Wednesday, 29 January 2020
Macroindividual Essay Example for Free
Macroindividual Essay I need to explain the uses, problem and critically examine the uses or problems with real life examples. Question 1 Briefly explain the uses of National Income Statistics. Comparison over Time According to Vengedasalam D. and Madhavan K. (2010), national income able to state the economy’s performance whether is progressing, stagnating or deteriorating on yearly basis from national income figures. For example like Singapore, their national income has improved steadily over the years which indicate that the country have a stable economy and high in productivity. As for economies in countries such as India, China, and Bangladesh are stagnating and should take action to increase their growth and development. However countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, and some African countries have deteriorated in terms of economic performance. Comparisons between Countries Ali H. (1999) stated that we can differentiate the development and developing countries through national income. According to an international organization, OECD (Organization Economic Cooperation and Development) statistic, Singapore was the 13th richest country in the world. OECD is to tackle the country performance to estimate the country is developed or still developing. Countries such as Ethiopia, Myanmar, Bangladesh and most of the Asian states are the poorer nations. Measurement the Standard of Living According to Vengedasalam D. and Madhavan K. (2010), nationwide earnings information able to help us evaluate the quality lifestyle of individuals in different nations and the individuals residing in the same nations at different times. There is a correlation between national income and standard of living because when income is high, standards of living is high; when income is low, standards of living is low. For example countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia have high national income and also high standards of living. However, as for the countries such as Ethiopia and Myanmar have low national income leads to low standards of living. Balance of Payment Ali H. (1999) stated that stability of transaction can be determine as the complete of expenses and invoices that a nation generates as result of transfer and trade worldwide with other nations. We can approximately calculate whether the nation will face lack or excess balance of transaction through the nationwide earnings data. There will be an output of forex from the nation and this will lead to disequilibrium in the complete amount of transaction if earnings paid overseas are far greater than earnings obtained overseas. National Planning According to Vengedasalam D. and Madhavan K. (2010), national planning also knows as planning of each of the countries which based on the national income statistic, the government will formulate its short term and long term economic planning. In this case, Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair (2003) stated on the basis of present economic performance, the government will have to forecast future developments. This which if income increase, plans for the future will increase; same goes to if income decrease, plans for the future will decrease. This also important and why all the countries have to collate data on national income. Question 2 Discuss the problems involved in calculating the GNP per capita of an economy. Underground Economy OSullivan A. , Sheffrin S. M. , and Perez S. J. (2012) stated that one of the significant problems from measured GDP is so-called underground economy where transactions are not reported to official authorities. According to Lipsey (1998), some transactions are perfectly legal, but for the people do not report their income that they have generated it is because they wanted to avoid paying taxes. For example plumber who repairs pipes leakages in the toilet and only receive payment by cash which is to avoid taxes and these transactions are not recorded so they are excluded from GDP. According to Tucker I. B. (2008), some transaction such as illegal gambling, illegal drugs, illegal guns prostitution, and loan-shark are goods and services that meets every requirement for GDP but GDP does not include unreported criminals activities. Nonmarket Activities According to Lipsey (1998), dealings that do not take position in the structured industry are also being disregards by GDP. For illustrations like solutions that individuals do for themselves in their own houses because these solutions are not moved through markets; this is so GDP statisticians cannot evaluate them. Tucker I. B. (2008) stated nonmarket activities that are not transferred though the markets such as homemaker production, do-it-yourself activities, childcare services, and voluntary work. Problem of Illiteracy Vengedasalam D. and Madhavan K. 2010) stated that problem of illiteracy most happen in third world countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, India, and many African nations which the people there do not know how to keep accounts of their productive activities. With this problem of illiteracy, the governments of these countries will have difficulties in getting information such as estimated value of home produced product. For example people there do not have knowledge on marketing and finance which makes them do not know the value of product they are selling. Problems of Expertise According to Vengedasalam D. nd Madhavan K. (2010), one of the major problems of developing countries is shortage of professionals. In order to measure the national income accurately, we need the professional services such as statisticians, analysts, programmers, researchers. With these professionals in the developing countries will be able to present the national income data accurately with less technical and human errors. For example if the country do not have programmer, they need to record the national income data in papers and there will be more human errors. Lack of Sophisticated Machinery Vengedasalam D. and Madhavan K. (2010) stated that technical aspect is as important as human factor. Technical aspect such as having sophisticated machinery is needed to compute data and information. For example, problems that developing countries like Indonesia and Peru are facing the problem of technical