Friday, 27 December 2019
Gamification in Education - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1961 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2018/12/28 Category Internet Essay Type Research paper Level High school Did you like this example? Digital technology has revolutionized virtually everything and is, therefore, the architect of entertainment. It has made everything easier for education to carry out daily activities. It is common knowledge that with the technological innovations learning turns out to be much simpler and easier for many people. It is therefore prudent to give thanks to the internet and the technology that has brought these significant changes in the lives of many people. Being that in life knowledge and entertainment happens to be an essential part of almost everybodys life. Digital technology has brought it; it can be concluded that surely technology is shaping the lives of people both now, and it will continue to do this in the future due to the numerous innovations that are still being brought. However, many argue that the technology has brought more harm than good to the citizens. The most recent issue raised is that the technology has brought gaming in education which has made learni ng hectic. It was argued that most of the children concentrate and spend much of their time playing games instead of studying. It is quite absurd to argue in that way for I believe that it is through this gamification introduced in education that learning has been improved. The bone of contention now in the society is whether gamification is education is effective and essential, or its addition to education software improves educational outcomes, or it is just a waste of time to kids. I sincerely believe that gamification in education is not a waste of time but it is a means that is used to improve educational outcomes. I use to be your typical hard-core gamer back in middle school, and Ive always wondered how far gaming would go. Will it ever be more than, what most people would say, a waste of time? Well, you might be surprised at how far gaming has come and the concepts it can carry within its complex infrastructure. We can now make games that include core concepts; this is ca lled gamification in education. You might ask,Does add gaming elements to educational software improve learning outcomes or does it just keep kids wanting to play more in an addictive sense? The truth is playing these kinds of games can improve learning outcomes. What is being learned through gaming is directly proportional to the concepts learned in the lecture. Some of these games encourage deep thinking. It helps you understand a more profound understanding than just the concept itself and can even encourage students to work with others. It is true that people are not the same hence have different grasping abilities in class. Not all concepts can be taught and handled by individuals in the same way. Technology through gaming has introduced another valuable way in which people can be taught concepts/ research has it that the concepts that the students get through gaming become permanent that those read directly. It was argued that when the concepts are learned through the games that are played, the students can just recall the steps that they went through and upon reflection get what is asked or required of them. However, it should not be forgotten that parents are very worried concerning the time their kids spend playing the games. The games are addictive and can lead to too much time wastage. Gamification has also helped kids to improve their concentration span. It is known that kids are the most unsettle people and cannot concentrate for long in doing a particular thing. Gamification that was brought by technology has brought gaming software that has been used to improve the education outcomes for children. It has been in a position to achieve this through capturing the kids; concentration. It is alleged that through this concentration expansion that it creates on the children, the kids can improve their concentration abilities making them think critically besides growing to be very attentive people in the society. Other researchers argue that th e gamification that is brought by technology to be introduced in education is ultimately a waste of time and that it should be made done away with and children to be allowed to learn manually in class through reading their books. Does this make sense? For how long can kids concentrate on their books? Moreover, why were the internet and digital technology brought? The sole purpose for these was to help in entertainment and education. And this is what gamification in education is doing. It is making the kids to learn and be entertained at the same time. Alternatively, most f the time people do use the internet to entertain themselves or in playing games online. It is for this very reason that gamification in education to help other people to learn and to be entertained at the same time. Carr in Is Google making us stupid? Say that the use of internet has made everything virtually easy for him to the point that he cannot think straight. All that requires his thinking he ends up goog ling which makes feel he is losing his mind. Besides, as a writer, he says that the use of the internet has made his life much more comfortable because he does not spend a lot of time thinking so far thinking; all he would do is to google the ideas and write them down very fast. He goes ahead and calls the internet a godsend platform to him for the significant benefits he attains from it. However, he points out that he feels that the internet is making him either lazy or stupid being that he cannot do all that he used to do without the internet. Alternatively, he says that the internet has made him addicted that he can barely concentrate on reading like he used to read in the past.Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages. I get fidgety, lose the thread, and begin looking for something else to do. I feel as if Im always dragging my wayward brain back to the text. The in-depth reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle. (Carr, 2) To him, he feels that the internet use despite the more benefits it has happened to carry with it, it makes him feel stupid as he cannot concentrate to do the things he ought to do to learn. He claims that the internet has made all his work virtually easy. The internet has made life much simpler for him as a writer all used to be hard as he would take a lot of time thinking but thanks to the internet. It has made all change, and now he can enjoy his career as a writer.The web has been a godsend to me as a writer. Research that once required days in the stacks or periodicals rooms of libraries can now be done in a minute. He outlines that the internet is the most efficient platform that saves one the energy and time of thinking at all can just be googled and the answers found without any problem. He also calms that the internet is too addictive. It takes the attention and interest of a person preventing them from doing that which is expected of them. It means that the internet comes with a lot of entertainment that disrupt people or that takes peoples time. Internet, therefore, helps people to pass the time when they are bored, hence is a source of enjoyment. It provides funny videos, films, and songs that can be used to relieve stress. It is for this very reason that Carr says that when he concentrates and his brain switches off, he found himself surfing the internet. In so doing, he ends up gaining more knowledge besides just the entertainment he gets. As Carr puts it, the internet has revolutionized everything. It has made life much easier by keeping us knowledgeable about being entertained. The internet is just the best for virtually everything that it brings! From knowledge to entertainment, it has made life much easier for everyone in the society. It is has made life to be the way it is today and cannot be done away with or said to have brought more losses than gains. All the gains it has brought are marvelous and cannot be compared with the losses. It is surely not making us stupid. It is helping us recognize our stupidity and to reduce it through learning the right thing. The tethered self: Technology reinvents intimacy and solitude by Sherry Turtle, she outlines the emergence of personal computer culture that has revolutionized communication and the way people carry out their activities in life. She says that the use of internet has made people come up with a new trend in their relationships that have made it take a fresh perspective. She, however, points out and emphasizes on the fact that the computers have changed the way people view themselves and their relationship. To her internet has been the architect of peoples intimacies. The internet has made communication much easier and made people trust themselves in a relationship more than they used to in the ancient days. The new trend that technology has brought has made people be addicted to their computers and phones which has made them be bound together more. In turn, th is has strengthened their relationship making their intimacy more strong. Love is the most influential emotion in the world that would conquer all feelings and be that internet can bring it, it is paramount to acknowledge the internet to be very important in building relationship and intimacies. The internet and technology is the architect of peoples intimacies. (Turtle 3) Most people now spend most of their time being connected to those they love through the use of the internet. They can chat, video call and even remain in the company of each other even if their loved ones are far away from a part.So adults, too, use the internet as a useful place for experimentation-indeed, as an identity workshop. Despite the fact that the internet has brought an addiction that others feel it not good for people, it is a resource that has to enhance peoples lives, and its merits outweigh its demerits. Besides, it has helped people to remain committed to their relationships..people easily admit that they would rather leave a voicemail or send an email than talk face to face.(Turtle 2) It means that they rely so much on the internet for their communications. Some even go a notch hire and say thatI live my life on blackberry. It further affirms how the internet is beneficial to them and without they would feel that the world has been taken away from them. They believe that the intimacies that they have can only be maintained through the internet and that is why they depend on the internet. All the allegations that are made about the use of the internet cannot be compared to the high value that they receive from the use of the internet to improve their intimacies and relationships.Intimacies are essential and sensitive issues that cannot be taught physically. They require practical examples, and this can only be done through gaming. It is what makes kids to relate their emotions to what they are feeling. All, in a nutshell, it is evident that the evolution that has bee n brought by technology and digitalization has made acquisition of knowledge to be much easier and more straightforward compared to the past besides to the children through the addiction it causes through gamification, it has made education outcomes to be improved. Alternatively, through the constant innovations that are made, it is expected to continue in shaping the lives of people in the future. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Gamification in Education" essay for you Create order
Thursday, 19 December 2019
Essay about Joseph Conrads The Women of Heart of Darkness
Joseph Conrads The Women of Heart of Darkness The novella Heart of Darkness illustrates readers with three different types of depictions that men had of women during the late 1800’s; also known as the imperialistic era. These depictions were as follows; the naive woman, the mistress, and the wealthy widow. The naà ¯ve woman was personified by Kurtz intended. The mistress was personified by the native African woman. The wealthy widow is personified by Marlow’s aunt. This assumption can be made on various levels. The most obvious level is how Joseph Conrad never gave these characters names. Also when they are mentioned it is very brief. Kurtz’s intended is the naà ¯ve character. She is alone and waiting for Kurtz for as long†¦show more content†¦The small part that she has in this novella she manages to sound like a naà ¯ve woman. The second character that we are introduced to is Kurtz’s African mistress. The mistress is a beautiful woman who seems to evoke some sort of control over the men. Whenever she is mentioned the men just stand there as if in awe. She never speaks in the novella. During the late 1800’s it was acceptable for men to have mistress’, I believe that is what Conrad tried to show. That’s why Kurtz’s intended never questioned why he was taking so long. She probably knew he had a mistress and couldn’t really say anything against it. The mistress managed to gain some type of control over Kurtz, and that is why he hadn’t left