Monday, 25 May 2020
Design Thinking Is A Method For Match People s Needs
Kenny, did you know â€Å"design thinking is a method to match people s needs with what is technologically feasible and a valuable business strategy that can translate into customer value and market opportunities†(Brown, Design Thinking, 2008, p. 86). If you did not know â€Å"let me explain it to you†(Professor Kang). Design thinking allows designers to think outside the box. In addition, a specialty that develops new products, new services, processes and fulfills the desires of a customer. For instance, â€Å"Thomas Edison created the electric light bulb and then wrapped an entire industry around it. The light bulb remains thought as his signature invention, but Edison understood that the bulb was little more than a parlor trick without a system of electric power generation and transmission to make it truly useful. So he created that, too†(Brown, Design Thinking, 2008, p. 85) In the article written by Tim Brown the reader discovers that design thinking initi ates innovation and offers the business industries a discipline readily reproduced on a continuous basis. The reader also understands how ideas although extremely incomprehensible to fit, creates the best improvements in a product, services and or process. Design improvement although expected to come last before reaching the customer remains the most important part of the development phase. Conveying the thoughts of design thinking Pfizer Inc. has continued to develop Prevnar 13 ®, which is a vaccine approved for children.Show MoreRelatedHuman Resource And Strategic Management Strategies Essay1344 Words  | 6 PagesHuman resource is a group of people organized by a company which is to add benefit and efficiency to the company. Big company has lots of worker and staff, in order to manage effectively, they need a sector that responsibility for those worker s regulations and relationship between employees. Companies know that a good relationship between worker could help them pe rform their task more easily and high quality. Those government regulations need to be compiled in order to running a legal company.Read MoreSummary Of A Framework For Design By Creswell1536 Words  | 7 PagesSummary of ‘A Framework for Design’ by Creswell We now have many choices for research approaches. Author recommends that a general framework be adopted to provide guidance for all stages of research. Using still existing framework also allows researchers formulate ideas recognized by audiences who support proposals for research. This chapter introduces the reader to the three approaches to research quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. 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In 1996 McDonald’s launched the Arch Deluxe; their answer to what adults wantRead MoreNeil Borden and The Concept of Marketing Mix Essay example677 Words  | 3 Pagesorganisation matches its human, financial and physical resources with the wants and needs of its customers†but (Ebert and Griffin, 2013) also defined marketing as â€Å"an organisation function and set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers, and for managing customers relationships in ways that benefit the organisation and stakeholders.†Both definition put emphasis on customers’ needs and we can notice the words communicating, value, managing customer relationship hasR ead MoreOrganizational Development (OD)1547 Words  | 7 Pageswithin the organization. OD develops the ongoing effort geared for long-term effects. OD works to help management and employees on a variety of levels. Organizational development is perhaps unequaled in its ability to meet any type of organization needs. 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Then, it offers a presentation of the case and the research questions that are to be investigated. An overview of the research design will continue, followed by sampling description, data collection methods and procedures for analysis of findings. The closing sections of this chapter make explicit the ethical considerations and methodological lim itations of the study as well as the expected manner to report the study
Sunday, 17 May 2020
4 Ethical Issues with Enron Essay - 1005 Words
There was a vast number of ethical issues raised in the movie â€Å"Enron-the Smartest Guys in the Room†but the four I am going to focus on are listed below. Art Anderson, Ken Lay and all of the other executives did a number of unethical things which ultimately brought down Enron and affected thousands of employees and their futures. The bottom line was that each and every one of them acted out of greed for the almighty dollar. 