Monday, 30 September 2019
A Formalist Approach on A Supermarket in California by Allen Ginsberg Essay
Allen Ginsberg is considered to be one of the most influential poet of all time. He is regarded one of the most influential personalities of the beat generation during the 1950’s and 1960’s. His works became known for assaulting the prevalent conformity and materialism in the United States during his time. One of his best known work is the poem â€Å"A Supermarket in California. †It would be very interesting to approach a work of Ginsberg according to formalist standards. A formalist approach the work of Ginsberg would only reveal to us that he deliberately breaks-off from the conventions set by formalism. According to the criterion of formalism, an art work should only be judged according to the set conventions of its form. Poetry under formalism could also be considered as traditional poetry. In poetry, formalism would be more concerned with the form, rhyme scheme, and meter. Ginsberg’s â€Å"A Supermarket in California†violates many formalist standards. It would be important to note that the poem is not metered and there is no apparent end rhymes. The poem is actually written in long lines following the free-verse form. Free-verse is generally considered as an open genre of poetry wherein structure, rhyme, and meter are not prioritized (Lawlor 208). Reading orally would reveal to us that the poem is intended to be read. The poem takes on a poetic yet conversational tone. However, an interesting aspect about free-verse is that there is still some sense of control, something that holds the poem together, namely the metaphor. In this particular aspect of the poem, some sense of standard is found, therefore quasi-formalist. Ginsberg had used the supermarket as a metaphor for the society, wherein people are just produce â€Å"aisles full of husbands / wives in the avocados / babies in the tomatoes. †Ginsberg had portrayed Walt Whitman and Garcia Lorca as shoppers in â€Å"the neon fruit supermarket. It should be noted that Whitman and Lorca are regarded as two of the greatest poets in the history of literature. The metaphor is suggesting that the society is abundant with people whom poets could pick as an inspiration of their works. Another important aspect to be considered is that Allen Ginsberg is heavily associated with the beat generation, a group of writers dedicated to subvert the standards set by formalists (Lawlor 340). Without a doubt, Ginsberg’s work on â€Å"A Supermarket in California†would not pass the standards of formalist poetry. However, we must set Ginsberg’s poem within its context. The audience Ginsberg had was not entertained by formalist poetry. That is why he had written the poem in a simple and conversational manner. This is one of most admirable aspects of Allen Ginsberg’s poetry. After all, it all boils down to priority. A poet should decide which is more important, the message of the poem or the form?
Sunday, 29 September 2019
Developmental Assets
EDU360 Developmental Assets July 2010 Education is one of the most important aspects of any child’s life. One day I hope to be a positive and successful teacher, where children need and want to have me be a part of their learning and successes throughout their lives. Educational philosophy has changed over the decades, and still today, not everyone is in total and complete agreement on the subject. Nevertheless, one thing is certain: philosophy is the groundwork of learning styles. All children learn differently and no one philosophy is completely correct. Children are not a one size fit all it comes in a verity of style and beliefs. If we start to guile them by being a good role model, you will be giving the needed equity’s to the young people, by giving the need path to go down for success life. There are four basic educational philosophies that exist including idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism. These four philosophies are not the same, but they do attempt to aim for a similar if not the same goal. To put it simply, they are trying to better our educational system. Every teacher has a different style of teaching that can be reflected as their own. For every teacher that is in one way or another stand by the four basic philosophies. The more assets they have, the more they thrive and the less likely they are to take part in risky behavior. Physical characteristics of these children play a huge part it is formed from good relationships, opportunities, and personal qualities these young children will find essential to avoid risks and to thrive in their lives. Teachers most keep in mind that development and improvement of assets is an ongoing process. Not all children possess the same asset but all can grow and develop over time. We need to pass as many assets as we can to the children we encounter one time or daily. Teaching our children to make smart decisions, be responsible students and caring citizens is a goal for all educators. By teaching young children at a young age of kindergarten through third grade to me is the foundation once they are out of the home. Learning new things, through new soundings by teaching boundaries and what the expectations are to give a type of empowerment. With the start of strong relationships between adults and young children, peers are central to asset building. Everyone can build assets needed to success. All children, youth and even adults can and are building the required assets through community and family, by playing their own roles. It is done through positive support in a constructive, active home and school. By giving the core to their self-confidence, this will stay with them as they grow. It important to install empowerment to all children, this can be done by positive reinforcement. Complement day is a fun rewarding why to teach this. Developmental Assets are important for any child to learn to possess them betterThese are important characteristics for all children regardless of background, gender, economic status, ace or family situation (Webb, 2010 p. 227). To have these as early as possible help the children avoid risks and stay away from participating in risky behavior. It helps them learn how to make good choices and caring responsible adults (Schultz, 2006). It really is the foundation to represent to relationships opportunities, and personal qualities that all young people need not be a risk. There is a list of the 40 developmental assents web page is http://www. earch-institute. org/assets for all ages. Developmental assets are broken up into 20 External Assets and 20 Internal Assets. Each one dives into four categories. External Assets: Support, empowerment, boundaries, constructive use of one’s time and expectations these are needed to help give a rounded life. Teachers have the responsibility for these young so they end up with the creating internal assets too. There needs to be an allied commitment to nurture their core qualities, which will guide them to their choices, which will help generate a well-balanced self, capable of resolving issues, and focusing on opportunities. These four categories of internal assets are: a pledge to learn social skills, positive morals, and social skills and give them a positive identity about themselves. For teacher, developmental assets are is the foundation to a wide-range of children and adolescent growth, the ability to spring back for setbacks, and one social and mental health. The more assets young people have the better. Children with more assets at a young age will most likely grow up to be considerate of other, able to accomplish more and become responsible adults. These individuals contribute to their society with a meaningful purpose for their lives. So just by taking the time to know who they are gives a strong foundation the can build on. It’s important to help the children find their loyalty to learning with positive values. This can be done through social planning and decision making, which will give them a positive self-esteem. What it comes down to is that Developmental Assets are the ground work for basic life skills and traits that are a very important start for children to have successful growth and development. It is like giving them the tools to ensure that they have skills to deal with if experiences they will encounter on to make a successful adult. Capable of making good choices for themselves and being that positive influence needed for the others around them. The song the comes to mind is by Michael Jackson called I believe that children are our furthers, it is a example of what is need so badly in our community. The three risk factors I have chosen are low parental support, mentally ill parents, and participating in public assistance programs. Parental support/involvement in education and home is a vital fundamental start to a successful life. Without the support of inside and outside of the school gives a greater chance of a child being at risk. Just by attending parent-teacher conferences, showing interest, and setting expectations makes more of a difference to a child than one realizes. To me, school is important at any age, but a child with low parental support may never see the importance of it through the parent and needs to get support. Another way for a child to be at risk is having a mentally ill parent. Mental illness can have social problems causing many issues within families, school and work. It is not easy for a child to cope with a mentally ill parent. It can cause the role to be reversed the child take care of the parent, leaving no support in the schools and lack of a role model. The child can be neglected or put in to danger. There are children from broken homes that are at risk too. These children are at higher risk in education. There are a wide range of behaviors that come up with a broken home. It has a huge influence on academic performance, psychological and emotional suffering, social misbehavior and teen pregnancy to name just a few. There is a study that says â€Å"children that come from broken homes were three times more likely to suffer from attention deficit disorders than children form intact homes†(Schultz, 2006). Children model the behavior that they see the ones they look up to. If it is lacking the home it is the teacher’s role job to give them positive engagement that will develop the wonted assets. â€Å"Developmental Assets model is a philosophical approach to developing youth rather than criticizing them so they can avoid negative behavior and excel at positive behavior†(Codie, 2010 ). To be a mentor to students at the level they are in need of. Our children in school today have a growing need for stronger home to school connection than ever as the deal with a variety of situations, having anything from a mentally ill parent, to children that are dependent on different programs due to providers not having the finances, right down to having very little parental support. Our children are dealing with increasing choices and need a strong support system to depend on outside of school. Being a family with good communication skills gives children empowerment of safety and good resources that can be used in school and the community. As a school, there are lots of different ways to help children feel like they are fully capable of achieving their true potential. There are a variety of controversial situations children face each and every day inside and outside of schools. In school, there are small groups that play games that address situation they may face on a daily basis from bullying, dealing with anger and how to deal with it appropriate to the situation on the card. Some schools have exemplary programs for dealing with anger, showing them faces on a chart and how they are feeling and what the next step is to stop the anger. It is on the child desk or note book and every classroom wall. This is allowing the child in control of their behavior and letting them learn they can achieve this goal. The biggest thing is to get the parents involved in the handling of what is best for their child. Teachers can make a great impact on our world through the relationships with students. Teachers should help each student meet their fullest potential by providing an atmosphere that is safe, able to support risk-taking and encourages a circulation of ideas. To see the connection to learning through the eyes of the child taught by am inspire is the highest level of sat faction. In education it is a process and sadly some are overlooked. As a teacher, the students would be main concern, guiding me in my philosophy of teaching. It takes experiences and we all have much to learn but to strive to do to teach each and every child as I enter into the workforce. I think the environment should always contribute to an environment that is allowing the teacher to be the guide, it should also be a place that let the child natural interest are free to learn form and the finally one is to show respect for all. Helping students to find the inner nd support in their path success, on most be a mentor and teacher that helps all in need, and by doing this the world is going to be a better place. Class rooms should be about the students and what they can bring to their success. The surrounding that the students are in each day makes a different. When using pictures and things to relate to their class in a contributing to their educational needs. Visual aids are a way to let th e child bring success as a whole but for them self too. Showing the children of the future that they have the ability to learn with the tools available is the role of a teacher. A thriving classroom/school is to teach children how to communicate their own beliefs and nurture their own ideas. Children learn from teaches commination and it leads to trust and positive relations. A simple way to teach this by having a time set aside each week for the children to draw a name and to give a complement to the other students. It builds respect as well confidence for the speaker and receiver. In conclusion, it the student that come first and that is the foundation on which all teaching decisions should be booked. To keep an open mind is to be flexible, each and every one learns a little differently. We as teacher have to learn and change as to what the children’s needs are. We all have the potential to bring something unique and special to the table but when the door is open at a young age more doors will open. Through the use of assets using communication and treating them like we all want to be treated things work out for the best. All it takes is the time to find the common ground between you and any child. One life touch is one step closer to success. It’s like planting seeds for the future and instilling healthy balance in their life. References: Codie McLachlan. (2010, April 30). 