Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Oscar Wilde’s the Importance of Escape Essay
Oscar Wilde’s play entitled â€Å"The Importance of Being Earnest†illustrates the concept of dual personality, fantasy, love, and lies. Jack, Algernon, Gwendolyn, and Cecily all live in lies. They are manipulated by their fantasies and desire for perfect relationship and love. Jack, the protagonist in the play, is the root of lies because of his imaginary brother named Earnest. Algernon uses the name to win Cecily, while Gwendolyn and Cecily are both fascinated by this name because it expresses strength and perfection of manhood. Due to their search and desire to have Earnest, the male and female characters escape from the reality. Therefore, Wilde in The Importance of Being Earnest portrays a gender doubled theme of escape as the male characters escape through alter-egos and female characters privately through their imaginations. Jack escapes from reality using his alter-ego to become free from his responsibilities and obligations. In the first part of the play, readers learn that Jack is placed in a complex situation: â€Å"When one is placed in the position of guardian, one has to adopt a very high moral tone on all subjects†¦ a high moral tone can hardly be said to conduce very much to either one’s health or one’s happiness, in order to get up to town I have always pretended to have a younger brother of the name of Ernest, who lives in the Albany, and gets into the most dreadful scrapes†(Act I). Jack escapes from his country and changes his identity to Earnest to perform the things that he wants to experience. For Jack, being a guardian and a landowner is a great obligation for his ward and people. Through his alter-ego, Jack obtains freedom because he becomes the opposite of his real selfâ€â€the liberated and careless individual that he could not demonstrate in reality. Aside from Jack, Gwendolyn also escapes from her real world, through her imagination, to find her true love. When she learns that Jack’s name is Earnest, she immediately confessed to him: â€Å"For me you have always had an irresistible fascination. Even before I met you I was far from indifferent to you. We live, as I hope you know, Mr. Worthing, in an age of ideals. And my ideal has always been to love some one of the name of Ernest. The moment Algernon first mentioned to me that he had a friend called Ernest, I knew I was destined to love you†(Act I). Gwendolyn escapes from the reality to find her match. Searching for his Earnest gives her the opportunity to exit from reality and explore the world of fantasy. She believes that marrying a man with the name of Earnest can give her all her physical, emotional, and economic desires. As she walks into her fantasies, she tends to escape from the realityâ€â€from the fact that there is no perfect man. Similarly, Cecily uses her diary to escape from the reality and dreams for her Earnest. When she talks to Algernon, whom she knows as Earnest Worthing, Cecily excitedly revealed: â€Å"You see, it [her diary] is simply a very young girl’s record of her own thoughts and impressions, and consequently meant for publication. When it appears in volume form I hope you will order a copy. But pray, Ernest, don’t stop. I delight in taking down from dictation. I have reached ‘absolute perfection’. You can go on. I am quite ready for more†(Act I). If Gwendolyn uses her imaginations, Cecily is using her diary as her gateway to fantasy. She illustrates her engagement with Earnest in her diary. It means that beyond the boundaries of reality and existence, Cecily found her Earnest, which she claims in her diary. Therefore, Cecily escape from reality and obtainment of her fantasy is part of her comfort zone. It makes her happy, complete, and loved. In conclusion, Jack, Gwendolyn, and Cecily all escape from reality because they want to be free and be loved. Jack uses his alter-ego to detach his self from his moral obligations and obtain liberty without limitations and fears. Meanwhile, Cecily and Gwendolyn escape from reality because they want to experience love. They try to find their own Earnest that will complete their beingâ€â€and through their fantasies, they are able to explore the idyllic and fearless relationship with the man that they desire.
Political Decentralization and the Local Government System
The final tier of elected government is the district (Gila) council. The district council insisted of all the (directly elected) union council Nazism in the district. The head of district council, the district Nazism and district naif-Nazism are indirectly elected. Another aspect of representation in Devolution Plan is the creation of Citizen Community Boards (CBS) in both rural and urban areas. The CBS were expected to initiate and manage their own development projects, with 25 percent of the district development funds set aside for their use.They are Voluntary organizations' formed by citizens themselves. Source: (Schema, Jaws, & Qatar, 2005) 3. 3 Characteristics of Current Local Government System . Restructuring of Government Pakistan. †(Abaft & Hussy, 2010). Schema, 2005 discussed that the elected government and provincial administration have been integrated at the district and Thesis levels, the division abolished altogether and the local level provincial administration h as been made accountable to elected officials at the local level.Moreover, majority of public services that were previously under the provincial government have been transferred to local government increasing their scope and responsibilities. B. Provincial to Local Decentralization with No Federal Decentralization The other side of he picture is, all the authority and power which have been distributed in local governments came from provincial government, no power transferred from federal government to either provincial or local governments. C.Integration of Rural and Urban In pre-devolution period, there was a sharp distinction between rural and urban governments. But in post-devolution, it is no longer there as the administrative unit is union council which includes several towns and villages. D. Electoral Process Prior to devolution, members of urban local councils and district councils were directly elected and then they elected their heads of respective councils. Under the devol ution, both the members and heads of the lowest level of government, the union council, are elected through public vote as before.But the new legislation has created inter-governmental linkages by ensuring that the majority (two-thirds) of the members of the Thesis and district councils are these elected heads. However, within the devolved departments, â€Å"not all functions were devolved and certain activities remain within the provincial purvey. †(Schema, Jaws, & Qatar, 2005). A closer look at these changes and differences has been provided below. 3. 4 Changes under Political Decentralization Schema (2005) discussed in detail the changes brought in by devolution of power plan.These are the changes in level of decision making, administration, accountability and fiscal resources available. While this paper only covers changes in level of decision making and accountability of representative governments as focusing on political decentralization. A. Change in Decision Making L evel Before devolution, provincial government was more powerful and took all the decisions. But devolution plan distributed this power of decision making among local elected governments. For example, a service may have been under purvey of rabbinical elected government but after devolution it is transferred to local elected government.One thing to be noted is that this involves change in level of decision level of decision making power can be different depending upon the scale of service. Schema (2005) described the level changes in many different categories as under: a. Province to province b. Province to district c. Province to Thesis/Town d. Urban/ Rural Local Council to Thesis e. Urban/ Rural Local Council to District b. Change in Accountability Devolution also changed the decision maker's accountability keeping the decision making power on the same level.These are the changes where decision of a particular service is now made by the agent who differs in his accountability to pu blic. Prior to devolution, provincial bureaucracy was accountable to their non- elected provincial secretariat, while under the new system they are accountable to the elected heads of district and Thesis governments. For example, decision of some service might be taken at district level by bureaucrats before devolution, while decision are still made on the district level but by the elected district representative. So accountability of that service is now closer to the voters who elected their preventatives.The most significant accountability change is that the De facto head of district administration under the previous system, the deputy commissioner (DC), used to report to the non-elected provincial bureaucracy, whereas in the present system the head of the district administration, the District Coordination Officer (DOC) reports to the elected district Nazism. Schema 2005 summarized the discussion stating â€Å"the ultimate decision maker changed from a provincial government distr ict officer who reported to the provincial bureaucracy, to an elected Nazism who ultimately is answerable to his district's constituents. 3. 5 Analysis Critics on Current Local Government System and POLO 2001 Devolution plan is a revolutionary step in the history of decentralization in Pakistan but the structure of system of representation created a number of problems also (Abaft & Hussy, 2010). Direct election in a particular constituency limited the attention of union Nazism to union specific development schemes and they did not pay attention to their role as Thesis and District council members.This resulted in holistic and fragmented union council level projects rather than district or Thesis bevel. The structure of the electoral system also caused reverse campaigning; instead of directly elected union councilors campaigning for elections, there are cases of union Nazism campaigning for their respective union councilors. This secures the future re-election of union Nazism if the union councilor of his choice gets elected as Nazism are to be selected later indirectly (Hessian, 2008).Since political parties had been bypassed and caste-based candidates were now pitted against each other, the elections reinforced traditional hostilities at the local level. To a large extent, â€Å"such a yester of patronage and hostility defeated the opportunities for rural areas to participate in decision making and to demand better services from the state†(Abaft & Hussy, 2010). Another major problem with the system of representation that was promulgated through the Devolution plan was the lack of checks and balances between and across elected bodies.The accountability of district Nazism is almost council headed by naif-Nazism rarely goes counter to Nazism. The most important issue facing elected bodies was the clash of interests with representative provincial governments. The Devolution plan of 2000 had been prepared without consultation with stakeholders particularly provinces, at the time national and provincial assemblies had been dissolved. When these assemblies were revived, local tier had been added according to devolution plan.On that time there was no political ownership of newly created local governments which led provincial governments to interfere in both policy making and implementation at the district level (Abaft & Hussy, 2010). Citizen Community Boards (CBS) were a great way for the representation in local government, but they became functional to a certain degree, to quite in the way envisioned in the Devolution plan. Usually â€Å"CBS have become splinter groups lobbying for small investment projects and often captured by local elites or contractors looking for project funding†(Abaft & Hussy, 2010) 4.To characterize decentralization in the country â€Å"all these components (political, fiscal and administrative) must complement each other to produce more responsive local governments that will deliver effective, efficien t and sustainable services and maintain fiscal discipline†(Never, 2001). Never provided a set of questions for each component of decentralization in order to assess the level of decentralization. Considering the scope to this paper only political decentralization is being assessed in context of Pakistan using the indicators given by Never.With the descriptive answers, every situation has been given marks out of 10 ('10' is best/strong yes while ‘O' is worst/strong No) in relevance to the description. 1 . Are governments elected? Yes generally governments are elected as long as military take over and dissolved in the ill situation of law and order and bad governance. 10) 2. Are there multi-party elections? Yes elections are multi-party; there are a number of small medium and large, old and new political parties which participate in general elections. (10) 3. Are ballots cast secretly in government elections?According to constitution, ballots are and should be cast secret ly in all the areas. Exception prevails at some electoral stations which are under a high influence of some political parties but such areas are very few in number. (08) 4. Are elections held at regular intervals? 2008-13 is the first time in history of Pakistan when elected National government employed its 5-years tenure and elections were held after exact five years that is in May 2013. Before this, military has been taking over in the situation of bad governance and ill law and order. (03) 5.Are elections free and fair? There has been a big question mark on the fairness of elections as there are a few old political parties which have been controlling the country politics for a long time. Moreover, every party has its area of influence in which it can use its power and influence people and sometimes elections also. (05) 6. Is the head of local government elected directly, indirectly or appointed? According to electoral process defined by the Devolution plan which has been discusse d earlier, head of local at keeping a check on local corruption?In real practice, civil society has no power to keep check and balance on local elected representatives. They are Just elected locally but they are not in control of or accountable to the general public as envisioned in the Devolution Plan. (00) 5. The Devolution of Power Plan which has been promulgated through Local Government Ordinance 2001 is a revolutionary step in the history of decentralization in Pakistan. Mustard introduced a number of reforms which helped in reducing the AP between state and civil society.All the powers distributed to the newly created lower tiers came through provincial government without distributing the powers of federal government. Provincial governments which used to be very powerful tier become less authoritative as local tiers were directly connected with the center. Initially local governments were given constitutional protection of six years against any kind of amendments but later som e political powers, which got affected by the direct linkage of local government with center, made amendments to recover some of the lost powers.The reverse campaigning because of structure of government affects fairness of electoral process as Nazism campaigns for their own union councilors to secure their future elections rather than union councilors campaigning for the elections. This promotes sense of self benefits among the union councilors and the interests of community are ignored. Though the Devolution plan transferred powers to local tiers and empowered local communities at very bottom level but still there are some issues which hinder the efficiency of plan and limited the benefits to the citizens of Pakistan.The assessment of political decentralization in Pakistan on the basis of Never indicators shows that political system is well decentralized at least on the policy documents but in real practice issues of transparency and accountability exist. There are still some gaps in the real practice as civil society is still lacking the actual power to keep checks and balances on the representatives. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS All the powers and authority distributed at local level has been taken from province while center keeps all the authority and decision making power as it is including sisal authorities.There should be distribution of powers of center as well in order to develop a balance between center-province and province-district relation. In real practice, plan has not work up to the mark because of absence of transparency in the system particularly in financial matters. There should be complete transparent system which allows common public to look into the country's on-going matters. Voters should have power to keep check and balance on the decisions made by their representatives as they are the one who elected them through electoral process.