experts and technical equipment. There countries need this latest and advance machinery to compute massive volume of data. In the end, data that collected on national income need to be analyzed using sophisticated machinery regardless of which method is used. Question 3 Explain with examples whether you support its use as a measure of quality of life in a country. No, I do not support its uses as an evaluation of total well-being in a nation. The factors as follows: Problem of Illiteracy Third world countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, India, and many African nation facing this problems in which the people there do not know how to keep accounts of their productive activities. For example, Memon G. R. (2007) stated Pakistan has one of the smallest expenses of details on the globe, and the smallest among nations of relative resources and public or financial conditions. With a per close relatives earnings of over $450 Pakistan has an older details amount of 49%, while both Vietnam and Local Indian native with less per close relatives earnings have details expenses of 94% and 52%, respectively (Human Development Middle, 1998). Knowledge is greater in places and in the areas of Sindh and Punjab, among the greater earnings group, and in men. Nonmarket Activities According to Shaheen S. , Sial M. H. , Awan M. S. (2011), womans option about contribution in work market is of crucial importance in determining living standard, dependency stress and saving design in homes. Women signify about half of the people in this country in Pakistan. But in Pakistan mostly females execute happens in non-market activities in the home or the informal market. In recent past women contribution in modern market activities has been increasing. Factors determining the profession of women are extremely complex. At the individual level females option to execute is topic to such factors as the availability to projects, knowledge level and skills. Underground Economy One of the problems from measured GDP is so-called underground economy where transactions are not reported to official authorities. According to Schneider F. and Enste D. H. (2000), the results from eight nations in African-american are revealed, among these, Nigeria and The red sea have the biggest subterranean financial systems with 76 % and 68 % of GDP; Mauritius has the tiniest subterranean economic system with 20 %. Implementing the forex requirement strategy, Tanzania had a subterranean economic system of 31 % (of GDP) in 1989–90, and Southern African-american, 9 % in 1989 to 1990. The position of the size the subterranean financial systems for the Africa nations is reinforced by identical results and historical proof from Pozo (1996); Lawrence Chickering and Muhamed Salahdine (1991); and Lubell (1991). Conclusion I have explained the uses and problems. I have also examined the problems with real life examples.
Monday, 20 January 2020
Television and Media Essay - TV Violence and the V-Chip :: Media Argumentative Persuasive Argument
TV Violence and the V-Chip America has the highest crime rate in the world. Along with that crime rate is also the substantially high violence rate. Why is violence becoming and everyday event in our society? When you flip on the "tele" and tune into the news, the highlight of every show is somehow directly related or connected to violence. We see it every evening and perhaps say "Oh my gosh, how terrible." and then forget all about it two minutes later. Or perhaps we don't even make any comments at all, just a simple grunt or "..huh..". This numbness to violence is very scary and very real. Why is it then that America has the most crime and violence. Why not Switzerland or Australia. Are we not as civilized and advanced as they? I believe it is this numbness to violence that has made America so violent. When I think back to my childhood and remember television I remember watching such programs as "Sesame Street", "Mr. Rogers", and "Scooby - Doo". I have nothing but pleasant memories filled with happiness, peace, understanding, and learning. When you watch children's programs today you see senseless violence often as the first means of solving a problem. The classic view of "good" versus "evil" is the basis of these shows with violence as the answer. When children watch these programs they copy the actions and "morals" of these shows depicting "good" and "evil". Children do not know what "good" is or what "evil" is, how can they? This world is not broken into "good" and "evil". "Evil" to children is what opposes them, what does not agree with them, or any other person or thing that poses a possible difficulty. Children must be taught that there are differences in this world. This world is filled with many people holding different beliefs, ideas, and morals. That is what makes this world so unique and colorful. Children need to learn to respect these differences from a very young age. They need to learn to talk out and solve any disagreements or problems through other means than violence. They must not "know" violence as an answer, as if violence was never even an option to consider in solving a problem. I recently became aware of the problem of violence in children when I started observing small children at play at my apartment complex. I had known one small child in particular when he was just learning to speak. I had watched him and talked with him for several years and noticed nothing "violent" nor
Sunday, 12 January 2020
Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients
Unit 2 Project: Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients Tracy Brown Kaplan University Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients When considering effective ways to cut government spending, each state should start requiring mandatory drug testing among all its welfare recipients. Cutting welfare benefits to known drug abusers will allow benefits to be doled out more effectively and efficiently to those Americans that are truly in need, diminish drug use in those poverty stricken communities that tend to rely on welfare assistance and take a chunk from the government’s out of control spending.I think that this is an effective thesis statement because it clearly outlines my paper and it states what side of this discussion I have chosen to represent. It is stated clear, concise, and to the point. Because mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients is an issue that is not in full effect, it may be difficult to find opinions from â€Å"reliable†sources concerning such legislation. It may also be difficult to determine long term effects of such a program like cuts in spending and reductions in drug abuse. I will be researching government websites both nationally and locally.I would also like to contact local government representatives to perhaps get an opinion about the idea of said legislation. In addition, because this is such a new topic, there are many newspapers to research that will have the latest on states that want to begin developing the idea of mandatory drug testing. It will be difficult to avoid logical fallicies on this topic. Because I am coming down on one side of this discussion and want to persuade my audience, I will want to use comments and information from those that view it as I do.Using statistics that are deemed factual will help in showing that these are not just biased opinions from politicians that are simply looking for another vote. If I were to begin to persuade a city council meeting or write a letter to my local government represe ntatives about the importance of mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients, I would begin by saying: Welfare is not an entitlement! It was never intended to be as such.When President Roosevelt enacted the Social Security Act in 1935, it was during the great depression, when 25% of Americans were unemployed. Since then welfare has generously extended its hand to millions of Americans (2012). When someone is benefitting from these programs, and is not deemed disabled, it should be viewed as a â€Å"hand up†not a â€Å"hand out†. It is an issue all over the country that welfare is being abused by its benefactors. Cards are being used for ATM withdrawals, to purchase liquor, buying cigarettes, and even gambling in casinos.Food stamps are being openly traded for drugs (Camden, 2011). Not to mention the deception that is occurring about how many dependents a recipient is responsible for. To be subjected to a simple urine test to receive money and benefits from the U. S, government is not too much to bear. It is no different than obliging to mandatory drug testing for a job. Florida state governor Rick Scott has stated that in his state alone they will save 9 million dollars a year because of benefits being cut due to mandatory drug testing.With these kinds of cuts in spending nationwide, it is sure to reduce government spending a great deal. Not to mention the effect it will have on drug abusers. Florida state governor Rick Scott has implemented drug counseling on a volunteer basis for those benefactors that test positive (Delaney, 2011). Cuts in spending, responsible distribution of benefits and reductions in drug abuse, this sounds like a win-win scenario for us all. References Author Unknown, (2012), The History of Welfare, Retrieved from: http://www. elfareinfo. org/history/ Delaney, A. , (2011, November 27). Rick Scott Backs Drug Tests for Welfare Beneficiaries, Public Worker, and Himself, Retrieved from: http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2011/ 09/27drug-testing-welfare-_n_983235-. html/ Camden, J. , (2011, February 04). The Spokesman-Review, Abuse of Welfare Electronic Benefits Transfer Cards Targeted, Retrieved from: http://www. spokesman. com/stories/2011/feb/04/abuse-of-welfare-electronic-benefits-transfer/
Saturday, 4 January 2020
Essay on The Long Term Effects of Fast Food - 556 Words
In 2004 6.8 million Canadian adults from the age of 20 to 64 were overweight, and additional 4.5 million were obese. Now, there are several reasons why more than 11 million Canadians are overweight, but undoubtedly a key factor is fast food. Canadians should stop eating fast food, because if they do their health will improve, their will save money, and reduce their carbon footprint. It is quite will known that that fast food is junk food, and daily consumption of junk food will have detrimental affects on one’s health. Junk foods are essentially foods with little or no nutritional value. Add high amounts of sodium, and excess cholesterol, also in addition to all that are high levels of trans and saturated fats. This all leads to†¦show more content†¦Why? Because of the convenience, fast food is simply fast, tasty, and cheap. However many people fail to realize that due to this convenience they are more likely to buy fast food over and over, and those cheap meals start adding up. Fortunately there are alternatives choices when it comes to meal times. NOT DONE Climate change is a major topic in the world now, and a large negative contributer to the decline of the environment are large multinational fast food companies. For example McDonalds has been know to buy cows from companies that had slash and burned tracts of the Amazon rain forest for places to let their cows graze. The slash and burn technique is extremely damaging to any ecosystem, and gravely worse when it occurs in such a diverse ecosystem such as the Amazon. Also many fast food companies ship in or truck in all of their materials from overseas and neighbouring regions. What is wrong with this? Well, the mass carbon dioxide emissions from large freight ships and trucks of course. Compare that to a local organic grocery store that brings in all its goods from local farms. The comparison between the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from shipping goods from local farms to local markets are significantly lower that shipping goods from one nation to another to fuel fast food restaurants. Lastly all the packaging used in fast food restaurants gets thrown when customers are done with them. Thrown away into the trash bin, never to be recycledShow MoreRelatedFast Food and Obesity in Adults990 Words  | 4 Pages2013 Fast Food and Obesity in Adults In Aprils addition of Men’s Health magazine there is a picture of salted golden French fries inside a white cup. This advertisement invokes hunger for unhealthy and cheap fast food to consumers. The fast food industries false advertisements, unhealthy food, and long term effects of consuming fast food all lead to the causes and effects of adulthood obesity in the lives of thousands of Americans today. 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