Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Organisational Learning and Knowledge Management at General Electric Essay

Organisational Learning and Knowledge Management at world-wide voltaic - Essay ExampleThis is much higher than the industry average, due largely to the companionship way systems in place at this multi-national enterprise. General Electric is a top-down, centralized management hierarchy with divisional management reporting to executive leadership at company headquarters, led by Chairman Jeffrey Immelt. In exhibition to establish appropriate cost control and generalized leadership controls, the company requires this centralized organizational complex body part due to the interdependence between all divisions and the high volume of employees at GE. The centralized nature of General Electric somewhat confounds the traditionalist viewpoint of companionship management systems, as it is generally recognised that in order to effectively manage experience, employees must be more interactive in decision-making through self-directed learning and job role functioning (Davenport, Jarvenp aa, and Beers, 1996 Swan, Scarbrough and Robertson, 2002). The centralized structure of General Electric is what prompted analysis of this item trade case as it defies the argument that a decentralized structure ensures more efficient knowledge management processes. In order to manage knowledge and promote organizational learning, GE relies on technology, experiential learning processes, the SECI model promoted by Nonaka, and bounded rationality as key approaches to facilitate KM practices. GE is governed by leadership that understands the complexities of multi-national business operations. Offers Jack Welch, previous CEO of GE, you messt manage what you cant measure (Seymour 2008 28). Time constraints, the practical market environment and its unpredictability in certain markets, and the differing ethnical dimensions of diverse employee populations create difficulty in creating concrete and time-sensitive decisions without recognizing the boundaries associated with rational deci sion-making. Thus, GEs approach to knowledge management is based on practicality rather than ideology which drives aspects of its cultural development focus and short-term business objective planning. This report highlights the knowledge management and learning practices at GE with a focus on the systems in place to promote such activities. GE cultures, systems, structure, and practices General Electric follows the SECI model which focuses on the relationship between socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization. Despite its centralized hierarchy, General Electric prides itself on its commitment to building positive social relationships between management and employees, building a culture of innovation, cooperation, team work, and loyalty. Thus, against the SECI model, GE is most closely concentrate on socialization in order to effectively manage knowledge and promote organizational learning. The knowledge that resides within GE is largely tacit, this being the knowledge that is largely intangible and attached closely to various(prenominal) implicit expertise (Dinur 2011).

Monday, 29 April 2019

Methodology Review Form Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Methodology Review Form - Research Paper ExampleThis is a defining trait of a crisis for other authors (Hoff, 2001 Boi, 2005 Laws, Prideaux & Chon, 2007), alone apparently not for Fink, whose definition focuses on the impacts preferably than the causes of the crisis situation. In many instances, crises are so characterised not because they are unforeseen, but that they are foreseen (or at least(prenominal) foreseeable) and are historically and statistically deemed so unlikely to happen that precautionary and preventive measures against them are overlook (Loveridge, 2009 Daft & Marcic, 2011). In defining the research problem, it became apparent that the threat of impending crises (i.e., crises that are unlikely but may eventually happen) face all organisations, whatever their objectives or scope of operations, in varied ship canal as to threaten their continue existence. Consequently, some form of crisis management is needed by all organisations in order to contain the effects of crisis incidents. In defining a manageable research problem, therefore, it become undeniable to delimit the particular crises and the organisations whose crisis management responses are to be assessed, in order for this research to arrive at meaningful, properly contextualised, findings. In the course of the literature review, the necessity for the enhancement of crisis planning, prevention, assessment, and mitigation for the oil and gas attention

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Case Study #2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

2 - Case Study ExampleGasoline is most commonly used as a fuel in vehicles which makes it one of the most important commodities in human life today. unrivalled of the characteristics of a necessary item is that its expense should stay within the affordable limits of the general public, so that they argon not deprived from its usage under any circumstances. But, gasoline price is found not to vex to this rule and had often been subjected to wide variations, a consequence of similar variations in crude oil prices. The impact of much(prenominal) price movements is more intensely felt in the Western economies where almost every household owns a car. The following diagram is evidence of the wide fluctuations in gasoline prices in USA over cinque years (2004-2008).In fact, the mean and standard deviations of the gasoline prices, which are 251.38 (cents per gallon) and 62.15, over the five year dyad being considered, are also evident of wide variations in the same.The present study t ries to investigate the causes and make of wide fluctuations in gasoline prices in context of the US economy. USA being one of the highest gross domestic product earning nation in the world and also the one with the highest per capita income, is a good ground for the study since oil has become more like a mode of daily life for the Americans. Hence, any fluctuations in the price level of the same, will have a widespread impact on the lifestyle of the nationals. The research emergence will help the residents of the country to get more aware of the possible impact of a lift oil price and thus they will be in a position to anticipate in front how they might be affected when subjected to such price fluctuations, and thus shield themselves accordingly.The fluctuations in oil prices and and so that of gasoline could be owed to a large proportion of oil being produced in the Middle easternmost nations which, having formed an organization in themselves (OPEC) enjoy almost a monopoly p ower over the price movements of the

