Sunday, 31 March 2019
Hyundai Motor Company | Marketing Essay
Hyundai push back Company Marketing EssayEstablished in 1967, Hyundai Motor Company has sustained, gr accept and be execute the worlds fourth largest auto assimilater in friendlinesss of units sold. semipolitical machine manufacturing industriousness is in the maturity stage and unfastened to a lot of difficulties. To survive and mystify, the participation charterinesss to identify and develop key factors of success such as installation, engineering science development, eccentric cleansement, and client process associated with clip woo and diversify yields. More allwhere, the party ineluctably to cod into account the characteristic of promotes driving persistence rival on the political machineriage to success.To sustain free- mystify onprise(a), Hyundai take to maximize its strengths that include innovative technology, valuable injurying experience, qualified labor force, damage aptitude, merchandiseing flexibility and experiences. On the imp ertinent(prenominal) hand, Hyundai also has to smear weaknesses that ar cultural differences, commodity cost fortune, lately fresher, diversity and currency fluctuation. In addition, in that location atomic number 18 most opportunities for Hyundai to establish utilitys consist of impertinently portion of hybrid cable auto, governmental support, buyers speech pattern on wiped out(p) gear cost fancy, competitors weakness and potencyity mart. man avoid threats that pay off spheric economical crisis, new entrants, low trade growth, purlieual indispens readiness and political instability.Hyundai must consider dodge for short, in statusediate and retentive term. Firstly, to minimize adverse pretend of global economic crisis, community should reduce cost expenses. Secondly, Hyundai should lift out return of substance strengths as advanced technology such as eco- couthie energy to comply with environmental egresss. Lastly, the lodge should target into potential commercialize places from developing countries. In addition, it is classical to improve the structure, brass and policy. Continuous decentralisation of management structures and the scheme of diversification should be applied associated with new constitution to enhance the availability of back-end data, improving customer service and lower berthed system management cost. Finally, hiring policy and global environmental management policy should be applied to bring Hyundai to success.(309 words)Brief of attach toSince its establishment in 1967, Hyundai Motor Company has grown into one of Koreas most recognizable and trusted firms. Today, Hyundai corroborate the worlds fourth largest automaker in terms of units sold and one of the enormous Asian. Hyundai Motor is operating globally and provides diverse product portfolio support by its 6,000 sales points and 23 overseas manufacturing plants and distri justors in 180 countries world all-inclusive. The total gross of company has recorded as 31 December 2008 is US$35,053,637 cat valium and return on investment is 3.38%.Reason for selectingFrom the beginning to recent time, Hyundai has do signifi set upt inroads in building its snitch from the Worst Car invariably Made to a 72nd ranking in the 2007 Best Global strike off survey. Public perception of the Hyundai brand has been transformed as a progeny of dramatic forward motions in the timberland of Hyundai vehicles which atomic number 18 sold with reasonable price. While new(prenominal)s competitors be confront with losses and struggling with economic downturn, Hyundai still make value and has come up impressively as a phenomenon in unanalyzable machine industry.Main strategic issues facing the companyCoping with temper change and complying with regulations on CO2 emissions. Decreasing environmental impact and promoting recycling. uncontrollable economic environment that restricts number of car consumers and juicy oil prices. Companys piece to the National EconomyAs of December 2008, move industry which is springy to Korean manufacturing industry, accounted for 14.4% in production, 13.4% in merchandise, and 14.3% in employment. Hyundai has created 56,204 employees in South Korea and tot up about 70% to Korean automobile industry and 5.4 % to Koreas GDP.Companys contribution to the regional savingThere be 22,066 overseas employees downstairs Hyundai Motor Company, personify of 6,956 employees in North America, 5,101 employees in China, 5,457 employees in India, 4,694 employees in Europe and 218 in other countries.Recent strategic dilemmaIn applying of dispirited Strategy, roughly of its eco-friendly cars were developed to meet environmental regulations set by European Union, the mental process of vehicle is meant to deteriorate when he carbon dioxide emission is reduced, it decrease Hyundais products conflict as correspondd to its rivals.Recent strategic choiceHyundai is taking approach tow ard outgrowth quantitative growth through global in combination with grapheme and brand management to enhance global militantness and further heave sales results.Hyundai applies dodge of Green Management by plan of Blue Drive as the key toward sustainability approach and to comply with regulation on emission issue.Source of Information on CompanyHyundai Motor yearly Reporthttp// Words) assiduity life cycleTimeAutomobile manufacturing industryIndustry outputIntroductionGrowthMaturityDeclineAutomobile manufacturing industry is in the maturity stage of the industry life cycle. In this period, the industry does not grow as much as at long last 5 or 6 years. The grocery storeplace is precise competitive, galore(postnominal) manufacturing business offering their products, the producers stop with the product differentiation in some segments and wherefore, the market result in saturation with many manufacturers offering many molds of the product. In t his stage, merely when the best efficient and resolutionive company survives. There are about 806 gazillion cars and light truck on the road in 2007, the number is increasing rapidly in particular in China and India. The heavy(a)gest market currently is in North America which is about 250 million vehicles, by-line are Asia and Europe market. In 2009, with stable economic growth, China is vent to become the largest automobile producer and market in the world.The automobile industry crisis and oil shock in 2008 is a part of global fiscal recession. It affected Asian and Europe automobile manufacturers but it is primarily matt-up in Ameri peck automobile manufacturing industry. With rapidly rising oil price, automobile industry is experiencing high pricing pressure from raw material be and changes in consumer explicate habits. Also, in that respect is an increase in external competition from public transport sectors and consumers are re-evaluating their private vehicle usag e. Moreover, the loving mind-set and related hits regarding carbon emissions had lead to the restricted standard setting that automakers shit to be fulfil in vow to penetrate into these high prerequisite markets.In addition, customers now are seeking a car with higher(prenominal) step pack, more functional and price is crucial factor. In combination with the challenging economic environment, the companies outline has to be more effective, mod, cost drop-off as easily as qualification product differentiation and improve customer operate. Also, automobile companies bewilder to implement more creative selling strategies to lure consumers as most of them are experienced decline in sales.The response to climate change whitethorn have a great impact on the automobile manufacturing industry than all the other factors. It leads automaker to develop toward green technology and alternative discharge and material to less(prenominal)en impact of automobile industry to envir onment.Key factors of success (KFS)The factors listed above are some of the most important factors that company needs to achieve in drift to be successful in the industry. Nowadays, Toyota is the most successful company in automobile industry because they achieve key factors successfully. Among all factors, innovation is the most important factor contributes to the success of company. In contrast, Nissan had middling performance. Hyundai is in the middle, growing stably and strikingly. As we see from above, the total weighted malt whiskey of Toyota is highest, following is Hyundai thence Nissan. Among all of the factors, technology is the most important as automobile industry is under pressure of high competition and the issue of climate change. Technology is not simply satisfying customers with a simple car, it need to bring a car with more functions, more model and scientific. Also, technology needs to enable the company to develop car in combination with new material and fuel . Leading technology with above average rating of 4.5 enables Toyota to be more successful than Hyundai and Nissan.Innovation is second important factor that lead to the success of company. As customers concern more about the appearance of the car, more innovative is needed. parvenue models are required to have more impressive design and that will help company to put on market tract and increasing sales value. In term of innovation, Hyundai has prove new models with remarkable improvement of design that is more attractive to the customers over the past few years. It helps Hyundai forming more market share in analyse with less innovative Toyota and Nissan. So the company need to keep up this advantage, more skilled workers are needed and necessitate of a dis loty idea.In addition, Quality and safety is one of important factor that customers eternally bear in mind when making buying decision. Hyundai has done it hearty since the past few years. They receive good signs from cu stomers perception of companys brand that is improvement of quality safety. Price is crucial factor an impressive design that attracts customers if it comes with reasonable price. Thereby, company al instructions need to develop strategy toward cost reduction. Company should have diversity of product to make out with others and to enjoy economy of scale and scope. To be more successful in improving brand of company, not only design, quality and price but also customer service needs to get betters. Customers want a good after-sale service that they endure rely on. Company has to command these factors as a creation in combination with economic situation to develop suitable strategy in order to grow successfully and stably. terror of new entrants sloppy state of economyRequirement of high RD and fixed cost clog in accessing to distribution channelsFew newer with low competition proportional power of other stakeholder infixed stakeholders shareholders, management, employees and cr editors orthogonal stakeholders government, partner firms, clients and potential investor picture feedbacks opinionForce Driving Industry CompetitionSuppliersOther stakeholdersBuyersSubstitutesIndustry competitors arguing among existing firm contender among existing firmRivalry among existing firm high gearly competitive of technologies, costs and servicesHigh number of competitorsDiversity of productsSlow growth, high fixed costThreat of substituteThe cost of automobiles and environmental issues lead to many transportation options negotiate power of buyersPrice sensitiveRequire improvement of quality.Nice design better service requirementImpact of cars to health and environment select for alternative fuelPotential Entrants bargain power of suppliersThe automobile come out business is quite fragmentedSuppliers have precise responsibilityRivalry among existing firms (High)Hyundai dominates the Korean automobile market and has low interior(prenominal) rivalry. However, in global competition, rivalry among existing firms is high. Rival companies compete on prices, quality and customer service a company watches very carefully every movement of rivals in order to adapt appropriately. There are high numbers of competitors and they diversify into many market segments. Company earns lower profit when cost of competition is high. To be more successful, Hyundai has to keep working their competitive advantages, engulfing strategy to reduce cost, better service to suit with this tedious economic condition, keeping up with developing of new design, quality and especially looking answer for technology toward Green Environment that I auspicate it will be a crucial factor in dear(p) approaching.Threat of new entrants (Low)Automobile industry is highly capital and push intensive, it require very high fixed cost as sound as RD, so threat of new entrants is low. It is not easy to forecast automobile industry and it is harder since the economy downturn is happened t hat decrease the demand of customer. place unwaveringty of customer is also an obstacle there are wide choices for customer. Moreover, the requirement of innovation, technology and product diversification makes it more difficult to enter the market. Established in 1967, Hyundai has a long time experience and enjoying avail of economies of scale through operation all over the world so new entrants are not a pressure for a company.Bargaining power of buyers (High)The bargaining power of buyers is high. The manufacturers depend on them to stay in business. Buyers purchase a significant proportion of output. If manufacturers cannot keep their buyers satisfied then they will lose their buyers to competitors. Nowadays, there are heterogeneous brand and models that buyers can choose, buyers have many choices so that their requirements are high. The factors that affect buyers to make buying decision are the design, quality, price and environmental effect. Especially, current time is und er economic recession and climate change issues, decrease in buyers demand and their consideration of impact on environment creates more pressure on company.Threat of substitute products or services (Low)It is true that there are many of transportation that can be a substitution of an automobile such as bus, train, bicycle, motorbike, etc. Substitute products depend on geographical location. In some cities such as Singapore, New York, having a car is not necessary because those cities has good infrastructure of public transportation and there are policy to reduce number of car in order to reduce heavy traffic, avoid traffic jam and protect environment. However, the need of automobile is always great. Developing countries are potential market and the need in those countries is getting greater.Bargaining power of suppliers (Low)Hyundai had a good tack on chain management system and had long dealingship with suppliers. Suppliers have little power in automobile industry because there are legion(predicate) component suppliers that help company to avoid shortage of material and selecting suppliers with lower cost. Automobile companies work to maintain cost strategies so that suppliers must compete on price with one another to acquire contracts with them. Since it is very competitive among number of suppliers, an automobile company could easily switch to other supplier along with high requirement of price and quality.Relative power of other stakeholders (Medium)The internal stakeholders of Hyundai include the shareholders, management, employees and creditors. The external stakeholder of the company is the government, partner firms, clients and potential investors. Internal stakeholders help company to apply strategy in proper way while external stakeholders helping with feedbacks, opinions and require responsibility of company. As the company is very large, it has great effects to stakeholders. In response to them, company develops strategy of Blue Drive that rep resents commitment to develop environmental-friendly vehicle along with enhancing staple fibre features of products.Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS Table)StrengthsHyundai has core strength of innovative technology and becomes a leader in developing environment friendly technology to compete in the recent time when the impact of cars to environment are highly concerned and high requirement of buyers on innovation, quality and design. Along with innovative technology, Hyundai is well managed on costs and expenses that enable company to compete on price with its rivals it is such a significant advantage especially in this economic downturn condition. Qualified labour force helps Hyundai to gain competitive advantage, manage and operate company effectively. Hyundai has knock-down(prenominal) incorporated philosophy that commission on customer first, flexible marketing strategy and rich experience of producing car for export market. Finally, its value of global stigmatization experience is raising that enable Hyundai gaining more market shares.WeaknessesOn the other hand, there are some weaknesses that need to be taken into consideration. Drawbacks betide due to differences between national and business cultures. For example, the national culture of Korea is corporal while it is highly individualist in America. Hyundai commodity price risks bone from changing price effect of inputs such as steel, glass, plastics and rubber. As a global company, Hyundai is also exposed to the risks related to fluctuations of currencies in countries where company doing manufacture. When making buying decision, customers seek information and feedbacks from previous buyers late enter into market means lesser information and feedback, hence provide drawback. Finally, Hyundai has limited ability in adding new models in order to diversify products and compete in many automobile segments, especially in luxury automobile segment.External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS Table)Op portunitiesStrong research development and advanced technology leading in producing car in hybrid segment enable Hyundai to take advantage to flesh out market share and gain more profits. As high tax contributor, Hyundai enjoy governmental supported policy in domestic market, thus enjoy less scrap from competitors and spreads its wings to enfold domestic market. Sluggish economic condition makes buyers focus more on low cost design in which Hyundai has nature of improvement of quality design associated with lower cost of products as compare to other competitors. Moreover, crisis of key rival Toyota on quality create big luck to Hyundai focusing on quality improvement and reputation. The company should put more emphasis on potential markets from developing countries provide bright opportunity for the company to expand and gaining profit in the future.ThreatsOn the other hand, the company is facing with some threats indicated above. Global economic crisis and oil price shock have adverse impact to automobile manufacturing industry as well as the Hyundai, reducing investment and raising cost of fuel and raw materials. Also, the brake on worldwide auto demand has created low growth market, decrease sales and profits. More pressure of competition when there are some new entrants enter into market, targeting into some specific segments and acquire market share portion. Additionally, environmental requirement puts more pressure to the company to technological change toward eco-friendly energy. Finally, economic implication of political instability increases transaction costs and insurance cost associated with security and flow of capital, goods between many countries.Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS) MatrixShort termThe global economic crisis and oil shock affect the company in short term. It put brakes on automobile demand, increasing cost of fuel and raw materials, reducing investment and RD cost while put pressure on cutting price of products hen ce require strategy of the company toward reducing operating expenses and workforce. In this situation, well manage costs and expenses become the core strength of Hyundai in competing with other competitors and attracting more customers. In addition, the crisis of key competitor as broken top-quality image creates opportunity to Hyundai by launching campaign focusing more on quality improvement, gaining reputation and boost sales value.Intermediate termHyundai can take advantage of advanced technology in intermediate term as well as in the long term. Advanced technology is core competency of company to compete on quality and functions of products that are more interested from customers nowadays. Late enter into automobile manufacturing industry making less information and feedbacks of Hyundai products so that the company need to launch strategy of marketing brand value, raising train of perception of customers. Furthermore, potential markets from developing countries should be cons idered and prepared in intermediate term in order to expand business and gain market share.Long termEnvironmental effect is the most concern of all people and society and it affects all industry, not just automobile manufacturing industry. Therefore, advanced technology toward eco-friendly energy is the most concern of the company in long term as well. Not only improving quality, design and function of products but also company needs to put more emphasis on reducing impact of car to environment as a means of sharpening its competitive advantage. Moreover, the company should be able to create more new models to compete with competitors especially in luxury and hybrid car segments which are less competitive areas but very profitable areas. Similarly, targeting into potential market from developing countries should be considered for long term strategies as they have such a lot of potential demands and providing valuable source of profitability.TOWS MatrixInternalFactorsExternal (IFAS)F actors(EFAS)Strengths (S)S1 Advanced technologyS2 Branding experienceS3 Qualified labour forceS4 Cost efficiencyS5 Flexibility marketing experiencesWeaknesses (W)W1 Cultural differenceW2 Commodity price riskW3 Late entrantW4 DiversityW5 Currency fluctuationOpportunities (O)O1 Hybrid car segmentO2 Governmental supportO3 High emphasis of buyers on low cost designO4 Competitors weaknessO5 Potential market from developing countriesSO strategiesFocus on research and developmentBuild up strong brand image.Expand business to potential marketWO strategiesSet up more distribution channels plantsGlobalizationInnovative productsThreats (T)T1 Global economic crisisT2 New entrantsT3 Low market growthT4 Environmental requirementT5 policy-making instabilityST strategiesUse eco-friendly fuelCutting costs expensesFocus on marketing and public relationWT strategiesIncrease advertisementReduce inefficient distributor to minimize costsImprove market researchSO strategiesTo strengthen companys sur vival ability, company need to use its own strengths to take advantages of opportunities. Firstly, Hyundai should focus on research and development to reach out the potential hybrid car segment trend by taking advantages of its own advanced technology. Furthermore, Hyundai needs to know the competitors and how they operate, as well as rap their weakness. For example, exploit weakness of Toyota that has been facing a crisis of quality. With flexibility marketing and organisational experience, Hyundai whitethorn identify the problems and avoid same mistakes that can be made hence building up new and strong brand images associated with lower price. With a branding experience and qualified labour force, Hyundai may gain a large market share from these potential markets.WO strategiesTo take advantages of opportunities to overcome weaknesses, Hyundai can set up more distribution channels and plants in new markets and segments. unrivaled of Hyundais weaknesses is the lacking competitiven ess in luxury car segment. Thereby, strategy which should be applied here is globalization they may aim to export their products to developing countries, where customers mostly have an average income that put high emphasis on low price design and willing to purchase an low-priced car instead of a luxury car. Moreover, late entrance to the market can be covered by the appearance of innovative products, which are hybrid car segment which Hyundai has focused and developed.ST strategiesCompany always faces various threats from both internal and external factors. There is a need to cover the threats using companys own strength. Nowadays, environmental requirements from customers are getting higher since they are starting to concern about health care and impact of cars to environment. By using their advanced technology, Hyundai should develop technology toward eco-friendly energy such as bio-diesel, turn petroleum gas and electric energy to combine their engines and social expectation. By making advantages of cost efficiency, Hyundai may cover their low market growth however they have to manage their capital and expenses wisely and effectively. New entrant is always a big threat facing a company. However, by having a good brand experience and flexible marketing, Hyundai can surpass their competitors by focusing on marketing and public relations to gain more market share.WT strategiesThere are some strategies Hyundai may use to minimize weaknesses and avoid threats. Firstly, global economic crisis has affected many industries and companies, Hyundai is not the exception. Under economic crisis, minimize unnecessary and ineffectively costs plays an important role to maintain company business. At the same time, company should increase advertisements to gain more reputation and build up their brand images. Last but not least, Hyundai should do more market research if they are planning to expand their business to other countries, in order to avoid unwanted political ins tability and cultural differences.Review of strategic options available to companyThere are several strategic options which are currently available for the success of Hyundai. Firstly, Hyundai should focus on short term strategies, such as operational efficiency program and globalization. The company is facing a low market growth compared with their competitors due to late entrant to the market. Hence they need to manage their capital and expenses effectively by cutting all unnecessary costs, operating expenses and other utilities costs. Moreover, globalization strategy should be concerned to gain more market share from potential market in developing countries. However, they need to be aware of the cultural differences and political instabilities which may occur during the plan.On the other hand, Hyundai must concentrate on long term strategies. Nowadays, the hybrid car segment has become the new trend in automobile market. Thus research and development incision should be improved to reach the potential market trend, based on its existing advanced technology. From the improvement of RD department, a new innovative product may appear to distinguish Hyundai from other companies. Furthermore, health care and impact of cars to environment are being concerned by customers. Hyundai need to come up with new green and eco-friendly fuel such as bio-diesel, liquefied petroleum gas and electric energy to follow the trend.Recommend for future directionFor future direction, Hyundai should pay attention to improve their brand images, by running more marketing programs such as offering loyal customers reward system and new advertisement campaign. These advertisements should be located at all available media which are being concerned by public, analogous newspaper, television, radio and over the internet. They need to learn useful strategies from their competitors as well. One way to the success is to increasing more options of products along with improving online guild se rvices. Hyundai may also offer more options available to customers through online service to maximize their customers satisfaction.Assessment of companys performanceEfficiencyDespite sluggish domestic sales amid the global economic downturn, Hyundai Motor expanded its global market share last year and the 2009 net profit was an all-time annual high. Hyundai had achieved 2.96 billion win ($2.57 billion) in 2009, compared with a net profit of 1.44 trillion won in 2008. In 2009, Hyundai sold a record 3.1 million vehicles, up 11.7 percent from 2008. In 2008, Hyundai has jumped up to fifth in the global standing of the worlds largest automobile manufacturers. However, latest sales figures in 2009 that place Hyundai to the worlds fourth largest automaker in terms of units sold.EffectivenessHyundai has implemented many strategies to increase companys effectiveness. Hyundai is seeking reductions of as much as 20% in consideration of supplier, volume and parts involved. The company is cut ting costs not only by rationalizing its domestic plants, but also more and more by manufacturing in areas with lower production costs in oversea countries. As a result, company completed a 3 trillion won ($2.2 billion) cost-reduction program in 2008. Possessing about $7.1 billion in assets including Hyundai Motor share, Hyundai is very aggressive in spending as RD and marketing. In general, Hyundai is implementing its strategies effectively.Return on investmentHyundai has raised its global share in recent years, eventide as it has maintained a stable position in Korea and well balanced market portfolio and currency settlement. However, in 2009, there are some decreases in term of return on investment due to the invalidating impacts of sluggish economic condition. Total dividend payout was KRW235.7 billion, down 14.6% from the previous year. However dividend payout level was maintained at the 16%. Hyundai enjoyed a rise in market share as the result of innovative marketing and suc cessful launch of new models. In the first three months, the companys global market share rose to 4.7%, compared to 4% a year earlier. The company is expected to continue its success along with improved performance in key markets.Recommendations for death penalty of StrategiesStructureThe current economy is under sluggish condition that requires the company to make judgements and a need of improving organizational structure. Companys structure needs to work toward operational efficiency in association with quality and technological improvement. Continuous decentralization of management structures and the strategy of diversification of output helped the company in coping with economic crisis. Hyundai needs to establish RD centres to take advantage of research infrastructure, so that the company can develop its products to satisfy the requirements of the environmental and safety regulations effectively.SystemHyundai is multinational automobile manufacturing company customers demand h igh-quality, customized services and they also look for different types of information when mak
Saturday, 30 March 2019
Communication †sending and receiving verbal information
Communication sending and receiving verbal educationCommunication is the convoluted process of sending and receiving verbal entropy. The discourse process plays a truly important role in the profession of nursing. Daily the nurses generate to cover with a huge number of patients of diverse background. Some belong to improve background and understands thing very well besides some ar non educated, and for them understanding and conference with the medical staff is very awkward so it is the responsibility of the nurses to improve their skills to much(prenominal)(prenominal) an extent that communicating with state of exclusively carve ups become possible for them. The parley could be verbal or nonverbal analogous by the use of expressions or jesters etc. The sermon among the nurses and the patients is conducted usually in a very hectic atmosphere twain the patients and nurses be in an urgency as a import of which unwished-for issues may arise. The directions a re often delivered to the patients on the phones rather than face to face. In the cases of extremity the talk skills gain very high importance as the decision about the procedure has to be made immediately but some seasons the patient nurse interaction is delayed too much as a bequeath of which serious consequences could be faced. In company to avoid the problems in communication some strategies adjudge been discussed in this paper. superstar technique to attain this objective is by the use of strategies which are organism used by other industries and have been very effectual like team resource management. It is a training course which has been designed by the aviation business. It emphasizes on combined decision making and team orientated approaches. The most excellent patient make do tail end be provided when the nurses are accessible at all times. By the use of equipments like background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR), it is guaranteed that the delivered messages are very clear and not ambiguous in any loving of stressful status (Leonard, Graham Bonacum, 2004).U-nursing is in any case very effective in improving the patient nurse communication. The SWOT analysis is also bright(p) in the plan. The above mentioned plans could be implemented slowly. Some are not time overpowering like changing the behavior and attitude of the nurses thus far some of them impoverishments time like installation of wireless equipments.If the nurses omit the skills for good communication the above mentioned tasks becomes really difficult to handle. In ordination to deal with patients who have diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds and having different aims of knowledge, communication becomes a big challenge to the wellness care suppliers. Health care providers especially the nurses have always been very keen to advance the communication skills so that they smoke progress to better patients care services. In nursing, a heavy centre of information has to be provided and current in a narrow time period. In order to do this perfectly and swimmingly the communication settings, history experiences and individual opinion of the people must be considered very deeply. So the communication enhancements mentioned above impart prove to be very successful. From this strike we have come to know that when you move toward novelty with a patient-centered attitude, the finest decisions are obvious.Table of ContentsIntroductionCommunication core relocation of the information amongst the people. The nursing job involves continuous communication among the patients, their relatives and the nurses. The chances of miscommunication in this profession are very high which can collar to serious consequences.For nurses it is really important that they should be aware of key communicating process and the height to risks and problems that they can come across as a result of miss-communication. It is important to have clear communication with patients especially for those nurses who are involved in collection of patient history. They should be aware of the craft of educating the patients giving them the needed emotional help (Munhill, 2007, p.452).According to a cover at Institute of Medicine, it has now been an established fact that secure and trustworthy relationship mingled with a patient and the health care provider (especially nurse) depends upon wakeless and good communication (Leonard, Graham Bonacum, 2004 Viney et al., 2006). Usually the goal of the health care providers is to achieve more in a smaller amount time as a result of which their relations with patients suffer. In this proposal we are going to discuss about how communications among the patients and the nurses can be improved in order to have a healthy and baccate relationship.Analysis of pitch neededEfficient communication mingled with the patients and health care providers especially nurses is a very important theatre of operations in the infirmary management but it is hampered by different problems. The tidings with the patients is conducted usually in a very busy environment some(prenominal) the patients and nurses are in a hurry as a result of which undesirable issues are raised. Communication with the patients is mostly carried out through state machines instead of having a direct interaction. According to the tingeership system as registered by Fred Fiedler suggests that effective group performance depended upon the proper match between a leaders style of interacting with his or her followers and the degree to which slip allowed the leader to control and influence (Robbins Coulter, 2008, p. 493). It is often argued that in a hospital setting, in-charge nurse is often lacking required competencies in relation to communicating with patients that represent a barrier in efficient leadership. One of the premier(a) reasons being their promotion from the clinical nurse thus they are apt at dealing with medical issues bu t ill equipped to be regarded as a good communicator with patients (Connelly et al., 2003, p.298). Their relationship should be relationship orientated instead of focusing solely on routine tasks.Similarly path-goal theory as devised by Robert House also favours leader role to be more supportive, providing direction to relevant others (Robbins Coulter, 2008, p.498). A study conducted in coupled States of America concluded that 90% of the faults in patient analysis result from poor communication between the patients and the health care providers. Different sort of parameters like lack of sleep or proper rest, long concern hours, other part time jobs, personal issues or family concerns may have serious effects on the energy of nurses to interact with the patients. Therefore the present challenge is to develop an environment which is comfortable for nurses so that they can comfortably perform their job.One order to achieve this goal is by applying the strategies which have been adapted by industries rifleing beyond provision of medical aid. police squad resource management as constructed by aviation department could also bring desired outcomes. The strategy helps to direct all efforts towards equal company in decision making, leading a team focused behavioural approach.The best patient care can be provided when the nurses are can be easily meeted in case of any issue during patients term of enlistment at the hospital. By using different electronic gadgets like situation-background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR), such methods help to convey lucid messages between both nurses and patients to overcome the contend situation (Leonard, Graham Bonacum, 2004).It is stated that many nurses save around 20 to 40 minutes every day if they have immediate contact with the specialists. Most of the hospitals of the Unites States still use the old weird telephone systems which not only waste time but also may lead to miscommunication. A new communication engineeri ng like that of Dalcon Alertcan provide a solution to this problem. It is a wireless technology and by the use of it the patients, nurses, staff and the physicians can stay in contact with each other all the time, while even on move. A study showed that 70 to 80 percent of time could be saved each day by the use of this technology. The technology also provides direct alerts to the nurses on their devices (Kohn, Corrigan Donaldson, 2000). Another method is to employ the U-Nursing technique. By U Nursing we retrieve that the nurses are unattached to all the organizations and institutes at all the time by using the facilities from information technology. The SWOT analysis about this nursing technique is given on a lower floor (Murray, 2007, p.32).SWOT AnalysisStrengthsUser friendly and Less time consumingExpert advice avail all the timeInfra twist is very respectable and secureInternational quality standards maintainedEnhance the communication between the patients and the nursesWe aknessesThe setup costs are very highNurses are not yet very much trained to use this system escape of support and backup infrastructureOpportunitiesResearch studies will be facilitatedengineering development in nursing professionIf goes successful , could be employ to all the hospitals and has just one time setup costsholistic and HumanizedThreatsSystem breakdowns by attack of viruses leading to data loss utmost dependency on the information technologyIntellectual proprietary issuesBe short of leadership in nursingMisuse of personal information of patients and loss of privacyIgnorant patients may be misguided contrive of ActionThe plan of action for the above mentioned analysis is as follows firstborn the working hours of the nurses would be discussed and adjusted accordingly so that they can work attentively and efficiently and this will be make immediately. The salary structure would be revised so that there would be no need for part time jobs.Recognize any hindrances which may hamper the communication like can the patient converse in English easily or not? If not the nurse should arrange for an interpreter. If the hearing ability of the patient is not well, hearing aid should be provided.Training courses for the nurses would be arranged regarding communication skills so that they can improve their communication with the patients and the physicians. foot for the U-Nursing plan would be arranged. For this purpose letters would be written to high authorities at the hospital or even the government level if required so that the funds could be provided. Once the approval is received for such plan then nurses would be trained for the use of such facilities.In hospital equipment would be updated like the use of wireless technologies to be implemented so that the wastage of time could be prevented. The patients would be able to intercommunicate with the nurses through wireless gadgets at all the times so that emergency situations can be dealt with ease and effi ciency.Evaluation strategyThe real time monitoring strategies about these new things will be applied. The amendment trials are fruitful when they are structured keeping in view the present situation and are visible with healthy results. They are made on the vivacious method of doing things,are visible and have positive outcomes (Greenhalgh et al., 2004 Rye Kimberly, 2007). The study would be evaluated by noticing the alter in the general attitude of nurses, their change in appearance and social dealings. The qualitative and quantitative data will be used. For the qualitative data general observations will be done on the communication changes between nurses and the patients and for the qualitative data questionnaires will be given to the patients and they will be asked about the improvement in the communication skills of the nurses. They will be asked about the benefits or demerits of the use of wireless technology implemented in the hospital. If the patients provide us with the p ositive feedback this will mean the change is a success.ConclusionThe immediate problem and challenge in the health care industry is to manage and develop an environment which provides effective and transparent communication system between the patients and the health care workers especially nurses as they are the most frequent ones to come across with the patients. It is judge that the above mentioned changes will bring a positive and healthy change in the hospital environment and the communication skills of the nurses will be improved. peculiarly when the nurses will be trained accordingly the patients would definitely feel a positive change in the hospitals. It is wisely said that half of the indisposition of the patient is cleared out immediately when he is treated nicely by the health care provider.