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Fashion as Communication Essay
For this week’s task I had to read a quite difficult extract from ‘Fashion as Communication’ by Malcolm Barnard about how fashion is regarded in today’s society, whether it is trivial or not and highlighting how important it is in today’s economy. The first idea exposed is that fashion is ‘fit only for the intellectually disenfranchised’, suggesting that everyone working in the fashion industry lacks intelligence. Having chosen to study Fashion Marketing I completely disagree with this statement, but I am fully aware of the prejudices held against it. When I decided to pursue this course I realized most people did not consider Fashion Marketing a serious career, but the truth is that it takes a lot of dedication and hard work to succeed in this industry and most people do not understand what it really entails. What struck me most was a quote from a letter in The Guardian’s Women’s page arguing that ‘fashion is irrelev ant to serious minded persons’. As Anna Wintour says in The September issue ‘Just because you like to put on a beautiful Carolina Herrera dress or a pair of J Brand blue jeans instead of something basic from K-Mart it doesn’t mean that you’re a dumb person’ and even if you make a choice that you think completely leaves you out of the fashion industry, you are nevertheless engaging with it. Fashion is a way of expressing yourself; people will judge you on what you are wearing so if you want to be seen as a ‘serious-minded person’ you will have to look like one, thus making fashion relevant. Barnard then goes on to present a counter argument by saying that ‘fashion seems to be inevitable, given the social and economic organization of most of the world’, which is true, fashion is everywhere, everyone is influenced by it and it hugely contributes to the global economy. In addition to this ‘fashion is a product of a society with more than one class in it where upward movement between classes is both possible and desirable’, there is a market for every level of the social structure, from value to luxury, which have been developed because the elite cannot wear the same as everybody else. Fashion is thus a way of claiming social status and it creates a social mobility that could not otherwise be accessed. Fashion is an industry based on creating a need where there is none and nowadays, due to the current recession, I can understand that fashion may not be people’s biggest concern. But we cannot qualify it as ‘trivial’ since we are surrounded by it; each new generation of customers is highly exposed to commercial influences. As I have seen through the text this industry ‘covers increasingly large parts of the world’ and its role on today’s economic organization and modern culture is just too important to qualify fashion as ‘trivial’. In my opinion people despise it or mock it because they don’t understand it or feel excluded from this world. Barnard, M. (1996) Fashion as Communication 1st ed. Routledge pp 17-18
Monday, 29 July 2019
Fortune 500 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Fortune 500 - Essay Example Studying the different locations in which Marriott operates, as well as the marketing strategies it employs, can give one a good idea about how it is able to achieve such tremendous success. Marriot Hotels has been operating since 1927, originally springing from the business idea of a place for drinks. Slowly it expanded to a chain of hotels and restaurants, which a few decades later, expanded into Marriott International. This company is famous throughout the world for providing excellent hospitality services throughout the world. It operates today in 68 different countries including the United States of America. It has locations in developed countries like the Unites States and England, as well as developing countries like Egypt and Pakistan (Marriott International, 2011). One remarkable characteristic of all these franchises is one common to most successful multinationals: the quality of the service they provide remains constant and impressive from country to country. To study the success of a company as successful as Marriott, we need to assess their marketing strategies. One way to do this is to consider the four P’s marketing mix. ... The first of these factors is the product of the company. This factor encompasses the type of product, the diversification in the company’s product range as well as the quality and standardization of the product. In the case of Marriott, the company’s product is hospitality service. They provide a five star hotel service to their customers, and they are ranked as not only a fortune 500 company, but also one of the top hotel chains operating on an international scale. The product of this company is unlike that of a mere bed and breakfast inn. The international standards of hotel management, hygiene, courteous service, and food are amongst the several characteristics, which set its product apart from the rest. There prevails a high rate of customer satisfaction that correlates with the services that Marriott provides. A very important aspect of a company’s product is the brand name that it offers to the people who are choosing between different companies providing their desired service. The brand name of Marriott hotels is an internationally recognized one, which is a great contributing factor to the creation of value of this company in the hospitality market. The next factor in the marketing mix is the price, which the company charges for its product or service. This is a very important factor in any market, as it not only determines the number of customers a company has, but also the target market, which the company aims to serve. Marriott Hotels, for example, charge a heavy price for each night lodgings from their customer. Their hotel rates are similar to the rates of most five star hotels, which is therefore also an indicator of the status of the company in the hotel industry. The price that
Sunday, 28 July 2019
Health and Safety Regulations of NSW and Risk Management Essay
Health and Safety Regulations of NSW and Risk Management - Essay Example According to the discussion, non-compliance issues consist of non-trained health and safety representatives handling important positions in the organization, appointment of ineligible candidates for places like bar and casino, etc. After conducting an audit of the whole situation and deriving the above finding several recommendations, the objectives behind them and a probable time estimate has been clearly mentioned in the action plan in Appendix 2. In Appendix 1 a risk assessment matrix has been developed to highlight the intensity of each hazard or risk that took place in the organization. The major laws which affect most of the business as Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) would be improved to Work Health Safety (WHS). The revised laws have been implemented from the year 2012. According to the new WHS, the focus of the employee should be on the making proper work arrangements and also maintaining good relationships for carrying out the business. The focus of the employer should be on the impact of the workplace, health and safety issues of the employees. Companies have the right to consult with other companies or organization regarding safety and health issues of the organization. The individuals in the organizations would be no longer termed as workers; rather they should be regarded as employees. Implementing health and safety measures in the organization would be given primary importance and the employees also have the right to raise voice if they find that these norms do not meet the standards in their organization. Every employee must hold an entry permit to enter the organization. These are the basic changes that have been made in the new guidelines. Now let us consider the breaches that took place in Titanic Cove Resort (TCR), with reference to WHS laws.