Saturday, 27 April 2019

The Internet from Christian and Islamic Perspectives Research Paper

The Internet from Christian and Islamic Perspectives - Research Paper ExampleInternet in Islam The popular notion, especially in the westbound is that Islam may not be comfortable with the Internet. Images of censorship and restriction would probably inform this perception. But the occurrence is that the Internet is accessible to umpteen Muslims across the world. There is no specific Islamic teaching that veto the use of the Internet for Muslims. As a matter of fact, many Muslims argon finding the Internet a convenient and expedient way to learn not just about common knowledge further also about Islam, its rituals, among other education. Today, both traditional Muslim texts and contemporary Muslim conversation subscribe found their way to the cultivation superhighway (Bowen and Early, 300). Abdulla also pointed out that while Islam is not dependent on the Internet and computers and would not miss it if it disappears, there is still the fact that these technological innovatio ns have expanded some(prenominal) aspects of Islam (62). For example, the Internet is also increasingly becoming a place for Muslims to join together into many communities that uphold relationship and brotherhood. According to Karagiannis and Wagner, the Internet, along with the so-called new media, created new forms of Islamic communities, which revolve around divided communications and which bind together new relationships (97). These atomic number 18 made possible by the amount of information that put forward be accessed as well as the social media (popular among Muslims) and the emergence of the e-mail messaging tool. These drive Islamic propagation. The capability of the Internet to be accessible to many people makes it an effective form of evangelizing tool. many a(prenominal) people are learning about Islam online and this is particularly important especially in the era wherein Muslims are constantly being treated with suspicion and Islam, being commonly misinterprete d. Many Muslims find the Internet useful in these areas. The Christian Tradition The utility of the Internet is also true in the slip-up of Christians. Everyone agrees that on its positive side and in regards to its technological capabilities, it is important for evangelism and missionary activities. As Campbell explained, from the point of view of many Christians, the Internet serves as a social technology that helps people of shared faith gather together, thereby connecting those from the same religious tradition who would normally be separated by geography, time and other limitations (39). This trait is supposed to be congruent with the Christian religious concept of the body of Christ, which in this case manifest in a networked community of believers with the Internet as a medium. The Internet also serve as a resource and communication tool for Christians across the globe in their religious activities, information campaigns, among other evangelical works. It allows the Christ ian churches to reach out to its flock and facilitates in giving charity, missionary work, among others. proportion It is important to underscore that the positive linear perspectives on the Internet as demonstrated in the previous sections are both true in the cases of Christianity and Islam. And this is also shown in terms of the negative attitude or perspective towards the Internet is not exclusive to any religion. There are Christian and Islamic values that can be both threatened by the Internet. For example, Christians criticize the uncensored content in the Internet that are made available to

Friday, 26 April 2019

Create a Code of Ethics for a fictitious company for this assignment Coursework

Create a Code of Ethics for a fictitious come with for this assignment - Coursework ExampleThe resort is just 5 km away from the beautiful orange tree plantation. We digest elegant luxury with all the modern comfort in accommodation. daft orange tree resort has 50 individual suites with 2 specialty quietaurants delicate to pure south Indian food, Aruvi and the Seasons multi cuisine restaurant , Teyla the a coffee shop and a library bar, called Vajra, which offers finest beverages and best cigars. We provide room service facility and 24 hr laundry. Our priority is complete satisfaction of our thickenings. We want every knob at Wild Orange resort to leave with an unforgettable experience. We believe in our people and we aim at the c atomic number 18 of our employees as of our guest. We also follow to give the best training to our employees to make the vision of wild orange resort real. In our business Guest is our priority, then our team members and at last profit, this is the dr iving deplumate of Wild orange resort. Mission Statement Our mission statement is directed towards our guests, associates and investors. Guests- We believe in rigid guest service by exceeding the guest expectations with high levels of service standards. Associates We respect our associates as we do our guests and therefore work towards their growth and development. Investors We are committed to provide maximum returns to our investors through our careful and dedicate business practices. Directors message Dear Associates, Wild orange resort has witnessed incredible victor over a period of time, from its humble beginning to nations most famous tourist resort. The achievement of this level was possible because we believed in very simple principles and ideas such as personalized guest service, Optimum utilization of natures gifts, and care for our employees. Wild orange resort will compute tremendous growth from now on where the company will be transformed to a hotel concatenat ion with new resorts opening. In order to impart the growth history we had developed a business principle of conduct which each and every associate is bound to follow. Lets bring on a engage to follow the code of conduct, for the success of our company. Sincerely Executive director Nalinaj Raveendran Guiding Principles Wild Orange Resorts have fast guiding principles. As far as wild orange resort is concerned, it has a strong foundation of its values and code of ethics. We believe in providing our guest with personal care and attention. Each guest who stays at Wild orange resort must remember his/her days in the rest of their life. Detailed and elegant service is the priority of our resort which makes it an unforgettable experience. Our people are valuable and they are nurtured to deliver their best towards uncompromising guest satisfaction. Our training program aims at developing professional skills of the employees which crack better standards of service and also motivation f or employees. We are committed to the nature as we are find in one of the most precious and beautiful locations on earth. We practice eco friendly products and services which direct to nature and we help the local community. Core value The Company that mutually represents associates and Guests. Purpose of Code Wild orange resort plans to continue its growth trend in future too. For this trend to be continued, we make a set of strict time tested and proven code of business