A Review Of Controlled Release Fertilizers Biology Essay
A brushup Of Controlled push solelyton Fertilizers Biology EssayIn general, plants must be supplied with alimentarys during the whole flora period. In horticulture this is achieved by applying right away fat-soluble fertiliser at a time to twice a week, for ensample. This human body of plant food masking is real labour-intensive and requires considerable specialist knowledge, so as to select the clear measure of exertion, appropriate condemnation of use and correct composition for the p articular plants to ensure optimum plant overlapion. With the use of dumb or controlled expel fertilisers the full mensuration of nourishings necessary for the whole vegetation period slew be utilise at the time of place or at the earliest stages of plant growth, in the form of a nutritive pool Also, closely half of the apply plant foods, depending on the order of application and ground condition, is alienated to the environment, which results in the contamination of water 1.This kind of environmental concerns of feeding crops with traditional plant foods has led to developing Slow Release Fertilizers (SRFs) or Controlled Release Fertilizers (CRFs). SRFs or CRFs atomic number 18 easy and safe to use. They invalidate risk of incorrect fertilizer application they be labour frugality and minimize alimental losses by pillageing or fixation.The estimate of producing SRFs was demonstrable from 1963 by encapsulation of fertilizers by get upes. afterwards that, these products exhaust been commercialized. at that place ar very much of SRF and CRF brands market leader in controlled release fertilizers is Scotts Professional with fundamental brands such(prenominal) as Osmocote Exact, Sierrablen and Osmoform. SunGro Company is a uniform producing controlled release fertilizers with brand ca-ca of Multicoate. AGLUKON is as well a nonher commercialized SRF product 2-4.Like stacks of scientific fields, factory farm industry has been everyplace shadowed by nanotechnology. Applications of nanotechnology in agriculture embarrasss agriculture crop improvement, nanobiotechnology analysis of gene expression and regulation acres management, plant disease diagnostics, efficient pesticides and fertilizers, water management, bio biddinging, post harvest technology, supervise the identity and quality of bucolic produce and precision agriculture5. Efficient pesticides and fertilizers in terms of Nano-composite base decompress release fertilizers atomic number 18 developing in current decades. Using nano ingredients as reinforcing or cementing constituent of polymer finishings has been the only peculiarity of nano particles which is apply in preparing sluggish release fertilizers 6,7.FertilizersFertilizers ar applied to blur to promote plant growth. They contain well-nigh beneficial nutrients including macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients atomic number 18 normality, phosphorus, and green whi ch be added to frequentwealth in quantities from0.2% to 4.0% (on a dry matter load basis) and atomic number 18 more(prenominal) than prerequisite than micronutrients. Micronutrients atomic number 18 elements which are applied to s rock oil in much smaller amounts, ranging from 5 to 200 ppm, or little than 0.02% dry weigh. These elements could be southward (S), boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), atomic number 25 (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), zinc (Zn)8,9.2.2. Types of fertilizersFertilizers would be categorized from get rid ofset of universe and similarly from release properties points of view. All fertilizers could be organic fertilizer or unreal from source of being point of view. Organic fertilizers are naturally occurred including seaweed, worm casting, manure, slurry, peat, humic acid, guano and brassin. They provide slow up release of nutrient as they need farmings bacterium to be broken refine to needed elements. Also, they whitethorn improve the biodiversity of imperfection by supplying organic matters and micronutrients for organisms. Organic fertilizers are cheaper and safer than synthetic fertilizers 9,10.The important synthetic or mineral fertilizers are carbamide, ammonium sulphate, ammonium orthophosphate, phosphate rock, potassium chloride, super phosphates, calcium ammonium nit tell, potassium sulphate and NPK, PK and PK conf apply fertilizers. The most important drawbacks of synthetic fertilizer is their long term sustainability. Also, they are more expensive in contrast to organic fertilizers 10.Also, fertilizers crapper be categorized into customary and controlled release fertilizers from release properties points of view.Drawbacks of non- controlled release fertilizersOrdinary fertilizers leach to soil very quickly and most of them are not utilise by the plants. According to figures about 40-70% of nitrogen, 80-90% of phosphorous, and 50-70% of the applied normal fertilizer is lost to environment and cannot be employ by plants11. This rapid leaching volition cause burning of plants and growing in spurts. Also, the lost elements leave set up several(prenominal) serious problems for our environment. Eutrophication, Blue baby syndrome, soil acidification, persistent organic pollutants, heavy metal accumulation, atmospheric cause are environmental concerns of ordinary fertilizers. Another result of quick leaching of fertilizer is repeating the application of fertilizers which will increase the costs8,12,13.Slow or controlled release fertilizersSlow release fertilizers or controlled release fertilizers are coer in a kernel that enables a slow release time and eliminates need for constant binding and toweringer efficiency pasture than soluble fertilizers 14.The interest in these worldlys is for whiz or more of the following reasons Availability of nutrients during the hole growing-season reduced nutrient loss via leaching and run-off reduced cost and labor outlay in crop performance redu ced chemic and biological immobilization reactions in soil which cause plant unavailable forms reduction of rapid nitrification and nitrogen loss through with(predicate) ammonia volatilization and denitrification reduced seed or misuse from high local concentrations of salts reduced leaf burn from heavy place of come near-applied fertilizers better seasonal distribution of growth and better acclimatization in home or display environment improved storage and use of fertilizer materials15.Differences between slow and controlled release fertilizersAlthough there is no a special difference in general function of CRF and SRF, but it should be menti unmatchedd that they are manufactured by opposite materials and techniques with different properties. In slow release fertilizers elements are present in the fertilizers in a chemical form, which is not available to plants and they will be converted by physiochemical effects or microorganisms activities into nutrient forms in the soil. But in controlled release fertilizers elements are packed in coat granules and are released through the application program over a certain period of time. Also, in SRFs nutrients available period is touched by a lot of factors such as water contented of soil, Ph, temperature, microorganisms activity, aeration. However, the longevity of CRF depends on screening burdensomeness and temperature of soil. Only last mode is effective in changing pattern of nutrients release and a touch on covering thickness control nutrients release. In CRFs declared release time refers to soil temperature of 20-21 oC. Higher temperatures accelerate the element release and lower temperatures check it longer 4,16.SRFs are chemically brisk slow released. Some kinds of SRFs are Urea Aldehydes (UA) and Chelated Micronutrients(CM). Common persona of UAs is urea formaldehyde which is high nitrogen fertilizer. Starting release rate of UAs is high but it dies off slowly for 3 years. This kind of fertili zer depends on microorganisms to break it down for plant use. CMs are substances that hold firmly together iron, manganese, zinc, and copper. They slowly releases over a long period of time Types of CRFs2.4.2.1. Sulfur Coated (SC) main(a) treat when is oxidized to its sulfate form would be one of the nutrients which is essential for slightly plants and is normally blended with other fertilizers. Using mho cultivation is also another way to provide reciprocal ohm simultaneously with do slow release properties for a core starchlike fertilizer. As the sulfur containing materials like polysulfides or lingosulfonate are brittle and also give a low making water of defects they are normally mixed with waxes or plasticizers. many an(prenominal) formulas are available for SCs. Their release time is generally 3-4 months. SDs are released by microorganisms 18- Wax cover (WC)One of the systems of reducing fertilizer release rate is dispersing granular fertilizers with molten wax and wherefore cooling the mixture under the liquescent point of the wax 23. Paraffin is one of the most used wax as a masking for fertilizers. Paraffinwax is a white, tasteless, odorless, waxy hale, with a typical resolve point between about 47 C and 64 24. Other types of waxes are synthetic oil based, pet sectionum or mineral waxes. Waxes are normally used by an additive or a tackifiere agent to make up a intelligent sealing properties 25, Polymer Coated (PC)Polymer-coat fertilizers (PCF) represent the most technically advanced controlled released fertilizers. They include a water-soluble fertilizer core and one or more than one seams of polymer. There are large varieties of polymers to coat the core fertilizer also the natural coverings shape could be the same one or different. In PC fertilizers release of nutrients will carry on by diffusion through a semi permeable polymer membrane. Water penetrates the finis and dissolves the core. Release rate can be controlled by varying the composition and thickness of the coating. In addition, pressure builds up can cause cracks to form, from which fertilizer passes into the soil 27, 28.2.5. Review of preparation systems of different polymer coat CRFs2.5.1. Sole Polymer coverOne type of polymer surface CRFs is the one which the fertilizer core which could be N, P, K OR NPK salmagundi, is just coated with one or more than one point of polymer coating. In this case the polymer could be solvent based or water-based. The application process starts with dissolving the polymer in a organic solvent or water. later on dissolving the coating will be sprayed onto the fertilizer in a coating drum or fluid bed 29. Bene habilitates of polymer coated CRFs are as follow uniform and defect free coating will surround fertilizer the coating will be very tough and durable which is resistant against mechanical breakdown they are biologically inactive so they will not breakdown by soil microbe s.In most cases except for degradable polymers release of fertilizers will be happen by diffusion through polymer coat rather than through defects. In some other coated fertilizers like sulfur coatings there should be a flaw in coating to make release of fertilizer.There are lots of examples for polymers which have been used in literatures as coating for fertilizers, some of them are as follow dicyclopentadien30,Urea and urethane based 31-36, epoxy glue based 37-39, polyvinylidene chloride-based latex29 carboxyl-carrying ethylene polymers40, perishable starch based41, urea formaldehyde42.However, polymer coated fertilizers have some week points. About solvent-based coatings apply large amount of organic solvents like toluene or xylene will lead to environmental concerns. These solvents are volatile and releasing them to environment makes some hazards for human health. Also, polymer coatings are more expensive than sulfur coatings the process and equipments are also more complex t han equipments used for other coatings.2.5.2. Sulfur-polymer coatedOne of most common coated fertilizers are the ones in which core fertilizer is covered by a layer of sulfur coating and a layer of polymer. The polymer layer can be primer or outer layer subject matter that sulfur layer in some searches has been the first layer and in some others the outer layer. SulfurUsing coating is a suggested mode to draw back drawbacks of sulfur coated CRFs. One of these drawbacks is very fast release of fertilizer in first few days after application. The other one is brittleness of sulfur coatings which may lead to some fractures during handling or storage and losing the fertilizer into soil. Another problem is that sulfur coatings have a high get up tension with water and cannot provide enough wetting for a good diffusion 19, 29, 38, 21.The most common method for applying the sulfur coating is spray. Molten sulfur mingled will be sprayed over a pre-polymer coated fertilizer granule 38, Wax-polymer coatedThere are lots of researches foc use on making controlled release fertilizers utilise Wax-polymer coatings. Wax layer has common chord major benefits one is that they are applied over the polymer layer for change magnitude the fracture probability of coating and the other one is for decreasing the amount of polymer and emptying consuming more polymers to make the process cost effective. Also, they can eliminate imperfection of granules surface to make a good surface coating.Most common waxes which have been used in show of the art is C30 alpha-olefin and paraffin. Other petroleum products like lubricants and bitumen or natural products like canola oil, soybean oil, coconut oil and palm oil, also have been used.After warming the wax it will be applied by mixing with polymer coated fertilizer. Normally the polymer is thermoset to avoid any damages of polymer by the wax in its melting point. The wax normally should have drop melting point from 50 to 120C. Wax is normally about 0.2% to 10 % by weight of fertilizer 25, 38, 44, Filler- polymer coatedAs mentioned before, despite lots of advantages of polymer coating to make slow release properties when such polymers are used as a sole coating material the ultimate product would be expensive as you have to consume large amount of polymer. Using mineral or organic fillers is one way to avoid using large amount of polymer. Also, in some researches fillers play the role of detackifier, to prevent adherence of coated granules to each other, and streng whenceing agent 46.Fillers may be used either as a mixture with polymer to make a nano-composite polymer 47 or as a separate layer. The most common method is snatch one in which the filler will be added and mixed with polymer coated granules before drying the granules. Most common used fillers are some very fine(less than 20 microns) inert inorganic materials like clay, diatomaceous earth, bentonite, kaolin, gypsum powder lime stone, talc, barium sulfate. Some other fillers like waste cellulosic materials also have used as filler in combination with polymer.47-512.6. Techniques coating applicationAccording to studies have been through with(p) encapsulation methods of fertilizers can be divided into three methods including in-situ, spray and mixing.2.6.1. In situThis method includes formation of fluid dispersion of the soluble fertilizer in a solvent and mixing the ready issue with monomers of a polymer. Polymerization will happen and depend on the method granules or particles of fertilizers will form.Ni et al 52 have developed a double-coated urea fertilizer. For preparation of poly (N-vinyl-pyrroli make) hydrogels containing urea (PCU), the monomer and a resolution of urea in N-vinyl-pyrrolidone were mixed together. The polymerization was carried out at 65-C for 3 h. The resulting samples were vacuum- alter, milled, screened and stored. After that first coating was dried sample and some amounts of ur ea were mixed with sodium alginate (SA) solution. Mixed solution was and then added drop orthogonal into 5% (w/w) CaCl2 aqueous solution and stirred constantly. The drops immediately turned into granules (about 4mm in diameter) because the SA in the drop was crosslinked by Ca2+ at once. The granules were filtered and dried in oven at 70- C. indeed the granules were added to ethylcellulose ethanol solution. Multiple EC coatings were prepared by immersion of the previously coated granules into the Ethylcellulose (EC) solution repeatedly. Thus, EC-coated urea granules with different coating thickness were obtained.Hanafi et al 53, have coated a compound fertilizer by polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyacrylamide (PA), natural rubber (NR), and polylactic acid (PLA) using in situ method. For encapsulation of compound fertilizer with polyacrylamide the granules were added to the solution mixture of monomers. whence the polymerization reaction will start in existence of fertilizers. The th ickness of the coating layer on the compound fertilizer granules, determined by SEM, gave PVC compound coated fertilizer the highest value of 3.04 lm, and the lowest was obtained by PA (2.04 m). Variation in the characteristics of the polymers would be utilized in producing CR compound fertilizer that fit the requirements of growing plants.Hudson et al 38 used epoxy to coat the fertilizer. In this research the urea granules were charged to a pan and warmed to 95C. Then the hydrogenated tallaw amine, 2-amino ethyl peperazine and bisphenol A diglycidyl ether were mixed and were added to the granules meanwhile polymerization happened and prepared mixture was agitated till the fertilizer granules dried.2.6.2. Spray methodThis method is most common method for coating the fertilizer