Saturday, 27 July 2019
An Investigation of Career Barriers for Female Television News Anchor Dissertation - 1
An Investigation of Career Barriers for Female Television News Anchor in Nigeria - Dissertation Example These tribes during pre-colonial times have had their women enjoying equal social status with the men, especially with their respected traditional government systems (Ajayi, 2007, p. 137-138). For example, there are Women’s Leaders, Goddess Priests and Market Women’s Leader (among others) in the Yoruba tribes in South Nigeria. There are also Queens in Northern Nigeria that contribute to the local political influences and development (Ajayi, 2007, p. 138). These all changed when the British colonized Nigeria since the British Colonial Administration actively pushed discriminatory sex roles in the nation’s politics (Ajayi, 2007). This reduced women’s power and relevance in their society. The women were denied opportunities in career, business and politics. They were marginalized. Nigeria is a male-dominated society. In Islamic religion, especially in the Sharia law, women and men have very different roles, rights and obligations. This is largely due to their religion, which is Islam. This is where the major sexual and gender differences start in their society. This law therefore dictates the woman’s fate in terms of education, employment, finances and even in legislation. Television, having introduced women on the screen, in roles often contradictory to the stereotypical domestic role of the women in society, has also given rise to some fundamental, social, cultural, professional and ethical issues, which have come to affect the career paths of women in the industry. Gender stereotyping is not limited to the field of television. This is an issue which transcends all strata of organizational, social and family life in Nigeria (Agnes & Ijeoma, 2010). Before the advent of television in Nigeria, parents believed in sending their sons to acquire formal education in Law, Medicine or Engineering while encouraging their daughters to learn the family trade and then get married. Society believed that a woman’s place resides squarel y in the home and in rare cases when they were allowed to go to university, such conventional courses as mentioned above were the accepted courses to study. This was due to the image of prestige, dignity, integrity and decorum associated with such traditional career paths (Charles, 1989). There is a study in the United States by Engstrom and Ferri, about the Local U.S. Television News Anchors’ Perceived Career Barriers. The study found out that most career barriers are often sexist in nature. There is no tangible evidence for sexism though, as both men and women have reported having less time at home. The study covers both sexes but it also shows how the sex determines one’s career. In the case of women, their decision to further their career is often hampered with their other concerns, particularly with that of the family and even physical appearance and ageism. This can come as career barriers. Culture appears to be the most powerful barrier in the pursuit of a profe ssion in TV sector among Nigerian women. The Nigerian culture encourages submissiveness in women and the Nigerian women have faced a lot of gender stereotyping in their society, which are even present till date (Poindexter & Meraz, 2008). However, there are probably other factors that contribute to the stagnation of the careers of women that are not
Friday, 26 July 2019
Wireless security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Wireless security - Essay Example The reason is that hackers break into the networks to identify the security holes present in the networks. The aim of the hackers is not to commit theft, destroy, or steal any sort of private information; rather the intention is to make the network administrators improve the security of their networks. Ciampa (2009) found that a hacker is a person who makes use of advanced programming skills and techniques to break illegally into any specific computer system in order to expose the security flaws (p. 16). Some attackers believe that the act of hacking is ethical because the aim is neither to steal information nor to create any sort of problem for the user of the computer system. If a hacker attacks my personal computer system, it will make me aware that the security features, which I have implemented for the protection of my computer, are not strong enough to combat the attacks of the hackers. Therefore, I would like a hacker to break into my security wall to identify the security fla ws in my system, which will make me improve my security by installing more trustworthy and reliable security features in order to make my computer more safe and secure than before.
Thursday, 25 July 2019
J&J Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
J&J - Assignment Example Also they cannot mention about the risk of death on the warning label because people with suicidal tendencies may start using it. The drug earns yearly revenue of $1.3 billion so it is not possible to completely shut down its production. In order to solve the quandary, the J&J Company should make it sure that the public is well aware of the risks associated with the medicine. Instead of advising only about using it on the prescription of a doctor, it should state clearly about the potential hazards it poses to specific organs. The Company should also restrict its use as an over-the-counter drug and should only allow it to be given by a qualified doctor. This would ensure that the people do not overuse the drug. Clearly, it would reduce their sales by a large margin but it would save a lot of money it loses in legal proceedings. Also millions of lives would be saved and the company would regain its good reputation which has been tainted by various incidents of deaths. Works Cited East on, Thomas and Stephen Herrera. J&J's Dirty Little Secret. Forbes, 1998. Print.
Individual application paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Individual application paper - Essay Example Which managerial ethics does he possess? On the other hand, I am the one with the problem. Alternatively, am I a perfectionist? All these questions do arise especially after Erick was elevated to that position of the general manager. Am not jealous of him but I think his actions are biased and unprofessional. This is because he usually hires his friends to work in the cafà ©, some of whom are not qualified. Furthermore, he no longer observes the training policies set down for the organization. Long before his appointment, we used to follow and respect the training policies of the organization. I think generally I don’t like Erick the manager. I do not know whether my dislike for Erick will create a negative attitude toward him or am just being biased. His style of management does not conform to the normal style of management which has been in existence since I joined Franklin group of companies. I do not welcome his tendency of hiring his friend to work in the restaurant because some are incompetent like Colleen. Take a scenario of an episode, which occurred last Saturday night, and you will agree with me. The policies of the restaurant stipulate that an employee cannot leave the cafà © at the end of the working period before being released by the manager. However, on the material Saturday, Colleen, one of the friends of Erick, the general manager, who was working in the restaurant as a waiter was to go home at 11.30 pm but was not yet released by the manager and she was still lingering in the dining room. Common sense dictates that as a worker in the restaurant and not yet released, you are entitled to work until the time the manager will officially release you. However, that was not the case with Colleen. To her, upon clocking 11.30 pm, she knew she was officially off. This clearly portrays how the training policies of the restaurants are no longer applied and the manager is not concerned even a little. Her behavior made me dislike her so much because
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
Kaesung Industrial Complex in North Korea research paper
Kaesung Industrial Complex in North Korea - Research Paper Example plex is a result of the attempt to improve relations between South Korea and North Korea made by Hyundai Group beginning in 1998 that coincided with the Republic of Korea’s policy (Manyin 5). In addition to this, several dozen South Korean companies had facilities there which include chemical, machinery, textile and electronics factories ( Most of the employees are from North Korea, but still, there are people from southern part too and all together they create a cheap labor for the South. Moreover, it is a duty-free zone that has no restrictions on the use of foreign currency or credit cards (Manyin 6). However, the political situation also plays an important role in the relationships between two countries. For example, the deteriorating inter-Korean relations in 2013 led to both countries’ withdrawal of their employees from the industrial zone. Furthermore, this city is an important cultural and educational center. There were many tombs, palaces and te mples which were destroyed during the war, but hopefully many of them were restored and were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2013 ( The Kaesong Industrial Complex (KIC) is an economic enterprise in which companies of southern Korea have set up factories in a North Korean enclave ten miles north of the demilitarized zone. Although, it is a way for South Korean companies to use cheap labor from North Korea for low-end products. The president Roh Moo-hyun who was a liberal, tried to make Kaesong economically viable. He provided the foreign markets with goods which were produced in the complex. In addition to this, his administration made a lot of attempts to gain a duty-free status for products of Kaesong. Roh tried to place the language in the KORUS FTA. The United States refused to include this language in the agreement because it would give certain benefits to North Korean regime. It is actually the last example of the inter-Korean cooperation projects. Their relations
Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Human Karyotyping (Biology) Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human Karyotyping (Biology) - Lab Report Example Any deviation in the normal pattern could be ruled out as a change that affects health and development of the individual. It is evident that human cells normally contain 23 pairs of chromosomes. Hypothesis: If there is an increase or decrease in the number of chromosomes, the process is called aneuploidy; it directly affects the development of the organism. These changes occur as a result of non disjunction of chromosomes during the process of meiosis. As a result one of the daughter cells receives either extra or insufficient chromosomes. Variables: The common form of aneuploidy is trisomy, which implies the presence of three copies of the chromosome in cells in place of normal two copies. In Klinefelter’s Syndrome where the sex chromosome is present in extra copy resulting in XXY, where as if the trisomy occurs in autosome like in the case of Down Syndrome trisomy of 21st chromosome occur and if this trisomy occur in 13th chromosome then it results in Trisomy 13 Syndrome resulting in cell with 47 chromosomes instead of usual 46. Methods: Cut the homologous chromosomes. Arrange then on construction paper in descending order of their size. Glue them when arranged as in the figure A. any additional chromosome is found match with its homologue to find out which chromosome is having additional copy. Arrange all the pairs of chromosomes with shorter end towards top and longer one towards the bottom. Mark them with the marker pen; rule out the genetic condition of the Karyotype. Raw data: chromosomes condense during the process of cell division and are therefore visible under light microscope. In Karyotype cells are stained with Giemsa dye. Dark and light band pattern is observed. Metacentric chromosomes have centromere in the center or near the central part of the chromosome. Acrocentric: the centromere is near the end of the chromosome. Telocentric: centromere is terminally located. Chromosomes
Monday, 22 July 2019
Fruits As Battery Essay Example for Free
Fruits As Battery Essay Additional information Batteries are devices that store chemical energy and convert it to electrical energy. Consisting of one or more voltaic cells, batteries come in various sizes and forms and are integrated into most electronic and portable devices. Electrical current is the flow of electrons (movement) of an electrical charge and is measured using an ammeter. Solid conductive metals contain large population of free electrons, which are bound to the metal lattice and move around randomly due to thermal energy. When two terminals of a voltage source (battery) are connected via a metal wire, the free electrons of the conductor drift toward the positive terminal, making them the electrical current carrier within the conductor. Required materials Citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, grapefruits, or oranges. Copper nail, approximately 2 inches in length Galvanized (zinc) nail, about 2 inches in length Small colored or opaque light bulb with a 2 inch lead, such as a holiday LED light. Note that there needs to be enough wire to connect to the nails. Electrical tape or Crocodile (aka: gator) clip (optional) Micro Ammeter a measuring instrument used to measure the electric current in a circuit, can be found at your local Radio Shack store. (optional) Estimated Experiment Time About 5 to 10 minutes Step-By-Step Procedure 1. Prepare your fruit for the experiment by squeezing it on all sides with your hands. Make sure not to squeeze too tightly and break the skin! The idea is to soften the fruit enough so that the juice inside are flowing. 2. Insert your nails into the fruit, approximately 2 inches apart from one another. The ends (sharp tips) of the nails should be in the center of the fruit, but not touching one another. Be careful not to pierce the nails through the opposite end of the fruit. 3. Remove the insulation around the bulb wires (the leads) so you can expose the wire underneath. You need to remove enough insulation so you can wrap the exposed wire around the nails. 4. Take one of the exposed wires and wrap it around the galvanized (zinc) nail. If the wire keeps slipping off, use some electrical tape or gator clips to keep it attached. 5. Wrap the other end of the wire around the copper nail. 6. When the second wire is attached to the copper nail, your bulb will light up! Note The size of the light bulb will affect how brightly its lit. LED lights require the least amount of energy to light and thus are the best candidates for this experiment. If you have a Micro Ammeter, you can use it to compare the effectiveness of various fruits in relation to electrical current. If using a Micro Ammeter, follow these steps: 1. Connect one of the Micro Ammeters terminals to the copper nail and attach with a Crocodile clip. 2. Connect the other Micro Ammeters terminal to the galvanized plate and attach with a Crocodile clip. Try using different kinds of fruits and measure the differences between them. You may want to consider tomatoes (yes, they ARE fruit) as they have one of the highest pH levels of fruits, making them perfect for this experiment. Observation Do you think another kind of fruit would work with this experiment? How about a vegetable? Which fruit has the best conductivity? Do you think moving the nails further apart will change the current? Do you think your fruit will continue to power the light bulb after a few hours? How about a few days? Do you think the size of the fruit would effect the voltage? Result The zinc nail is an active metal, which reacts with the acid in the fruit. The active ingredient in the fruit are positively charged ions. A transfer of electrons takes place between the zinc nail and the acid from the fruit. The nails act as poles for the battery, one positive and one negative. Electrons travel from the positive pole to the negative pole via the light bulb wire (the conductor), generating enough electricity to light the bulb.