1- Encouraging employees to invest and buy stock in Enron when they knew the truth about the lack of value in the stock. As an employee you trust in your management to make the best choices both for you and for the business to succeed. Ken Lay and other executives strongly encouraged Enron employees to invest in†¦show more content†¦One Merrill Lynch analyst began to question the numbers and profits that were being produced by Enron and eventually he was fired. Enron invested a lot of money with Merrill Lynch and they didn’t want Enron to stop investing so Merrill Lynch got rid of the employee who question Enron, when in reality they should have listened to him. Merrill Lynch’s decision not to listen to him showed other employees that they better keep quiet with their opinions or their jobs would be on the line. If they listened to him they might have lost the deal with Enron, but in the end they lost it anyway and lost millions along with it. Merrill Lynch’s main focus should have been their employees and their investors, not solely Enron. They should have stuck to their code of conduct and followed their values. 3- Manipulated earnings. Enron executives and accountants cooked the books and lied about the financial state of the company. They manipulated the earnings and booked revenue that never came in. This was encouraged by Ken Lay as long as the company was making money. Once word got out that they were disclosing this information, their stock plummeted from $90 to $0.26 causing the corporation to file for bankruptcy. This deception on behalf of the executives and others in the organization who hid this vastly affected anyone who had stock in Enron as well as stock in other energy corporations. TheShow MoreRelatedCorporate Fraud, Greed, Corruption, And Ethics1598 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction Corporate fraud, greed, corruption, what company comes to mind when you hear those words? Enron! In this paper we will take a look into the corporate facts and history as well as, stakeholder relationships, organizational trust issues, ethical leadership and ethical culture at Enron. As well as where improvements could have been made to improve organizational trust and ethical culture before Enron’s collapse. II. Corporate Facts and History According to the Texas State HistoricalRead MoreEnrons Ethical Dilemma1118 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Enrons Ethical Dilemma: Ethical and moral issues have received substantial focus in the modern society because of the recent cases in which huge corporations with big profits and earnings have faced bankruptcy. Enron is an example of corporations that have faced bankruptcy in the recent past because of the numerous problems it had with federal and state governments for manipulation of financial statements. While these problems are not only attributed to organizational issues, accounting firmsRead MoreEnron Accounting Scandal1706 Words  | 7 PagesThe Enron Accounting Scandal of 2001 There are many accounting scandals that have occurred throughout United States History. Many scandals occur even without outsiders knowing anything that had occurred. Companies try their best to keep many of the accounting scandals quiet. 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Moreover, cause when Enron come to the long term contract, they would assumed that there were long term declines in spot prices (Page 6, journal of economics), there would be the risk of loss if there were the increase in the price of gas in the future and it does not recognize in the financial statement; therefore, to make the income statement made more sense in economics term, Enron had created an accounting structure that help the company to stableRead MoreAnalyze the ethical violations of the company you researched. I’m trying to briefly analyze the1000 Words  | 4 PagesAnalyze the ethical violations of the company you researched. I’m trying to briefly analyze the ethical violation that happened more than a decade ago with company called Enron. It was first established as an interstate pipeline company. In the following 2 decades, Enron grew with high rates and soon became one of the biggest energy traders in the world. Enron won many titles for the short period of time being a leader in electricity, natural gas and communications. Now, let’s switch to negativeRead MoreThe Rise of Enron Essay examples1632 Words  | 7 Pagesof this decade ethical scandals erupted though corporate America. Corporate Leaders from major companies such as Enron were caught up in scandal’s ranging from fraud, conspiracy, grand larceny to obstruction of justice†(Cross, 2011, p. 76). At the time, the Enron scandal was considered to be one of the most notorious and compelling business ethics cases in modern generations. It’s was a textbook version of what can go wrong in an organization that lacks a true culture of ethical standards. InvestorsRead MoreArthur Andersens Troubles1239 Words  | 5 PagesArthur Andersen’s Troubles 1. Arthur Anderson (AA) should have been able to help prevent to some extent the Enron disaster, however, they either missed or ignored Enron’s manipulations allowing the fraud to continue as long as it did. 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Friday, 15 May 2020
Gender Role Limitations in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre...