granules in state of the art. Usually, the solution of polymer in a suitable solvent is sprayed on the granule of fertilizer and then the granules are dried to remove the solvent through evaporation. The disc ussion is repeated as often as necessary until the desired coating percentage is reached.Lan et al 54 have used Chitosan and poly(acrylic acid-co-acrylamide) as biodegradable polymers to coat the NPK fertilizer. The NPK was compound fertilizer granules with about 2 mm in diameter. It was placed in a rotary drum and then the Chitson powder which was change state in epoxy-aceton solution was sprayed over the fertilizer. After drying the coating , Chitson coated granules were added to a flask equipped with a mechanical mixer. Carbon tetracholoride, polyethylene glycoloctyl phenyl ether, sorbite anhydride monostearic acid ester, solution of acrylic acid acrylamide , N,N- methylenebisacrylamide and ammonium persulfate was slowly added to the flask. After mixing the coated granules were dried in oven. This product with good controlled-release and water-retention capacity, being degradable in soil and environment-friendly, could be especially useful in agricultural and horticultural appl ications.Tomaszewska et al 55 have used spray technique for encapsulation of fertilizers. In order to improve the properties of coatings, the granules of previously coated fertilizer (wet method) were sprayed with a polymer solution or axenic solvent (N,N dimethylformamide). Concentration of the polymer in solutions used for nebulizer was in the range of 13-17 wt%. Measurements of thickness, porosity of prepared coatings and microphotographic observation of the coatings were taken.Ma et al 56 have developed a method for encapsulation of fertilizer with a egotism assembled coating. The fertilizer granules were heated in a rotary drum to 75C for 10 minutes. Then the self assembling amphiphilic molecules (N,N-bisaminoethyl eleostearate) were sprayed over the fertilizer. After 20 minutes aliphatic isocyanates were sprayed over fertilizer. This process was repeated once again. The fertilizer kept for drying in the 75C for 20 minutes.Dai et al 57, have developed a controlled release fe rtilizer using a water soluble resin as a coating. The granular compound fertilizer was coated in fluidized bed.Lan et al 58, prepared a double-coated slow-release NPK compound fertilizer with superabsorbent and water-retention properties (DSFSW), whose inner coating was chitosan (CTS), and the outer coating was crosslinked poly(acrylic acid)/diatomite-containing urea (PAADU). This prepared product not only has slow-release property but also could absorb a large amount of water and preserve the soil moisture at the same time. In addition, the outer coating (PAADU) could cherish the inner coating (CTS) from mechanical damage. These were significant advantages over the normal slow release or controlled-release fertilizers, which generally have only a slow-release property. The results indicated that the DSFSW could be found an application in agriculture and horticulture, especially in drought-prone regions where the availableness of water is insufficient. At first the outer coating co ntaining urea diatomite (PAADU) was prepared. The NPK compound fertilizer granule was placed into a rotary drum, and the Chitosan powder was stuck on the granules by means of epoxy dissolved in acetone. The adhesive was applied by spraying at regular time intervals. The process was terminate until compact and homogeneous coating formed on fertilizer granule. The coated granules were dried to a constant mass at room temperature for 6 h. Then the CTS-coated NPK compound fertilizer granules were obtained. CTS-coated NPK compound fertilizer granules were dipped in water and then were immediately placed on PAADU powder and shaken. In this manner, PAADU could adhere to the surface of CTS-coated NPK compound fertilizer and form the outer coating. The surface of the product was crosslinked by spraying methanol solution of epoxy chloropropane and then dried in a 70 C oven to obtain the terminal product, i.e., the double-coated slow-release NPK compound fertilizer with superabsorbent and w ater-retention.Hansen et al 36, encapsulate the granular fertilizer with the epoxy resin using spray method. In this research not coated fertilizer was placed in a rotating drum and pre heated to 250 F. A rapid drying solution of copolymers dicyclopentadiene and a modified vegetable oil were applied over fertilizer using spray in a cut back stream of resin. Simultaneously hot air was passed through drum. Next monomers of second resin including a mixture of epoxidized soybean oil and polyester curing agent were applied over prepared granules. The solvent was a mixture of xylene and Cellosolve acetate.Hansen et al 39 also have used the above mentioned method for encapsulation of fertilizer with polyurethane. First of all the preheated fertilizer was coated by a synthetic drying oil. After drying the coating for a few minutes fertilizer were dusted by clay. Then Urethane solution in xylene and Cellosolve acetate were applied using spray.2.6.3.Simple mixingIn this method granules are s imply mixed with the coating at its melting point or with a solution of polymer in a suitable solvent.Tomaszewska et al 59 used this method for coating the granular NPK fertilizer with polysulfone (PSF), cellulose acetate (CA) and polyacrylonitrile (PAN). The coating solutions were prepared by the dissolution of the solid polymer in adequate solvent. The NPK fertilizer was successively added to adequate polymer solution, and was covered by a thin layer of the solution. Subsequently, granules were dropped into water, where the gelation process takes place. The coated granules were removed from the rashness bath and then dried to a constant mass. The multiple coatings were prepared by immersion of the single coated fertilizer into adequate polymer solution, then into water and drying.Hon 47 has prepared the coated granules by mixing method. After melting the thermoplastic polymer by heating, the cellulosic additive has been added to melt resin. Then after allowing the temperature to drop, for avoiding the fertilizer damage, the granules or powder fertilizer has been mixed with the prepared mixture using a Brabender Mixer.Markusch et al60 just has mixed the fertilizer pellets with at first, a diluted polyol and then with a diluted isocyantae to make a polyurethane coating. Then the feretilizer were placed in oven for drying.2.7. Special equipment for application of polymer coatingTypical strong-arm method for encapsulating fertilizers are spray coating, spray drying, pan coating, rotary plow atomization. Special equipments for these methods are rotary drum, pan or ribbon or paddle mixer, fluidized. Fluidized bed and rotary drums are the most important equipments 87, 88Polymers used as coating for CRFsA broad range of polymers has been used in fertilizer coating. These polymers could be thermoset, thermoplastic or biodegradable.Some of common thermoset polymers are urethane resin, epoxy resin, alkyd resin, unsaturated polyester resin, phenol resin, urea resin, melamine resin, phenol resin, silicon resin. Among them, urethane resin urethane is very common used.36,61Thermoplastic resins are not very common used in art because of some problems. As mentioned before a very preferable method of applying polymers is spraying the dissolved polymer over granules. Either some of thermoplastic resins are not soluble in a solvent or make a very viscose solution which is not suitable for spraying. Polyolefine is used in art for coating the fertilizer granules 47,62.Biopolymers, dispose in bioactive environments, degrade by the enzymatic action of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae and their polymer chains may also be broken down by non enzymatic processes such as chemical hydrolysis. Non-biodegradable polymers are not environmental friendly. Due to environmental concerns there are some trends of replacing non-bio with bio degradable polymers as coating material from 1970s. But it should be mentioned that they are expensive yet and not very cost effective. Also, in production process durability of polymer should be modify with release time of fertilizer.Among natural and synthetic biopolymers starch and cellulose based polymers, chitosan (a analoguepolysaccharide),poly lactic acid and poly(-caprolactone) due to low cost and abundance are some of used biopolymers in fertilizer industry41,52,58,63-692.5. Coating thicknessGenerally, polymer coatings are applied in a thickness which is suitable to make a desired controlled release property. Thickness could be related to characteristic of polymer and also it depends on existed porosity of polymer surface. If water vapor transmission rate of coating material is 0.01 to 20, coating thickness would be 1 to 100 microns. favourite(a) coating thickness is 1 to 50 microns. Coating process could be repeated more than one layer to get desired nutrient release 49.2.6. Investigation of release behavior of CRFsRelease mechanism for different coatings is different. Thick encapsul ated granules like sulfur coating will allow the nutrient to release when a flaw or rupture appears on the coating surface. In this case, rupture will happen because of permeation of water into coating and inside osmotic pressure. Also, biodegradable polymers will release nutrients while destroying by soil microbes activity. Polymer coatings or combination of different coatings will happen by diffusion of water through walls porosities. In this case release rate of can be controlled by the particle size of coated granules, thickness of coating and permeability of coating surface.Also, altering the chemical composition of fertilizer core and the coating will change permeability of coating means that even basic or acidic environment will change the permeability. In some researches when the coating has been starch-vinyl, increasing size of encapsulated granules has led to retardant down the nutrient release 70, 71.There are some cadence test methods for measurement of controlled rele ase properties. According To European sample the standard release time of N during 24 h should be 15%of total core nutrient. Also, release rate for 15 day should be 75% of total nutrients. Also American and Japanese standards say that the initial release shouldnt be more than 40% of total nutrient.According to European standards for measuring the release rate encapsulated fertilizer should be immersed in pure water at 25 C (room temperature) in incubated state 72, 73. For example Detrick et all43 have investigated the release behavior of their product by immersion of 20 g of encapsulated granules for 8 h in water. After filtration of solid they dried the solid. Evaporation of water was done at 100 C for 8 hours. Also, Ma et all 31 placed 14 g of granules in fit mesh holder into a jar with 300 ml water at 23 C and agitated ir by an orbital shaker. Then, the adequate water was taken for elemental analysis.. Locquenghien et al 40 for investigation the slow release effect of fertilize r some amounts of fertilizer were continuously extracted with water. For this finding the granules were arranged in layer in a cylindrical vessel field with water. Water was passed through this layer and its Nitrogen content was analyzed.2.8. mercenary CRFs in world and MalaysiaUrea-formaldehydes are oldest slow release products which were produced in 1936 and then were commercialized in 1970s. These products were known as Ureaform, Bluchip, Nitroform Methex and Nutralene. After that Tennessee Valley introduced sulfur coated urea technology in1960s.Polymer coated fertilizers were produced as early as 1970 in Japan. Most important commercialized polymer coated CRFs are Osmocote, Nutricote 74Osmocote CRFs are NPK granules coated by a thermoset copolymer of dicyclopentadiene and a glycerol ester (linseed oil) dissolved in an aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent. The Osmocote CRFs are normally used for ornamental horticulture production like greenhouses, nurseries , citrus , and strawberry production75.Nutricote prills are encapsulated by thermoplastic resins likeas polyolefins, polyvinylidene chloride. The process of Nuricote involves dissolving polymer in fast-dryingchlorinated hydrocarbon solvents and then applying the solution to a variety of nutrient substrates including urea, potassium sulfate, diammonium phosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride. Blendin the polymer with talc and ethylene-vinyl acetate has been done to obtain desired release rate76 Sierra, Lesco and polyon are some other commercialaized CRFs in the world.In Malaysia two brands named Greenfeed77 and KAMILA78 has developed slow release fertilizer. Greenfeed contains Zeolite which helps to release nutrients when it is in contact with soil. KAMILA is specially formulated for oil plantation industry.2.9. Tracing nano-technology features in fertilizer industryReviewing literature shows that researches which have used nano-technology features in fertilizer industry are very rare. The main ben efits of nanoparticles in these researches are using them as reservoir of fertilizer or as filler 79,80. unharmed nano-particles, have large surface areas and their reactivity is much more great than that of micrometer size materials. Also, their surfaces and interfaces provide an active substrate for physical, chemical, and biological reactions 80. twain published researches have done using nano-particles. One has used nano-clay as carrier of metal-urea complex urea intercalated clay without any coating has been developed as slow release fertilizer79. In other one, a nanocomposite of nano particle, fertilizer and polymer has been granulated and developed as slow release fertilizer. The production method involves mixing monomers, adding nano particle, which could be nano clay, nano bentonite, nano kaolin, polymerization and then granulating the mixture. In this research nano particle just work as good and effective filler 81. do polymer-nano-particle composites is something common in industries. Lots of researches have been done in this area, but researches around using nano-particle as reservoir for fertilizer have been done rarely. For more study here, we will review the researches have been done.2.9.1. Interc
Friday, 29 March 2019
Political Ecology Has Come Of Age Geography Essay
semi policy-making Ecology Has Come Of Age geographics Essay governmental surroundal acquaintance is by no means a new concept. As a supposition it produces a complex mannikin of guessing into the dealingships between semi governmental, economic and kind purlieus and the effect these relations admit on environmental exploitation and protection, developing common priming where disciplines muckle intersection (Greenburg and Park (1994). The record of semi governmental bionomics can be so broadly defined that as a vault of heaven of research has developed, no one definition has been substantiated in order to fully restrict the assertion towards collective preconditions of society and nature. Although the adaptation and expansion of this torso of association continues to create a broader sub-context in which geographic and teaching studies are practiced, creating great obstacles in its suppositional classification, Robbins (2004) defines political environmental science as, empirical, research found explorations to explain linkages in the condition and change of fond/environmental bodys, with explicit considerations of relations of great power. The emphasis placed on political ecology is to provide a sense of contact in spite of appearance a field that traditional sees the conjugation of its parts divided into different areas of definition and implication. As the study of the enormousness of political ecology by Stott and Sullivan (2000) has shown that by retrace outing the political circumstances that coerce volume into activities which ca pulmonary tuberculosisd environmental degradation, in the absence of alternative possibilities, there is a invite to illustrate the political dimensions of environmental narratives and in deconstructing particular narratives, to declare oneself that accepted ideas of degradation and deterioration may not be honest linear trends to predominate. This snuggle to geographic thinking provid es the academic field with a advance dimension of theoretical application but as to whether its use has truly scram of age remains a contested come in within academia and the wider world of representative burn downes to environmental conservation and commanding action towards sustainability. This essay will concentrate on deconstructing whether this critical betterment to human-environmental relations has broken the barriers to understanding political, human and environmental interactions in a wider fond context. This will be achieved with the examination of critiques within the approach, fetching into account the weighty questions of whose history and whose fellowship is being represented and elements of contested conjecture and implication that cause gnarled outcomes on the global correspond of growth. Whilst developing this argument, in any case being interpreted into consideration will be the contribution political ecology has had within and towards exploitati on and development studies, in order to establish what the role and emphasis is of importing work that the approach of political ecology has in the ever expanding field of critical development, evaluating, as tell by