Sunday, 21 July 2019
Year Round Production Of Oranges In Nigeria
Year Round Production Of Oranges In Nigeria Nigerians, like many other Africans, believe that certain fruits like orange only grow in particular seasons. This cannot be any further from the truth. In developed countries, most if not all the fruits are available for consumption all year-round. The secret behind this availability of fruits is not so far-fetched. This write-up is focused on year-round orange production in rural Nigeria. Growing oranges demands the maintenance of certain climatic conditions like temperature and wind intensity although there are other issues less related to the climate such as pest control, irrigation and fertilizer application. These conditions control the growth of orange. In other words, if they can be maintained at a certain level, production can be done year-round. The Communication and Information Management Technology branches of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have a crucial role to play here as they make it easy to reach majority of the rural farmers. Emphasis is placed on r adio as a result of the fact that it is readily available to most of them. Information on the basics of cultivating the fruit throughout the year is handed down to the farmers through radio. The postulation here is that as the farmers get enough of this information, their orientation begins to change and whatever funding or support they get from external sources can be put to good use. This raises the question of funding for this orange production, and this is where the benefits of year-round production such as job creation and increased revenue serve as incentive to potential supporters and lenders, like the government and microfinance banks. One of the most widely grown crops in the country today is orange. Its strong nutritional value and by-products such as orange juice are part of the reason for its popularity. Firstly, it is imperative to explain that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) may be subdivided into three main branches namely Computer Technology, Communication Technology and Information Management Technology. While Computer Technology is a vital component of ICT, Communication and Information Management Technologies are equally as important (Wikipedia, 2010). In fact, as far as agriculture goes in the rural areas of Nigeria, Computer Technology will play a less crucial role than any of the other two and the reason is not far-fetched. Although most of the farmers understand the conditions required for the crops to grow in practice, only a handful of them know this in theory. This theoretical knowledge is important if a farmer is going to maximize production. Methodology An advantage to the team is that the father of one of our team members is a large scale farmer. Thus a number of our questions were directed to him. Also, another team member made calls to his friend at the bank, a means by which we obtained information about loans and a few other financing questions. Some information was also obtained from books. Most of our sources though are from the internet, like articles and journals. Year-round Production One important aspect of year-round production is the culture of the orange tree. Recently, it has been discovered that close-spacing the plants in an orange grove might cause reduction in productivity, and there is also the argument that in close-planted groves, it is quite expensive to prune. On the contrary, the ease with which pruning, fertilizing and harvesting can be done influences farmers decision to engage in close-planting. Many groves in rural Nigeria have an average spacing of 20 X 15 ft (7.56 m), which in comparison to the former standard 25 x 25 ft (7.57.5 m) can be considered to be really close-spaced. Conversely, it has been discovered that by budding Pineapple orange onto the rootstock of rough lemon, close-planting can otherwise increase the total yield. A chart is given below to illustrate the behavior of this new type of orange in relation to spacing. This brings to light two new points of interest varieties of orange and budding. These two points are very crucial to year-round orange farming. The first secret in growing orange year-round is in its varieties. Different types of oranges react differently to different climatic conditions. For example, while Hamlin and Queen thrive well under extreme cold temperature, Valencia, on the other hand, does not do as well. In developing countries where orange is available to customers year-round, they simply grow the particular type of orange that will flourish in each season. It will not come as a surprise that many if not all of the varieties of orange can grow in many parts of Nigeria. In fact, Benue state in north central Nigeria alone accounts for the production of over ten varieties of orange. The implication of this is that with proper knowledge of these varieties and how they thrive under different conditions, oranges can be produced year-round in the country. Budding is another important tool that can ensure the production of the fruit during particularly harsh seasons of the year. Although there are many varieties of the fruit that survive in different seasons, there are some seasons that are uniquely harsh to plants. For these seasons, budding is a practice that can ensure the development of more vigorous and productive trees. The process ensures the quality of oranges produced. Budding involves grafting a part of a plant (called the scion) on another plant (called the rootstock) with an already active root system, thus enabling them to grow as one plant. Rootstocks are mostly used for fruiting trees and depending on the rootstock used, even with the same scion, properties such as large fruit size, vigor, and resistance to diseases, drought and root pests can be induced in the resulting tree (Wikipedia, 2010). For example, when certain orange trees are budded onto the rootstock of trifoliate orange, the result is a tree that can survive in extreme cold and even low wet soils. Irrigation plays a very important role in crop yield, especially during the dry season when wilting is an imminent problem. Many of the farmers in the rural areas know this, but there are still some limitations. One of them is the lack of water; another is the fact that many of the farmers do not know how much water is required for irrigation. To determine how much water is needed, information on the depth of the soil is vital. As with most trees, the depth of the soil affects the reach of the root system. Deep soils allow for better root systems, and consequently better resistance to drought. Furthermore, the deeper the soil, the more the amount of water that can be used in irrigation. For the problem of lack of water, it would be a good idea if farmers are encouraged to work together as the distribution of water is usually uneven in this period. That is, while some farmers wells have abundant water, others become dry. Cooperation between them would not only aid in irrigation but in many other useful areas as well. Also because of the benefits to be reaped from this year-round orange production (as explained further down), the government should also help with the supply of new irrigation technology and supply of water. Another hindrance to the year-round production of orange in the country is the problem of pests and diseases. Oranges, like many other fruits, are affected by a huge amount of pests. Some of the pests particular to orange include citrus rust mites, numerous scale insects, mealy bugs, aphids (plant lice) and fruit flies. These various pests affect different parts of the tree including the leaves, stem, root, and even the oranges. Additionally, diseases are also a big threat to the production of oranges. Some of the common diseases include blight, citrus canker, and some viral and fungal diseases. In some other cases, incompatibility between the scion and rootstock can also be a cause of reduced production. Scientists have come up with some effective treatments for many of these diseases, but without ICT, it is impossible to pass this information to farmers in rural areas. However, occasionally farmers mistake things like abnormal coloration of leaves caused by mineral deficiencies suc h as copper and zinc for diseases. Oranges can be preserved for as long as 5 months at relatively low temperatures (between 2.22oC and 3.89oC). This is another advantage of oranges that can be taken to ensure that it is available for year-round consumption. Farmers in rural Nigeria do not take advantage of this property because they do not have the required storage facility, which should be large enough to hold a substantial amount of oranges and keep the temperature low enough to ensure preservation. Most of them have no idea that the fruits can even be preserved that long. The Role of ICT The most powerful tool that can be handed down to these farmers is information empowerment; hence the earlier laid foundation on Communication and Information Management Technology. There is no point in purchasing technical equipment for farmers when they do not even know how the things work. The first step is to open their eyes to the details of the fruits they are producing. With proper understanding, the farmers will begin to ask for the right tools. Without instigation from any external factors, they will begin to ask for loans and additional infrastructure to facilitate year-round production. In other words, they need to be informed that it is possible and with todays technology, there are numerous ways to hand down this information. Radio would be an effective tool since most of these farmers have one. Agricultural programs should air on the radio stations available to them, and in their dialect. These programs, aimed at the farmers, would help them better understand irrigation , soil depth, and many other factors related to their crops. With time, they will start to ask questions, and then extension agents can be introduced to help answer them. Consistency is a key point in the use of radio. It takes time to change a persons beliefs. The idea is that the farmers hear the information well enough that it begins to transform their ideas about the growth of their fruit. In other words, unless these programs are kept on air long enough, making these rural farmers adopt the modern techniques introduced here would be an almost impossible task. Therefore, ICT forms the foundation for this revolutionary project in the nations agricultural sector. It is the most effective method for passing information to the farmers. Financing Agriculture gets it funds from federal and state government, private sectors, and international development partners. Some of the financial institutions like banks believe that lending to small scale farmers is not as risky as lending to big time farmers. This is as a result of the fact, as a number of banks have pointed out, that small scale farmers unlike their large scale counterparts tend to pay back their loans (Mommoh, 2008). However, some other financial institutions believe in funding large scale farmers rather than small scale farmers. Basically, funding agriculture is classified as macro or micro finance, depending on the source of the funds. One of the major problems facing agricultural financing, especially in rural areas, is poor handling of loans. The targeted farmers barely have access to loans due to barriers or conditions attached. Even when they have access to the loans, they are often given lower than what they applied for, because of insufficient funds. The very unfortunate thing is that the fake influential people who pose to be farmers meet up with the conditions thereby having access to the loans. Another problem is the fact that farmers do not really channel the funds to what it was originally intended for (agricultural production); instead they use it for personal purposes. For