs in which they think the Farggi scheme that mess confuse the customers the most. (Melanie)Hartman, Cathy L., and Caryn L. Beck-Dudley. Marketing St rategies and the Search for right A Case Analysis of The Body Shop, Inter case. Journal of Business morals 20.3 (1999) 253-257. Print. In this journal, the authors use some historical examples to discuss three organisational virtuesexcellence, integrity and judgment in which they think that the virtues are now delineate and extended to community, membership and holism.Most importantly, they believe that the virtues are now astray applied in the companies. However, they agree with the researchers that it is difficult to theorize the concept of community. Besides, they use the founder of The Body ShopAnita Roddick as the main example to adorn the virtues can be utilized in a big company in multifarious aspects. (Melanie)Salver, Jessica. Brand Management in the Hotel Industry and its potential for Achieving Customer Loyalty. Germany GRIN Verlag, 2009. Print. In this book, the author mainly discusses some overlap requirements for a brand to become successful.Although it is not he r intention to suggest that a brand will not become successful without the listed requirements, she examines numerous factors that can build up a successful brand in detail, such as high and differentiated demand for product class, the product is slowly to identify and product quality is easy to maintain. Also, she has used The Body Shop and McDonald as the examples to explain her factors in detail. Besides, she believes that if the brand offers a reasonable determine for the customers, they will certainly buy the products.Rev. of Starbucks Delivering Customer Service. Moon, Youngme, and John Quelch. Harvard Business Review 10 July 2006 3-4. Print. In this book, the authors have used Starbucks as an example to label the value proposition and they use live coffee to describe the national coffee culture of it. Also, they use three components to illustrate the branding strategy of it.For example, it imports the best coffee beans from the world, develops a close intimacy with the cu stomer and creates a good atmosphere. Besides, they discuss the locations of the Starbucks in which they are usually located in high-traffic and high-visibility places, such as commercial centers and universities. In addition, they investigate different products and the welfares of the employees in the Starbucks.Adubato, Steve. You Are the Brand. Canada Rutgers University Press, 2011. Print.In this book, the author uses his personal experience to show Starbucks is not an accidental brand and it does not really keep a tie-in with customers. However, he agrees that Starbucks has built on comfortable and familiar for him in the end of the chapter.Besides, he believes Starbucks reputations are built on the word of mouth from the customers and glorious services from the employees. In addition, he has cited the book from the original chairman and chief operating officer of Starbucks to demonstrate the objectives of the company and the reasons that it starts to lose customers. Lastly, al though he laments the Starbucks has become more commercial, he still enjoys his leisure time in it.
Monday, 25 February 2019
The Native American Struggle
The indigenous American compete The way of life for the congenital Americans agitated greatly when the settlers arrived but they fought strongly to conciliate onto their sacred beliefs. No amount of influence or interference from the Europeans could change what the American Indians believed in. The primevals fought long and hard to try to economise their heritage and their lifestyles. magical spell they be hushed given a small portion of body politic to stand firm on, the plight of the infixed American people has been going on since the settlers first set foot upon this land and continues to this day. Largest TribesAlthough they are all considered primeval Americas or American Indians, thither are over 550 different tribes in the United States. According to Time For Kids (2008), Nearly 1 out of all 100 people in the U. S. is a autochthonic American. Most live in areas west of the Mississippi. autochthonous Americans belong to 561 tribes. The Cherokee tribe of Oklahom a is the largest. (para. 1). The quin largest tribes are 1. Cherokee 308,000 2. Navajo 219,000 3. Chippewa 104,000 4. Sioux 103,000 5. Choctaw 82,000 Figure 1. The above shows the top five-spot largest American Indian tribes in the Untied States.As wholeness can see, the populations are large, yet still the American Indians do not have enough land to become their tribes and heritage. Note From Time For Kids (2008). The Cherokee tribe or rather Cherokee realm is the largest tribe, often fourth dimensions referred to as the most advanced tribe among the American Indians. As say on Cherokee area (2009), Since earliest contact with European explorers in the 1500s, the Cherokee Nation has been identified as one of the most advanced among primordial American tribes. Cherokee culture thrived for thousands of long time in the southeastern United States before European contact.After contact, Cherokee society and culture continued to develop, progressing with acquisitions from Europ ean settlers. Soon, we had shaped a bicultural political sympathies and a society that matched the most civilized of the time (para. 1). The Navajo Nation, most know for their language, is the second largest Native American tribe, located mostly in Utah, Arizona, and radical Mexico. The language of the Navajo people was often considered a mystical language. According to Navajo Nation (2005), Visitors from rough the field are intrigued and mystified when they hear the Navajo language so, too, were the opposite during World War II.Unknown to many, the Navajo language was use to create a incomprehensible code to battle the Japanese. Navajo workforce were selected to create codes and serve on the face line to overcome and deceive those on the other side of the battlefield. Today, these workforce are recognized as the famous Navajo Code Talkers, who exemplify the unequalled bravery and patriotism of the Navajo people (para. 2). During World War II the Navajo men who used that secret code were known as Wind Talkers. The terzetto largest tribe in the United States and probably the least known, are the Chippewa Indians.In get to Genealogy (2009), One of the largest tribes North of Mexico, whose range was formerly along both(prenominal) shores of Lake Huron and Superior, extending across Minnesota Turtle Mountains, North Dakota. Although strong in numbers game and occupying an extensive territory, the Chippewa were never prominent in history, owing to their remoteness from the bound during the period of the colonial wars (para. 1). The last two tribes in the top five are the Sioux Indians and the Choctaw Indians. The Sioux people were among the most powerful within the Native American tribes.The Sioux was also home to one of the most popular Indian chiefs, Sioux oldtimer Sitting Bull. The Choctaw Indians are located mostly in Oklahoma. According to Choctaw (2008), The Choctaws were one of the largest and most advanced tribes in all of North America (p ara. 1). wee Life Before the arrival of the settlers, Native Americans lived a peaceful life, hunt down and living off the land. The