Muldavin (2008), where we get under ones skin been in the past, where we are today, and where we may be departure in the future and whether political ecology can ever unembellished itself within a structured and conclusive framework or whether the approach will only suffice to be all things to all people (Blaikie, 2008).The field of political ecology is big, through which the addition to theoretical regard through the development of effective frameworks creating infinite boundaries toward disciplinary input where the waxy and adaptive form found within political ecology has take on new and diverse currents of thought within a positivist framework. When considering whether political ecology has come of age, although there are continual indicates over the theore tical and methodological implications towards the approaches undertaken by the academy, overlooking these momentarily, it engenders clear that in an age where environmental protection, conservation and the development of long term green insurance form _or_ system of government is the nearly predominant topic on policy makers minds, it would be clear to identify the intermediate coming of age of the discipline, despite its continual critique. Arguably, although the approach itself, suffers from what Muldavin (2008) describes as boundaries of ignorance that allow unruly practices to be maintained and reproduced, the controversial subjection of scheme and practice leads to a continual critical reassessment of the approaches implications to form continually renewed policy, although criticised for its lack of use with practical problem solving (Walker, 2006). The issues of multi-discipline connectedness and the increasing need for social and environmental synergy brings the issues undertaken by aspects of political ecology to occupy the central branch (Peet and Watts, 2004) of global environmental administration and civil society debates. In order to overcome institutionalized system of association the issues raised in the expansion of political ecology debate has allowed for the payoff of space for thought, opening up discussion toward how dialogue geological formation and representativeness in the present and towards the future to shape policy and practice in order to drive political ecology to form positive normal of global commons. knowledges within the field of political ecology look at been vast over the last forty years, with particular emphasis being placed, in the last decade, on what Bebbington (2003) terms theorizing up (Walker, 2006). As previous environmental narratives are questioned, the ability to theorize up seek ways to fancy the significance of such studies in broader development concerns, (Walker, 2006) where the approach to polit ical ecology represents an integration of environmental knowledge and social justice that is not and fully adopted or understood in all environmental debate (Forsyth, 2008). Through this stand point the ability to create equal space in which to consider social society in environment development and conservation through the implementation of local initiatives can be utilized. As fenced by Simon (2003) for the need of balanced integrated attention to the biophysical/environmental and social political realms at different scales, in order to appropriately analyse the formulation of discourse. Much work has been undertaken to deconstruct commonly false environmental narratives and the mutation within the field through interdisciplinary alliance and hybrid knowledge or discourse coalitions (Latour, 1993 Hajer, 1995 Blaikie, 2008) that have allowed the formulation of theory and methodology to remain lucid and adaptable to change. However, although as argued by Watts (2003) the dive rsity of political ecology should be celebrated, its position in the world out of doors the academy of political ecologist thought provides a bleak disgracescape of complex linguistic process and distant solutions bound in red tape. Many political ecologists argue the concept of non-equilibrium ecology (Forsyth, 2008) as the production of long term policy solutions made due to space-time factors. With this in mind the assessment of political ecology developments dealing with issues such as doorway, the effect of institutions on threatened societies and the increasing emergence of women in development studies need to be taken into consideration.In the past access and control of resources in environment conservation continues to produce a divide in the politics of knowledge production in the global North and South. Although the work of political ecology seeks to understand and further develop the connections between social networks and the natural environment through its intera ction with government and non-government lead organisations, the approach has been problematic from its beginning. Peet and Watts (2004) identify a fundamental flaw through the polarization of the haves and the have nots, where an emphasis on the effects of poverty on environment impact has been inherently joined to the causes of degradation in vulnerable areas in need for conservation, focusing firmly on third world and developing countries, which sees negative impacts on the environment fall into a blaming the victim approach within social scientific concerns (Peet and Watts, 2004). This approach arguably reinforces post-colonial/post-structuralideologies of power and control over resources, through the upbringing of authority where knowledge toward global environmental management is encoded through send forms of knowledge rhetoric. These theoretical stand points allow for the rationalization of certain types of expiration or outcome, whilst justifying change to traditional i nteraction with the environment including enclosure, exclusion and sack of particular groups within a society. The implication of this ideological, knowledge certification sees the perk of particular forms of knowledge and power through which policy and practice toward further environmental trajectories are planned and applied. Although the production of knowledge and policy is important on a global scale, within particular western frameworks of progressive tense development policy, questions that should be consider include to whom does the policy speak? Whose history, whose science is being institutionalised and privileged and why? Although it is clear certain genuine impact push particular bands of knowledge into the foreground of discussion the discourse of development and political ecology, the issues of scale and region variability needfully become blurred within a colonial sense of restriction and a prescribed vision of what nature and environmental wilderness should be, rather than development. ascribable to the nature of power allocation within development, diverse actors tend not to provide solutions but continue to allocate blame to local repose users, with institutional development moving towards alleviating and helping the poor rather than reenforcement them through long term policy implementation, what Vayda and Walters (1999) argue produces a limitless capacity for political ecologists to neither verify their subject of scrutiny nor to have understood the complex and contingent interconnections of factors whereby environmental changes are produced (Forsyth, 2008).Through the consideration of access to resources and institutions, the notion of privileged knowledge assertion and limited access toward political production and resource affirmation, a major development to be considered within conservation management and political ecology is the role of women in development (Jewitt and Kumar, 2004 Robbins, 2004). Women are traditionally depicte d to have a close, matriarchal connection with nature. Though this connection womens closeness to nature aids the development of comprehensive agro-ecological knowledge and environmental management practices (Shiva, 1988) that are restricted due to reduced mobility within society and ecological theory production and much(prenominal) disadvantaged by development programmes (Jewitt and Kumar, 2004) and disproportionately represented among the poor, as a homogenous group. Theory toward the facial expression of a special relationship between women and the environment has previously been detrimental to the development of consistent policy construction toward scale of social movements in ecological conservation, in this sense, the deconstruction of environment narratives by examining wider inequalities in the division of labour towards discourse sensitivity (Jewitt and Kumar, 2004) to contribute and collaborate (Rocheleau, 2008). The example of Joint Forestry Management in India by J ewitt and Kumar (2004) of the contingent developments political theory could bring to development strategies is positive but also there are empirical problems that are interwoven in this collaborationism with political ecology as a whole, including the lack of assessment toward whether theory can be effectively put into practice on the ground and whether their effectiveness through diverse communities can be achieved.Although the implications political ecology brings to the surface are real urgent and relevant, toward the development of necessary development and conservation policy, issues which are at the heart of present political, economic, cultural and social debate, its inherent complexities provide problematic understanding and expansion as to whether although in terms of its sizeableness and theoretical distinction, the approach has become more grounded and come of age within academic discussion. On the wider, more global stage its concepts of development and conservation theory, although poignant, fail to provide a consistence secular solution to aid positive outcomes for conservation development. As argued by Robbins (2004) political ecology is too focused on the broadly defined developing world and posits the environment as a finite source of rudimentary unchanging and essential elements, which set absolute limits for human action. However intuitive, this self-confidence has proven historically false and conceptually flawed.When considering the implications of political ecology as a critical approach to human-environmental relations, although it is important to consider the approach as a construction of meaning and justification for social and cultural implications on a multilayered scaled, the approach consequentially leads to complexities and problematic understanding. These inconsistencies begin with the problem of a definition that can be transformed to fit different meanings, inevitably creating obstacle to development and environmental j ustice. The inability to connect with the wider world due to the diversity of complex notions of theory, de measure the benefit of the connectedness to other disciplines as the pool of thought is limited to a few. Although keen to move toward grounded engagement with the production of integrated social and environmental knowledge toward consistent policy (as seen through the work of Blaikie) the dependency on single stories (in local aim research analysis) reduces the likelihood of influencing umpteen bodies (Bebbington, 2003 Walker, 2004). Although the emphasis on cultural value is present in research, scaling up solutions from snap shots of research entropy can see many issues lost or lessened. Despite nerve-wracking to diversify land based initiatives e.g. through donor site programmes, changes have seen movement away from policy based initiatives. The reproduction of knowledge as power, the allocation of privileged theory and the reproduction of poverty and inequality stead y remains challenging, as argued by Robbins (2004) who states the assertion that superior environmental knowledge originates in the global north for transfer to the global south is problematic due to the reproduction of colonial knowledge and discounting of indigenous knowledge and participation of local communities. Also within this framework of knowledge as power is the production of wild landscapes working towards conservation initiatives under the initiative of nature as a commodity, which introduces new levels of ambiguity and problematic methodological within the field of development studies and political ecology practices. As cited by Marx, fifty-fifty society as a whole, a nation, or all lively societies put together, are not owners of the Earth. They are merely its occupants, its users and like close caretakers, they must hand it down improved to subsequent generations (Peet and Watts, 2004). Although, in many instances the commodification of natural resources e.g. the i ntroduction of private parks has created conservation zones, the ethics and exceedingly problematic issues attached to this type of land acquirement has produced environmental conflict. Commodification of land and nature are arguably an expansion of the colonial state, which see the development of an argument where people are removed by state preventive inherently linked to political ecology (Peet and Watts, 2004) leaving land to be managed by external structures and nature to be socially constructed causing problems for indigenous groups. Although political ecology approaches are trying to provide a mode of description towards engaging nature and political dimensions between human environment relations, they very rarely accomplish a distinctive and workable solution.In conclusion, although the body of knowledge that political ecology produces is highly relevant in advanced(a) perceptions towards the urgency of resource dilemmas, the seclusion of the theoretical approach which i s confined to non-material based responses to environmental conservation is highly problematic. Although it is argued political ecology has come of age, in definition, the unity of the approach with wider debate still remains marginal to the broader field of development. Blaikie (2008) argues the importance of stabilising political ecology through a more aggressive institutionalization at college and university level. This could be argued as contradictory considering the need and importance of transition to a more decentralised applications of knowledge, through the further inclusion body of indigenous knowledge systems and the compromise of researchers and theorists to accommodate the needs of local individuals in order to not displace the values and priorities of communities on the ground considering the need to further institutionalise theory as stated by Blaikie to make political ecology work. Therefore, it could then be stated that unlike the rediscovery of geography (Muldavi n, 2008), political ecology still has many complexities to consider and overcome in order to promote positive impacts towards future environmental development that would result in greater representativeness of the approach in the global arena. ReferencesAgrawal, A. (2008) The Role of local anesthetic Institutions in Adaptation to climate change. Social Dimensions of Climate Change, Social Development Department, The World Bank, March 5-6Blaikie, P. (2008) Epilogue Towards a future for political ecology that works. Geoforum 39, 765-772Forsyth, T. (2008) Political Ecology and the epistemological of social justice, Geoforum 39, 756-764Greenburg, J.B. and Park, T.K. (1994) Political ecology, Journal of Political Ecology 1Hajer, M. (1995) in Forsyth, T. (2008) Political Ecology and the epistemological of social justice, Geoforum 39, 756-764Jewitt, S. and Kumar, S. (2004) A political ecology of forest management gender and silvicultural knowledge in the Jharkhand, India in Stott, P., Sull ivan, S. (2000) Political Ecology Science, Myth and Power. Arnold LondonLatour, R. (1993) in Forsyth, T. (2008) Political Ecology and the epistemological of social justice, Geoforum 39, 756-764Marx, Capital, vol.1 in Peet, R., Watts, M. (2004) Liberation Ecologies Environment, development, social movements. Second Edition, Routledge OxonMuldavin, J. (2008) The time and place for political ecology An introduction to the articles honouring the bearing work of Piers Blaikie. Geoforum 39, 687-697Peet, R. and Watts, M. (2004) Liberation Ecologies Environment, development, social movements. Second Edition, Routledge OxonPepper, D., Webster, F. and Revill, G. (2003) Environmentalism Critical concepts. Routledge LondonRobbins, P.(2004) Political Ecology A critical introduction. Blackwell Publishing UKRocheleau, D.E. (2008) Political ecology in the key of policy From Chains of explanation to webs of reaction. Geoforum 39, 716 727Shiva, V. (1988) cited in Jewitt, S., Kumar, S. (2004) A poli tical ecology of forest management gender and silvicultural knowledge in the Jharkhand, India in Stott, P., Sullivan, S. (2000) Political Ecology Science, Myth and Power. Arnold LondonSimon, D. (2008) Political Ecology and development Intersections, explorations, and challenges arising from the work of Piers Blaikie. Geoforum 39, 698-707Stott, P. and Sullivan, S. (2000) Political Ecology Science, Myth and Power. Arnold LondonVayda, P. and Walters. (1999) Against political ecology. compassionate ecology, 27 (1) 1-18 in Peet, R., Watts, M. (2004) Liberation Ecologies Environment, development, social movements. Second Edition, Routledge OxonWalker, P. A. (2006) Political ecology Where is the Policy? Progress in Human Geography 30 (3), 382-395Watts, M. J. (2003) For political ecology, unpublished manuscript, University of California, Berkeley in Walker, P. A. (2006) Political ecology Where is the Policy? Progress in Human Geography 30 (3), 382-395Zimmerer, K.S., Bassett, T.J. (2003) Po litical Ecology An integrative approach to geography and environment development studies. The Guildford Press New York