this, some blame can be placed on the policy that empowers them with money without the information what the money can and should be used for. Many farmers are already used to their old ways of doing things, and they can continue without the extra money. Thus, they need to be taught new agricultural techniques that will help them unde rstand where to channel the funds they receive, and this is where ICT comes into play. There are different ways to address problems of agricultural financing. First of all, government should encourage long term loans at low interest rates. Agricultural production involves long gestation period. With such policy (long term loans at lower interest rate) in place, there is tendency for an increase in agricultural production. Financial institutions should also relax their lending criteria in order to allow farmers to have easy access to loans. Small scale farmers do not have acceptable collateral (houses, moveable properties, stocks, shares and so on) required by these institutions. Thus the criteria should be user friendly for easy accessibility of loan. Government can also make land available to farmers for farming. Alongside the information on how to grow their fruit, the farmers should also be encouraged to utilize funds for the purpose for which they are meant and abide by the terms and conditions of the scheme. They should also make their project and records accessible to the lenders for inspection and verification. The lending body should ensure intermittent monitoring of the funded agricultural project under the scheme. On the part of the government, there should not only be provision of sufficient funds for agriculture, but also follow-up to ensure the proper disbursement of these funds. Marketing (especially the Off-Season Oranges) [Bitrus] With year-round production or orange comes the problem of acceptance. This is where marketing comes into play. Being Africans and Nigerians, especially fond of superstitious beliefs, we have made up our minds that the orange is greenish-yellow and any other thing is probably genetically manufactured and hence posing risks of cancer, toxins, poisons, and food allergies. As a result, any company that plans to market oranges of the highest quality all through the year in Nigeria and Africa as a whole must have a way to convince the general public that the oranges are perfectly normal. How do you assure the potential buyers that the oranges are not genetically altered since the company will be providing quality oranges all year round? The finished orange, although grown in the rural area but using state-of-the art technology should be made available all through the year, orange in color, juicy and large enough to meet international standards if it is to be exported. Since what most of us take in the country does not meet any of the above, then theres every possibility that potential customers will be skeptical about buying because they might feel it is not natural. The marketing campaign will have to convince the general public that the oranges are naturally grown all year round under the right conditions; stating that the fruits grow under proper irrigation all year round, that different varieties of orange are grown depending on the season; and pesticides and herbicides are used to regulate and control the pests and weeds respectively. The marketers should have radio talk shows and TV personalities educate the general public that people need to take their minds off the stereotypical way of thinking that fruits can be grown only in their seasons. By educating the general public that under the right conditions, a fruit can be grown year-round, the producer will be able to convince the buyer that there is nothing wrong with the fruit. After all, in developed countries fruits and vegetables are gotten all year round. Take note though that there are the genetically manufactured ones which are usually labeled GM and there are the naturally grown ones. The naturally grown ones are simply grown under monitored conditions and this is the same kind of thing that will be replicated by the rural farmers. Getting endorsements from NGOs and other prominent organizations such as the Food and Drug Agency (FDA) and the National Agency for Food and Administration and Control (NAFDAC) will convince people that the fruits are safe for consumption. Internet ads, billboards and commercials too will be instrumental in publicizing the naturally-grown oranges. The typical orange in Nigeria is not packaged. Proper packaging will attract customers to buy the produced orange. A decent price will further interest the customers and keep them, but this will be after the packaging must have served its purpose. Another important factor to be considered is the transportation of the oranges from the rural areas to the customers. The producer/supplier must consider how to transport the oranges from the grove in the rural area to the consumers. In theory the fruits will be transported in trucks with properly cleaned, disinfected and ventilated containers that contain temperature-controlled atmosphere for specifically prolonging the shelve life of the oranges and keeping them in their best shape. The trucks will be painted with the ad of the oranges showing the brand name and a colorful painting of the oranges which is a very good marketing strategy. The temperature-controlled trucks should preserve them until they are given to the buyers. Benefits of Year-round Production [] 1. Export: After a few years of production, there would be a need to start exporting the oranges since production is going to be done year-round. This will increase the countrys revenue and consequently, the Gross Domestic Product of the country. This would help the farmers to make the most profit by exploring opportunities in foreign countries that are not present in the domestic market (Tekle, 2007). By doing this, the farmers would eventually turn their small scale farm into international companies which will participate in todays fast growing global market and gain more knowledge from the highly diverse international market place. This could also go on to help strengthen the value of the Nigerian Naira which translates to an improvement in the Nigerian economy. 2. Job Creation: According to INDEX MUNDI, the rate of unemployment in Nigeria has reduced by 21.3% within the space of 2003 and 2010 as shown in the chart below (Barrientos, 2010). In this time, a huge reduction in crime rate has also been observed and this goes to show that people who are not among the labor force are the ones responsible for the crimes being committed. If farmers are successfully granted the opportunity to go into larger scale production of these oranges they would need to employee more workers to help with the cultivation and harvesting of the oranges. This would go a long way in abetting the decline in crime, unemployment rates, and poverty in the rural areas of Nigeria. Since these oranges are going to be the produced year-round, then the jobs would be full-time jobs instead of seasonal. 3. Joint Production: Farmers can also join their businesses together. This could become an additional source of capital and resources for all the parties involved. This would help facilitate and increase the growth of the business because they have more funds to facilitate the operation involved in the production your oranges which would result to an increase in their profit margin and revenue potential. It also helps this farmer because they have someone to share the responsibility with them which would also reduce the risk and effect of losing plenty money. 4. Environmental Benefits: In order to produce oranges, we need to plant trees. These trees protect the environmental biomes of organisms, giving way to the reduction of Enhanced Green House Effects also known as global warming by remove surplus amount of carbon dioxide and atmospheric air pollutants, including sulphur dioxide, ozone and nitrogen oxide (, 2010). They also provide us with more oxygen required for living life. These trees would also improve the quality of air and reduce its pollution. It would also improve the visual effect of landscapes in rural area which could also increase revenue gotten from tourism. Since most rural areas appear to be in Northern part of Nigeria it would help control the climate by moderating the effects of sun and can also act as windbreakers. It would also reduce erosion and flooding in these areas since they have no effective drainage system. 5. It will accelerate the growth of the agricultural sector: Since the discovery of crude oil in the country, Nigerians have neglected the agricultural sector. Producing these oranges would also encourage the year-round production of other agricultural goods and also transform it to industrial agriculture and these would ease of the stress that has been put on the oil and gas sector. It will generate more Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP) and per capita income for Nigeria. 6. Investments: This will bring a large influx of foreign companies who deal in food production and pharmaceuticals. It would also increase the flow of cash into the country and encourage economic activity in Nigeria. It would also curb the problems of low job opportunities and reduced GDP. The remaining farmers and producers will have to develop their labor to keep up with the much improved competition therefore bringing about an increment in general efficiency level. And the Nigerian Government will be taken much more seriously in the worldwide conferences because the number of investors in the country has improved. 7. Infrastructural development: This will bring in new equipments for industries who patronize in agricultural products and the agricultural sector will have to provide modern equipments to produce more yields. 8. Globalization: It would generally breach the gap between countries through trade. It would also reduce the cultural barriers which would increase the global village effect. 9. World Trade Organization (WTO): With agricultural investments, there will be economic growth which will make Nigeria a valuable participant in the World Trade Organization. 10. Skill development: Over time, the rural areas will see an evolution of skilled workers, both in the agricultural and industrial sectors. 11. Population Distribution: Like many other countries, the urban regions in Nigeria are densely populated while the rural areas are sparsely populated, but with the new jobs created in rural areas, there would be a redistribution of population. Places like Lagos and Abuja would not be so densely populated. And this would help in the development of the rural areas in Nigeria. Recommendations Although there might be set-backs or even disadvantages to the year round production of orange in the country, the advantages far outweigh these disadvantages. With this many advantages, the government and many other sponsors should be more than willing to support the idea. Implementation of this would be revolutionary to food production in the country as it would open the door for year-round production of many other fruits. The implication is that these fruits will become much cheaper than when they can be purchased only in their season. There would be benefits to every sector in the country, but it is imperative that the government does not try to force these rural farmers into production as it might just result in another waste of limited resources. The farmers must properly understand the process and the necessary techniques so that when they get the resources they will use them judiciously. For proper understanding, the ICT tools must also be used efficiently, that is, the farme rs must constantly be getting this information and it should be consistent. They should be encouraged to work together and implement these new methods of farming as many of them will be initially resistant to them.