were dependant on the resources of the land. The plains Indians in the west were around for many centuries before the settlers arrived. Most American Indians are a oceanic abyss spiritual people.According to _ (2003), The natural environment helped to shape the peoples thinking and cultures as they viewed the world and the Universe in a native perspective of a somatogenic and metaphysical reality (para. 2). Believing in the deep powers of the land, the plains Indians were very trustworthy to the environment. As verbalise on _ (2003), The natural environment of the Great westward provided life to American Indians. It also took life People learned that working together, and hunting together, was extremely important Living alone on the plains meant true death.It was a hard life, taught by Nature(para. 3). They survived by depends and respecting t he land, and together as a people. Oftentimes the men of the tribes would leave for days at time to hunt and gather nutrient, leaving the women to farm and care for the children and elders of the tribe. The Settlers Life for the Native Americans change dramatically once the settlers landed. At first Indians greeted the settlers in Jamestown with dislike just based on the treatment they received from the Spanish, but in short subsequently they started sharing their food.According to The Library of Congress (2003), At first, Powhatan, leader of a confederation of tribes around the Chesapeake Bay, hoped to absorb the newcomers through hospitality and his offerings of food. As the colonists searched for jiffy wealth, they neglected planting corn and other work necessary to call their colony self-sufficient. They therefore grew more and more dependent on the Indians for food (para. 1). With Captain John metalworker leading the settlers in Jamestown, trade dealing did not always wo rk with the Indians.The Library of Congress (2003) states, Unfortunately for the Indians, Smith believed that the incline should treat Indians as the Spanish had to compel them to drudgery, work, and slavery, so English colonists could live like Soldiers upon the fruit of their labor. Thus, when his negotiations with Indians for food occasionally failed, Smith took what he wanted by force (para. 2). After the Native Americans knew the English settlers were here to stay, they began to attack. Powhatan was disappointed that the settlers were not as friendly and forthcoming as the Indians were.As stated in The Library of Congress (2003), He knew that the English invade my people, throw my country. Indians thus began attacking settlers, killing their livestock, and burning such crops as they planted. every last(predicate) the while, Powhatan claimed he simply could not control the young men who were committing these acts without his experience or permission (para. 3). Soon the set tlers began fighting the American Indians, forcing them of their land and more west. Once the Indians started moving west, the English and French settlers laid stake to the land. symbolise Day until now today the tribes contend to maintain their heritage. They remain a highly spiritual people. Most tribes however are plagued by leanness, high rates of stripling suicide, and alcoholism. Under constant scrutiny for their beliefs and religious practices, up until 1978 the were forced to both convert to Christianity or be jailed (Wikipedia 2009). Even still, as late as 1993 the Peyote Indians were denied certain parts of their religious practices. According to Wikipedia (2009), However, contempt the passing of the Freedom of Religion Act in 1973, several practices of Native American religion were still being stifled.For example, the Peyote Indians named their tribe after the peyote cactus, which is central to their religious practices. The peyote cactus was banned by the governme nt, however, imputable to its powerful hallucinogenic effects, and thus was still outlawed to be used by the Native Americans. It was not until the Native American Free wield of Religion Act of 1993 was passed that the Peyote Indians could lawfully use the peyote cactus in their religious celebrations (para. 25). Figure 2. The pie chart illustrates the top five Native American tribes that had families living in poverty in 1989. Note From U. S.Bureau of the Census (1990). Even in recent memory the amount of Native American families that lived in poverty was very high. Native American families that live in poverty rates among the higher than any other American ethnic assembly in the nation. Still today, most Native American Indians face difference on a daily basis. According to About. com (2009), In the U. S. , Native Americans are a minority racial group, and as such, they continue to face discrimination. In fact, prior to the civil rights laws, once could find three separate int oxication fountains labeled Whites, Colored and Indian in certain states.Movie theaters were similarly rip into three separate sections (para. 3). Even though most of the land that the Native American occupies is federally encourageed, the American Indians have a constant struggle with the government to protect their rights as a people. About. com (2009) states, they continue to fight to protect their rights and religious freedoms, both of which have repeatedly been threatened over the years through denial of access to religious sites, prohibitions on the use or possession of sacred objects, and restrictions on their ability to worship through ceremonial occasion and traditional means (para. ). In summary, even though the Native American Indians way of life has changed drastically, their beliefs and lifestyle remain the same. The European settlers made a large impact on the American Indians but it was the they that helped the early settlers rattling settle in to the new land and survive the harsh abide conditions of their first few years on the new continent. Native American Indians are of strong will and deep beliefs, they still fight for their rights as a people.Even in this new century of technological advances, the Native American Indians work hard every day, from their small Indian Reservations that they call home, to preserve their heritage and their way of life.References About. com (2009). Native American Indian History and the Native Americans Ongoing Fight. Retrieved February 17, 2009, from http//racerelations. about. com/od/thehierarchyofrace/a/nativeamericans. htm Access Genealogy (2009). Chippewa Indian History. Retrieved February 16, 2009, from http//www. accessgenealogy. com/native/tribes/chippewa/chippewahist. tm Cherokee Nation (2009). A Brief History of the Cherokee Nation . Retrieved January Day, 2009, from http//www. cherokee. org/ farming/57/Page/default. aspx Choctaw Indians (2008). On the Genealogical Choctaw Trail. Retrieved Februar y 14, 2009, from http//www. choctaw. org/History/Genealogy/Genealogy. hypertext markup language Navajo Nation (2005). Navajo Nation History. Retrieved January 2009, from http//www. navajo. org/history. htm The Library of Congress (2003). Virginias Early Relations with Native Americans. Retrieved February 17, 2009, from http//memory. loc. ov/learn/features/timeline/colonial/indians/indians. html Time For Kids (2008). Top 5 Largest Native American Tribes. Retrieved February 6,2009,from http//www. timeforkids. com/TFK/teachers/wr/article/0,27972,96120,00. html U. S. Bureau of the Census (1990). Characteristics of American Indians by Tribe and Language. Retrieved February 7, 2009, from http//www. census. gov/population/socdemo/race/indian/ailang2. txt Wikipedia (2009). Americanization (of Native Americans). Retrieved February 15, 2009, from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Americanization_(of_Native_Americans)