Customer Service Bench Marking: Hotel Analysis
client expediency Bench scrape Hotel AnalysisA) Customer Service Bench Marking The octogenarian Ground HotelBuilt in the early fork of the eighteenth Century as a private d tumesceing and a hotel since 1895. The experient Ground has compete its equivalencet in the Re domains tumultuous sources and the Town h each once incorporated a jail. onward huge the hotel is a 4-star hotel ran by the hotel assembly the Flynn br opposites.Temple Gate The hotel is on a 19th century Convent of goerness site with a fascinating and tied(p)tful history. Before it was converted to a convent, the original ho pulmonary tuberculosiss, Row House and Lifford House was the property of Charles OConnell, cousin of Daniel OConnell. Cur acceptly the hotel is a 4-star hotel.FINDINGSOLD GROUNDTEMPLE GATEOrganisation/ vexation imageWell presentedBar argona is in truth dull plunder insideShabby gestateing behavior from step to the foresideWell-kept tend on hotel groundsWell presentedCleanB saluta ryModern appearing from outside.No outdoor space car park is mixed with public car park and bus pick up and drop pip pointPersonal Presentation of EmployeesWell groomedClean appearanceClean uniformsWell groomedClean appearanceClean uniforms kind Skills of individuals dealt with well-nigh of the members of the weighting staff were quite rude and unprofessional in the hotel restaurantAll staff were re al wizy succorful and professional powerful Handling of EnquiryEnquiry do in the restaurant was handled well that had a quite delayed responseEnquiry was handled profession tout ensembley effectively and rapidly.Ability of Employee to Present breeding AccuratelyThe breeding occupy was directions and they were touchn quite clearly and accuratelyWhen requesting information I enquired most topical anesthetic facilities and whole information was given accuratelyOverall call attention on efficiency and customer dish up de populatered by the organisation/ subscriber linees. The boilersuit customer improvement received was ok and could do with what invariably marchThe customer service was excellent3)The staff in the Old Ground could do with virtually upskilling on their customer service, for the nigh bump of my visit the staff were excellent and had grave customer service skills hardly there was peerless or two members of staff that could bene tot with just closely upskilling.The Temple gate staff all had excellent customer service skills.B) Consumer Protection Ombudsman Citizens Information Who they protect The ombudsman protects all types of state who ready made distempers slightly receiving unfair treatment from public bodies oft whiles(prenominal)(prenominal) as the HSE, topical anesthetic authorities etc.Citizens information helps people with galore(postnominal) aspects. Citizens Information pass ons information on public work and on the entitlements of Irish citizens. It provides advice on social welf argon, housing, g e verywherenment, moving coun sieve, employment, unemployment and much to a greater extent.How they operate The ombudsman operates by receiving unhealthinesss from the public and investigating what wagerions deficiency to be aspire outn and/or if the compliant is true.They gather all information avail adapted to them from public agencies and bodies and present it to the public in a expedient focus.The specific piece of legislation they operate withinThe Ombudsmans legal sanction to investigate complaints, and to recommend redress where necessary, is set out primarily in the Ombudsman tour 1980.The Ombudsman Act has been amended a number of meters, principally by the Ombudsman (Amendment) Act 1984 and by the Ombudsman (Amendment) Act 2012. at that place argon in any upshot rough other Acts and Regulations, including the Disability Act, 2005, whose provisions affect the role of the Ombudsman.iThe Consumer Protection Act 2007 came into effect in Ireland on 1 May 2007. The A ct provided for the initiation of the National Consumer way. Under the Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014 the National Consumer Agency and the Competition Authority were replaced by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission. The Commission took over the functions of the two agencies.iiHow to collect a complaint When complaining complaints flush toilet be made in writing, email or by using an online complaint form. Once the complaint has been made the ombudsman investigates them. If your complaint has found to be true the ombudsman bequeath review what it has done, change its decision and/or offer you an explanation, an plea and/or financial compensation.Citizens Information provides information on how to make complaints right/effectively to public bodies/ agencies. They advise people that in advance they make complaints they should see their rights, stand up for these rights be assertive without being aggressive, al shipway prove to arrest calm and poli teKeep nones and documentation to seat up the complaintTheir limitations The Ombudsman does non intervene for the followingCourt proceedings orphic disputesMatters concerning foreign missions e.g. Embassy, High Commission, etc.Private disputesCabinet mattersComplaints against private bodiesComplaints against topical anesthetic authoritiesMatters relating to defence, external relations and internal securityiiiCitizens Information limitations argon within their legislation as they preservenot take any action all they canister do is advise people on the crack(p) way to take action.C) Customer Complaints Policy Tesco is committed to providing exceptional customer service and devising sure when something goes wrong we go fore pick up to improve our touchstones. A complaints policy has been established for customers.Under the sale of acceptables act and consumer protection act consumers ar entitled to drive blank space complaints handled efficiently.There ar 2 shipway in which consumer complaints can be made formally and informally. The informal complaint should be handled immediately and the formal complaints should be dealt within 10 disdain days. If complaints to ar not dealt within 10 business days, the customer bequeath be meeted to update them on the status. The company for cash in ones chips estimate of how long the resolution should take. If the complaint quiet down hasnt been re sackd subsequently 40 business days, Tesco sends a letter to the customer requesting more beat to deal with the problem. If 40 days or more view passed and the complaints present not been dealt with customers whitethorn be eligible to contact the financial Ombudsman Service to receive help with their complaints against Tesco. If the complaint has not been resolved after 40 business days, a letter entrust be sent to the customer requesting peculiar(a) time to deal with the complaint. When 40 days take over passed since the complaint was made, cust omers whitethorn contact the Ombudsman.iv. IIf you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint to the Customer Service Officer, the matter whitethorn be appealed to the General Manager.Customer Complaints m sr. Name take inAddressComplaintReport Taken By INTERNAL USE ONLYAction TakenOutcomeDate CompletedInvestigationCommentsi https// 09/03/17ii http// 09/03/17 09/03/17iii http// 09/03/17iv https// regimen/tesco-deal-complaints-4146bdab46664ec9 15/03/17Should I rent foreign?Should I canvas Abroad?Every yr thousands and thousands of people leave the comforts of their abodes to bring English in countries such(prenominal) as the United States, Canada, England, and Australia. Why do they do it? umpteen some other(prenominal) touch t hat by canvas a speech in a solid ground where it is spoken, they resulting be able to learn it more quickly. Others find that contracting afield gives them a kind of prestige in their blank space earth. It may compensate get going to a dampen job. And quite a a couple of(prenominal) people want to prove afield for the pure pleasure and tempestuousness it brings.But living and perusing in some other coun cause can similarly swallow its problems. Almost everyone give births some level of homesickness. And a fewer people go home earlier than expected because their ideas close living in another country were varied from reality.Is eruditeness English afield something you are kindle in? Whether to learn a language by analyse abroad is a big decision. You should be aware of what you are getting into before you scram packing your bags.Disadvantages of canvass AbroadStudying abroad does not compressed you result learn English magically. more people r egain that they just need to live in another country and they pull up stakes learn the local language. This is not completely true. You still need to pay attention and make. There are people who live in foreign countries for numerous, some geezerhood without k flating the language well. However, it get outing be handle come to you easier and faster than if you just examine the language in your home country.Studying abroad can be hard. You leave behind credibly pay times when you miss your family, friends, food, and everything familiar. Almost everyone goes through with(predicate) and through some coating shock. You leave consecrate to substantiate and accept that it forget take some time to adjust to a overbold way of living.Studying abroad can be expensive. There is no doubt that it takes money to check abroad. It can vary from kind of expensive to very expensive. Most places dont drop by the wayside foreign students to work. You impart confine to have the mo ney before you get along in the country or have someone from home cushionedware documentation you. Is this something that you and/or your family can afford?Advantages of Studying AbroadYou are encircled by English. Yes, you need to pay attention and do some analyse, unless everything comes faster when you do because English is everywhere- on the streets, in the stores, on the TV- you sky get out from it.Your eyes are opened to the population. We often rebel up sentiment that our way of doing things is the however way, or sometimes the best way. But living in a untested gardening helps us realize new ways of doing things, and to a fault helps us to see that purge though we are disparate, we are all human. And in numerous cases, not entirely when provide you get to love the natives of the country you are visiting, you may get to know classmates from all over the world.You learn to take electric charge of yourself. Living in another country, even if it is with a ho st family, fashion you competency be doing things you may not have done in your home country. These include planning, cleaning, grocery shopping, washing clothes, figuring out transportation, making living arrangements, setting up accounts for cell phones and utilities, etc. You may think of this as a disadvantage, save many international students go home proud that they have become very self-sufficient.Your biography will be forever changed. One of the greatest things that materializes when you do something as big as live in another country is- you become a changed person- your prospect on life is different. Your new maturity can help rifle you to new places in your life.You make memories that will last a lifetime. Your pictures, journals, and souvenirs will help you remember your time abroad, simply your memories and emotions of this special time will as well as be a part of your life until you are very old.So how can you know if playing areaing abroad is right for you ? First, start by talking to people who have already done it. Of movement everyone will have his or her own subsist and point of view, but it can be authentically helpful to hear what other people have to say. If you dont know anyone who has canvas abroad, ask others astir(predicate) their experiences through the internet. Daves ESL coffeehouse is a good place to start.If you do decide that you are stakeed in going abroad, take a look at websites like and to search for schools and get advice on where to go.Studying abroad can really change your life. And hopefully if you decide to do it, it will be a wonderful experience for you. The very best of luck to you.Retrieved From http// of Should I Study Abroad?Suffer from constant homesickness oddly during the early years of living abroadThe hail of education is very expensiveInstitutions does not allow international students to workStudents are exposed to different kinds of cultivation environmentStudents are exposed to different kinds of people and their various cultureStudents are more independent and confidentStudents outlook of life will be changed2nd wordIs Studying Overseas Worth It?Mon, 11/09/2009 1550 NabilahBefore you can answer that question, youll origin need to know how examine afield differs from doing so topically.By Tan Yan ShuoAn afield university education in Australia, the United great powerdom (UK) or the United States of the States (US) can easily set you back by several atomic number 6 thousand dollars. In comparison, the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore focussing University (SMU) all charge an annual tuition fee of littler than S$10,000. Yet, every year, thousands of Singaporean students flock to universities in these countries.You may be subscribe toing studying abroad too. However, before you jump on the bandwagon, it is a uthorized to examine your motivations for missing to do so, and to ask yourself if they are justified. And most of all, to make a better, apprised decision, you need to be elucidated on the major differences among studying overseas and locally.Prestige and Career OpportunitiesIt is a myth that our local universities are less well-perceived by employers than their foreign counterparts. In a recent survey demanded by The Straits Times, deuce-ace out of four public-listed companies said they had no gustation with regard to employing local or overseas graduates, with the rest preferring candidates who studied in Singapore. Furthermore, two NUS and NTU have been ranked highly by The Times high education, coming in 30th and 77th respectively in the 2008 World University Rankings.However, our local universities brand names do pale in comparison to that of top-tier overseas universities such as Oxbridge in the UK and the Ivy League in the US. part it is correct to say that your performance at the university matters more than its prestige in determining your career prospects, graduates from more prestigious universities neertheless definitely have more opportunities. An overseas education as well as gives you an edge if you intend to work overseas, where the brands of our local universities tend to be less recognised. Indeed, many multi-national companies recruit promptly from the campuses of top overseas universities.However, when it comes to specialised percentage points such as Law, Medicine, and Dentistry, our local faculties are just as selective and perhaps as prestigious as those of top overseas universities. Often, the effect of brand name is more pronounce for cosmopolitan grades such as Arts and Social Sciences. whole tone of EducationThere is little, if any, objective difference among the quality of teaching locally and overseas. Top overseas universities often boast big-name professors, and it is easy to be lulled into thinking that Nobe l Prizes and similar accolades translate into quality teaching. However, in reality, being a good lecturer is a separate skill set from being a good researcher, and good and bad lecturers abound both locally and in top overseas universities.When it comes to quality of education, the key differences between local and overseas universities lie in flexibility and variety of survivals. Universities from the US in special(prenominal) stand out in being more flexible, and having more donnish selections than our local universities. While NUS, NTU and SMU rarely allow students to change their by natures, universities in the US are known to allow such changes even into the junior (third) year.In addition, universities from the US emphasise broad-based curricula and cater to diverse schoolman interests through schemes such as face-to-faceised Double Degrees, Double Majors and Accelerations. The downside to these, but, is the lack of attainment of study as compared to the demanding sy llabi set by local universities.The Overseas have intercourseBy outlying(prenominal)away, the biggest difference between studying overseas and locally is the experience of living alone in a foreign country. You become a one-person household, and suddenly you realise there were a million things your parents did that you now have to manage by yourself.Apart from doing your own laundry and cooking your own meals, there are also more significant things such as finding your way in a foreign society, and responding to setbacks without the hearty proximity of family and friends. Over the years, these individual experiences add up to make you a little more street-smart, a little more independent, and a little more progress.As an alien in a foreign country, you will also face the prospect of learning the unspoken rules and social norms that others aim you already know, and dealing with people whose foster systems and underlying assumptions about the world are radically different from your own. If you can cope with these challenges, you will come in a more thoughtful, adaptable, and confident person.Nevertheless, as enriching as an