yet. Even Marlow was in awe when he saw the beautiful native woman with jewelry on. Perhaps she was a wealthy woman, and that’s why the people respected her. The last female character that I will examine is Marlow’s aunt. She is perhaps a wealthy widow, who also has nothing better to do with her money. She believes strongly on the topic of imperialism. She thinks that it helps people progress. She was the one who got Marlow this opportunity. Marlow’s aunt is the combination of both characters. She was naà ¯ve and controlling at the same time. Conrad probably used this character to show readers how older women were in the past. Its amazing to see how men stereotyped women in the past it hasn’tShow MoreRelatedThe Significant Role of Women in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness1986 Words  | 8 PagesIn the 1900s novella Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, the protagonist often encounters women at landmarks of his life. Charlie Marlow is a sailor and imperialist who sets out along the Congo River to â€Å"civilize†the â€Å"savages.†The novella begins with a crew on the Thames waiting for the tides to change. During their wait, a character named Marlow tells of his exploits on the African continent. 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Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Effective HR free essay sample
Introduction This report will look at how to develop you as an effective Human Resource Practitioner. It will summarise the Human Resource Profession Map (HRPM), also identify different effective communication skills, understanding customer needs and how to delivery effective service. Human resource professional map The Human Resource Map also known as HRPM has been developed to help Human Resources practitioners and organisations to be successful and effective in their role and also to develop further in their career. The HRPM is broken up in to four key components – Professional areas, behaviours and band and transitions. There are ten professional areas, two of them being Core professional areas – Insights, Strategy, and Solutions and Leading HR. The first core professional area insights, strategy and solutions show the direction of the profession as a practiced business discipline with a people and organisation specialism. Secondly leading HR has three main areas for leadership to develop, personal leadership, leading others and leading issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Effective HR or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Next there are eight other professional areas – Organisational design which ensures the organisation is set up to achieve objectives in both the short and long term and that structural change are managed efficiently. Organisational development provides the organisation to have a committed workforce and that culture, values, support, performance and adaptability are assessed and developed. Resourcing and talent planning is all about making sure the organisation appeal to key people and meets balance of resource. Learning and development ensures that people at all levels of the hierarchy acquires and develops their skills, knowledge and experience to meet their own and the organisations ambitions. Performance and reward creates a high performance culture by delivering schemes that recognises and rewards skills, capabilities, experience and performance. Employee Engagement makes sure that all employees have positive and understanding relationships with their work, colleagues and organisation. Employee relations differ to employee engagement by ensuring that the relationship is managed accordingly within the organisations practices and policies. Finally service delivery information ensures that the service delivery of information is accurate, on time and cost effective. Next in the professional map are behaviours, in each area it describes how a HR professional should carry out their tasks. In total there are eight behaviours which are curious, decisive thinker, skilled influence, personal credible, collaborative, driven to deliver, courage to challenge and role model. The last area of the map is Bands and transitions; this is split into four bands (band 1, 2, 3 4). The four bands of professional competence define the contribution that professionals make at every stage of their HR career key areas such as relationships with clients, the focus of the activities performed by the HR professional, where HR professionals spend their time, the services they provide and their contribution and success is calculated. The bands help to give a clear pathway and focus to development planning and activities. Professional are – Resourcing talent planning This part of the report will look the professional area ‘Resourcing and talent planning’ and the activities and knowledge within this area at band one that are more essential to my HR role. Band one is to support colleagues with administration duties and processes, managing information and being customer orientated. Resourcing and talent planning includes workforce planning, resourcing, talent identification and succession, assessment and selection, induction, exit and finally legal framework. Assessment and selection, induction and exit are more essential to my role as these are all part of my day to day activities. Assessment and selection is essential to my role and falls into band one due to sitting in on interviews and sometimes conducting them. Within the interview process my role is to identify candidates that will fulfil the short and long term goals of the organisation, to do this effectively a good knowledge of the company is required to be able to identify the key people. The next essential area to my role is induction as all new starters are required to undertake one. This is more customer orientated as this affects customers internally and externally as the new starter to be able to hit the ground running they will need a thorough induction. This will include a full history and background information of the company, introductions to colleagues, company handbook, health safety information and job description. Finally the last essential activity exit is a key role as all employees on leaving the organisation are required to fulfil an exit interview. The purpose of this is to gain as much information and knowledge as possible on reasons for leaving which in turn will help in future activities such as assessments and selection. All of these tasks are in someway or another supporting colleagues whether it is taking notes in an interview or