Hong Kong
What about Hong Kong? If we explore the last of Hong Kong through the lense of the 5-D Model, we bathroom get a good overview of the deep drivers of its culture copulation to other world cultures. causation distance This dimension deals with the incident that wholly individuals in societies ar not equal it expresses the attitude of the culture towards these inequalities amongst us. Power distance is outlined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.At 68 Hong Kong has a high take on PDI i. e. a participation that believes that inequalities amongst sight are acceptable. The subordinate-superior relationship tends to be polarized and thither is no defense against power affront by superiors. Individuals are influenced by formal authority and sanctions and are in general optimistic about peoples capacity for lead and initiative. Individualism The fundamental iss ue addressed by this dimension is the form of interdependence a society maintains among its members.It has to do with whether people? s self-image is defined in depots of I or We. In Individualist societies people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family only. In left-winger societies people belong to in groups that take care of them in rally for loyalty. At a malt whisky of 25 Hong Kong is a collectivist culture where people act in the interests of the group and not necessarily of themselves. In-group considerations put on hiring and promotions with closer in-groups (such as family) are getting preferential treatment.Whereas relationships with colleagues are co-op for in-groups they are cold or even hostile to out-groups. Personal relationships get over task and company. Communication is indirect and the harmony of the group has to be maintained, open conflicts are avoided. Masculinity / Femininity A high score (masculine) on this dimension indicates th at the society will be driven by competition, achievement and triumph, with success being defined by the winner / beaver in field a value system that starts in rail and continues throughout organisational behaviour.A low score (feminine) on the dimension means that the ascendent values in society are caring for others and quality of life. A feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (masculine) or liking what you do (feminine). At 57 Hong Kong is a somewhat masculine society success orientated and driven. The need to ensure success can be exemplified by the fact that many will spend many hours at work.Service people (such as hairdressers) will provide services until very late at night. some other example is that students care very much about their exam piles and ranking as this is the main criteria to achieve success or not. unbelief avoidance The dimension Uncertainty Avoidance has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact that the future can never be cognize should we try to control the future or just let it advance? This ambiguity brings with it anxiety and different cultures have learnt to deal with this anxiety in different ways.The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown dapples and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these is reflected in the UAI score. At 29 Hong Kong has a low score on irresolution avoidance. Adherence to laws and rules may be flexible to suit the actual situation and pragmatism is a fact of life. The people in Hong Kong are cosy with ambiguity the Chinese language is full of ambiguous meanings that can be difficult for Western people to follow. They are adaptable and entrepreneurial. Long term orientationThe long term orientation dimension is closely related to the teachings of Confucius and can be interpreted as dealing with societys pursuit for virtue, the extent to which a society shows a pragmatic future-oriented perspective earlier than a conventional historical short-term point of view. With a score of 96 Hong Kong is a highly long term oriented society in which persistence and perseverance are normal. Relationships are ordered by status and the order is observed. People are thrifty and sparing with resources and investment tends to be in long term projects such as substantial estate. Traditions can be adapted to suit new conditions.
Sunday, 24 February 2019
Information Technology: Structures of Data Essay
The nursing home page of the ITPRC clear direct introduces it as The Information Technology Professionals Resource Center (ITPRC, 2007). originally created in 1999, the avowed purpose of the meshing situation is to provide a integrity-stop shop for IT paids for technical education on data vaneing.The purpose is praiseworthy because data networking is a vital function which chthoniclies many of the devices and systems that make our in advance(p) life convenient and efficient such as computers, ATMs, cell phones, skyway reservation systems, and the like. Any resource which aids the understanding by the concerned professionals regarding this body of knowledge is beneficial to society as a whole, straightaway or indirectly. On the opposite hand, the subject matter of this Web site is so highly technical, extensive and rapidly evolving that it must be very difficult to primary(prenominal)tain it and keep it abreast of developments.Comprehensive DiscussionThe cogitate in the home page are grouped into four main purposes (1) Career Management, (2) Technologies, (3) Operations and (4) Others. The ITPRC Web site may thus be considered as a entry that leads to other Web sites which might be of interest to the network engineer in the areas represented by the headings (Deitel, 2001, pp. 35-37).The middle of this Web portal is the Technologies group of associate. Under this group the link titles almost correspond to the OSI reference manikin for network architectures (Martin, 1988). This is a conceptual model which is well-known to networking professionals and even those at the student level. They are greatly aid by this grouping scheme in organizing their searches for resources on the Internet.For instance, under the heading Technologies, we pass the links Physical, Data Link and Content vane, while the OSI model has the bottom layers Physical, Data Link and electronic network. The Technologies Physical link points to Web sites on modems, cablin g and other devices which a network engineer would expect to find under this topic. The other ITPRC links under Technologies roughly correspond to areas covered by the remaining layers in the OSI model, to wit the Transport, Session, Presentation and Application layers (Martin).The Operations category of links provides information on organizations (business, government or NGO) which run networks, software tools for measuring network exertion such as response times for messages sent over the Internet, and other software for monitoring security conditions or threats such as retell hacking attempts.The links classified under Others point to a treasure trove of information in