Gender Role Limitations in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre The nineteenth century Victorian era woman needed wealth or position to avoid a life of drudgery. Women were viewed as trophies or possessions men owned. They were not permitted to develop nor expected to, and even venturing out on their own was considered inappropriate. During the era in which Jane Eyre was published the home and family were seen as the basic unit of stability in society. At the middle of this foundation stood a wife and mother representing the sum total of all morality - a Madonna-like image. This image was reinforced by social institutions such as mainstream religious and political beliefs. Women were steered away from independence, confidence, and†¦show more content†¦Jane is filled with passion, however, and her willful disobedience is often her attempt to explain her feelings. We see her passion find its fulfillment and understanding in Rochester. When they meet, we see Janes all-consuming passion and not much less of a fire in Rochester, I saw it in your eyes when I first beheld you: their expression and smile did not (again he stopped) did not (he proceeded hastily) strike delight to my very inmost heart for nothing...My cherished preserver, good night. Strange energy was in his voice, strange fire in his look (Bronte 133). The purpose of Brontes novel is to demonstrate that women could go beyond the oppressive limitations of their environment and find fulfillment. Janes cries for love are mistaken as evil outburst by those who wish to keep women repressed. Oppression of women was so great that women even in the home were expected to be nonproductive. The ideal or perfect Victorian women were ones who adopted an image of repose or idleness, basically to show the world they could. Nervousness and fainting were expected in women, and certain disagreeable topics or bad news could cause such traits to erupt. By trusting in her passion, by trusting in her own abilities, and by making her own decisions, Jane is able to overcome the agony all around her. Homeless, starving, and misjudged, Jane isShow MoreRelatedThe Exposure of Feminist Critique in 19th Century Literature: a Look at Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre1749 Words  | 7 Pagesimplicit, physical, and even made humorous or satirical. Ch arlotte Brontà «, a 19th century Victorian feminist wrote her novel Jane Eyre as a means of exposing the confining environments, shameful lack of education, and pitiful dependence upon male relatives for survival (Brackett, 2000). Charlotte Brontà « used literature as a means of feminist cultural resistance by identifying the underlying factors of how the Victorian ideologies, gender and social construction of that time was limiting, and bringsRead MoreFunhouse Mirrors: Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason Essay1717 Words  | 7 PagesTim Bartlett ENG 396 March 23, 2011 Funhouse Mirrors: Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason â€Å"Jane Eyre†is a book centred around female duality. In a time when females were still expected to fulfill their â€Å"womanly duties,†Charlotte Bronte wrote a novel dealing with a woman’s view on morality sexuality, passion sensibility, and conformity insanity, among other themes. This motif of duality plays a strong part in the dynamism that makes up the book, and is not limited to the themes, but is also usedRead More Jane Eyre as Feminist Role Model for all Women Essay2450 Words  | 10 PagesJane Eyre as Feminist Role Model for all Women     In 1837 critic Robert Southey wrote to Charlotte Bronte, Literature cannot be the business of a womans life, and it ought not to be. The more she is engaged in her proper duties, the less leisure will she have for it, even as an accomplishment and a recreation, (Gaskell 102). This opinion was not held by only one person, but by many. Indeed, it is this attitude, one that debases women and their abilities, toRead MoreJane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontà «1740 Words  | 7 PagesThe Victorian Era encompassed a time of great discrepancy between the sexes, especially for women. The polarization of gender roles reflected on a basis of gender sexuality where men and women were granted certain advantages and disadvantages. Women were expected to realize a specific position in society based on morals of submission, passivity, and a complete lack of selfishness and independence. Constrictive notions such as these prevent individual expression and expansion. Therefore, while strugglingRead MoreBeing the Meat in the Sandwich: Implications of the double colonisation of empire and patriarchy by the female characters in Wide Sargasso Sea2201 Words  | 9 Pagesrevolutionary literary project is evidently realised in Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, a prequel that ‘writes back the centre’ of Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Jane Eyre (1847). Rhys i s categorical about her conscious authorial intention: ‘I immediately thought Id write a story as it (the story of Bertha/Antoinette) might really have been.’ (Rhys, 1986) The novel revitalizes Bronte’s Bertha Mason, the madwoman in the attic, as Antoinette Cosway, a hyper-sensitive woman who is deprived of her voice, isolated,
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
Ethical Dilemmas Of Social Workers - 1158 Words