making sure a new starter is fully prepared, managing information such as new starter details and all activities are customer orientated. Activity 2 Customer needs A HR practitioner should ensure that the services they provide are timely and effective. This is going to be shown by understanding customer needs, giving three examples and a need for each. Also by discussing effective communication, different methods and there advantages and disadvantages. Finally by showing effective service delivery including service on time, to budget, dealing with difficult customers and customer complaints. There can be many different types of customers and within my HR role there is my manager, colleagues and pension provider. An example of my managers need would be for me to agree with them and write up a return to work plan in line with the company’s procedures for a member of staff with long term sickness. A colleague’s example need would be requiring leave for a death in the family and to follow the necessary procedures to make sure this happens and cover is obtained either by internal cover or temporary help from an external source. Thirdly the pension providers need would be updated details required for employees. To all these customers they will believe that there need is a priority and to prioritise these conflicting needs I would assess by analysing what would need urgent attention and what could wait. Firstly I would deal with the employee who has had a death in the family as this is obviously a difficult time for them and will need the peace of mind that they will not need to worry about work and focus on the sad news they have received. Secondly I would then deal with my managers request for a return to work plan for a long term sickness employee, the reason this is second is because this is not happening straight as the member of staff is off with long term sickness but will be returning in the near future and is important a plan is agreed with them and my manager. Finally I will now be able to deal with the pension provider as the information they requested is not urgent but is necessary for them to provide us with there service. Effective communication Effective communication is an important role for a HR practitioner because it empowers them to provide clear direction, information and effective service. There are many ways to communicate within and outside working life. Within my HR role the most common methods are email, face to face and letters. Next will show the advantages and disadvantages of these communication methods –
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
The Lawyer Review Essay Example
The Lawyer Review Paper Essay on The Lawyer Still, not everyone in the United States as well as we would like to believe. Just yesterday, reading a book, slightly dispels the pink mist over over Washington Lawyer by John Grisham. it is written clearly not for a pleasant evening of reading, and to lobby for a particular idea, and thereby received ideological and manufacturing novel about lawyers. The book describes how a successful lawyer, earning several hundred thousand dollars a year, together with his colleagues randomly it becomes a hostage armed with a pistol and explosives street vagrant. After a few hours spent by them in anticipation of the explosion and sudden death, the police release the hostages, killing the tramp. He did not have time to explain what he wanted. Then the lawyer decides to find it myself. And before it opens an abyss, into which fell and live with no hope to change something in my life for the better, hundreds of his compatriots. We are talking about people who have lost their first job, and then housing. (However, some of them from the very beginning up to the street, at the same homeless mothers, drug addicts and prostitutes). They feed in the free soup kitchens, occasionally spend the night in shelters, and mostly live on the street, even in the winter. While investigating who was a man, whose brains and blood after shooting a police sniper filled his face, the lawyer meets with his colleague in the profession, which is the money the charity fund protects the rights of these people:. the right to legal aid, benefits, pensions, etc. every year the army of officials in the field of social welfare is increasing, as a means to help disadvantaged decrease. In this indifference of bureaucrats to interfere with even the money that stand out, to reach the poorest Americans. We will write a custom essay sample on The Lawyer Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Lawyer Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Lawyer Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Often the indifference of society leads to a real tragedy. Lawyer taken to defend the rights of victims of post-mortem one such tragedy: mother and her four children suffocated in his sleep in the car, where they actually lived after them in the most severe winter time illegally and without warning thrown out of a tiny rented accommodation. To this end, a successful lawyer, the future companion of the company and the potential millionaire abruptly changes his life. Quits his job, steals from the office of the dossier, which reveals the background of dirty tragedy exposed the police and prosecuted by the former colleagues, but .. In general, I advise you to check out. Still, no matter how the author tried to portray the radical demolition of the fate of his hero, he is not quite happened. Yes, successful yuppies playfully refused to attribute a comfortable upper middle class life. He buys coffee and donuts inveterate drug addict, prostitute close to my heart takes its problems, pays out of pocket for her motel room, where she has to spend a few days in complete abstinence (this should be the first step to return to her son). But with all this, he still remains an American lawyer. A man for whom the first place to shake money from the enemy of his client. Children were killed, what difference how many millions will pay their relatives who never cared about them, a firm indirectly responsible for their deaths? Maybe spiritual fervor better spent on living? Or motive lawyer was to protect themselves from the punishment for stealing a key file in this matter, for which he was, after all, faces 10 years in prison? There are other points that cause confusion and suspicion that the author simply did not know how to promote the narrative, without disrupting the logic of events, therefore, I grasped at any grand piano in the bushes.
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