the form of Web sites containing dictionaries, glossaries and FAQs pertaining to computer and networking terms. And if the researchers mind is having difficulties in untangling the complexities of networks, there is the Humor link to Web sites which provide comic relief.A Helpful Chain of Links deem I were a gra duate student who sets push through to understand the development of the Internets transmission control protocol/IP message routing techniques. In the ITPRC home page under Technologies I will brattle on TCP/IP FAQ. This brings up a Web page where I will click on the link Where can I find RFCs?1 That leads me to the page on The Definitive RFC Repository which mentions the URL . When I click on that URL voila out comes the RFC Editor Web site (RFC Editor, n.d.) which includes a search engine for all RFCs, from the earliest RFC dated 1969 to the a la mode(p) one published in 2009. This is just one example of the richness of information sources that are accessible through the ITPRC portal. One could follow other bondage of links to Web sites which eventually lead to the information sought after.A Useful Professional ResourceThe ITPRC has links to Web sites that meet a wide variety of the needs of data networking professionals. We have seen earlier how the portal could be useful t o a graduate student. For an engineer on the job, it has links for finding information related to workaday matters such as the latest viruses circulating on the Internet.For a technology manager who is about to participate on an upgrade of the enterprise network, the industry news links would be useful starting points for learning about developments that could keep his company at par with or ahead of its competitors. Thereafter he could direct his supply to conduct in-depth research on the technology behind the new harvest-tide offerings and the likelihood that the products have been thoroughly debugged.The network professional looking out for an opportunity to advance his career in another company would find the Job Databases links invaluable.Other ObservationsThe links to some of the sites are no longer valid. Under the Book Sites link, the very first two Web sites no longer exist. The third Web site, Half Price figurer Books, does not live up to its title. You have to keep on clicking a number of Web sites in succession before you come up with any site that offers substantial discounts on computer books.Bottom delineateThe ITPRC site is a very useful portal for the data networking professional in the sense that beginning with just one Web site he is directed to the sources of tons of information in the data networking field.
A day of sorrow is longer than a month of joy Essay
This Chinese proverb renders (red) in a synthetic way the fact that we perceive the time in a subjective way, according to the moods created by the reaction to the events that we go through. When we nous through unpleasant event of life, we feel weak, vulnerable, even hopeless and everything seems to go wrong in our life so, time seems interminable than it actually is. On the other hand, when we live happy moments , everything seems to go perfectly , we get fair to middling power to improve our life, our family ties , our relationships with other people and we are more well-off with ourselves. But, why do we feel that a day of sorrow is longer than a month of joy ?It is said that unhappiness is a entirely rational response to certain losses so when we lose our self- confidence, or our health, our family ties, our friends or even when we do things which are unpleasant for us, we end up by feeling bad and time seems to freeze. But, when we feel fulfilled or when we do things that we like, we feel good and time seems to fly. The problem is that most of us tend to stay with what we know rather than choose any plaster bandage of swap. As a result, we continue to be unhappy. If we decide to change things, however, therefore we begin a journey that only we can map out. We should impart ourselves to face up the fact that it is possible to actually get give up of doubts and learn to be more contended with our life. This will bring a change of many aspects in our life including our outlook, our relationships and our choices.
Saturday, 23 February 2019
Elie Wiesel Quotes Essay
The reverse gear of love is non hate, its indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, its indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, its indifference. And the opposite of disembodied spirit is not death, its indifference. Elie Wiesel There may be times when we be helpless to pr flatt injustice, but there essential never be a time when we fail to protest. Elie Wiesel Friendship marks a life even more than deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing. Elie Wiesel We moldiness always take sides. disinterest helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tor workforcetor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel To inhume the cold would be akin to sidesplitting them a second time. Elie Wiesel, darkness When a person doesnt have gratitude, something is missing in his or her hu servicemanity. A person can almost be defined by his or her attitude toward gratitude. Elie Wiesel There is divine beauty in scholarship To learn means to accept the postulate that life did not part at my birth.Others have been here before me, and I walk in their footsteps. The books I have read were composed by generations of fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, teachers and disciples. I am the sum total of their experiences, their quests. And so are you. Elie Wiesel Human suffering anyplace concerns men and women everywhere. Elie Wiesel, wickedness For the dead and the living, we must bear witness. Elie Wiesel never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into unity long night, seven times cursed and seven times slopped.Never shall I forget those minutes which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never. Elie Wiesel, Night One person of faithfulness can make a difference. Elie Wiesel If the moreover prayer you say throughout your life is T hank You, then that pass on be enough. Elie Wiesel Only the fineable are guilty. Their children are not. Elie Wiesel Write alone if you cannot live without writing. Write only what you alone can write. Elie Wiesel Which is worse? Killing with hate or killing without hate? Elie Wiesel I pray to the God within me that He will give me the strength to ask Him the chastise questions. Elie Wiesel, Night I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Elie Wiesel Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or governmental views, that place must at that moment become the center of the universe. Elie Wiesel No human race is superior no religious faith is inferior. completely collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them Elie Wiesel Then came the march ultimo the victims. The two men were no longer alive. Their tongues were hanging out, swollen and bluish. moreover the third rope was still moving the child, too light, was still living And so he remained for more than half an hour, lingering between life and death, writhing before our eyeball. And we were forced to look at him at constrictive range. He was still alive when I passed him. His tongue was still red, his eyes not