Sunday 24 February 2019

A day of sorrow is longer than a month of joy Essay

This Chinese proverb renders (red) in a synthetic way the fact that we perceive the time in a subjective way, according to the moods created by the reaction to the events that we go through. When we nous through unpleasant event of life, we feel weak, vulnerable, even hopeless and everything seems to go wrong in our life so, time seems interminable than it actually is. On the other hand, when we live happy moments , everything seems to go perfectly , we get fair to middling power to improve our life, our family ties , our relationships with other people and we are more well-off with ourselves. But, why do we feel that a day of sorrow is longer than a month of joy ?It is said that unhappiness is a entirely rational response to certain losses so when we lose our self- confidence, or our health, our family ties, our friends or even when we do things which are unpleasant for us, we end up by feeling bad and time seems to freeze. But, when we feel fulfilled or when we do things that we like, we feel good and time seems to fly. The problem is that most of us tend to stay with what we know rather than choose any plaster bandage of swap. As a result, we continue to be unhappy. If we decide to change things, however, therefore we begin a journey that only we can map out. We should impart ourselves to face up the fact that it is possible to actually get give up of doubts and learn to be more contended with our life. This will bring a change of many aspects in our life including our outlook, our relationships and our choices.

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