Humanistic Care Model for Higher Education Development
Humanistic Care Model for Higher Education Development Analysis and Contemporary Humanistic Care Model for Higher Education Development under the Perspective of interaction Keywords: Humane care, interaction, education, educational patterns, trends, analysis. Abstract. Global economic integration to promote the development of higher engineering education to the international, diversified, collaborative and other direction. Based on the analysis of the development trend of higher engineering education on the basis of international education around environmental factors explained the local culture rooted in international engineering talent our international certification engineers from academic education! international curriculum system and teaching staff, teachers and multi-modal international exchanges, multi-cultural awareness and integration describes internationalization and to achieve the role of engineers in talent Training. Introduction Teachers and students constitute the main teaching activities, teaching and learning is to link both ends, either end not become neglected education, teacher-student relationship should reflect educational. Teacher-student relationship throughout the entire process of education, improve the quality of teaching, play educational performance have a pivotal role. To some extent, the relationship between teachers teaching in itself is a living resource, with a strong educational force, how to develop a direct impact on teacher-student relationship can proceed smoothly and education can promote the comprehensive development of man. However, in reality, the impact of external adverse factors within the College of Teacher Student Relationship by the emergence of the phenomenon of alienation between teachers and students, people in relation to the relationship between alienation and things, the only thing is the champion teachers and students exchanges instrumental rationality dominated the human spirit, meaning, value sidelined, teacher-student relationship presents instrumental, utilitarian tendency, teachers and widened the psychological distance, lack of communication, teachers and apathy, when there is a conflict opposition . To grasp the relationship between teachers and students in colleges and universities, colleges and universities for teacher-student relationship to the spiritual world, meaning the world, the value of the world ignored, trying to humane care From the viewpoint and find out a persons value certainly pay attention to peoples emotions respect for human subjectivity, full of educational relationship between teachers and many people need care, so that the true return to humane care, tends to eliminate the reality of the relationship between teachers and students of University of alienation teacher-student relationship, showing the relationship between students and teachers to care for the exchange of ideas kernel, emotional blend of features to e nhance the relationship between teachers and students to guide teachers and students the value of life developing trend. Thus, in the New rediscover Teacher Student Relationship in the Perspective of Humane Care and teacher-student relationship in depth, teacher-student relationship will Colleges revitalized, to show the power of education, colleges and universities to achieve the purpose of educating people also has a realistic and it has affirmed the significance of people who pay attention to the times the value of human development. . Generally believed that the basic functions of university personnel training, scientific research, social services, culture and heritage. Among them, the personnel training is the fundamental task of universities, educational functions of universities is the ultimate purport presence, it is beyond doubt. General Secretary Hu Jintao to comprehensively improve the quality of higher education as the theme of the centennial celebration of Tsinghua University speech: comprehensively improve the quality of higher education, we must vigorously promote personnel training level, the fundamental task of higher education personnel training. Talent Quality in relation to the countrys economic development, is the lifeline of survival and development of colleges and universities. Therefore, to improve the quality of personnel training is the central task of our colleges and universities to work, we must attach great importance. Student Relationship With the emergence of education and production, i ts connotation with the times and continue to advance with the times, is an old and timeless topic. Figure.1 Interactive communication The Proposed Methodology  Humane Care Theory. Enrich and improve the theoretical relationship between teachers and students. Universities College student relationship as the most basic and core relationships, physical and mental development as well as for the construction of university teachers and students have a vital role. Previous studies in the relationship between teachers and students of primary and secondary research more abundant, and for the study of the relationship between college teachers, the domestic number is not a lot of research, several foreign research is also small. The teacher-student relationship factors determine its complexity should also be more perspective look at, just some research in breadth and depth are lacking, there is no systematic theoretical system. In this paper, starting from the Perspective of Humane Care explore the relationship of university teachers and students, allows researchers to further broaden the perspective of teacher-student relationship, teacher-student relationship at the same time broaden the research vision of the nature of the relationship between teachers and students, content and meaning extension is also extremely useful, by the Humanities theoretical framework caring starting to explore the nature of the problem and the reason for the existence of the relationship of university teachers and students, and reasonable measures on this basis, it is recommended, to provide some theoretical reference for the study of the relationship between college teachers and students to further enrich and improve the teacher-student relationship theoretical study. Practical significance. Teacher-student relationship throughout the entire process of University education, direct impact on the quality and effectiveness of teaching personnel training colleges and universities. To some extent, the interaction between teachers and the teaching process itself. Full of educational teacher-student relationship is the effective protection of the quality of teaching, the successful cultivation of outstanding talent premise. Under Humane Care Perspective of research on the relationship between teachers and students of colleges and universities will help to improve the relationship between teacher and student, resolve conflicts, conflict, and then build a harmonious College Educational Environment; conducive to teaching and learning, teachers and students to promote harmony together. Humanistic care teacher-student relationship can fully stimulate the teachers and students of University of initiative and creativity, in lively classroom atmosphere effect ively improve classroom teaching; in favor of the education system, university management reform. Current research on the relationship between college teachers can provide reference and basis for the development and university management rules and regulations to improve the education policy approaches. Document analysis. After a review of a large number of domestic and foreign literature, drawing on previous studies, based on humanistic concern in the Perspective of a comprehensive analysis of this topic College student relationship, which conducted this study to provide a new perspective for the frame structure designed to provide the basis. Historical law. Historical law by generation, development and demise of the process of thinking about, and explore the essence of things and laws approach. Since the humane care and the evolution of teacher-student relationship is a historical process. In this paper, the relationship between teachers and humane care and comb and a historic mining, summarized the connotation of relationship between college teachers under the Perspective of humane care, teacher-student relationship to the reality of University Development and evolution has also been more objective, historical stage of understanding, in order to find the teacher-student relationship through the history of the development trajectory of clues. Thus, the history of law is the main research method of this thesis, to carry out this study and obtain the correct conclusions available to developing historical basis. Based on the above analysis of the interpretation of the relationship between teachers and students and combining the second chapter in the interpretation of the connotation of humanistic care, I believe that the relationship between teachers and students and teachers in the teaching process in order to form the core of the teaching include working relationship, in the psychological relationship reflect the social interpersonal relationships within the system. Limited special relationships in education and teaching activities, teacher-student relationship is a kind of humanistic care and educational. This type of teacher-student relationship is based on humane care humanistic concern for the rational core, teachers and students emotional communication as a link, a caring teacher-student relationship as a complete person, under the overall premise of communication exchanges, is the spirit of life between teachers and students meet and collide in education, the mind is a real sense of human communication is based on the harmonious development of body and mind as the highest teacher-student interaction purport beneficial relationship. In this paper, the university teachers and students Humane Care Perspective reflects the relationship is such a type of relationship between teachers humane care, university teachers and students in the school is the educational process, teachers and students of subjectivity inherent need for the development of life, teachers and students of emotional experience for the kernel to the emotional needs of both teachers and students as a link to equal access, exchange, dialogue, teachers as role models and caring side to respond, acceptance, certainly one of the students formed the benefit of both interactive communication link . Humane Care Student Relationship attention to peoples real, emphasizing both teachers and students as their subjective life, the presence of the spirit of life, the value of life encounter between compatible Aio i, designed to contribute to both teachers and students of life and life resonance, promote feelings of humanity both generation and experience, is the true meaning of life of teachers and students to enhance the value and presentation. People-oriented, is in the process of education and teaching all the work, point to the purpose of the task should be people-centered, respect for human life, dignity, rights, emphasis on human values and meaning, to enhance the quality of human life. Fundamental Characteristics of College of Humanities Caring teacher-student relationship is the people-oriented, to respect, care for both the teachers and the dignity of life and well-being, enhance the value of life of both students and teachers. Humanistic Caring teacher-student relationship people-oriented, caring for life characteristic point is to ask teachers and students to achieve mutual respect life, reverence for life. Existence of human life, that is, the existence of a body of life, when people in their own people as well as people outside the objective world of interactive activities, people are actively and positively, dynamic contact, communication, thinking, understanding, with the changes in the objective world and continue to transform themselves and their world other than their own. In the university teacher-student relationship, the teacher role models to establish care to respect, reverence student life, respect the subjectivity of students personality and dignity, nature and characteristics of the creation of life returned to the free development of students, independent students and dynamically develop their potential life choice and initiative. As one of the main concern of teachers in the teaching proc ess of education only really achieve student-centered care for the existence and development of the life of the student body, and effectively for the sake of development of students, to get respect from the experience to care for one student teacher and awe. Of course, caring relationship, cared for one of the students have to respect the lives of teachers, teachers labor awe, respect, consideration and accept the teachers reasonable suggestions and comments, to be appropriate responses to the teachers care, certainly. Only teachers and students both the value and meaning of life to give each other mutual respect and caring in order to achieve smooth teachers and students emotional communication and exchange. Traditional physical education teacher training is mainly used in the classic is tinted demonstration, teacher talk, students practice teaching model. Educational psychology research indicate that motivation is the most realistic, the most active factor is interest in understanding, people with interest in the state have learned all too often mastered quickly and firmly. The traditional sports teaching mode is The dignity, the traditional teachers and students conducting active passive absorption based, individualized and ignores the principle of individualized instruction, students only in fixed mode of thinking of PE teachers continue to learn knowledge and training methods, student learning initiative and thinking space and exercise has been very limited. The modern information technology in teaching, theoretical knowledge of the various sports, sports technology, technical difficulties, focusing on common errors made into action sports teaching software, students watch, explain, learn, and discuss with the students, ask questions, analyze and solve problems, participate in practice, students learn to exercise autonomy and motivation in the process, improve students ability to analyze and solve problems. Information technology in physical education and training so that the sports teaching content and teaching and training methods continue to improve, that is, the use of student-centered teaching and training methods, which will help improve the overall quality of students. Physical Education and Training is the earliest construction of sports science, is the most mature one discipline. Physical Education and Training in the future development, according to the strategic needs of the times and development of Sports, in the direction of sustainable development to improve discipline task and content, and constantly improve their own disciplinary system, internal discipline and external synthesis. But also to discipline their independence were kept, the special nature of sport throughout the discipline being. The discipline of Physical Education and Training through its own internal and external transformation will be more responsive to the development of the times, to provide strong support for Chinas sports undertakings. Conclusion Teacher-student relationship as a University College of the most basic relationships, its rich content, including knowledge of the relationship between teachers and students offering and accepting personality equal relationship, the relationship between emotional communication, ethics and promote each other. But by its very nature, is still teacher-student relationship is a relationship between people, is a kind of care for the kernel of the collision of ideas, blending emotion, morality into each other, the pursuit of happiness in life and dignity, to enhance teachers and students both the value of life symbiosis, in total, shared interaction. We have reason to believe that the relationship between teachers and students in the human care of moist, teacher-student relationship will certainly show great educational force, and ultimately help to achieve higher education adult education to become useful purpose.