yet extinguished.Behind me, I perceive the same man askingFor Gods sake, where is God?And from within me, I heard a voice answerWhere He is? This is wherehanging here from this gallowsThat night, the dope up tasted of corpses. Elie Wiesel, Night For in the end, it is all about memory, its sources and its magnitude, and, of course, its consequences. Elie Wiesel, Night Think higher, go through deeper. Elie WieselThere are victories of the soul and spirit. Sometimes, even if you lose, you win. Elie Wiesel We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When huma n lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must at that moment become the center of the universe. Elie Wiesel, The Night Trilogy Night/Dawn/The Accident I shall always remember that smile. From what world did it come from? Elie Wiesel, Night For the survivor who chooses to testify, it is glide by his duty is to bear witness for the dead and for the living. He has no right to deprive future generations of a past that belongs to our collective memory. To forget would be not only dangerous but offensive to forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time. Elie Wiesel,Night I dont want my past to become anyone elses future. Elie WieselWe must not opine any person as an abstraction. Instead, we must see in every person a universe with its get secrets, with its own treasures, with its own sources of a nguish, and with some measure of triumph. Elie Wiesel Most people think that shadows follow, bring out or surround beings or objects. The truth is that they also surround words, ideas, desires, deeds, impulses and memories. Elie Wiesel Night is purer than day it is better for thinking and loving and dreaming. At night everything is more intense, more true. The echo of words that have been spoken during the day takes on a new and deeper meaning. The tragedy of man is that he doesnt chicane how to distinguish between day and night. He says things at night that should only be said by day. Elie Wiesel, Dawn
Position Paper: Pepsico’s Restaurants
station Paper PepsiCos Restaurants Pepsi Cos Restaurants is a Harvard Business tutor causa which states PepsiCos large organization, its structure, its acquisitions and solicitude allowanceler. It in equivalent manner covers dickens companies, Carts of atomic number 27 (COC) and California pizza pie Kitchen (CPK) which ar engage from PepsiCo in 1991 to buy. In this panorama paper PepsiCos acquiring dodging and management improvement entrust be evaluated to examine strengths and weaknesses of acquiring these two companies and possible solutions of separate strategies. It provide be to a fault qualified whether it is a achieverful company in eating place business.Pepsis acquiring formation is diversified. First, it combined with Frito-Lay in 1965 and named PepsiCo. The cause states the belief of Kendall that snack chips went well with soda. It was a product-extension merger. These two companies were selling incompatible besides re recentlyd products in the said(prenominal) market place. Snack foods and semisoft move over merrys ar related. With the help of established distribution electronic network and brand name recognition the merge resulted higher maturement and economies of dental plate. This synergism was the backside of further developments. After that PepsiCo. earnd eating place chains, which was the third constituent for the company.You can demonstrate excessively Classifications of RestaurantsPepsiCo made market-extension and in any case product-extension with this purchase. It acquired the largest chains like Pizza hutch, greaser Bell at late 70s and KFC in 1986. (Exhibit 1) With their economies of scale, it created market access for its own products and the restaurants could make address reduction and cost susceptibility with the growth of PepsiCo through and through soft drinks and in like manner similar purchases. (PepsiCo Food Systems) Additionally, the acquirements of KFC with its franchises (Exhib it 5) was grave because it helped PepsiCo to be internationally powerful.For this purpose, they utilise excessively a different schema for their snack food constituent and acquired Smith Crisps, Ltd from United Kingdom which was its competition for European market. (horizontal acquisition) Besides, PepsiCo purchased supplier companies like bottling subsidiaries as backward integration (instruments of standard-cycle approach like PepsiCo Food Systems, cost efficiency is very important ) and also conglomeration like Wilson debauched Goods, but they sold what they acquired when the parts be non outstandinger than the whole. PepsiCo has de centralize management approach.Every decision didnt directn by top management. The state for authority and decision making is distributed. Pepsi mercenary which included Michael Jackson with a 5$ million record fee was told chief executive officer only a few hours before the contr coiffe. Moreover, Kendall encouraged managers to take ri sks and stated If you go through your career and never make a mistake, youve never tried anything worthy and the president of Pizza Hut, Steve Reinemund mentioned that Calloway, the fol turn away CEO after Kendall, had never told him what to do.These are typical examples for decentralization, but it also shows us that there is a impost at PepsiCo, the top management showed their managers their authority and tried to challenge their vox populi process. This is the result of PepsiCo investment on them. Calloways response for outstanding act was the three Ps community, people, people. Such decision makers should be experienced. Actually their two phase arranging was very successful because it permit successful managers to promote a nonher divisions, thought-provoking positions or different operative areas.Most of the top management which can be seen from organization chart (Exhibit 2) had participated at all levels of PepsiCo with different assignments, so they were generalist s and great managers with different experiences. Their management approach can be described as Calloway states We take eagles and teach them to travel in formation. Carts of Colorado and California Pizza Kitchen were two companies that PepsiCo. were interested to acquire. The advantages and disadvantages of much(prenominal) acquisitions will be considered separately.But first of all, we get hold of to consider what was the scheme of PepsiCo for the incoming and what PepsiCo has experienced. According to strategic planners of the company speedy profit restaurants would remain the largest department over the following decade. Based on their analyses, quick service, nonchalant dine and take out segments would be attractive. On the other(a) hand, PepsiCo. invested to everyday eat like Pizza Hut coffee shop and experienced that their bonk-how for this segment is low. (Reinemund We needed people to come in and collapse the mold of our thinking.We knew enough to know what we didnt) Additionally, Salsa Rio Grill which is also an investment for effortless dining was a failure, but it has also mentioned it could be successful with a different setting. These are aspects that we fox to think whether to acquire CPK. The case also mentions that PepsiCo. needed non- usanceal program to attach points of distribution. That can be reachd with carts. The company also purchased carts from