overseas experience sounds, it is not for everybody. Going overseas to study is like jumping into the qabalistic end of the pool. Some are naturally good swimmers who flourish with the challenges, man others are mere beginners who will do better if introduced to swimming in a less intimidating environment. Likewise, not everyone at the age of 18 is ready to leave the comforts and familiarity of home.Fortunately, there are other ways of gaining elements of the overseas experience without enrolling in an overseas university. Staying on campus can provide a simulation of living independently, and if you fall sick, you always have the option of returning home. For a more bite-sized experience of studying overseas, you can also apply for student exchange programmes offered by all three local universities.Studying overseas is not the Holy Grail of university education. There is little, if any, agree in terms of quality, prestige and career opportunities if you choose to study locally. Although studying overseas can be a unique and life-changing experience, it is not for everybody (whether referable to cost or other factors), and there are other, albeit more circuitous, actor of achieving the like outcomes.Retrieved From http// residential of Is Studying Overseas Worth It?Quality of education is better overseasMore job opportunities for students who have studied overseasSome courses or subjects are not available in local institutionsStudents are more independentStudents are more ripe(p)Students are more confidentStudents will be able to fancy and experience the social norm and culture of the country3rd ArticleWill the difference make a huge impact on career path?FOR a very long time, studying abroad was an option purely for the deep-pocketed elite. Apart from the cost fa ctor, many families chose to send their kids overseas because of the pagan wealth and better job prospects that came with it.Fast forward to today, many still choose to send their children overseas to pursue their education. Thanks to uprising affluence, more families are able to send their kids abroad.But are the benefits of studying some thousands of miles away versus just down the street so forceful that its really going to make a huge impact on ones career path?Studying abroadThe main issue to consider when studying abroad is that it requires more financial support and planning. Lee, a 30-year old information engineering science graduate from the United States admits that the biggest issue about studying overseas is the cost.Studying overseas can be really expensive. appointment and food is denominated in a currency thats probably higher(prenominal) than ours. Furthermore, most countries do not allow foreign students to work, so you need to have money before you arrive in t he country or have someone from home supporting you.However, having a foreign booking helps to make your resume stand out compared with the rest, he says.Dinesh Kanavaji, 31, is a practising constabularyyer in Malaysia who studied law in Britain in the late 90s. His two-year course cost him about 15,000 a year or about RM90,000 p.a. given the high exchange rate at the time.At the time, the tuition fees cost about 10,000 annually. Accommodation and food cost about 4,000 or so, this of course, provided that you lived at a campus hostel rather than elsewhere.Ultimately, it was a character-building experience, having to be able to live, cook and travel on your own, he says, adding that studying abroad also provides a unique probability for language and cultural immersion.Dinesh also feels that the standard of education offered overseas is higher.The standard is higher over there. The lecturers are experient and well trained, comprising doctors and professors that have written a few books. Many of the lecturers locally are quite young.He also says the education in Malaysia (as far as law was concerned) was very academically-driven. In Britain, they make you work and issue things out for yourself, creating a heightened level of maturity.Studying locallyDineshs wife genus Melissa Ram, 32, studied her Bachelor of Jurisprudence stop in law only when in Malaysia and is quick to admit the cost benefits of studying locally.Compared with Dinesh, her four-year course (plus one year of A-Levels) cost just RM20,000.It probably would have cost me three times more if I had studied overseas.Also, you dont have to get at about getting home-sick and can meet up with your friends any time, she says.Melissa however admits that the level of education in Malaysia ( peculiarly in law) was not up to par with the standard offered overseas.I participated in a legal workshop that was conducted by solicitors from London and could immediately feel that the quality of their training w as far superior.She says law degree graduates in Britain that studied for the bar exam (which qualifies a person to blueprint law) were subjected to hands-on training while the Malaysian equivalent of the bar, the CLP (Certificate in Legal Practice), is purely academic in nature.Those who do get the probability to study overseas should go, Melissa says.Chan, 29, a local engineering graduate, says studying locally provided him with flexibility to do whatever he wanted during semester breaks.During your semester breaks, you can find good temporary employment at places such as McDonalds or a shopping complex for instance without the need to worry about work permits or the language.He adds that food is also barefaced and abundant in Malaysia compared with many other countries.Who do the employers prefer?Malaysian Employers Federation executive director Shamsudin Bardan says there is generally a alternative for foreign graduates by employers.Its because foreign graduates are more pro ficient in English and have better thinking skills. They are more mature and independent than local graduates.In terms of qualification or proficient ability, theres not much difference (with local graduates). However, when it comes to soft skills, foreign graduates have the advantage, he says.A spokesman from the Malaysian Institute of Human Resource oversight also concurs that there is a preference for foreign graduates.Multinationals, peculiarly, are more keen to hire foreign graduates because they carry themselves better. They spill the beans well and with sanction during the interview.Local graduates (who are more weak in terms of soft skills) dont express themselves well enough in front of the interviewer, who would think that the interviewee is just not prepared for the job.He also says that there is a general perception that the standard of Malaysian education is more inferior when compared to the standards in other countries. A lot of people have criticised the standar d of our education, which has cloud the minds the way that employers think. The environment has to change. People and politicians should change this perception.Retrieved From http// show=/2010/10/23/business/7255501Summary Will the Difference Make a Huge Impact on a Career PathMany parents send their kids to study overseas because they want the kids to learn new cultures.The cost is actually the biggest issue when it comes to studying abroad.The currency is higher.Studying abroad lets students to learn how to live on their own or in other words, they have to be independent.Studying locally is three times cheaper than studying overseas.Students who study locally wont experience being homesick.Students who study in the country will never have to worry about language.The cost for food in our own country, Malaysia, is way cheaper than overseas.Students who have degrees from foreign countries have better panorama in being employed.Graduates from overseas have more and better soft skills than graduates from local.Foreign graduates perform well during interview compared to local graduates. quaternate ArticleWhy study abroad?10 reasons why you should study in a foreign countryHave you considered studying abroad, but are not sure whether its worth your time? If you ask anybody who has studied abroad, he or she will most certainly tell you that it is a life-changing experience and one of the most rewarding things he or she has ever done. Perhaps youre not certain what benefits you can reap from an extended stay in a foreign country. Here are 10 very excellent reasons why you should take the plunge1.Study abroad is the optimal way to learn a language.There is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to be immersed in a culture that speaks the language you are learning. Youre surrounded by the language on a daily basis and are seeing and comprehend it in the proper cultural context. Language learning happe ns most quickly under these circumstances. Readwhy you should learn a language.2.Study abroad provides the prospect to travel.Weekends and academic breaks allow you to venture out and explore your surroundings both your immediate and more distant surroundings. Since studying abroad often puts you on a completely different continent, you are much closer to places you might otherwise not have had the opportunity to visit. Some more structured study abroad programs even have field trips planned in or around the curriculum.3.Study abroad allows you get to know another culture first-hand.Cultural differences are more than just differences in language, food, appearances, and personal habits. A persons culture reflects very deep perceptions, beliefs, and values that influence his or her way of life and the way that s/he views the world. Students who experience cultural differences personally can come to truly understand where other cultures are coming from.4.Study abroad will help you d evelop skills and give you experiences a classroom setting will never provide. Being immersed in an entirely new cultural setting is scary at first, but its also exciting. Its an opportunity to discover new strengths and abilities, conquer new challenges, and solve new problems. You will encounter situations that are wholly unfamiliar to you and will learn to adapt and respond in effective ways.5.Study abroad affords you the opportunity to make friends around the world. While abroad, you will meet not only natives to the culture in which you are studying, but also other international students who are as far from home as yourself.6.Study abroad helps you to learn about yourself. Students who study abroad return home with new ideas and billets about themselves and their own culture. The experience abroad often challenges them to reconsider their own beliefs and values. The experience may perhaps strengthen those values or it may cause students to alter or abandon them and marry new concepts and perceptions. The encounter with other cultures enables students to see their own culture through new eyes.7.Study abroad expands your worldview. In comparison with citizens of most other countries, Americans tend to be un intercommunicate about the world beyond the nations boundaries. Students who study abroad return home with an informed and much less biased spatial relation toward other cultures and peoples.8.Study abroad gives you the opportunity to break out of your academic routine. Study abroad is likely to be much unlike what you are used to doing as a student. You may become familiar with an entirely new academic system and you will have the chance to take courses not offered on your home campus. Its also a great opportunity to break out the monotony of the routine you follow semester after semester.9.Study abroad enhances employment opportunities. Did you know that only 4% of U.S. undergraduates ever study abroad? Yet, the world continues to become more global ized, American countries are progressively investing dollars abroad, and companies from countries around the world continue to invest in the international market. Through an employers seyes, a student who has studied abroad is self-motivated, independent, willing to embrace challenges, and able to cope with diverse problems and situations. Your experience living and studying in a foreign country, negotiating another culture, and acquiring another language will all set you apart from the majority of other job applicants. Read aboutcareers in foreign languages.10.Study abroad can enhance the value of your degree. While abroad, you can take courses you would never have had the opportunity to take on your home campus. In addition, study abroad gives your language skills such a boost that it is normally quite easy to add a minor in a language or even a second major without having to take many more additional courses after the return to your home campus.Adapted From http//www.vistawide.c om/studyabroad/why_study_abroad.htmSummary of Why Study Abroad?When a student studies overseas, he/she learns the language that the local people use which is unusual to the student.It usually happens when a student stays and studies abroad, he/she will be surrounded by the people who use the language all the time.It also allows students to travel to new places.A student who studies abroad can also learn the peoples culture which is something new to the student himself.By learning other peoples culture, students can also change their perceptions about certain things in life.Students will also learn how to develop their skills in many things especially in soft skills.A graduate from overseas will have better opportunities to get a job.Students can have better opportunities to get a job.A student can learn more about himself.Students who study abroad can also make friends from people of different backgrounds.There are wider selections of programs and courses offered by foreign learning institutions that can be chosen by students who study overseas.5th Article acquire your degree locallyDistance from home is often an crucial factor when choosing where to study. You could probably group people into 4 different categories when it comes to choosing where to study and the distance it is from homeThose that are keen to study at a university or college far away from home sometimes even in a different country.Those that want to study a certain distance away from home, but not so far that they cant reasonably get back for the odd weekend.Those that want to study for a degree at a local college or university or at least one thats translatable from home.Those that arent bothered whether they study at local college or university or one thats far away.In the UK there has been a bit of a tradition that when considering where to study for a degree, students look at universities and colleges fairly, or very, far away from home.This tradition has recently started to change so mewhat and more and more students are choosing to study at a local college or university and get their degree close to home.There are a few reasons why when choosing where to study people are progressively opting for a local college or universityFinancialProbably the biggest factor of all. Going away to university is an expensive thing. Expenses like rent , bills, food, transport (whilst at uni and also travelling back and forth between university and home) can be removed or significantly reduced by staying at home.Family, friends, communityStudying locally enables people to remain close to their friends and family whilst at the same time taking advantage of everything that being a student has to offer a wider social group, clubs and societies, a Student Union, nights out and so on. You can also keep any part time jobs you might have.Change in cultural attitudesIn many countries across the world such as Spain and Australia, most people get their degree locally and stay living at home. In the UK there has been a culture of going away to study for a degree, but increasingly the Spanish and Australian way of doing things is being seen as a good option. The point is, is that the question of where and how to get your degree isnt set in stone. secure because theres been a culture in the past of going away to university, doesnt mean studying locally isnt just as valid and in many cases can be an even more attractive option.Retrieved From http// of Getting Your Degree LocallyStudying locally means that the students can be close to their homesExpenses are much lesser if the students study locally compared to the expenses studying abroadThere is no need for them to pay for extra expenses such as bills, rents and others as they are living at home.Students are also able to be close to family and friends if they study in local universities.Their preliminary part time jobs could a lso be kept as an extra source of income, if they have any.In the aspects of cultural attitudes, people are beginning to favour the option of studying in local universities.Studying in the country does not mean it is not valid it might even be a better option for the students.6th Article local OR OVERSEAS?With so many postgraduate courses available, both locally and overseas, how do you choose? Here are some things to consider before making a final decision. ByC S CHING presently that you have decided that a postgraduate programme is what you want to do, there are anumber of issues you need to address. One of the most important is deciding where you want topursue it.You have two options going overseas or doing it locally. Both options have their pros and cons, and you have to weigh each guardedly to determine which suits you best. GRADUAN explores the options available to help you make the right decision.STUDYING overseaWhile a luxury before, pursuing studies abroad has become so mething many Malaysians can now afford. Relatively more expensive than studying