Saturday, 20 July 2019
Joan Of Arc By Jules Basten Lepage Essay -- essays research papers
     â€Å"Joan of Arc,†was painted by the French realist artist Jules Bastien-Lepage in 1879. â€Å"After the province of Lorraine was lost to Germany following the Franco-Prussian War in 1821, The Frenchmen saw in Joan of Arc a new and powerful symbol. In 1875, Bastien-Lepage, a native of Lorraine began to make studies for a picture of her. In the present painting, exhibited in the Salon of 1880, Joan is shown receiving her revelation in her parents garden. Behind her are Saints Michael, Margaret, and Catherine. (Caption next to painting in The Metropolitan)†     Jules Bastien-Lepage creates a realistic atmosphere, including a supernatural, religious-like presence within his painting. Oil on canvas was used to create the realistic quality of the work. By closely examining the artist’s technique, it is clear that he uses delicate brush strokes in a true to life manner. The colors, and use of light seem to be painted in a layered fashion to give the landscape a sense of depth. The background of the painting is a garden which include foliage and brush that surrounds the primary focus of the painting, Joan of Arc. The artist put a great effort into the details of the scene. Bastien-Lepage uses a distinct realistic quality in his painting which is visible in each individual leaf and branch. Various hues of earth tones, green and brown being the most evident, are blended together in the garden scene.      In...
Friday, 19 July 2019
Architecture :: essays research papers
An architect designs and sometimes supervises the construction of buildings. Anything from tunnels that run far beneath the ground, to skyscrapers that tower above it, architects have always had a hand in building these great structures. Yes, you too can be an architect! But how, you ask? Just read on, and you will find out! Architects have designed the greatest buildings in history, from the stoic World Trade Center in New York, to the graceful and natural Falling Waters house in Pennsylvania, building styles differ as much as the architects who build them. One of the most famous architects is Frank Lloyd Wright, who designed the aforementioned Falling Waters and also the Robie house in Illinois. He is often considered the most creative architect of our time for his use of natural surroundings and building materials found in nature. No other man has made such an impact on architecture as Frank Lloyd Wright. Architects can work in a variety of conditions, but most work in office buildings that contain architectural firms of about three to six people. However, sometimes the job demands that an architect go out on the actual building site to supervise construction. This is a minor inconvenience to the architects, but on a general scale, architects have extremely comfortable surroundings that promote less stress among them. Often, and more so nowadays, architectural firms are adopting CAD programs, or Computer Aided Design as the main tool for designing buildings. It provides an easy to use interface over the previous pencil and paper method. As a result, CAD software is growing vastly in usage and many colleges are now offering courses just in CAD. Often, architects have to make considerations before the actual design phase of any building. The most important of these is cost. If a building is made of cheaper building materials, the architectural firm gets more money from the buyer. Other considerations are the style of the building, which depends heavily upon the surrounding buildings, not to mention the environment, functionality, elevations, and zoning regulations. The zoning regulations limit the size and shape of the building so that it doesn’t interfere with the area around the building and the overall skyline of the neighborhood. Often, zoning regulations are a large problem in major cities, and architects either have to compromise with the zoning authority or have the building not be built at all. These compromises are an annoyance for architects and make life a little interesting for these public servants. Usually, in any job, the closer you are to a city, the more money you make. In the case of architects, this is especially true.
Thursday, 18 July 2019
Northern States Power :: essays research papers fc
A leader in today's economic world, Northern States Power (NSP) is recognized for its outstanding performance in both regulated and nonregulated operations. Its regulated operation serves over two million electric and gas customers in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona, and Michigan (NSP - Investor's Overview 1). Its head offices are located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is Mr. James J. Howard III (Howard 1). Its Viking Gas Transmission Company Subsidiary owns and operates a 500-mile natural gas pipeline (NSP - Investor's Overview 1). Northern States Power is one of the nation's leading energy companies with competitive rates, responsive service, and dependable and reliable energy. A relationship with NSP began's when they sign up for services with them; moreover, when you choose to live in a certain area. Some of the facts about NSP are services/people, profit, rates, and sources of power, standings, first aid/safety, Y2K, merger, and about how they help within the community. In North Dakota, NSP provides service to more than 80,000 electric customers and 30,000 gas customers in Fargo, Grand Forks, Minot, and many surrounding communities (NSP - Northern Dakota 1). They have served in these communities for over 80 years (Northern States Power Energy Wise 2). "By powering the world, NSP brings energy to (Howard 6):" ? The international markets where we do business ? The communities close to home where we contribute time and money ? To customers, who have ever-increasing energy needs and choices ? To employees, who make the energy work ? And finally, to youâ€â€the shareholdersâ€â€who have placed trust in them The 24th straight year in a row to mark growth for NSP was 1998. Northern States Power's common stocks are traded on three different exchanges: New York Stock, Chicago Stock, and Pacific Stock. Its ticker tape symbol is NSP. Newspaper stock tables list NSP Company as NoStPw, NoStPwr, or NSPw (NSP - Investor's Overview's 2). Northern States Power and its subsidiaries reported earning of $52.3 million or 34 cents a share, for the first quarter of 1999. Operating revenue for the quarter was up 6 percent to $743.2 million. Warmer weather, increased maintenance, and Y2K computer work is the cause of the decreased earning (NSP First-quarter). "Advantages to being a registered shareholder are (NSP - Investor's overview 2):" ? Dividend checks are sent directly to you, deposited in the back account you designate, or maybe reinvested in the company as you choose ? You may purchase additional stock (through dividend reinvestment and optional investment plans) with little or no fees ? You may deposit your share certificates with the company for safekeeping if you sign up for the Dividend
Advertisement on Tv
IMPORTANCE of TELEVISION Today it is very common in industrialized countries for a household to have at least one television. In fact, it is so common that it is difficult to imagine a household without TV. This shows just how important television is. To understand how important television is, we can look at the variety of programs and valuable content it offers and the purposes it serves in daily life. First of all, there are many different types of programs on television. The viewer can watch a weather report to prepare for the day. Cartoons and sport provide relaxation and fun.School programs, documentaries and the news teach us about the world. And advertisements inform us about products and new ideas. Secondly, the content is very appealing because it is realistic and up to date. As TV is a medium that combines moving, color images and sound, it resembles real life, so the viewers can identify with what they see. Furthermore, modern technology means that the content is up to dat e, for example, news reports can be broadcast live and from all over the world. This means that information is available almost anywhere at any time.Finally, TV can be used to enhance many important aspects of everyday life. People seek entertainment and distraction, and TV can give us that in the form of films or cartoons. People want education, information and instruction because they are inquisitive and like to learn. TV gives us this in documentaries or educational programs, and in reports or cultural programs. People enjoy creativity, and TV gives us that in the work of all the people involved in creating clever film scripts, effective scenery, witty dialogues or magnificent camera shots.TV gives us the world, other cultures, other people, languages and ideas. It introduces us to knowledge. As we have seen, television offers us a wide range of valuable programs and content and serves many purposes in our daily lives. TV not only provides many types of programs with interesting and broad content, but it also serves to fulfill our needs in terms of entertainment and knowledge. TV is an integral and vital medium today. It can contribute positively to the education of society and people’s awareness of others, and it will continue to have a strong influence for many years to comeTelevision is very important in human life. Because these day people has pressure of work and has lot of stress in mind. So television play important role to release pressure and stress byRockks Was this Helpful or Not Helpful Anonymous 74%Helpful It helps us to know what is happening all over the world through the discussions it educates us in the areas we are not familiar with by Anonymous Was this Helpful or Not Helpful Anonymous 77%Helpful Because without it most of us would be living without knowing what is happening elsewhere. by Anonymous Was this Helpful or Not HelpfulArnavcoool 64%Helpful Television has done a lot to our life. if we see the positive side then it is the only system that keeps us uptodate with the different happenings in the outside world. moreover entertainment which is the need of hour is being done by it,in many families it helps student life when they hear some news,watchenglish movies which in a way makes them little bit broad minded. over and above all it is a source of many usefull things that are really necessary to our daily life. byArnavcoool Was this Helpful or Not Helpful Anonymous 54%HelpfulI like it cause its cool, and fun,,so yeah†¦. I love it by Anonymous Was this Helpful or Not Helpful Kristiw 44%Helpful It keeps us up to date on what is going on in the world if you watch the news. Also for us mothers with little ones(I have a 2 year old) it is a great source of entertainment and distraction so I can clean or cook for at least 15 to 20 minutes at a time†¦.. Lol byKristiw Was this Helpful or Not Helpful Anonymous 17%Helpful Television can helps us in our life if the Google TV device is attach with televisio n. Google TV device is the beauty of television.Television entertainment is bored and incomplete without Google TV device. HDMI port is necessary for Google TV device. With Google TV device,we can browse internet on TV. We can enjoy movies, chatting,videos,channels,games including sensor based games,android apps like Pandora, CNBC etc. We can also enjoy TV,internet,android apps at the same time with Google TV device. by Anonymous Was this Helpful or Not Helpful Miss-b 30%Helpful Over 90% of the time because of entertainment, then it's also part of being updated. Television has had a mostly negative effect on society. bahareh Apr 26, 2011, 10:21am #1Television shows are the most popular program that can amuse people who are interested in watching them. Nowadays, people especially children are depended on TV to spend their time, and they would rather to fill up their schedule by sitting in front of TV and watching it. However, watching TV brings mostly negative effects such as threat to the maintenance of traditional family values, children's future, and people's behavior. Nowadays, television threats to the maintenance of traditional family values. Parents spend less time with their children now, and they are too busy to be with their children.However, TV can be the third parent for children, and children are willing to spend the rest of their daily time to watch it instead of being with their parents. However, there were different relationship between parents and children before the TV invention, which was stronger and more connectable. Unfortunately, old values will slowly slip away and new ones, established by TV, will take their place. Watching TV provides many disadvantages for our children's future and their health. While watching TV, children have less play time and also physical activities in open space with their friends, so they won't be able to have a healthy life.Besides, another issue related to watching TV, is a developmental disorder in the part of brain which is for language skill; therefore, children can't pay attention effectively; have concentration. TV has brought many changes in people's behavior, and their response to others. Most of TV shows contains of many various advertisements that could affect