0 Assets videos target adults as well as youths. Saint City News, 17. Retrieved August 8, 2010, from Canadian Newsstand Complete. (Document ID: 2045205771). Gudrun Schultz (2006, January 16). Broken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children http://www. lifesitenews. com/ldn/2006/jan/06011605. html Schultz Gudrun (January 16, 2006). Broken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children http://www. lifesitenews. com/ldn/2006/jan/06011605. html Webb, L. D. , Metha, A. & Jordan K. F. (2010). Foundations of American Education (6th ed. ). Developmental Assets EDU360 Developmental Assets July 2010 Education is one of the most important aspects of any child’s life. One day I hope to be a positive and successful teacher, where children need and want to have me be a part of their learning and successes throughout their lives. Educational philosophy has changed over the decades, and still today, not everyone is in total and complete agreement on the subject. Nevertheless, one thing is certain: philosophy is the groundwork of learning styles. All children learn differently and no one philosophy is completely correct. Children are not a one size fit all it comes in a verity of style and beliefs. If we start to guile them by being a good role model, you will be giving the needed equity’s to the young people, by giving the need path to go down for success life. There are four basic educational philosophies that exist including idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism. These four philosophies are not the same, but they do attempt to aim for a similar if not the same goal. To put it simply, they are trying to better our educational system. Every teacher has a different style of teaching that can be reflected as their own. For every teacher that is in one way or another stand by the four basic philosophies. The more assets they have, the more they thrive and the less likely they are to take part in risky behavior. Physical characteristics of these children play a huge part it is formed from good relationships, opportunities, and personal qualities these young children will find essential to avoid risks and to thrive in their lives. Teachers most keep in mind that development and improvement of assets is an ongoing process. Not all children possess the same asset but all can grow and develop over time. We need to pass as many assets as we can to the children we encounter one time or daily. Teaching our children to make smart decisions, be responsible students and caring citizens is a goal for all educators. By teaching young children at a young age of kindergarten through third grade to me is the foundation once they are out of the home. Learning new things, through new soundings by teaching boundaries and what the expectations are to give a type of empowerment. With the start of strong relationships between adults and young children, peers are central to asset building. Everyone can build assets needed to success. All children, youth and even adults can and are building the required assets through community and family, by playing their own roles. It is done through positive support in a constructive, active home and school. By giving the core to their self-confidence, this will stay with them as they grow. It important to install empowerment to all children, this can be done by positive reinforcement. Complement day is a fun rewarding why to teach this. Developmental Assets are important for any child to learn to possess them betterThese are important characteristics for all children regardless of background, gender, economic status, ace or family situation (Webb, 2010 p. 227). To have these as early as possible help the children avoid risks and stay away from participating in risky behavior. It helps them learn how to make good choices and caring responsible adults (Schultz, 2006). It really is the foundation to represent to relationships opportunities, and personal qualities that all young people need not be a risk. There is a list of the 40 developmental assents web page is http://www. earch-institute. org/assets for all ages. Developmental assets are broken up into 20 External Assets and 20 Internal Assets. Each one dives into four categories. External Assets: Support, empowerment, boundaries, constructive use of one’s time and expectations these are needed to help give a rounded life. Teachers have the responsibility for these young so they end up with the creating internal assets too. There needs to be an allied commitment to nurture their core qualities, which will guide them to their choices, which will help generate a well-balanced self, capable of resolving issues, and focusing on opportunities. These four categories of internal assets are: a pledge to learn social skills, positive morals, and social skills and give them a positive identity about themselves. For teacher, developmental assets are is the foundation to a wide-range of children and adolescent growth, the ability to spring back for setbacks, and one social and mental health. The more assets young people have the better. Children with more assets at a young age will most likely grow up to be considerate of other, able to accomplish more and become responsible adults. These individuals contribute to their society with a meaningful purpose for their lives. So just by taking the time to know who they are gives a strong foundation the can build on. It’s important to help the children find their loyalty to learning with positive values. This can be done through social planning and decision making, which will give them a positive self-esteem. What it comes down to is that Developmental Assets are the ground work for basic life skills and traits that are a very important start for children to have successful growth and development. It is like giving them the tools to ensure that they have skills to deal with if experiences they will encounter on to make a successful adult. Capable of making good choices for themselves and being that positive influence needed for the others around them. The song the comes to mind is by Michael Jackson called I believe that children are our furthers, it is a example of what is need so badly in our community. The three risk factors I have chosen are low parental support, mentally ill parents, and participating in public assistance programs. Parental support/involvement in education and home is a vital fundamental start to a successful life. Without the support of inside and outside of the school gives a greater chance of a child being at risk. Just by attending parent-teacher conferences, showing interest, and setting expectations makes more of a difference to a child than one realizes. To me, school is important at any age, but a child with low parental support may never see the importance of it through the parent and needs to get support. Another way for a child to be at risk is having a mentally ill parent. Mental illness can have social problems causing many issues within families, school and work. It is not easy for a child to cope with a mentally ill parent. It can cause the role to be reversed the child take care of the parent, leaving no support in the schools and lack of a role model. The child can be neglected or put in to danger. There are children from broken homes that are at risk too. These children are at higher risk in education. There are a wide range of behaviors that come up with a broken home. It has a huge influence on academic performance, psychological and emotional suffering, social misbehavior and teen pregnancy to name just a few. There is a study that says â€Å"children that come from broken homes were three times more likely to suffer from attention deficit disorders than children form intact homes†(Schultz, 2006). Children model the behavior that they see the ones they look up to. If it is lacking the home it is the teacher’s role job to give them positive engagement that will develop the wonted assets. â€Å"Developmental Assets model is a philosophical approach to developing youth rather than criticizing them so they can avoid negative behavior and excel at positive behavior†(Codie, 2010 ). To be a mentor to students at the level they are in need of. Our children in school today have a growing need for stronger home to school connection than ever as the deal with a variety of situations, having anything from a mentally ill parent, to children that are dependent on different programs due to providers not having the finances, right down to having very little parental support. Our children are dealing with increasing choices and need a strong support system to depend on outside of school. Being a family with good communication skills gives children empowerment of safety and good resources that can be used in school and the community. As a school, there are lots of different ways to help children feel like they are fully capable of achieving their true potential. There are a variety of controversial situations children face each and every day inside and outside of schools. In school, there are small groups that play games that address situation they may face on a daily basis from bullying, dealing with anger and how to deal with it appropriate to the situation on the card. Some schools have exemplary programs for dealing with anger, showing them faces on a chart and how they are feeling and what the next step is to stop the anger. It is on the child desk or note book and every classroom wall. This is allowing the child in control of their behavior and letting them learn they can achieve this goal. The biggest thing is to get the parents involved in the handling of what is best for their child. Teachers can make a great impact on our world through the relationships with students. Teachers should help each student meet their fullest potential by providing an atmosphere that is safe, able to support risk-taking and encourages a circulation of ideas. To see the connection to learning through the eyes of the child taught by am inspire is the highest level of sat faction. In education it is a process and sadly some are overlooked. As a teacher, the students would be main concern, guiding me in my philosophy of teaching. It takes experiences and we all have much to learn but to strive to do to teach each and every child as I enter into the workforce. I think the environment should always contribute to an environment that is allowing the teacher to be the guide, it should also be a place that let the child natural interest are free to learn form and the finally one is to show respect for all. Helping students to find the inner nd support in their path success, on most be a mentor and teacher that helps all in need, and by doing this the world is going to be a better place. Class rooms should be about the students and what they can bring to their success. The surrounding that the students are in each day makes a different. When using pictures and things to relate to their class in a contributing to their educational needs. Visual aids are a way to let th e child bring success as a whole but for them self too. Showing the children of the future that they have the ability to learn with the tools available is the role of a teacher. A thriving classroom/school is to teach children how to communicate their own beliefs and nurture their own ideas. Children learn from teaches commination and it leads to trust and positive relations. A simple way to teach this by having a time set aside each week for the children to draw a name and to give a complement to the other students. It builds respect as well confidence for the speaker and receiver. In conclusion, it the student that come first and that is the foundation on which all teaching decisions should be booked. To keep an open mind is to be flexible, each and every one learns a little differently. We as teacher have to learn and change as to what the children’s needs are. We all have the potential to bring something unique and special to the table but when the door is open at a young age more doors will open. Through the use of assets using communication and treating them like we all want to be treated things work out for the best. All it takes is the time to find the common ground between you and any child. One life touch is one step closer to success. It’s like planting seeds for the future and instilling healthy balance in their life. References: Codie McLachlan. (2010, April 30). 0 Assets videos target adults as well as youths. Saint City News, 17. Retrieved August 8, 2010, from Canadian Newsstand Complete. (Document ID: 2045205771). Gudrun Schultz (2006, January 16). Broken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children http://www. lifesitenews. com/ldn/2006/jan/06011605. html Schultz Gudrun (January 16, 2006). Broken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children http://www. lifesitenews. com/ldn/2006/jan/06011605. html Webb, L. D. , Metha, A. & Jordan K. F. (2010). Foundations of American Education (6th ed. ).