There are many ways in which social workers can avoid ethical dilemmas. In regards to the Jones case I will explain five ethical dilemmas. I will explain what 3 core values could have benefitted the Jones family and I will give three strategies I will use to practice ethical behavior in my field of social work in the future. There are many ethical dilemmas in the Jones case. The first one I want to point out is the grandma giving Susan a quilt to show her appreciations. According to the NASW Code of Ethics, Social workers should avoid accepting goods or services from clients as payment for professional services. Bartering arrangements, particularly involving services, create the potential for conflicts of interest, exploitation, and inappropriate boundaries in social workers’ relationships with clients†(1.13.b). The grandmother and Susan should have set boundaries for what is acceptable and what is not. Others may view this as bartering arrangements. The second ethical dilemma is Susan keeping in contact after the cases regarding the Jones family were closed. According to the Code of Ethics, â€Å"Social workers respect and promote the right of clients to self-determination and assist clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals. Social workers may limit clients’ right to self-determination when, in the social workers’ professional judgment, clients’ actions or potential actions pose a serious, foreseeable, and imminent risk to themselves or others†(1.02) TheShow MoreRelatedEthical Dilemmas Of A Social Worker Essay1553 Words  | 7 PagesEthical dilemmas happen frequently in the social work and how one handles them could be the difference on how a clinician keeps their license or not. The problem is there is no way to prepare a person from know ing what situations will arise. Scenarios arise all the time and new ways to handle them is constantly changing. The ethical dilemma can happen anywhere and at any time with anyone, it could be a client, co-worker, and even supervisors. No social worker is safe from them. One however canRead MoreEthical Dilemmas Of A Social Worker892 Words  | 4 PagesAs a social worker many problems may arise because of the constant grey area of either letting your personal values interfere with your professional opinion. It is essential to provide your client with information and tools to help them succeed and overcome their problems. Following the core values is essential to being a resourceful, competent social worker. In some cases, core values are in conflict. In a situation where more than one core value is in conflict it is considered an ethical dilemmaRead MoreEthical Values in Social Work Essay example1381 Words  | 6 PagesSocial work values and ethical dilemmas What are values, ethics, ethical dilemmas and a code of ethics? Values relate to principles and attitudes that provide direction to everyday living. Values also refer to beliefs or standards considered desirable by a culture, group or individual (AASW). Similar to values, but slightly different, ethics means a system of beliefs held about what constitutes moral judgement and right conduct, they are moral principles (rules, guides) (AASW). So an ethicalRead MoreThe Core Value Of Social Justice Essay1704 Words  | 7 Pages Social Justice Similarly, the core value of social justice is defined in the context of ethical principles as that of social workers challenging social injustices. In working with a client like Vivi, a moral dilemma would arise which would have the potential to affect society as a whole by depriving others of the peace, equality, and treatment deserved by all human beings. Also, as a federally mandated reporter, a workers professional ethics and an individual’s personal set of standards can becomeRead MoreEthics And Morals Of Social Work Practice1068 Words  | 5 PagesTopic: Ethics and Morals of Social Work Practice. Our everyday interactions are underpinned by ethics. Social work in its sectors deals with people in multiple and complex situations. Social workers largely work with people that are affected by different life aspects such as ethnicity, disabilities and culture. The fundamental concern for social work is to understand how these aspects affect the individuals. Applying normative ethical theory, processes of ethical analysis. Virtue ethics concernedRead MoreEthical Issues Of Social Work Practice1093 Words  | 5 PagesUnit 17: Topic: Ethical issues in Social Work Practice. Our everyday interactions are underpinned by ethics. Social work in its sectors deals with people in multiple and complex situations. Social workers largely work with people who are affected by different life aspects such as ethnicity, disabilities and culture. The fundamental concern for social work is to understand how these aspects affect the individuals. Applying normative ethical theory processes of ethical analysis Virtue ethics concernedRead MoreSocial Problems Of The Social Problem885 Words  | 4 PagesOne major social problem that concerns me is social division. Social divisions include but are not limited to: gender, race, class, identity, language barriers, and geographical locations. They are often separated into categories of people. Ex. Homeless, elderly, sex offenders, single parents, disabilities, children, teens, etc. In today’s time, we seem to point the finger on everyone else rather than