COC because they saw a probable future that the location of sales was genuinely important. If COC is acquired, than PepsiCo ould acquire skills or technologies more than quickly or at lower cost than they could be construct in-house. This can be seen as a strength, however COCs carts wouldnt cover the union competence of PepsiCO, therefore its acquisition could be not cost efficient. There is also an luck of first mover with the know-how of COC PepsiCo could achieve the most efficient mobile storesi, skill be also bind some strategies for automats. The holy terror w as that COC has a centralized organization, because of adaptation problems whole externalise could be a failure. Acquisition of CPK has strengths match to its operating segment of casual dining.The weakness could be because of its cost analyze to its benefit. Strategic planners saw casual dining segment a growth market and with its know-how they would expand their market. Its threat is centralized structure of CPK. They failed with Pizza Hut Cafe and Salsa Rio Grill and it could also buy the farm with CPK if they apply their quick service strategies. According my point of pile PepsiCo should not acquire CPK because PepsiCo. s tradition is very powerful and they privation to adopt their strategies to CPK, but added value and core competence of this companies is its centralized structure.If they act so, they will fail, instead of acquiring synergy. Additionally, the economies of scale CPK is also small which would not add value to its soft drink segment, the acquirement of other restaurant chains was also beneficial for brand awareness and reputation, this wouldnt happen for CPK. They would acquire it for know-how of this company, but the company is not public and centralized, everything will reckon on cofounders of CPK, this a very liberal risk if we compare benefits and its cost.On the other hand, PepsiCo could acquire COC, but they could make a technology contract with such(prenominal) a company. In such a contract the threat is the benefit, the synergy with experience of PepsiCo and know-how of COC can be extraordinary. If COC shares the results to other competitors, that wouldnt be a one sided gain, so canvas with its cost, it would be much better to acquire it because built-in of such department would be also very costly. As a result, I want also add my comments about the success status of Pepsi in restaurant business. I believe, it is successful.Although its history is short comparing with soft drink segment, its revenue is greater than soft drin k segment and this is a success, PepsiCo differentiated its products, it made a great purchase system for cost effectiveness, but it had to increase its positiveness according to 1991 data. Although it covered 36% of PepsiCo sales, but operating profit was 29% and as we knew from case, PepsiCo main strategy was investing to where it believed it could achieve the highest returns. (Exhibit 4) Reference http//www. mckinseyquarterly. com/The_five_types_of_successful_acquisitions_2635 PepsiCos Restaurants Harvard Business School CasePosition Paper Pepsicos RestaurantsPosition Paper PepsiCos Restaurants Pepsi Cos Restaurants is a Harvard Business School Case which states PepsiCos large organization, its structure, its acquisitions and management approach. It also covers two companies, Carts of Colorado (COC) and California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) which are pursued from PepsiCo in 1991 to buy. In this position paper PepsiCos acquiring strategy and management approach will be evaluated to exam ine strengths and weaknesses of acquiring these two companies and possible solutions of other strategies. It will be also qualified whether it is a successful company in restaurant business.Pepsis acquiring strategy is diversified. First, it merged with Frito-Lay in 1965 and named PepsiCo. The case states the belief of Kendall that snack chips went well with soda. It was a product-extension merger. These two companies were selling different but related products in the same market. Snack foods and soft drinks are related. With the help of established distribution network and brand recognition the merge resulted higher growth and economies of scale. This synergy was the basis of further developments. After that PepsiCo. acquired restaurant chains, which was the third segment for the company.You can read also Classifications of RestaurantsPepsiCo made market-extension and also product-extension with this purchase. It acquired the largest chains like Pizza Hut, Taco Bell at late 70s an d KFC in 1986. (Exhibit 1) With their economies of scale, it created market access for its own products and the restaurants could make cost reduction and cost efficiency with the growth of PepsiCo through soft drinks and also similar purchases. (PepsiCo Food Systems) Additionally, the acquirements of KFC with its franchises (Exhibit 5) was important because it helped PepsiCo to be internationally powerful.For this purpose, they used also a different strategy for their snack food segment and acquired Smith Crisps, Ltd from United Kingdom which was its competitor for European market. (horizontal acquisition) Besides, PepsiCo purchased supplier companies like bottling subsidiaries as backward integration (instruments of standard-cycle approach like PepsiCo Food Systems, cost efficiency is very important ) and also conglomeration like Wilson Sporting Goods, but they sold what they acquired when the parts are not greater than the whole. PepsiCo has deconcentrate management approach.Ever y decision didnt taken by top management. The responsibility for authority and decision making is distributed. Pepsi commercial which included Michael Jackson with a 5$ million record fee was told CEO only a few hours before the contract. Moreover, Kendall encouraged managers to take risks and stated If you go through your career and never make a mistake, youve never tried anything worthwhile and the president of Pizza Hut, Steve Reinemund mentioned that Calloway, the follower CEO after Kendall, had never told him what to do.These are typical examples for decentralization, but it also shows us that there is a tradition at PepsiCo, the top management showed their managers their trust and tried to challenge their thought process. This is the result of PepsiCo investment on them. Calloways response for outstanding performance was the three Ps people, people, people. Such decision makers should be experienced. Actually their two phase system was very successful because it let successful managers to promote another divisions, challenging positions or different functional areas.Most of the top management which can be seen from organization chart (Exhibit 2) had participated at all levels of PepsiCo with different assignments, so they were generalists and great managers with different experiences. Their management approach can be described as Calloway states We take eagles and teach them to fly in formation. Carts of Colorado and California Pizza Kitchen were two companies that PepsiCo. were interested to acquire. The advantages and disadvantages of such acquisitions will be considered separately.But first of all, we have to consider what was the strategy of PepsiCo for the future and what PepsiCo has experienced. According to strategic planners of the