Saturday, 28 September 2019
An Example of an Introduction
Body of Essay An Example Of How To Construct A Six Step Paragraph Step one: Write a lead in sentence that refers back to the essay topic It is the intention of this paragraph to analyse how and when Drug Inc. enior managers can deal with resistance to change, downsizing and casualisation of non-core employees. Step Two: Cite expert opinion to support your upcoming cause and effect analytical example. Kotter Schlesinger (1979), as cited in Wood et al. , (2006:504), argues that there are six ways to deal with resistance to change namely education and communication, participation and involvement, support and facilitation, negotiation and agreement, manipulation and cooptation and explicit coercion. Step Three: Write a measurable cause and effect analytical example Drug Inc. top managers have decided to downsize and casualise its non-core workforce to reduce labour costs and introduce internet selling as part of its operations. However, these changes can impact on employees and may lead to a decrease in job satisfaction, absenteeism, morale, uncertain and fear of future employment. Therefore the Drug Inc. managers implement its changes by implementing a strategic planned change management approach that deals with resistance to change processes. Step Four: Cite expert opinion to support your analysis of the advantages of: Makawatsukul Kleiner (2003), argues that the key advantages of managers and change agents being actively involved in managing change is that they are able to inform employees about the impending change being planned with open and honest communication, and by expressing the reason for downsizing. In stage 2 the remaining employees should be involved in redesigning and improving their job roles and responsibilities. In stage 3 Drug Inc. generous remuneration offers should be made to the survivors of the downsizing to highlight how valued they are by management. In addition Makawatsukul Kleiner (2003), also argues that the Drug Inc. needs to provide stress management, skill assessment, career counselling, workplace placement programs while training programs should also be provided to the remaining employees, in an effort increase their confidence and skills in performing new job roles. Step Five: Cite expert opinion to support your analysis of the disadvantages of: Whereas, Dawson, (1996), as cited in Saka (2002), argues that the key disadvantage of managers and change agents not communicating to employees the impending threat of downsizing and job redesign may result in an increase in rumours that leads to an increase in staff absenteeism, a decline in staff morale and loyalty that could ultimately result in an increase in staff turnover of highly talented and core employees. Step Six: Write a concluding sentence (or two) that summarises the key point(s) contained in the paragraph In conclusion, resistance to downsizing within the Drug Inc. organization can only be overcome if employees concerns are dealt with openly and honestly and the survivors new job roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and opportunities for training and development and advancement are explained to each employee on an individual basis. An example of how to write an excellent paragraph This is a repeat of the previous page but in the correct paragraphing format) It is the intention of this paragraph to analyse how and when Drug Inc. senior managers can deal with resistance to change, downsizing and casualisation of non-core employees. Kotter Schlesinger (1979), as cited in Wood et al. , (2006:504), argues that there are six ways to deal with resistance to change namely education and communication, participation and involvement, support and facilitation, negotiation and agre ement, manipulation and cooptation and explicit coercion. Drug Inc. top managers have decided to downsize and casualise its non-core workforce to reduce labour costs and introduce internet selling as part of its operations. However, these changes can impact on employees and may lead to a decrease in job satisfaction, absenteeism, morale, uncertain and fear of future employment. Therefore the Drug Inc. managers implement its changes by implementing a strategic planned change management approach that deals with resistance to change processes. Makawatsukul Kleiner (2003), argues that the key advantages of managers and change agents being actively involved in managing change is that they are able to inform employees about the impending change being planned with open and honest communication, and by expressing the reason for downsizing. In stage 2 the remaining employees should be involved in redesigning and improving their job roles and responsibilities. In stage 3 Drug Inc. enerous remuneration offers should be made to the survivors of the downsizing to highlight how valued they are by management. In addition Makawatsukul Kleiner (2003), also argues that the Drug Inc. needs to provide stress management, skill assessment, career counselling, workplace placement programs while training programs should also be provided to the remaining employees, in an effort increase their confidence and skills in performing new job roles. Whereas, Dawson (1996), as cited in Saka (2002), argues that the key disadvantage of managers and change agents not communicating to employees the impending threat of downsizing and job redesign may result in an increase in rumours that leads to an increase in staff absenteeism, a decline in staff morale and loyalty that could ultimately result in an increase in staff turnover of highly talented and core employees. In conclusion, resistance to downsizing within the Drug Inc. organization can only be overcome if employees concerns are dealt with openly and honestly and the survivors new job roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and opportunities for training and development and advancement are explained to each employee on an individual basis. An Example Of A Conclusion In conclusion, the key issues identified within the KD Transport case study are John the Managing Director’s autocratic leadership style, his autocratic decision making style and involvement in job analysis and job redesign in preparation for downsizing non core job roles. In order to overcome the issues identified in KD Transport, these issues should be addressed efficiently. The first key problem identified is that John the Managing Director of KD Transport should be ready to change his traits and behaviours to overcome the problems facing at the moment due to his autocratic leadership style and autocratic decision making. The first key recommendation is that John adopts more participative leadership style over the current autocratic leadership style because it is likely to result in creative and innovative ideas, employee involvement in decision making that generate a broad range of actions that could be considered for implementation. The second key problem identified in the case study is that John the Managing Director should involve fellow managers and employees in the decision making process. The second key recommendation is that John adopts participative decision making where the Managing Director seeks input from other managers and employees and it is likely to result in increased employee satisfaction, improved staff loyalty, increased productivity and more informal efficient decision making outcomes. The third key issue identified is that John should involve HR personnel in job analysis and job redesign process. The third key recommendation is that John the Managing Director seek the involvement of HR Personnel or a HR consultant in employee downsizing, job analysis and job redesign process because HR personnel have the expertise to conduct job analysis and identify which job roles should be downsized and which employees and job roles should survive in order to achieve short term as well as long term organizational goals and objectives. Furthermore, the HR personnel has the expertise to design a training and coaching process for the survivors of the re-organisation process at KD Transport to perform the new job roles and responsibilities as a result of the job redesign process that occurred with the amalgamation of three warehouses into one. Finally, John the Managing Director should take all the aforesaid factors into consideration in order to facilitate the smooth running of the business and over come the current problems that KD Transport is experiencing. An Brief Example Of A Bibliography (A bibliography must be in alphabetical order of authors cited) References: Compton, R. , Morrissey, W. , and Nankervis, A. , (2006), Effective Recruitment and selection practices, 4th edition, CCH Aust Ltd, Sydney Deresky, H (2008), International Management: Managing across borders and cultures, 6th edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA. Fish, A. , Bhanuogopan, R Cogin, J. , (2008), ‘Value orientations as predicators of cultural and business impact’, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 30-48. Fu, P. , Yukl, G. , (2000), ‘Perceived effectiveness of influence tactics in the United States and China’, Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 2. pp. 35-55. Hayes, D. , Ninemeier, J. , (2008), Human Resources in he Hospitality Industry, John Wiley Sons Inc How To Cite Textbooks And Journals In Your Bibliography Citing textbooks in your bibliography is as follows: Surname, Initial of Christian Name, (Year of Publication) Title of Textbook, Name of Publisher, Place of Publication. Citing journals in your bibliography is as follows: Surname, Initial of Christian Name, (Year of Publication), Title of journal article, Name of journal article, Volume, Issue Number, Page Numbers. An Example of an Introduction Body of Essay An Example Of How To Construct A Six Step Paragraph Step one: Write a lead in sentence that refers back to the essay topic It is the intention of this paragraph to analyse how and when Drug Inc. enior managers can deal with resistance to change, downsizing and casualisation of non-core employees. Step Two: Cite expert opinion to support your upcoming cause and effect analytical example. Kotter Schlesinger (1979), as cited in Wood et al. , (2006:504), argues that there are six ways to deal with resistance to change namely education and communication, participation and involvement, support and facilitation, negotiation and agreement, manipulation and cooptation and explicit coercion. Step Three: Write a measurable cause and effect analytical example Drug Inc. top managers have decided to downsize and casualise its non-core workforce to reduce labour costs and introduce internet selling as part of its operations. However, these changes can impact on employees and may lead to a decrease in job satisfaction, absenteeism, morale, uncertain and fear of future employment. Therefore the Drug Inc. managers implement its changes by implementing a strategic planned change management approach that deals with resistance to change processes. Step Four: Cite expert opinion to support your analysis of the advantages of: Makawatsukul Kleiner (2003), argues that the key advantages of managers and change agents being actively involved in managing change is that they are able to inform employees about the impending change being planned with open and honest communication, and by expressing the reason for downsizing. In stage 2 the remaining employees should be involved in redesigning and improving their job roles and responsibilities. In stage 3 Drug Inc. generous remuneration offers should be made to the survivors of the downsizing to highlight how valued they are by management. In addition Makawatsukul Kleiner (2003), also argues that the Drug Inc. needs to provide stress management, skill assessment, career counselling, workplace placement programs while training programs should also be provided to the remaining employees, in an effort increase their confidence and skills in performing new job roles. Step Five: Cite expert opinion to support your analysis of the disadvantages of: Whereas, Dawson, (1996), as cited in Saka (2002), argues that the key disadvantage of managers and change agents not communicating to employees the impending threat of downsizing