taking the blame ourselves and it is not surprising to see that the majority is being accused onRead MoreCase Women s Center : Implementation Of Financial Cutbacks1498 Words  | 6 Pageswomen with degrees in social work, counseling, and psychology. Research suggests that social work professionals are some of the best prepared to respond to the world’s social problems. Social workers are not easy to find in the mix of societal problem solving and for the Director of the womenà ¢â‚¬â„¢s agency to have reduced the number of counseling professionals from nine to three was an error on her behalf. It would have been in the interest of the Director to support the social workers. The professionalsRead MoreThe Code Of Ethics Of The National Association Of Social Workers Essay1714 Words  | 7 PagesEthical Dilemmas 1. (20 Points) Using Figure 11.1 (Page 416) in your UGP Text, List and Discuss how you would approach an Ethical Dilemma. (1-page, single space max). The Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is designed to communicate the fundamental values, ethical principles, and ethical standards of the social work profession, regardless of the role in which the workers are functioning. These codes should always be consulted as guidelines when ethical issuesRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma Of Child Abuse1419 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Ethical dilemmas, also known as a moral dilemmas, are situations in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion†(Your Dictionary, 2001). The ethical dilemma I’m choosing is breach of client confidentiality in terms of child abuse. Dilemmas around child abuse arise when the principle of confidentiality is in conflict with other ethical principles. The confidentiality principle may be in conflict when a client
Analysis Of The Play Trifles And A Doll House
Motives Women in the early nineteen hundreds were not thought of as important as a man. The role of the woman was to stay home and perform household duties such as, caring for the children and the home. The role of the man was to work and speak for the family. The dramas â€Å"Trifles†and â€Å"A Doll House†, show how two women will commit a crime at all cost and somehow contrast with each other. Trifle is a word which is used to describe something with little importance or value. According to Suzy Clarkson Holstein, â€Å"SUSAN CLASPELL’S ‘TRIFLES’ is a deceptive play: deceptive because, like its title, it seems simple, almost inconsequential. Yet the play represents a profound conflict between two models of perception and behavior†(Holstein 282). In the play â€Å"Trifles†, Mrs. Wright is in the situation of being accused of murdering her husband. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters come upon a dead bird during the investigation and realize M rs. Wright may be guilty. In the play Mrs. Hale says, â€Å"I wonder how it would seem never to have had any children around. No, Wright wouldn’t like the bird- a thing that sang. She used to sing. He killed that too†(1.122). Mrs. Hale decides to hide the bird to protect Mrs. Wright, realizing the reason why she may have killed him. Mrs. Hale may have been motivated to commit the crime of hiding evidence because of the way the men belittled the women. In the play the Sheriff says, â€Å"They wonder if she was going to quilt it or just knot it†(1.73). As stated uponShow MoreRelatedA Doll s House : Henrik Ibsen962 Words  | 4 PagesDrama Analysis A Doll’s House (Henrik Ibsen) And Trifles (Susan Glaspell) In comparing both dramas, the overwhelming aspect of convergence between both is the open discussion of gender identity. Both dramas make similar points about what it means to be a woman. Modern society in both dramas is constructed with men holding power over women. This is seen in Trifles in how men like George Henderson and Mr. Hale are myopic. The premise of the drama is how women worry over trifles, and the dismissiveRead MoreThe Role Of Women In The Doll House And Trifles1667 Words  | 7 Pagesgotten better for some women in recent years. Works like â€Å"The Doll House†by Henrik Ibsen and â€Å"Trifles†by Susan Glaspell have helped advance the idea of what roles women should play in society. In each play there are strong, female protagonists who, despite being oppressed by the societal rules against women, learn to rebel and fight for what they believe is right. While there are many similarities and differences between the plays, both challenge societies i dea on how women should act. WomenRead MoreEntrapment Of Household: Analysis Of â€Å"A Doll’S House†.1657 Words  | 7 PagesEntrapment of Household: Analysis of â€Å"A Doll’s House†The author of â€Å"A Doll’s House†, Henrik Ibsen was criticized for his controversial advocacy of moral and social reform by failing to respect the institution of marriage in his plays. A Doll’s House presents the aftermath of nineteenth-century patriarchal husbandry like those in Susan Glaspell’s play, â€Å"Trifles†. In many of the parlor plays of this era, female spectators reflect on their individual situations, revealing the unsatisfying natureRead MoreFinal Essay: English 1Bs Journey 1128 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish in its entirety can be simply described as author, biologist and physician, Lewis Thomas had once said, â€Å"We pass the word around; we ponder how the