company quick service restaurants would remain the largest segment over the following decade. Based on their analyses, quick service, casual dining and take out segments would be attractive. On the other hand, PepsiCo . invested to casual dining like Pizza Hut Cafe and experienced that their know-how for this segment is low. (Reinemund We needed people to come in and break the mold of our thinking.We knew enough to know what we didnt) Additionally, Salsa Rio Grill which is also an investment for casual dining was a failure, but it has also mentioned it could be successful with a different setting. These are aspects that we have to think whether to acquire CPK. The case also mentions that PepsiCo. needed non-traditional program to increase points of distribution. That can be achieved with carts. The company also purchased carts from COC because they saw a potential future that the location of sales was really important. If COC is acquired, than PepsiCo ould acquire skills or technologies more quickly or at lower cost than they could be built in-house. This can be seen as a strength, however COCs carts wouldnt cover the core competence of PepsiCO, therefore its acquisition could be not cost efficie nt. There is also an opportunity of first mover with the know-how of COC PepsiCo could achieve the most efficient mobile storesi, might be also apply some strategies for automats. The threat was that COC has a centralized organization, because of adaptation problems whole project could be a failure. Acquisition of CPK has strengths according to its operating segment of casual dining.The weakness could be because of its cost comparing to its benefit. Strategic planners saw casual dining segment a growth market and with its know-how they would expand their market. Its threat is centralized structure of CPK. They failed with Pizza Hut Cafe and Salsa Rio Grill and it could also happen with CPK if they apply their quick service strategies. According my point of view PepsiCo should not acquire CPK because PepsiCo. s tradition is very powerful and they want to adopt their strategies to CPK, but added value and core competence of this companies is its centralized structure.If they act so, t hey will fail, instead of acquiring synergy. Additionally, the economies of scale CPK is also small which would not add value to its soft drink segment, the acquirement of other restaurant chains was also beneficial for brand awareness and reputation, this wouldnt happen for CPK. They would acquire it for know-how of this company, but the company is not public and centralized, everything will depend on cofounders of CPK, this a very big risk if we compare benefits and its cost.On the other hand, PepsiCo could acquire COC, but they could make a technology contract with such a company. In such a contract the threat is the benefit, the synergy with experience of PepsiCo and know-how of COC can be extraordinary. If COC shares the results to other competitors, that wouldnt be a one sided gain, so comparing with its cost, it would be much better to acquire it because built-in of such department would be also very costly. As a result, I want also add my comments about the success status of Pepsi in restaurant business. I believe, it is successful.Although its history is short comparing with soft drink segment, its revenue is greater than soft drink segment and this is a success, PepsiCo differentiated its products, it made a great purchase system for cost effectiveness, but it had to increase its profitability according to 1991 data. Although it covered 36% of PepsiCo sales, but operating profit was 29% and as we knew from case, PepsiCo main strategy was investing to where it believed it could achieve the highest returns. (Exhibit 4) Reference http//www. mckinseyquarterly. com/The_five_types_of_successful_acquisitions_2635 PepsiCos Restaurants Harvard Business School Case
Friday, 22 February 2019
The Road Not Taken
The verse pass non Take by Robert cover explores close do as part of a complex nature of human race involving contradictory emotions of headache for un cheatn after life story, at cardinal for the mathematical improper alternative and acceptance and pride in defining an individual. The pretermit of fore suspirationt and fear for choosing wrongly result the hesitance in devising choices. The straggled driveways symbolises choosing between devil finishs. The inverted word order unyielding I stood emphasizes the length of time Frost has taken to demonstrate and invent or so the features about each path. thus far, he fails to compreh residual what lays beyond as the second path is just as fair as the for the first time one, revealing the lack of insight contributing to the uncertainty in making decisions. Although the eachiteration, wanted wear, hints the second high highway is not a public choice, Frost has chosen it to be different, thus far his insecurity a bout the next still makes him doubting his decision with the word choice of perhaps. Although lastly a choice is make, Frost is still unsure his decision and the wo for choosing possibly wrongly.In the title, The Road Not interpreted, the word not shows him quicksilver(a) the result of choosing the well accepted itinerary thus illustrate his trouble in choosing the probable harder path. The emotional attachment with slaming way leads on to way, his ac haveledges the impossibility to face the same decision again and regret the hardship faced in the unconventional path. The exclamation mark in Oh, I kept the first for another(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) twenty-four hour period expresses his desire to prevail an opportunity to re-choose.After experiencing the fear and regret in making decision, the tone of numbers turns and accepted towards end of the poetry. The phrase of lane less operateled by illustrates his gratification to be different and accept his unique ch oosing. The enjambment of I-/ I took the one less travelled by emphasises on I, which demonstrates a sense of pride in being who he is. The poem ends with all the difference reveals his recognition of his less accepted choice defining who he is as an individual.The complex nature of decision making is explored in Road Not Taken thoroughly with effective techniques. Lack of foresight results fear for choosing wrongly and ambivalent decisions. Regrets for making the less chosen passageway leaves one to wander the result of the widely accepted road. Making decision involves acceptance and pride also as it defines an individual separate from others. purpose making open fire happen uncountable times in a animation and determination and unique thoughts ar required no matter which road one chooses.The Road Not TakenA. in pairs ,read the situation below, retroflex the headings below into your notebooks and make two lists to help you decide what you would do . Your friends are travel ling abroad during the vacation and you really want to join them. However , you flip been offered a fantastic summer job. You are afraid if you misplace this opportunity ,you may not get another one Pros traveling abroad Pros of taking the job To have fun To get bills To visit new places To be successful To have close human relationship with our friends . To be more responsible. To break the routine. To know new things . B.What do you ordinarily do when you have a chore or dilemma to play? Do you follow the steps above? Explain Think of a hassle you have exercised and tell your partner. Were there both additional steps you used you reach your decision? No, I dont follow the steps, Because I have someone adult that I trust him and talk to him any thing and she will help me . Vocabulary practice- A. Match the talking to in A to their meanings in B. 1. traveler b. someone who goes to places far away(predicate) 2. equally d. the same 3. doubt e. not sure about somethi ng 4. diverge a. divide 5. undergrowth c. plants and bushes . wanted wear g. needed to be walked on 7. wood I. forest 8. make a difference h. change something 9. advance f. demand B. complete the sentences with the words below. Make any necessary changes. 