and job redesign may result in an increase in rumours that leads to an increase in staff absenteeism, a decline in staff morale and loyalty that could ultimately result in an increase in staff turnover of highly talented and core employees. Step Six: Write a concluding sentence (or two) that summarises the key point(s) contained in the paragraph In conclusion, resistance to downsizing within the Drug Inc. organization can only be overcome if employees concerns are dealt with openly and honestly and the survivors new job roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and opportunities for training and development and advancement are explained to each employee on an individual basis. An example of how to write an excellent paragraph This is a repeat of the previous page but in the correct paragraphing format) It is the intention of this paragraph to analyse how and when Drug Inc. senior managers can deal with resistance to change, downsizing and casualisation of non-core employees. Kotter Schlesinger (1979), as cited in Wood et al. , (2006:504), argues that there are six ways to deal with resistance to change namely education and communication, participation and involvement, support and facilitation, negotiation and agre ement, manipulation and cooptation and explicit coercion. Drug Inc. top managers have decided to downsize and casualise its non-core workforce to reduce labour costs and introduce internet selling as part of its operations. However, these changes can impact on employees and may lead to a decrease in job satisfaction, absenteeism, morale, uncertain and fear of future employment. Therefore the Drug Inc. managers implement its changes by implementing a strategic planned change management approach that deals with resistance to change processes. Makawatsukul Kleiner (2003), argues that the key advantages of managers and change agents being actively involved in managing change is that they are able to inform employees about the impending change being planned with open and honest communication, and by expressing the reason for downsizing. In stage 2 the remaining employees should be involved in redesigning and improving their job roles and responsibilities. In stage 3 Drug Inc. enerous remuneration offers should be made to the survivors of the downsizing to highlight how valued they are by management. In addition Makawatsukul Kleiner (2003), also argues that the Drug Inc. needs to provide stress management, skill assessment, career counselling, workplace placement programs while training programs should also be provided to the remaining employees, in an effort increase their confidence and skills in performing new job roles. Whereas, Dawson (1996), as cited in Saka (2002), argues that the key disadvantage of managers and change agents not communicating to employees the impending threat of downsizing and job redesign may result in an increase in rumours that leads to an increase in staff absenteeism, a decline in staff morale and loyalty that could ultimately result in an increase in staff turnover of highly talented and core employees. In conclusion, resistance to downsizing within the Drug Inc. organization can only be overcome if employees concerns are dealt with openly and honestly and the survivors new job roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and opportunities for training and development and advancement are explained to each employee on an individual basis. An Example Of A Conclusion In conclusion, the key issues identified within the KD Transport case study are John the Managing Director’s autocratic leadership style, his autocratic decision making style and involvement in job analysis and job redesign in preparation for downsizing non core job roles. In order to overcome the issues identified in KD Transport, these issues should be addressed efficiently. The first key problem identified is that John the Managing Director of KD Transport should be ready to change his traits and behaviours to overcome the problems facing at the moment due to his autocratic leadership style and autocratic decision making. The first key recommendation is that John adopts more participative leadership style over the current autocratic leadership style because it is likely to result in creative and innovative ideas, employee involvement in decision making that generate a broad range of actions that could be considered for implementation. The second key problem identified in the case study is that John the Managing Director should involve fellow managers and employees in the decision making process. The second key recommendation is that John adopts participative decision making where the Managing Director seeks input from other managers and employees and it is likely to result in increased employee satisfaction, improved staff loyalty, increased productivity and more informal efficient decision making outcomes. The third key issue identified is that John should involve HR personnel in job analysis and job redesign process. The third key recommendation is that John the Managing Director seek the involvement of HR Personnel or a HR consultant in employee downsizing, job analysis and job redesign process because HR personnel have the expertise to conduct job analysis and identify which job roles should be downsized and which employees and job roles should survive in order to achieve short term as well as long term organizational goals and objectives. Furthermore, the HR personnel has the expertise to design a training and coaching process for the survivors of the re-organisation process at KD Transport to perform the new job roles and responsibilities as a result of the job redesign process that occurred with the amalgamation of three warehouses into one. Finally, John the Managing Director should take all the aforesaid factors into consideration in order to facilitate the smooth running of the business and over come the current problems that KD Transport is experiencing. An Brief Example Of A Bibliography (A bibliography must be in alphabetical order of authors cited) References: Compton, R. , Morrissey, W. , and Nankervis, A. , (2006), Effective Recruitment and selection practices, 4th edition, CCH Aust Ltd, Sydney Deresky, H (2008), International Management: Managing across borders and cultures, 6th edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA. Fish, A. , Bhanuogopan, R Cogin, J. , (2008), ‘Value orientations as predicators of cultural and business impact’, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 30-48. Fu, P. , Yukl, G. , (2000), ‘Perceived effectiveness of influence tactics in the United States and China’, Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 2. pp. 35-55. Hayes, D. , Ninemeier, J. , (2008), Human Resources in he Hospitality Industry, John Wiley Sons Inc How To Cite Textbooks And Journals In Your Bibliography Citing textbooks in your bibliography is as follows: Surname, Initial of Christian Name, (Year of Publication) Title of Textbook, Name of Publisher, Place of Publication. Citing journals in your bibliography is as follows: Surname, Initial of Christian Name, (Year of Publication), Title of journal article, Name of journal article, Volume, Issue Number, Page Numbers.
Friday, 27 September 2019
Ethics in Cyberspace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethics in Cyberspace - Essay Example Cybercrime is one is one of the problems that many people using Internet face. It is more acceptable to put an apparent useful program, which is a harmless virus for downloading than selling the details of customers to the third party. This is because the program may be useful to people, and this is a matter of trying to gain experience. Since, the program is useful and harmless, the Internet user may benefit from the program in case it succeeds. Hester and Ford reveal varied cybercrimes and most of them are unethical. Examples in this essay describes such programs. A virus that may destroy someone’s information is a crime that many technology hackers commit. Although, this is more acceptable than selling a customer’s information to the third party because some many people protect their computers with anti-virus. In conclusion, it is more acceptable to put an apparent useful program, which is a harmless virus for download on a Website than selling customer details to th ird party marketing companies without telling the customers. This is because the computer expert may create useful program that may helpful Internet users. Moreover, the computer experts may want to test their capability in technology which is acceptable. Others experts may want to reveal their talent through creating of useful programs in the Internet. Sending useful programs that are harmless is vital because they may not infect data files. Ethical hacking is help because it enables ethical hackers to create vital programs that are useful.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Environmental regulation and economic productivity Essay
Environmental regulation and economic productivity - Essay Example Although these arguments have risen among several organizations, the fact remains that yet to be defined. Most of their research shows that environmental regulation are bas most of the impacts on economic growth. Additionally, they show that tight regulations such as emission of gases could be expensive to tackle and reduce their effects to the living organisms. Most of the industries use the fuel to that is harmful to the ozone layer. Impacts of state environmental policies on average annual growth 1990-1992 Economic indicators Coefficient probability No Relationship Odds of a negative Relationship Gross rate Non-farm employment Manufacturing employment Business failure rate -.36 0.32 -0.13 0.58 -0.14 0.66 -13.59 0.22 3.2:1 1:2:1 1:2:1 1:142 The research shows that among the surviving companies in the world, the rate of pollution will depend on the production processes that are involved. The studies shows have shown that the economists know that regulations are seldom good for the e conomy unless the mutual benefits are spend on outweighing the cost of production. Hence, most of them end up spending a lot of time evaluating the cost and the significances of proposed regulations and productivity. It has also been suggested that economists that regulations could be a good business opportunity for some other innovators even though high costs are imposed on them. For instance, producer/manufacturers that are the origins of discovering good ways of doing away with the environmental pollution play a big role to maintain the prices low through profit analysis. Additionally, the economists may tend to exploited profit from the sellers because of technology. But, some business ideas can makes others to...This essay describes the basic regulations that have been set by the international body to regulate environmental pollution. The paper also analyze both positive and negative effects of environmental regulations on the production. Environmental regulations have been widely discussed in the U.S. according to the economic cost. This activism began some years back with an aim of reducing and restricting pollution and emission for a duration of time regarding that through four decades clean water and air were inadequate. Regulations imposed on the environment are said to reduce productivity. Regulation has continued to rise progressively across the world since 1970s as environmental value has implicit growing significance on both the political and civic agenda. In the United States, total Pollution abatement management overheads are about 1.5-2.5% of GDP per year. Environmental regulation and economic productivity has been analyzed as a basic tool through which the plants are generally force to reduce the emission. Although this has happened to be so much speculating, environmental regulations must be eligible of to handle many cases such as reduced production in agricultural sector. The essay has clarified the similarities between environment and production activities whereby in most cases the plants are being accused as the biggest and the core causes of environmental pollution through emission of gases. The gases are considered to cause hazardous effects to the ozone layer.