case is put by different people, we read the poetry; we meditate over the literature; we play the music; we change our minds; we reach an understanding. Society evolves this way, not by shouting each other down, but by the unique capacity of unique, individual human beings to comprehend each other†(Thomas 120). The impact literature can bringRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words  | 518 Pagesfollowing cases: f l n r -go -lá » ¥ rather than h in words like afá »â€¹a rather than r in words like mmili ¤ rather than l in words like á » ¥nà ²Ã¯â‚¬ ¤ rather than h in words like ará » ¥ rather than -la in the perfect form rather than -rA in the neutral form market water house body With these differences, of course, go a host of lexical differences. It is hoped that comparison with other dialects will bring these to light. At the same time, it should be realized that not all the words included here are pure Onitsha
Residency and Taxation in Australia †Free Samples for Student
Question: Discuss about the Residency and Taxation in Australia. Answer: Introduction In the modern day, the effect of globalization has taken the world at a storm making it indeed a global village. There is a closer interplay of factors that determine conducting business activities on a global scale. One of these variables is taxation. While individual countries have their policies detailing the manner in which taxation can be imposed on foreign who have sought citizenship, Australia in particular has a very different approach to this. It therefore means that taxation and citizenship is a delicate part of foreign policy across all the countries in the world. The situation that Kit presents is one that mirrors dual citizenship although there is a generally overlapping of issues which makes it important for an in-depth analysis. The essay will undertake a very analytical perspective in putting across the view whether kit is a permanent resident of Australia or not and the general taxation purposes that can be derived from this establishment. The issues of Residency The most crucial determinant in establishing whether a foreign is a resident of another country is the nature of their behavior. This will cue in their investments, assets, family residence as well as their own residence which could be different. For case of Kit, first of all he is mentioned as a permanent resident of Australia which basically indicates that he stays the better part of his year or rather life in Australia. In general, his life revolves around Australia. Despite working for an Indonesian company, the basic part of it is that he has to go back to his residence (Passenger Movement Charge, 2010). Kit is more identified in Australia using the social constructs than any other country in which he has an association with, be it business or family. In essence, the first aspect that qualifies him to be Australian is as aforementioned, his permanent residence in Australia in that regard. His parent nationality which is Chilean is only but ceremonial. He has established very minimal contact with it. More so, the fact that he spends most of his time in Australia indicates that he may as well go on without even attending to any issues that might crop up in Chile. In this regard, it is therefore very difficult to peg his nationality on Chile because generally, it is the country that an individual is able to undertake most of his holdings that will have a bigger bearing on their lives and this will also take a center stage when it comes to the determination of the international citizenship as well. However, Kit has some of his portfolio in Chile which also generates some income for him. In this case, he has to spend most of this income on the country the stays in which is Australia . While some of this can be spent in Chile, it is probable that he will always spend most of it in the country that he resides in which is Australia (Taylor Transnam, 2016). Chile will only ac t as a production center or rather a foreign investment to Kit because of his general behavior regarding the handling of his business. A key tenet of establishing citizenship is the location of the family at that particular time in point and whether the person stays with them or not. All this constitutes to the aspect of an individual behavior in view of his national identity or rather his citizenship in that matter. Kit qualifies as an Australian citizen because of the fact that he stays with his family in Australia (Federal Court of Australia, 2010). In fact they actually moved there fours before he ended up working for an Indonesian company. Kit has all of his family in Australia. Even so, it also indicates that Kit pays visits to his family when he is not committed because that explains the nature of their stay since Kit is away most of the time. In this regard, Kits wife has lived in Australia for four years and their two children which pretty much sums up the fact that Kit is an Australian citizen. Lastly, understanding his residency will also center on the aspect of property ownership; in this case, the fact that he even bought a house in Australia indicates that he has particularly established his citizenship as Australian rather than Chilean. Taxation purposes A number of factors act as guiding tools in the case study in order to understand the manner in which taxes can be imposed on