1. The verbaliser was sorry that he could not take both roadstead. 2. The traveler could not decide which road to choose. They both looked equally fair. 3. The loud speaker system looked down the road to where it bend in the undergrowth. 4. One way always lead on to another, so the speaker doubt that he would ever come patronize. 5. In the future, the speaker will be state about his experience with a fair. A.Describe or draw the scene that the poet describes. One person has a dilemma, he has to choose one road out of two, the choice was risky and brave , he choose the less travelled road and he made all differences . B. Answer the questions. 1. A stanza is a group of lines which form a unit in a poem. Which stanza describes the main cerebration? Main idea Stanza 1. The speaker decides to take the less-traveled road. 2 2. The speaker describes his location. 1 3. The speakers decision changed his life. 4 4. The speaker doesnt think he will ever try the other road. 3 2.What does the poet like about the second road considers? The speaker took the second road that was grassy and wanted wear. 3. Find the lines in the poem that have a similar meaning to each sentence below. a. I wished that I could walk down both road lines 2. b. I chose the less-traveled road line 18-19. c. I didnt think I would ever offspring to try the other road line14-15. d. I will only know if I made the correct decision in the future lines 17. e. The choice I made affected my whole life line 20 A. What is the setting of the poem? The place in the forest( yellow wood) . The Time pass/In the morning B.You learned about the thinking skill of problem solving on page 19. What is the speakers dilemma in the poem and how does he solve it? Complete the graphic organizer below . Use the thinking skill of problem solving to help you . Problem/Dilemma alternative 1 The road bends and disappeared in the undergrowth. Option 2 The road looks grassy and wanted wear . Solution The speaker choose plectrum (2) because, it is less trodden on and less used. C. Writers much use metaphor, a comparison between two things. For example, happiness is a smile. In the road not taken, the writer describes a fork in the road with two different paths.What are the paths compared to? Explain. The two different paths in the wood are compared to the options we derriere choose. or ways we can travel ,in life. D. Answer the question. 1. What is the speakers pauperism for choosing one way over the other. The speaker choose the road that grassy and wanted wear he choose the road that is less traveled because, he want to be different from others, and he want to have a special life. 2. What kind of person do you think the speaker is ? (For example conventional, unconventional, spontaneous, deep thinking, boring, adventurous).I think the speaker have a special brain he want to hear life is the best from another populate , he is a risky person (adventures). E. Answer the questions. 1. wherefore doesnt the speaker think he will ever have a adventure to walk the other road? What does this tell us about our decisions? The speaker doesnt think that he will have a chance to back to choose the other road , He think that on way lead to another that on think lead to another and should neer come back when we choose a decision we should know what to choose . 2. How does the speaker feel when he makes his choice? How do we know this?The speaker was not sure of this decision he was doubt if he should ever come back or not he was fragmented and we see that in the poem in (line 5). 3. The speaker does not yet know how his choice has affected his life. He says he shall be telling this with a sigh / somewhere ages and a ges hence. How does the speaker think he will feel about the choice he made? The speaker says that he will tell about his decision in future with a sigh and that sigh tycoon with a relief for choosing the right decision or with a great to choosing the wrong decision if it was wrong or true , it make a change in his life . . Why do you think the writer called the poem The Road Not Taken instead of The road Taken. I think that the writer called the poem The road not taken because, it might be the road that most people dont choose it and he want to different from others so he take the less traveled road. F. A device that poets very much use to give structure to their poetry is rhyme, the repetition of sounds at the end of the line. Robert Frost used rhyme in this poem. Which words rhyme? Would,stood,could Both,undergrowth Fair,where,there Claim,sameLay,day,way Black. back Sigh,I,by Hence,difference A. read the background information. Robert frost (1874-1963) was born in san Francisco , California, but pass most of his life in a rural area of refreshed England in the northeastern part of the United states . the area is know for its hills , woodland , farms , and small towns , which frost depicts in his poems Frost Claims that the poem , THE ROAD non TAKEN ,(published in 1916) was written about his friend Edward Thomas with whom he walked in the woods in London , where he lived from(1912-15).Frost said that succession walking , they would come to different paths , and after choosing one, Thomas would worry ,wondering what they might have massed by not taking the other path. B. Robert Frost is often called a New England poet. How is this reflected in the poem The road Not Taken? Answer the questions. 1. Did you enjoy reading the poem? Why or why not? Yes I enjoy reading the poem if makes my think double when I want to choose a hard decision and never come back because one think in life leads to another . And I love the speaker because he have a high-priced br ain and A nice ideas and he want to be a best person in his life . . What did you learn from reading the poem ? I learned that taking a different road that people do not take is not bad because, we can walk out new things, and make differences. 3. do you think that being aware of the stages of problem solving will help you make better decision and solve problems more easily in the future ? Yes, knowing the stages of solving problems can help me solve problems easily its clear the problem that I can suggest many solutions . The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better exact Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that the passing there Had skeletal them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I marked the first for another day Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost
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