Containment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Containment - Essay Example In this regard, the Russian–American Cold War confrontation started with catastrophic effects. These included as included mass destructions and deaths (Carr 1946). After the end of the World War II, many Americans just wished their lives returned to normal. Consequently, there was a resumption of normal life precipitated by several amendments to the constitutions.Later, the creation of the strategy referred to as the containment life would eventually come resume its normal stature (Wynn 2010). Before the World War the United States of America and the Soviet Union were politically on the same side. Consequently, both countries had survived previous scenarios of unrest which typified their political strength .In contrast, most of the Asian and European territories had been left in ruins. Incidentally though, it was during this very time that the strong relationship between the two superpowers fell into disagreement and consequently leading to the famous cold war. During that time, there were two secretaries of United States; Dean Acheson and George marshal; under the presidency of Harry Truman. They set out to protest and agitate against the spread of communism abroad. It was during this time that the Containment policy was born (Wynn 2010). Differences in political view led to conflict between Hitler and the Grand Alliance (Wynn 2010). Thereafter, American critique adopted in response to Hitler’s aggression led to persuasion of a more aggressive policy that was directed towards Stalin and the Soviet Union. Incidentally, Kennanre identified this as a domestic weakness since it led the Soviet Union to step up foreign threats in order to increase their. More so, pressure against the governments in Turkey and in Greece by Leftist sympathizers gave Truman the perfect opportunity to implement the new policy and to thereafter convince the Americansof its wisdom. Truman demonstrated that acts of protecting Americans abroad were a
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Renewable EnergyExplore the United States history of renewable energy, Essay
Renewable EnergyExplore the United States history of renewable energy, where the country stands currently and its future outlook. Examine the problems with re - Essay Example Though there is no shortage of any non-renewable fuel, critics of their use point out that it is logically possible to use up nonrenewable fuels" (Pimental,, 1994, pg. 1). If something does not change, the United States has the potential to encounter serious energy shortages before too long. The purpose of this paper is to explore the United States' history of renewable energy, where the country stands currently, its future outlook, implement current government issues and social issues on the topic, and to examine the problems with renewable energy (National Center for Policy Analysis Idea House, 2008). Water-powered systems have been used for centuries. Today, water power is used mainly to generate electricity. "For many centuries, wind power like water power has provided energy to pump water and run mills and other machines. In rural America windmills have been used to generate electricity since the early 1900s" (Pimental,, 1994, pg. 1). Harvested from forests, biomass energy currently provides the United States with 4.2% of its energy supply. It is used even more prominently in other countries, especially developing countries. The sun's energy is converted into heat through solar thermal energy systems and then is used in houses, in different industrial settings, and to generate electricity. ... current usage of renewable resources is passive heating and cooling of buildings although it is not being used to its full extent as of yet (Pimental,, 1994). Its Future Outlook "The use of solar energy is, however, expected to grow. Renewable energy technologies that have the potential to provide future energy supplies include: biomass systems, hydroelectric systems, hydrogen fuel, wind power, photovoltaics, solar thermal systems, and passive and active heating and cooling systems" (Pimental,, 1994, pg. 1). The use of alternative liquid fuels such as ethanol, methanol, and hydrogen are also likely to pick up in the future (Bruce and Pickering, 2008). The Problems with Renewable Energy Just like non-renewable resources, renewable energy sources have their own conflicts and these are likely to increase along with the increased usage of renewable resources in the future. Some problems that are likely to occur are limited availability of land, limited abilities to harvest forest resources within the United States forcing these resources to be imported, and a growing population (Pimental,, 1994). Social and Political Concerns "The first priority of a sustainable US energy program should be for individuals, communities, and industries to conserve fossil energy resources. Other developed countries have proven that high productivity and a high standard of living can be achieved with considerably less energy expenditure compared to that of the United States. Improved energy efficiency in the United States, other developed nations, and even in developing nations would help both extend the world's fossil energy resources and improve the environment" (Pimentel et al. 1994). Conclusion The purpose of this paper has been to explore the United States'
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
H GWA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
H GWA - Research Paper Example It is important to understand the relationship that these two countries have in an effort to figure out the consequent impact that it has on any other relations that the United States has. The public policy to uphold through the paper is the labor and employment policy as the linking relationship between the two countries. History and Background The major types of relationships that these two countries share are political, monetary and social. It is also imperative to grasp an understanding of the history between the relationships between the United States and China that ages back to the year 1844 when there was the signing of the Treaty of Wanghia. The treaty introduced several rules to regulate their association and gave the United States ability to carry out extended trade relations with China just like other foreign powers1. The relations have existed since then and have brought both positive and negative effects on many countries around the world either directly or indirectly. E conomic Relationship In 1972, the United States received the leeway to invest in mainland China after being banned earlier citing the dangers of the soviet armies. The prolific relations have been the case ever since with the United States getting to an extent of even outsourcing its companies’ requirements from the country. This has particularly brought up a large drift between the two countries from the fact that the United States claims that China makes use of that opportunity to create counterfeit items and consequently portraying the United States wrongly. These allegations have existed over the last five years where China takes some of the raw materials that it does not have in its country from the products made in the United States and rather than completing the manufacture of the products, the workers under the labor union seek to use the materials. This has led to both countries imposing strict trade tariffs on various investment sectors. The workers in China engage in the creation of replica products with the same name as the legitimate products and sell them both locally and internationally. Research has shown that the greatest export recipient of the Peoples’ Republic of China is the European Union. This union is composed of 27 member states with the most influence coming from France. France has been on the receiving end on this issue of counterfeit products manufactured by China2. Given its power, France has great relations with both the United States and China and this issue places it at a poor position in its associations with the United States. French people buy the commodities from China given that the country provides them at a much cheaper rate and the low transport costs provided the proximity to each other. This has affected France’s economic terms with the United States especially on the case of clothing products and tires that it acquires from China. The United States has many times advised France from the purchase o f these counterfeit items from the fact that their usage discriminates the legitimate items provided by the United States and affects the economy negatively. France thus often gets into a cold relationship with the United States concerning this and with a continuation of the negligence, it is common
Monday, 23 September 2019
The main challenges to undertaking a cost-benefit analysis in the Essay
The main challenges to undertaking a cost-benefit analysis in the criminal justice sector - Essay Example The objective of the study is to present research that defines the main challenges to undertaking a cost-benefit analysis. The cost-benefit analysis will be investigated to determine what does it tell us about the economic efficiency of situational crime reduction. Furthermore, the cost-benefit analysis will be investigated to determine what does it tell us about the economic efficiency of situational crime reduction. The reduction of crime in the national level is ‘driven by policies which emphasise partnership working between police, criminal justice authorities, local authority teams and other agencies, in order to tackle offending and impact on the causes of crime’ (I&DeA 2009). The ‘total costs of crime have been estimated at ?36.2 billion per year in England and Wales’ (I&DeA 2009). Most of these cover the monetary losses to individuals, the costs of the criminal justice system, and the wider social impacts. Crime has a direct impact on victims includi ng direct physical health impacts and potentially serious mental health impacts. Moreover, crime may lead to negative health impacts to the community. ‘The direct effects of violent crime on physical health are obvious. It is estimated that 351,000 people per year attend accident and emergency departments in England and Wales following violent assaults’ (Sivarajasingam et al 2008). Most of them will have ongoing health needs as a result of being attacked. Moreover, negative psychological effects of crime are extensive. Crime victims are susceptible to suffer from serious mental health impacts, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse disorders. Crime is costly to the economy but also the measures to reduce or prevent it. The ‘potential benefits from a more valuable response to offending can be divided into various types such as benefits to the prospective offenders enabled to follow a more constructive and engaged life path , benefits to the Government from reduced spending on the Criminal Justice System and benefits to households and the private sector from reduced victimisation rates, reduced fear of crime and lower spending on crime prevention as offending falls’ (Bowles & Pradiptyo 2005). Cost benefit analysis extends CEA(cost effectiveness analysis) by attaching monetary values to the outcomes of a program. After the cost of inputs and outcome benefits have been quantified in monetary terms, a comparison of alternate interventions can be made. For example, ‘the benefit cost ratio of 1.35:1 for a burglary prevention program indicates that for every dollar spent on the program, $1.35 of benefits is received (e.g. by the avoidance of future burglaries)’(Dossetor 2011). The ‘Home Office claims that violence against women and girls costs ?40.1 billion a year’ (Whiston 2009). This includes plans to teach children about the evils of wife-beating through â€Å"educating c hildren and young people about healthy, non-violent relationships†. Gender bullying will also be tackled by teachers. The ‘?40.1 billion figure was cited recently in Saving Lives, Reducing Harm, & Protecting the Public which gave as its source the Pre-budget report and comprehensive spending review for 2007’ (Whiston 2009). The Home Office has carried out research to discover the true figure. One estimate published in 2005 in Economic and Social Costs of Crime against Individuals and Households, found that the ‘total burden of crime in 2003-04 was ?36.2 billion. Sexual offences and violence against the person together represented 60 per cent of this figure – just under ?22 billion. That includes offences against men as well as women.’ In September 2004, the Women and Equality Unit published a study by Sylvia Walby of the University of Leeds that ‘calculated the cost of domestic violence, including rape at ?5.7 billion, and loss to the eco nomy of ?2.7 billion. That is much lower than either ?40.1