Kit owing to his residency. As aforementioned, Kits behavior which is a key determinant of residency concludes that his residency is Australian and therefore he will be covered under the Australian law that spells out this taxation (Australian Tax Office, 2016). The following aspects qualifies him to be liable to have his salary and investment be under the Australian stipulations. First, he has opened up a bank along with his wife in Australia. Presumably, his salary is paid through this bank; the Westpac Bank located in Australia. His earnings will therefore have to go through the Australian scrutiny along with his wife as well if she is working. Furthermore, since Kit has a permanent Australian residency as mentioned in the case study, it only means that his earnings in Chile have to stream into Australia where he lives. As mentioned earlier, Chile only plays a role of an investment location but the returns have to be redirected to Australia owing to the fact that this is his residency (Office of the State Revenue, 2015). More so, management of his returns is also likely to be conducted in Australia. It is even easier to conclude this because he has a bank account in Australia; the Westpac Bank. Conclusion In summary, the delicate nature of residency and taxation means that means that individuals have to bear the brunt of taxes in other countries which could end up different from those in their parent countries. Kit a Chilean by birth has a permanent residency which is proved by his family stay, his financial obligations due to his bank account in Australia, much of his stay there as well and most importantly his investments streaming into Australia as well as his salary payments. In particular, having is salary paid in an Australian Bank means that he is taxed by the Australian authorities. References Australia Tax Office (2016). Exempt foreign employment income, ATO. Retrieved from: Federal court of Australia (2010). Immigration and border protection: migration, practice and procedure. Retrieved from: Office of the State Revenue (2015). Payroll Tax rates and thresholds. Queensland Treasury and Trade press. Passenger Movement Charge (2013). Australia Customs and Border protection service, PMC . Retrieved from: Taylor, J., Tran-Nam, B. (2016). Interdisciplinary nature of taxation. eJournal of Tax Research, vol. 14 pp. 55-68.
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Prometheus Bound Analysis Essay Example For Students
Prometheus Bound Analysis Essay A monologue from the play by Aeschylus NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from The Dramas of Aeschylus. Trans. Anna Swanwick. London: George Bell and Sons, 1907. PROMETHEUS: Think not that I through pride or stubbornnessKeep silence; nay, my brooding heart is gnawedSeeing myself thus marred with contumely;And yet what other but myself marked outTo these new gods their full prerogatives?But I refrain; for, nought my tongue would tellSave what ye know. But rather list the illsOf mortal men, how being babes before,I made them wise and masters of their wits.This will I tell, not as in blame of men,But showing how from kindness flowd my gifts.For they, at first, though seeing, saw in vain;Hearing they heard not, but, like shapes in dreams.Through the long time all things at random mixed;Of brick-wove houses, sunward-turnd, nought knew,Nor joiners craft, but burrowing they dweltLike puny ants, in caverns depths unsunned.Neither of winter, nor of spring flower-strewn,Nor fruitful summer, had they certain sign,But without judgment everything they wrought,Till I to them the risings of the starsDiscovered, and their settings hard to scan.Nay, also Numb er, art supreme, for themI found, and marshalling of written signs,Handmaid to memory, mother of the Muse.And I in traces first brute creatures yokd,Subject to harness, with vicarious strengthBearing in mortals stead their heaviest toils.Hearken the rest, and thou wilt marvel moreWhat arts and what resources I devised.This chief of all; if any one fell sick,No help there was, diet nor liniment,Nor healing draught; but men, for lack of drugsWasted away, till I to them revealedCommixtures of assuaging remediesWhich may disorders manifold repel.Of prophecies the various modes I fixed,And among dreams did first discriminateThe truthful vision. Voices ominous,Hard to interpret, I to them made known:And way-side auguries, the flight of birdsWith crooked talons, clearly I defined;Showed by their nature which auspicious are,And which ill-omenedtaught the modes of lifeNative to each, and what, among themselvesTheir feuds, affections, and confederacies.Touching the smoothness of the vital par ts,And what the hue most pleasing to the gods,I taught them, and the mottled symmetryOf gall and liver. Thighs encased in fatWith the long chine I burnt, and mortals guidedTo a mysterious art; of fire-eyed signs,I purged the vision, over-filmed before.Such were the boons I gave; and neath the earthThose other helps to men, concealed which lie,Brass, iron, silver, gold, who dares affirmThat before me he had discovered them?No one, I know, but who would idly vaunt.The sum of all learn thou in one brief word;All arts to mortals from Prometheus came.Such cunning works for mortals I contrived,Yet, hapless, for myself find no deviceTo free me from this present agony.
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