on people and mainly on their children. People especially children may have early exposure to wild variety of things such as super hero shows like superman and all things that are related to him and his story, so children try to act like Superman whether it is a good behavior or not.Therefore, media such as TV impacts deeply on children mind, and their virtual view of their life. Finally, although television has had many negative effects on our life, it can be a good tool for learning or discovering new subjects. Sometimes, children use it as a resource to increase their knowledge and information, but not spending too much time only on watching it . As a result, people should consider all consequences of watching TV, and other negative circumstances like losing traditional family values or children's future. Positive impacts on people Positive impacts could be education.There are some very thought provoking and informative shows on tv. It can also give you some needed information about products, services, important dates or alerts, our country, the war, just about anything that is effecting the public at large. Negative could be the allowances of sexuality for minors, negative politics, incorrect information, or if something scary is on it could cause nightmares. positive: helps society remain informed about current events and about other things ( such as nature shows, etc) Positive it give lot's of information is a very good center of news that keep us in contact with our world. ow they have great learning channels like national geographic , discovery and history channel and more on the negative side most of the entertainment is junk and promote to much ideas for violence and sex to young people. n egatives: well, it has been clinically proven that TV's do not affect your eyesight, so just scratch that out. TV do, howver, require that one spend less time socializing about current events and debating on them, as there are many shows that do exactly this and there is no need for a debate anymore,. This affects sociologically. he media affects EVERYONE,including magazines and other sorts of entertainments.. have u realized that ever since television came out,people started to look at guys differently and changed their own appearance.. sort of like imitating the people ur watching cuzur thinking their so special and you want to be like them so badly that uve become a monster.. lmao.. idont think it has a postive impact excluding entertainment Televison is educational even if its a cartoon there is educational stuff in every show you watch. I really didnt notice that untill a year ago but it is true.So next time when your watching something try and see if you can learn something be cause I bet you can. Some experts, however, believe that TV is not all that bad. They qualify though that viewing TV can be good if it is done in moderation, and if the program being watched is selected: Some TV shows can educate, inform and inspire. It can be more effective than books or audiotapes in teaching your kid about processes like how a plant grows or how to bake a cake. Studies show that kids who watch educational and non-violent children’s shows do better on reading and math tests than those who do not watch these programs.Kids who watch informative and educational shows as preschoolers tend to watch more informative and educational shows when they get older. They use TV effectively as a complement to school learning. On the other hand, kids who watch more entertainment program watch fewer informative programs as they get older (Macbeth, 1996). Preschoolers who viewed educational programs tend to have higher grades, are less aggressive and value their studies more when they reach high school, according to a long-term study (Anderson, et. al, 2001).Finally, scientists from the University of Siena found that children experience a soothing, painkilling effect by watching cartoons. So perhaps, a little entertainment TV can be a source of relief to kids who are stressed or are in pain. It is hard to avoid television if you are a kid. People in the house are usually tuned in to TV – siblings as well as parents. In some homes, the television is perpetually â€Å"on†even without anyone watching. It is common for parents and caregivers to use TV as a substitute babysitter. Also, many parents buy videos that they think can make their kids smart. But how does watching TV really affect children?The bad news is, the majority of experts think that a TV/video-driven culture has bad effects on kids – and may prevent kids from being smart. They cite the following: TV provides no educational benefits for a child under age 2. Worse, it st eals time for activities that actually develop her brain, like interacting with other people and playing. A child learns a lot more efficiently from real interaction – with people and things, rather than things she sees on a video screen. TV viewing takes away the time that your child needs to develop important skills like language, creativity, motor, and social skills.These skills are developed in the kids’ first two years (a critical time for brain development) through play, exploration, and conversation. Your kid’s language skills, for example, do not improve by passively listening to the TV. It is developed by interacting with people, when talking and listening is used in the context of real life. TV viewing numbs your kid's mind as it prevents your child from exercising initiative, being intellectually challenged, thinking analytically, and using his imagination. TV viewing takes away time from reading and improving reading skills through practice (Comstock , 1991).Kids watching cartoons and entertainment television during pre-school years have poorer pre-reading skills at age 5 (Macbeth, 1996). Also, kids who watch entertainment TV are also less likely to read books and other print media (Wright ; Huston, 1995). According to Speech and language expert Dr. Sally Ward, 20 years of research show that kids who are bombarded by background TV noise in their homes have trouble paying attention to voices when there is also background noise. Kids who watch a lot of TV have trouble paying attention to teachers because they are accustomed to the fast-paced visual stimulation on TV.Kids who watch TV more than they talk to their family have a difficult time adjusting from being visual learners to aural learners (learning by listening). They also have shorter attention spans. School kids who watch too much TV also tend to work less on their homework. When doing homework with TV on the background, kids tend to retain less skill and information. When they lose sleep because of TV, they become less alert during the day, and this results in poor school performance. TV exposes your kid to negative influences, and promotes negative behavior.TV shows and commercials usually show violence, alcohol, drug use and sex in a positive light. The mind of your kid is like clay. It forms early impressions on what it sees, and these early impressions determine how he sees the world and affect his grown-up behavior. For instance, twenty years of research has shown that children who are more exposed to media violence behave more aggressively as kids and when they are older. They are taught by TV that violence is the way to resolve conflict – as when a TV hero beats up a bad guy to subdue him.Kids who watch too much TV are usually overweight, according to the American Medical Association. Kids often snack on junk food while watching TV. They are also influenced by commercials to consume unhealthy food. Also, they are not running, jumping, or doing activities that burn calories and increase metabolism. Obese kids, unless they change their habits, tend to be obese when they become adults. Researchers from the University of Sydney report a link between total screen time and retinal artery width in children. Kids with lots of screen time were found to have narrow artery in their eyes, which may indicate heart risk.TV watching also affects a child’s health and athletic ability. The more television a child watches, even in the first years of life, the more likely he is to be obese and less muscularly fit, according to a study by the University of Montreal. Even though your kid does not aspire to be a football star, his athletic abilities are important not only for physical health, but predicting how physically active he will be as an adult Why people shouldn’t watch too much television Watching television is an experience shared by most adults and children. It is cheap, appealing, and within the reach of the general public.In this way, TV has become an important mass media around the world. Sadly, this resource isn’t used in a way that people could get the best possible benefits from it. The purpose of this essay is to persuade the reader that people shouldn’t watch too much television because the content of many TV programs is not educational; it makes people waste time that could be used in more beneficial activities; and it negatively affects people’s mental development. The first reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because the content of many TV programs is not educational.Nowadays, we can see movies, series, and shows that present scenes of violence, sex, and drugs. This has established wrong concepts among the audience that influence them into having a negative behavior. Moreover, the impact this tendency has on children is worse because they grow up with the idea of a world where women must be slender and blonde to stand out, where problems can only be solved with money and violence, and where wars are inevitable. The second reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because it makes people waste time that could be used in more beneficial activities.The time we spend watching TV could be applied to useful activities like exercise, reading, interacting with friends and family, activities that are a crucial for a healthy lifestyle. The third reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because it negatively affects people’s mental development. According to several scientific studies, watching TV for prolonged periods of time has a negative effect over the intellectual development of children and leads to deterioration of the mental capacity in older people by causing both attention and memory problems in the long term.In conclusion, people shouldn’t watch too much television because the content of many TV programs is not educational; it makes people waste ti me that could be used in more beneficial activities; and it affects people’s mental development. However, this doesn’t mean that we should ban TV, but if we are going to watch it, we should do it with moderation. Television is a resource that we should learn to use through the right selection of programs by taking an active and critical attitude towards it. Independent Writing: The purpose of television is to educate, not to entertain. o you agree with that? â€â€*** One of the most important inventions of the human’s history is television (TV). Since it was invented, the broadcasting machine has been used for many purposes, it helps people relax, entertain them, not just educates. Obviously, there are many TV programs that are designed to educate people, keep the viewers aware of what are happening in the wide world. Nowadays, in the hasty pace of life, people are spending more and more time on getting knowledge on TV not only for their jobs but also for daily purposes.People can know about the severe war in the Middle East, the presentation of the President or how the NYSE is working. The entertaining purpose of TV is apparent, and it is an important purpose, too. After working hard, a person needs to rest, also, after being educated, he craves for being entertained. Teaching is not all, but teaching and entertaining when go together can have a good effect on TV viewers. The knowledge that they have got earlier can be absorbed more easily later on. They can listen to music, watch game-shows and other pleasure activities. This way, the stress that has strained viewers can be blown out more easily.Not only helping people get out of stress, TV also makes them have new ideas, and thoughts. The colors and sound that they see in many entertainment programs on the screen can somehow affect the brain, motivate it to work in diverse ways, hence the creation of art, songs or even science. The entertaining programs on TV can also connect people all around the world, especially through interactive programs. People can share their opinions, their thoughts about certain global issues, therefore, not only the understanding among countries is improved but also the problems at the time can be solved more easily.Through TV, several songs that bear peace messages, such as â€Å"Heal the world†,can spread to many people, evoking in them the wish for peace and humanity. To sum up, the educating purpose of TV cannot be denied, but is that all while there are also many programs on TV that are designed to make people laugh, cry, be happy or sad? TV should be seen as a device that can both educate and entertain viewers, not just a strict teacher who always forces his learners to be stressful with dry knowledge.
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