Saturday, 21 September 2019
Doctor Faustus as a Play Essay Example for Free
Doctor Faustus as a Play Essay 1. Characters The main characters are the Faustus, the protagonist, Mphistophilis, the villain. Apart from this we have Wagner, Good angel, evil angle, Lucifer as major characters. Chorus, Pope, The Emperor of Germany, Raymond king of Hungary, Duke of Saxony, Bruno, Duke of Vanholt, Duchess of Vanholt, Martino, Frederic, Benvolio, Valdes, Cornelius, Clown, Rogin, Dick, Vintner, Horse-course, Carter, Old Man, Scholar, Cardinals, Archbishop of Rheims, Bishops, Monks, Friars, Soldiers, Belzibub, The seven deadly sins, Devils, Spirits in the shapes of Alexander The great, of his Paramour, of Darius, and of Helen in the list of minor characters. 2. Dialogue The play was written well ahead 1830, so the colloquial prose is automatically eliminated. The dialogue in the play, Dr Faustus, is more of the thoughts of the characters instead of their actual words. For example, Faustus says, Faustus, begin thine incantations, And try if devils will obey thy hest, Seeing thou hast prayd and sacrificd to them. Here, he is alone on stage, and is talking to himself. Usually we dont see people talking to themselves while theyre alone. However, Marlowe uses this so time of solitude as a time to tell us what Faustus is doing, which keeps up informed. Those words seems to be less natural because they sound like Faustus thoughts instead of his actual dialogue. An example of stage direction within the dialogue is when Mephistophilis says, Faustus, thou shatl: then kneel down presently, Whilst on thy head I lay my hand, And charm thee with this magic wand. 3. Plot The play, Doctor Faustus, is all about Faustus, an erudite man in medicine and other knowledge known to man. However, disgruntled Faustus, not knowing where his life is heading, calls upon Lucifer and his accomplice, Mephistophilis, to instruct him the ways of magic. But they agree to be his mentors only if Faustus would sell his soul to Lucifer and be his after 24 years. Faustus agrees. He goes through trying times while he is unsure of his decision and considers repenting. But then hes persuaded over and over again to the magic powers of the devil that were far more satisfying than the powers of heaven. 4. Conflict The conflict in Doctor Faustus is within Faustus himself, who is personified in two angles good and evil each trying to pull Faustus in their opposite paths. Hence, we often see that Faustus repents following the good advice of the good angle. However, the evil angle again scores its victory by infusing fear into Faustuss heart. In the penultimate scene, Faustus is tested to give into the temptations of the seven deadly sins. We find him deceived by lust, one of the deadly sins, as he yields to the beauty of Helen, despite the advice of the old man. Even in the last scene, Faustus is spooked by the power of evil than the trust in God. His so called repentance is the mere voice of fear than a firm prayer to God. Thus we find the prevalence of free-will and willful submission to the fears of his mind. 5. Settings Doctor Faustus stand on the verge of two eras the Renaissance and the Middle Ages. Some aspects of the setting are distinctly medieval. For example, the world of Doctor Faustus includes heaven and hell, as did the religious dramas of the medieval period. The play, is often, lined up with supernatural characters angels and demons, who might have stepped onstage right out of a cathedral. Like in the plays of Middle Ages, few of the background characters are in fiery pursuit of salvation. But, the setting of Doctor Faustus is also a Renaissance period the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world that gave rise to a cultural rebirth through the 14th to the middle of the 17th centuries. The atmosphere of the play is speculative. People are often asking question never dreamed of in the Middle Ages. For example, people are asking, Is ther a hell? Faustus himself is seized by worldly ambitions. He is far more concerned about luxurious silk gowns and powerful war-machines than saving his soul. Was there a dividing line between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance ? The answer is there wasnt. Both old and new ways of thinking existed side by side as people lived through a long period of transition. Transition is the key to the setting of the play. 6. Stage Direction Most of the stage direction are written within the dialogue of the script. Only few stage directions in parenthetical are the entrances, exits. Damnd be his soul for ever for this deed! [Exeunt all except Faustus and Mephistopheles Occasionally, especially during the scene involving the Pope, we find the occasional I pledge your grace. [Snatches the cup.]. and Nay, then, take that. [Strikes the POPE.] Each of these types of stage direction helps us to better understand of the action of the play. If the stage direction is in the direction, the audience not only hears what the action is about but they also get to see it. Likewise, if the stage direction is in parenthetical, then the director knows what Marlowe wants the scene to look like. 7. Scenes Allowances must be made for the shattered form in which Doctor Faustus survives. Originally, the play may have had the loose five-act structure suggested by the 1616 text. Or it may simply have been a collection of scenes or movements, as in the shorter version of 1604. In fact, the act divisions in Doctor Faustus are the additions of later editors. Scholars have made their own decisions about the plays probable cut-off points. Thats why no two editions of Doctor Faustus have identical act and scene numbers. 8. Theme A study in ambition, Dr. Faustus is someone who is an overreacher, a man who strives against human limitations. Faustus tries to do more than is humanly possible. He seeks to know, possess, and experience everything under the sun. There are two ways to read Doctor Faustus: First, the play glorifies ambition. Though Faustus is finally undone, his dreams emerge larger than the forces that defeat him. Second, the play criticizes ambition. Faustus falls to great depths from lofty heights. Whats more, his larger-than-life dreams are cut down to size by the pointed ironies of Mephistophilis. Thus we can say that Doctor Faustus is a great play of all the times.
Friday, 20 September 2019
A Corporate Social Responsibility Program In A Company Business Essay
A Corporate Social Responsibility Program In A Company Business Essay In todays highly competitive business world, corporations want to do everything to survive and grow. Corporate Social Responsibility is now part of daily business practice of many companies in the world, but this idea is not shared by everyone. There are still lots of debate about whether Corporate Social Responsibility is merely a cost to the corporation or it can bring competitive advantages. With proper analysis and implementation, Corporate Social Responsibility can greatly enhance corporations competitive advantage. 1.Introduction Corporate social responsibility becomes popular in the late 20th century. As consumers became more and more aware of corporate activities around the world, a growing number of corporations began to consider their impacts on the society and the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) basically means that a corporation does more for wellbeing of others than make more money and obeys the law sense. In depth, CSR (also called corporate conscience, corporate citizenship, social performance, or sustainable responsible business/ Responsible Business) is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance within the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. CSR is a process with the aim to embrace responsibility for the companys actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere who may also be considered as stakeholders [1]. Corporate social responsibility involves marketing philosophies, policies, procedures and actions whose primary objective is the enhancement of the society [2]. To establish a corporate social responsibility program in a company, a description of the program in the companys mission statement and code of ethics is usually required. Also, company need to making the existence of the program known to the stakeholders and other interested parties. These programs often produce such benefits as improved customer relationships, increased employee loyalty, market place success and improved financial performance. Companies can benefit from their contributions to the society and at the same time minimize social environment impact. Social responsibility demands that organizations accept obligations to give equal weight to profits, consumer satisfaction and social well- being in evaluating their companys performance. They must recognize the importance of relatively qualitative consumer and social benefit as well as the quantitative measure of sales, revenue and profit by which companies have traditionally measured marketing performance. Competitive advantage is a set of unique features of a company and its products are perceived by the target market as a significant and superior to the competition. It is the factor or factors that cause consumers to patronize a company and not the competition. The purpose of corporate social responsibility as a tool for competitive advantage is to win the fidelity of the community as a result of the intense and keen competition among the industries. The practices of the CSR create a symbiotic relationship between the company and the community within which it operates, therefore giving them the insight about the importance and the need to be socially sensitive. The following are Corporate Social Responsibility issues: Employee issues in workplace, health and safety work environment. Issues with customer in market place Social development Risk Management Brand differentiation Aspect and well treatments in workplace Issue in community There are four Different types of Corporate Social Responsibility: Environmental CSR: businesses need to operate in ways that are not waste environmentally. Once considered the cost of doing business, encourage corporations to operating procedures to reduce environmental impact, and government has stepped in to apply rules to waste disposal. Community based CSR: businesses work with other organizations in order to improve people life quality in the community. Also use the most efficient procedures to minimize wasted capital. HR based CSR: placed corporations in a precarious position that improve the wellbeing of the staff. Philanthropy: businesses take the form of investments in the community. Common examples of corporate philanthropy include donate money to supporting or fully funding educational initiatives, scholarship programs and community beautification projects. 