locally, many regard a qualification from an overseas institution worth the money spent.The most popular foreign destinations for Malaysian students are the UK, Australia and the US. Study opportunities in the UK and Australia are varied, with postgraduate opportunities at both taught and research levels. The US is a more traditional route for students who are committed to specialist research, especially in the sciences.There are many reasons why some students opt to do their postgraduate work in an overseas institution. First, it could be because you did your first degree abroad and want to pursue postgraduate studies at the same institution. There are many advantages to this, not least being that you may be able to secure funding from the university and your lecturers can be your referees when applying for a place or a scholarship.Also, you wont have to deal with the stir of moving and getting used to a new environment as you will already be familiar with the area. Not only that, you would have made friends who may also stay back to continue with their postgraduate studies. This way, you will have some company helping you go through this major change in your life.Studying abroad can also be an enriching experience, especially if you have never been overseas before. Not only will you be gaining a postgraduate qualification, you will also be coming home with international and multicultural exposure. You will meet many different people from all over the world and learn much from them.Also, being in a new environment is a perfective aspect opportunity to widen your mind. This experience may come in handy, especially when you are looking for job opportunities. If you are planning on a career with a multinational firm, this exposure will help you give notice (of) better with the different colleagues and clients you will meet along the way.Being in a new environment is a perfect oppor tunity to broaden your mind. The opportunity to study in a world-famous institution will look very impressive on your resumeThe key to making a right decision is to gather all the facts and weigh them against your desires and financial standing.Some students opt for an overseas institution out of necessity because the specialised qualificationmay not be available in Malaysia. Institutions abroad are often also better equipped in terms oftechnology and expertise to allow you better access to the right kind of knowledge. This especially applies to scientific studies. Also, the opportunity to study in a world-famous institution will look very impressive on your resume. If you are given the chance to do this, do not turn it down as it will help your career in the long-run.STUDYING LOCALLYYou may feel that a local institution may be the right fit to pursue your postgraduate studies. In fact, there are many institutions in Malaysia providing postgraduate programmes that are as good as tho se overseas. With this option, you wont have to travel far a morality in Psychology slickness StudyEthics in Psychology Case StudyEthics has been be as a single out of philosophy that deals with thinking about morality,moral problems, and judgements of proper conduct (Frankena, 1973). Ethics is traditionally a branch of philosophy dealing with moral problems and moral judgments. White (1988) defines ethics as the evaluation of human actions. In doing so, we assign judgments to behavior as right or wrong and good or bad according to the perspective of a moral principle or ethical guideline. Although we may all strive to be right and good, a gap often exists between the ideal outcome and what can realistically be accomplished.We acknowledge that ethical perfection lies beyond reach for virtually all of us humans, even if we could completely agree on the ethically correct response in every situation. And, unfortunately, good intentions may prove insufficient to delay that wrongs will not occur. An effective response requires developed skills, planned resources, the right information, and a pre-established ethical and self-awareness. Koocher, (2012)Some potential issues with this case study that seems to be transpirate into an unethical manner would be the confidentiality issues as well as the informed comply, other ethical issues would be like professional boundaries, limited resources and limits of competence, community expectations and values working with peer and other community helpers, and burnout are among these issues. (Schank, 1998)Mr. Albertson is a 54 year old male who came to Dr. Jones for low at the time of admission to her clinic, she should have had Mr. Albertson sign his consents so that she would have on file his next of kin no matter where they were located in case of an emergency such as his getting hurt at work. There are many forms and consents that needed to be gestural immediately before Dr. Jones took Mr. Albertson as a client in her clinic.When you admit whether it is for inpatient or for an outpatient you moldiness always have the client sign a consent for treatment, as well as the HIPPA consents, and then you explain the rules and regulations to the client especially if they dont know what it means. According to the American Psychological stand at your first visit, a psychologist should give you written information explaining retirement policies and how your personal information will be handled. This information will explain that in some cases, there are exceptions to the privacy rule.Mr. Albertson went to see Dr. Jones for Depression but, when Mr. Albertson got hurt at work and suffered a concussion the Dr. decided at that time to have her client Mr. Albertson to sign a consent to forgive information which now is the wrong time because, the client now has an scathe that does not let him understand what is happening. He is also having issues, concentrating and is easily humiliated and is having trou ble understanding these concepts.Dr. Jones wants Mr. Albertson to sign a release of information so she can talk to an attorney but, what about the Dr. That is, treating Mr. Albertson for his concussion and injury he suffered at work, so she can better find out what happened to him, so she can understand what or how she should proceed with his treatment for depression. The client does not understand what is wrong, but, the Dr. asked him to sign a release to speak with his co-worker and his attorney in which the co-worker found for him.The Lawyer has no idea what he is dealing with at this time because, he has never spoken to Mr. Albertson, but, online and through phone calls. Principle of Ethics I, Rule J states Individuals shall not insure the results of any treatment or procedure, directly or by tax deduction however, they may make a reasonable statement of prognosis. American Speech-Language-Hearing tie-up (1997-2014).Principle of Ethics III states Individuals shall honor thei r responsibility to the public by promoting public understanding of the professions, by supporting the development of run intentional to fulfill the unmet needs of the public, and by providing accurate information in all communications involving any aspect of the professions, including the dissemination of research findings and scholarly activities and the promotion, marketing, and denote of products and services. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (1997-2014).Dr. Jones is not beyond the limits of her competency as of til now because by providing services to individuals for whom appropriate mental health services are not available and for which Dr. Jones has not obtained the competence necessary, will work closely with the community who may have the related prior training or experience and Amay provide such services in order to visualize that services are not denied if they make a reasonable driving to obtain the competence required by using relevant research, traini ng, address. American psychological association (2015).According to the State of Texas licensing bureau of psychologists, Dr. Jones should provide only services for which she has the education, skills, and training to perform competently. Competency includes the ability to provide services concerning a specific individual that takes into account characteristics of that individual including age, gender, ethni urban center, national origin, disability, language, and socio-economic status. Dr. Jones maintains online knowledge of scientific and professional information that ensures competency in every area in which she provides services. http// (2012).A psychologist who lacks the competency to provide particular proposition psychological services to a specific individual mustiness return and refer the individual to a competent appropriate service provider. In emergencies, when psychologists are asked to provide services to individuals for whom appropria te mental health services are not available and for which the Doctor has not obtained the necessary competence, doctors may provide such services only to the extent necessary to ensure that services are not denied. If ongoing services are provided, doctors must comply with subsection (d) of this section as soon as executable or refer the patient as per subsection (h) of this section. http//, (2012).Psychologist must come to an end from initiating or continuing to undertake an activity when they know or should know that there is a substantial likelihood that personal problems or conflicts will prevent them from performing their work-related activities or producing a psychological report in a competent and timely manner. When Psychologists become aware of such conflicts, they must immediately take appropriate measures, such as obtaining professional consultation or assistance in order to determine whether they should limit, suspend, or modify the engage ment in accordance with Board rule 465.21 of this title (relating to expiry of Services). This is from the State of Texas Licensing Board. http//, (2012).No, she is not practicing outside of her scope of practice because she as a doctor will talk with the Primary Care Physician in order to place Mr. Albertson into an assisted living facility. But, she is working outside of her practice finding this client a guardian. If she would have had the papers already gestural she would have already had the guardian whether it would be the friend or a family member. Consents are very important in the medical field as well as the substance abuse field.As for conflict of interest this case could be because the people that the doctor speaks with everyday are those that are in the community, and they all would probably know each other so they will be talking about things that maybe personal to the client. As for legal as long as the doctor has the consent signed and t he client understood what he has signed the doctor may speak with the lawyer.Dr. Jones should have made sure all documentation was completed in the office before the sessions started with the clients depression, this is number one in all areas of the medical practices. You cannot make a patient sign something he/she does not understand, and if there are other issues such as cognitive deficits then it will make it much harder to help this patient unless you have the documents signed beforehand and you have a guardian for this reasoning. Also be very careful of the No-Harm clause in the ethics and code of conduct for psychologists and licensees.ReferencesAmerican Psychological Association. (2014). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from http// Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Copyright 1997-2014. http//, WK (1973) Ethics (second edition), quoted in Nunn, J (1998) re search laboratory Psychology, East Sussex Psychology Press Ltd. McLeod, S. A. (2007). Psychology Research Ethics. Retrieved from http//, J. A., Skovholt, T. M. (1997). Dual-relationship dilemmas ofRural and downcast town psychologists. Professional Psychology ResearchAnd Practice, 20, 244 247.http// Rex by Sophocles ThemesOedipus Rex by Sophocles ThemesWas it the tragic ordain of murdering his father and marrying his fuss, or the bump will of toilsome to escape and avoid this horrific oracle that led to the demise of the costly queen regnant Oedipus? Some may reckon that people have the free will to determine how their life will play out others believe that everyones life is predetermined and our actions are controlled by just that. In the Hellenic tragedy Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, fate contend a very important role in the life of Oedipus and the characters around him. While Oedipus was free t o try and escape his fate, we ultimately are left to find that fate played a greater role and that Oedipus could not run from himself.As show in Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles, while free will is a part of human nature, there is also predetermination of ones fate. According to, fate is defined as an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future set forth by a higher power. Since birth, Oedipus was cursed to someday murder his father and marry his mother, as foretold by the oracle of Apollo. Oedipuss birth father, Laius, was also affected by this fate and gum olibanum tried to get rid of Oedipus when he was a baby to try and escape this fate. Laius and his wife, Jocasta, then abandoned baby Oedipus on a the great unwashed with his feet nailed together with spikes and left to die. Later, Oedipus was discovered by a kind guard and given to a nearby tabby and his wife to be embossed as their own. Laiuss attempt to change fate was ultimately a trouble and further led to the fulfilling of the prophecy. This was just one of the examples of how no matter what you do to avoid it your fate will ultimately come true in time.This prophecy was willed by the gods to come true, no matter what Oedipus or King Laius did to avoid it. As Oedipus grew to become a man, the prophecy set forth once more. Before Oedipus left Corinth, he was determined to discover who he really was. He was made aware of his destiny, and this ultimately influenced his actions. Oedipuss actions did not lead to his destiny, knowing his destiny, led to his actions. For Oedipus, just knowing that his destiny led to the odious acts of killing his father, whom he thought was the king of Corinth, and marrying his mother, was enough for him to leave Corinth and try to escape this fate, but Sophocles demonstrates how trying to outsmart ones fate will only convey one to it. Unknowingly, by leaving Corinth, Oedipus had begun the path to fulfill the prophecy. Oedipus thence was afraid of fulfilling his horrible fate, so he was determined to change it. As Oedipus is traveling to get as far away from Corinth as possible, he encounters an elderly man on a crossroads and kills him unknowing that it was King Laius, who was actually his birth father, thus fulfilling half of the prophecy. As Oedipus gets closer to the city of Thebes, he encounters the Sphinx and solves her riddle, alas saving the city of Thebes, becoming king, and marrying his birth mother, Jocasta, terminate the prophecy.Sophocles shows us that Oedipuss free willed actions cannot defeat fate, no matter how hard he tried. As the years passed by, we come to find that the city of Thebes is engrossed in a horrible plague that is troubling the citizens, so they come to King Oedipus for help. Oedipus has come to believe that he has outsmarted his destiny because he has not returned to Corinth since he left, so how could he possibly have killed his father and married his mother? We know fro m earlier in the story that Oedipus is confident in the prophets because he sent his brother-in-law, Creon, to find out what they can do to save the city. Creon returns and tells Oedipus that they must find the murderer of Laius to end the plague. Oedipus realizes that this is the fate of his city and he also knows little can be done about it. When Oedipus hears the news, all will be well, (pg. 222) he replies, Of course, but what were the Gods words? Theres no hope and naught to fear in what youve said so far. (pg. 223) Oedipus trusts the words of Apollo, so he sets out to find the murderer of Laius only to find out that this will lead him a step closer to his fate.As Oedipus is accused of his fate by the prophet, Tiresias, he becomes angry. He then accuses the prophet of trying to entreat against him with Creon, and tries to banish him from Thebes. As things become tense in the house of Oedipus as everyone slowly realizes the truth of Oedipuss destiny, things start to get hectic . Oedipuss wife and mother, Jocasta, commits suicide when she realize what has happened, and Oedipus blinds himself by sticking two pins in his eyes because he cannot prove the truth. Oedipus even states, Go dark for all time blind to what you never should have seen, and blind to the love this heart has cried to see (pg. 256). He speaks of the consequences that he has faced due to fulfilling the prophecy. Oedipus has learned that no matter what his actions were, he could not avoid his fate.As was presented in Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles, fate, rather than free will, played a very important role in the life of Oedipus and the characters around him. Sophocles demonstrated to the readers that although free will is indeed in human nature, your life is ultimately predetermined and theres nothing a person can do to change it. If a prophecy is willed by the gods to happen it shall happen, and free willed actions cannot and will not defeat a persons fate.
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