2. CSR Brings Competitive Advantages The benefits of CSR for a corporation can vary depending on the business nature of the corporation. There is correlation between social/environmental performance and financial performance [3]. CSR can bring following competitive advantages to the company: Human resources A CSR program can be an aid to recruitment and retention, particularly within the competitive graduate student market[4]. Potential recruits often ask about a firms CSR policy during an interview, and having a comprehensive policy can give an advantage. CSR can also help improve the perception of a company among its staff, particularly when staff can become involved through payroll giving, fundraising activities or community volunteering. CSR has been found to encourage customer orientation among frontline employees . First CSR placed corporations in a precarious position that improve the wellbeing of the staff, it satisfied employees. Satisfy employee safety needs. Ensure employees job security, provide them their safety needs( physical health, job security ). Employees feel satisfy with physical safety needs. Their medical insurance and financial meet their safety needs. Employees feel more satisfied with a stable work. 1. Satisfied employees. Employees want to feel proud of the organization they work for. An employee with a positive attitude towards the company, is less likely to look for a job elsewhere. It is also likely that you will receive more job applications because people want to work for you. More choice means a better workforce. Because of the high positive impact of CSR on employee wellbeing and motivation, the role of HR in managing CSR projects is significant. Mutual respect create a welcoming company culture, it can satisfy employees belonging needs (ex. friendship, social integration, family and romantic relationships). Giving employees the freedom to socialize. Allow employees to build relationships at work but provide guidance by implementing workplace discrimination policies and leading by example when it comes to avoiding workplace politics. Reward high performers publicly and provide employees with personally rewarding challenges to satisfy their esteem needs. Esteem needs include respect from others, a sense of achievement and confidence in ones abilities. Set the tone in your organization by speaking personally with as many of your employees as possible. Encourage employees and recognize rising stars in your company for their outstanding achievements. Make sure everyone has a chance to earn rewards and receive encouragement to maintain a sense of fairness among employees. Institute comprehensive employee development programs and provide ample opportunity for career growth in your company to satisfy employees self-actualization needs. Self actualization is the highest order of needs in Maslows hierarchy. Self actualization has to do with discovering ones identity, which includes developing a career that fully leverages ones strengths and experience while providing a sense of accomplishment and inner fulfillment. Nonprofit organizations can satisfy employees self-actualization needs more readily than for-profit companies, as they provide employees with opportunities to use their skills to help people in need. For-profit businesses can satisfy this need as well, however, by placing top performers in positions of leadership, responsibility and accountability. Risk management Managing risk is a central part of many corporate strategies. Reputations that take decades to build up can be ruined in hours through incidents such as corruption scandals or environmental accidents. These can also draw unwanted attention from regulators, courts, governments and media. Building a genuine culture of doing the right thing within a corporation can offset these risks. Consumers increasingly dont accept unethical business practices or organisations who act irresponsibly. Advances in social media (giving everyone a voice) mean that negative or destructive practices quickly fuel conversations online. Organisations are accountable for their actions like never before. Brand differentiation In crowded marketplaces, companies strive for a unique selling proposition that can separate them from the competition in the minds of consumers. CSR can play a role in building customer loyalty based on distinctive ethical values.[20] Several major brands, such as The Co-operative Group, The Body Shop and American Apparel[21] are built on ethical values. Business service organizations can benefit too from building a reputation for integrity and best practice. 2. Satisfied customers Research shows that a strong record of CSR improves customers attitude towards the company. If a customer likes the company, he or she will buy more products or services and will be less willing to change to another brand. Relevant research: IBM study Attaining Sustainable Growth through Corporate Social Responsibility: The majority of business executives believes that CSR activities are giving their firms competitive advantage, primarily due to favorable responses from consumers. Better Business Journey, UK Small Business Consortium: 88% of consumers said they were more likely to buy from a company that supports and engages in activities to improve society. 3. Positive PR CSR provides the opportunity to share positive stories online and through traditional media. Companies no longer have to waste money on expensive advertising campaigns. Instead they generate free publicity and benefit from worth of mouth marketing. 4. Costs reductions Yes, you read this correctly. A CSR program doesnt have to cost money. On the contrary. If conducted properly a company can reduce costs through CSR. Companies reduce costs by: More efficient staff hire and retention Implementing energy savings programs Managing potential risks and liabilities more effectively Less investment in traditional advertising 5. More business opportunities A CSR program requires an open, outside oriented approach. The business must be in a constant dialogue with customers, suppliers and other parties that affect the organization. Because of continuous interaction with other parties, your business will be the first to know about new business opportunities. 6. Long term future for your business CSR is not something for the short term. Its all about achieving long term results and business continuity. Large businesses refer to: shaping a more sustainable society (Vodafone 2010 report): License to operate Corporations are keen to avoid interference in their business through taxation or regulations. By taking substantive voluntary steps, they can persuade governments and the wider public that they are taking issues such as health and safety, diversity, or the environment seriously as good corporate citizens with respect to labour standards and impacts on the environment. Win new business Increase customer retention Develop and enhance relationships with customers, suppliers and networks Attract, retain and maintain a happy workforce and be an Employer of Choice Save money on energy and operating costs and manage risk Differentiate yourself from your competitors Generate innovation and learning and enhance your influence Improve your business reputation and standing Provide access to investment and funding opportunities Generate positive publicity and media opportunities due to media interest in ethical business activities First CSR placed corporations in a precarious position that improve the wellbeing of the staff, it satisfied employees. Satisfy employee safety needs. Ensure employees job security, provide them their safety needs ( physical health, job security ). Employees feel satisfy with physical safety needs. Their medical insurance and financial meet their safety needs. Employees feel more satisfied with a stable work. Mutual respect create a welcoming company culture, it can satisfy employees belonging needs (ex. friendship, social integration, family and romantic relationships). Giving employees the freedom to socialize. Allow employees to build relationships at work but provide guidance by implementing workplace discrimination policies and leading by example when it comes to avoiding workplace politics. CRS care about employees Esteem needs, corporate reward high performers and provide employees challenges personally rewarding. It satisfied employees esteem needs with respect from others, achievement feeling and confidence. Encourage rising stars with outstanding achievements from employees in the company. CRS make sure business has a fairness environment for employee; everyone has a chance to earn rewards and encouragement. CSR provide employee training programs and provide opportunity for career growth in your company. It satisfies employees realization needs. Organizations provide opportunity to help them developing a career keep them use their strengths and experience to reach accomplishment. Corporate Social Responsibility can satisfy employees self-actualization needs more than non CRS companies, as employees get opportunities to use their skills to help people in need. Employees like to work in a Corporate Social Responsibility; they feel proud of the organization they work for. They receive respect and help in needs from CSR. Employee work in CRS Company always has positive attitude towards the company, they are less likely to look for a job in the other place. By the other side, CSR Company receives more job applications because people want to work for CRS. Because of the advantage of CSR with employee satisfaction on wellbeing and motivation, the HR managing of CSR is significant. Businesses with social responsibility also get in better workforce. Second, Corporate Social Responsibility enhance Customer Satisfaction Customers are god of business. Customer satisfaction is not only social responsibility issue and also profitability issue! Put time and resource to understand the customer perspective to build strong and effective customer relations is important to build long term success. Corporate social responsibility business try to listening to customers to building good customer relations, Many businesses put their customers satisfaction as their expectations, and also include those factors in service, price, quality, value, product in order to improve their customer relations, build goodwill and keeping continuous improvement of the customer experience. With effectively listening to customers and acting upon their feedback to meet customer needs and build customer loyalty. With satisfied customers can gain more repeat business. Build Trust, advertise Honest, tell the Truth, make honor Promises, Responsive, commitments with integrity can help business build customer trust and loyalty. It is a major success factor to build corporate reputation as the quality of products and services building customer trust on products and services in the company is the critical idea to build a successful business. Since CRS have more satisfied employee, they build customer confidence with stronger customer-employee relationships. Bring in more business benefits, build brand and reputation. Building market share with customer attraction and retention Engaged and loyal customers can help position your business for growth and profitability. Resources research shows that a strong record of CSR improves customers attitude towards the company. It customer likes CRS company; customer would like buy more products or services from company with CRS, and will be less willing to change to another brand. Relevant research: IBM study Attaining Sustainable Growth through Corporate Social Responsibility: The majority of business executives believes that CSR activities are giving their firms competitive advantage, primarily due to favorable responses from consumers. Better Business Journey, UK Small Business Consortium: 88% of consumers said they were more likely to buy from a company that supports and engages in activities to improve society. 3. CRS equals PR The short answer is PR can be both a blessing and a curse to CSR. It is a matter of which comes first and what is the intention. Done properly and with a company that embraces the strategic and integrated nature of CSR, PR is a vehicle of sharing with the world the progress they are making, or what the world may not know about them. Done improperly, for example when CSR is seen by the company as a marketing problem, the latest market fad, or a PR fix PR is tantamount to greenwashing the sins of a company. True CSR guides the company away from making the sins or mitigating them in the first place. CSR should be an integrated, sustainable, and systematic approach to business. It belongs as a core component to the strategies and structure of companies. CSR is about being good corporate citizens to all stakeholders stockholders, employees, customers, community, supply chain, and the environment. It is the old social contract idea, the right to exist as a company. It is about the sustainability of the business through integrity and smart business decisions that recognize and integrate the impact on and influence of all stakeholders. I like CSR Internationals reworking of the CSR acronym as Corporate Sustainability Responsibility as it speaks to the integrational aspects of CSR. They are calling it CSR 2.0. Companies who do not understand that CSR is about business sustainability and integrity as much as it is about social programs, often make the mistake of making CSR a marketing or PR program/problem. By doing so they essentially green-wash their company. In my opinion, PR should lightly handle CSR initiatives until the CSR program has momentum and there is something to actually celebrate and brag about. Celebrating decency and expected behavior is not good PR on CSR. It is artificial and could cause more harm than good. PR should let the public know that there is a CSR program, that there will be a report, and what some of the programs are that are under development, or highlight ongoing/historical CSR efforts. Report on the activities but not out of proportion to the other activities of the company. As a career long change agent, I know that steering change in organizations takes time, embedding, and momentum. New CSR programs take time to mature and years to yield significant, sustainable results though quite often there are substantial shifts that occur in the first year. What you measure gets paid attention to. So often the first steps of CSR is measurement taking an inventory on where the company stands with respect their impact on society, economy, and the environment. This is often accomplished through a GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) checklist report or a GHG (Green House Gas) report. This is merely a starting point. The true test of sustainability and a company committed to CSR is history of improvement and performance. Unfortunately these initial documents tend to be fodder for PR and Marketing departments, which in their need for short term results and fantastic figures tend to overstate or understate the findings as they try to make the company look good. In CSR, however, the proof is in the year-to-year changes, the response from stakeholders, the integrity of the companies actions and words. CSR is about smart business practices. It is about constant improvement and integrity. PR is about reporting on the events as they occur or showcasing a history of events and trending. The danger is when the showcasing precedes the actual work. Copyright  ©2009 Matthew Rochte, Opportunity Sustainabilityà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ Share with attribution Opportunity Sustainabilityà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ is a Midwest-based sustainability and corporate responsibility consulting firm specializing in green innovation and seeing opportunities where others see burdens. Matthew Rochte, an experienced, operations-based sustainability consultant, works with company management to navigate and realize the opportunities in taking their company green and growing sustainably. CSR provides the opportunity to share positive stories online and through traditional media. Companies no longer have to waste money on expensive advertising campaigns. Instead they generate free publicity and benefit from worth of mouth marketing. 4. Costs reductions Yes, you read this correctly. A CSR program doesnt have to cost money. On the contrary. If conducted properly a company can reduce costs through CSR. Companies reduce costs by: More efficient staff hire and retention Implementing energy savings programs Managing potential risks and liabilities more effectively Less investment in traditional advertising 5. More business opportunities A CSR program requires an open, outside oriented approach. The business must be in a constant dialogue with customers, suppliers and other parties that affect the organization. Because of continuous interaction with other parties, your business will be the first to know about new business opportunities. 6. Long term future for your business CSR is not something for the short term. Its all about achieving long term results and business continuity. Large businesses refer to: shaping a more sustainable society (Vodafone 2010 report): Will CSR bring Competitive Disadvantage? There is argument against corporate social responsibility states that corporate social responsibility cause competitive disadvantage since it cost company money and time but didnt bring any profit. They argues that social responsibility works should be carried out by government. Or all corporations or industries should be subject to same requirement. Most companies reluctant to practice CSR complaining the disadvantage CSR causes against companies that do not practice. In other words, if company A pay for environmental programs, employee training and efficient waste management programs and company B does not, company B retains its resources, including money, for other business pursuits. Therefore, without strict industry wide standard, some companies argue that they are not willing to put money into CSR programs. But any expenses on CSR are ultimately covered by stronger relationships with key customers. Conclusions In todays fast paced world, each business needs to have a CSR program. If CSR is not yet used in business daily practice, it is easy to lose the trust of the business important people. The expectations of your staff, customers and will be changed. Consumers dont accept unethical or irresponsibly business behavior. Negative or destructive practices are very easy to spread in social media (everyone know it). Carefully implemented CSR policies can help organization. Increase customer retention; develop and enhance relationships with customers, suppliers and networks; maintain a happy work force ; save money on operating costs and manage risk; differentiate yourself from competitors; improve business reputation and standing. In todays digital, fast speed world, each business, small or big, needs to have a CSR program in place. If CSR is not yet part of your daily business practice, you must act fast. Or else youll loose the trust of the people who are important to your business. Believe it or not but the expectations of your staff, customers and the wider community have changed. You are no longer in control. They are.
Thursday, 19 September 2019
Hal Riney & Partners, Inc :: essays research papers
Hal Riney & Partners, Inc Ownership/size/locations -      Hal Riney & Partners, Inc., one of the most famous privately-owned advertising agencies in San Francisco, CA, was founded in 1986 by chairman and CEO Hal P. Riney himself. With the branch office in Chicago, Hal Riney & Partners Heartland, reaches out to clients in different regions as well. Both San Francisco and Chicago offices employ a total number of approximately 350 employees. Income/profitability -      As of July 1996, Hal Riney & Partners, Inc., had an approximate annual billings of $475 million. The breakdown of gross billings by media are as followes: Newspaper - $38 million; Business Publication - $4.75 million; Transit - $4.75 million; Outdoor advertising - $19 million; TV - $275.5 million; Radio - $42.7 million; Collateral - $9.5 million; Consumer publication - $57 million; and cable TV - $23.75 million. Nowadays, the average percentage of earning for advertising agencies is approximately between .05% to 1% of the total billings. With a billing of $475 million, it would be logical to assume that Hal Riney & Partners earns approximately $2.375 million to $4.75 million. With the acquisition of several new accounts including Acer Group and Sprint Spectrum, Hal Riney’s billing is now approaching $600 million. Management Profiles -      The chairman and CEO of Hal Riney & Partners, Inc., is Mr. Hal Riney. There are over 30 Sr. VPs and VPs holding various positions at the San Francisco office alone. Some of the key personnel at the San Francisco office includes Vice Chairman - James Travis; Chief Financial Officer & Executive VP - Lyn Muegge; Executive VP & National Creative Director - Joe O’Neill; Executive VP, and Managing Director - David Verklin; Executive VP and Corporate Development - John Yost; and Creative Director - Gerald Andelin.      The Chicago office handles a set of different clients with its own different personnel such as Barray Krause - Executive V.P. and Managing Director; Jonathan Harries - Executive V.P. and Executive Creative Director; Catharine Gerber - Senior V.P. and Media Director; and Paul Janas - Senior V.P. and Creative Director. Hal Riney has recently added Scott Marshall as the president on his pay roll after several unsuccessful search for new partners. In the past 18 months, Hal Riney had also held conversations with Interpublic Group (who owns McCann-Erickson, Lintas, etc.) and W.Y. Choi (a majority owner of N.W. Ayer & Partners) in attempt to sale his agency. Clients -      Hal Riney & Partners serves a variety of clients from auto maker to fast food restaurant. Current major clients include Acer Group, Alamo car rental company, Birkenstock, The Walt Disney Company, Cox California PCS, GM Electric
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Arthur Goldens Memoirs of a Geisha Essay -- Arthur Golden Memoirs of
Arthur Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha Memoirs of a Geisha is a wonderful novel and very informative on geisha life. The book is written by Arthur Golden. Golden earned a degree from Harvard College in art history and his M.A. at Columbia University in Japanese history and he also studied Mandarin Chinese. He worked at Beijing University in Tokyo. Golden studies, credentials, and experience all make him an experience all make him an expert on geisha and Japanese culture. The novel takes place in 1929 in a poor fishing village. The main character is Sayuri, who is nine years old. Her mother dies and she is left to live with her father and older sister. Sayuri’s father can not afford to take care of his daughters. He decides to sell his daughters. The girls are examined and Sayuri’s ol...
George Gemistos Plethon on God: Aristotle vs Plato Essay -- Religion P
George Gemistos Plethon on God: Aristotle vs Plato In this paper I examine George Gemistos Plethon's defense in his De Differentiis of Plato's conception of God as superior to that of Aristotle's. (2) Plethon asserts that the Platonic conception of God is more consistent with Orthodox Christian theology than the Aristotelian conception. This claim is all the more interesting in light of the fact that Plethon is, as it turns out, a pagan. I argue that Plethon takes the position he does because his interpretation of the Platonic God better fits his own neo-pagan theological conceptions. Part of the evidence for this is supplied by the first English translation of Plethon's Summary of the Doctrines of Zoroaster and Plato. I. Background (3) George Gemistos, who called himself Plethon, (1355?-1452) lived during the last years of the Byzantine empire. Constantinople fell to the Turks less than one year after his death. Yet he had a significant, direct influence on the study of Plato in the Latin West. This resulted from his membership in the Byzantine delegation to the Council of Ferrara-Florence in 1438-39. The purpose of this council was to effect the union of the two churches and thus, hopefully, to preserve the Byzantine Empire with the help of the West. The Emperor, John VIII Palaeologos, knew they were going to face some of the finest minds in the Roman Church on their own soil; he therefore wanted the best minds available in support of the Byzantine cause to accompany him. Consequently, the Emperor appointed George Gemistos as part of the delegation. Despite the fact that he was a secular philosopher  a rare creature at this time in the West  Gemistos was renowned both for his wisdom and his moral rectitude. Among ... ...rci, codex Venetus 406, qui Plethonis autographus creditur, in quo istud additamentum, scholii instar, initio Zoroastreorum ad marginem ascriptum est. Clearly, Alexandre was aware of Jacopo Morelli's identification of this manuscript at San Marco as an autograph of Plethon (in Morelli's Bibliotheca Manuscripta Graeca et Latina I (1802). Other indications that the passage is an interpolation into the text are the abrupt change from oratio recta in the foregoing passage to oratio obliqua in this one and the fact that this passage contains none of the twelve doctrines. (28) Plethon is clearly a Neoplatonic, however, he thought that he was a good Platonist. The distinction between Platonism and Neoplatonism had not yet been made by historians of philosophy. (29) The reader should note, however, that Plethon does not use these two terms synonymously in every context.
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