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Buying Versus Leasing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

purchasing Versus Leasing - Assignment ExampleMore significantly, capital budgeting is more ordinarily used in management formulation as it gives an outlay of the long-term implication of purchasing or leasing a new car. Therefore, the main catch of the thesis of this paper is to not only evaluate the suitable choice of acquiring cars, but to also analyze the financial and non-financial factors that influence decision making. Executive Summary Investment decisions are establish on economical and effective factors that grow the purchase of cars more viable as compared to leasing a car. More significantly, exercise of capital budgeting in deciding on purchases takes into consideration the viable choice after carrying out approximation found on the expenses related to buying and leasing and their cost respectively. As a result, capital budgeting is more commonly used in management planning as it gives an outlay of the long-term implication of purchasing or leasing a new car ( Thomas & Maurice, 2011). More so, considerations should be undertaken based on the provision economic decisions based on interest rates, sources of finances, end of learn fees, loan terms, personal guarantees and operating cash succession making decisions on whether to procure or shoot a car as related to economical costs. redden though, leasing allows for payments within small intervals it is considerably expense as the payments accumulate over time with no long-term benefit being derived. Definition In the acquisition of new pluss, there are two choices based on whether to lease or purchase. More considerably, leasing comes either as operational or capital lease depending on the terms of the contract. In capital leasing, an individual is allowed to finance the maintenance and use of the car while at the end of the agreed lease term take up ownership after job a nominal buy out lease. On the other hand, operational lease allows for renting of the car, and as a result, there i s no ownership entitled at the end of the contract as the lease term allows for monthly payments (Powell, 2009). Nonetheless, purchases allow for payments to be made at the initial purchase and ownership of the asset is transferred immediately to the buyer. Even though, the leasing of a car seem viable it involves regular payment of the leasing fee as the returns of the vehicle passes back to the initial owner, when the lease term comes to an end as compared to purchases where upon payment of the purchase toll legal ownership is issued immediately to the buyer of the car. As a result, there is a significant loss in terms of payments and ownership term in the purchase and leasing of a car. More considerably, to understand well-nigh leasing agreements, it is essential to understand about the lessor as the leasing company in which they deal with leasing of cars based on rights that dominate the contract (Powell, 2009). While the lessee, or lessee is an individual who utilize servic es of the leasing company through leasing of vehicles. As the lessee uses the vehicle, they make payment based on calculated monthly lease charge this payment made are considered to cover the interest that is charged by the leasing company for services offered. As a result, the leaseholder makes a choice on the type of lease to undertake. If an individual chooses capital lease, it is known as closed-ended lease because the leaseholder does not get a guarantee of

Wednesday, 24 April 2019


HUMAN AGENCY AND familiarity IN A GLOBALIZING WORLD - Essay Example cordial norms and practices can be greatly touched by the changing global perspective, but the predominant power of an individual can possibly scourge this kind of situation. The complex play of both human agency and well-disposed modifications complicates the whole process of domain change. Though individual efforts by acting for and against them are recognizable, equally, certain foundations of human societies can remain prestigious and powerful. The comprehensive ideas springing from the complex process of change can modify existing notions of human individuals nigh their auberge (see Engestrom et. al). The concept of gender for instance is affected by numerous factors existing in the social world. Today, discourses about certain social issues particularly gender (Foucault 18) are being motivated by the changing governmental mindsets of the muckle. In the literary world, texts and other creative narrativ es explicating new issues are being published and enjoyed by many another(prenominal) readers. In the works of Dai Sijie and Ha Jin for instance, we can see how the clashes of social and individual ideas through discourse are outlined in the contemporary literature. In this paper, a discussion on the aspects of human agency and social development approach the challenges of globalisation will be explored by focusing on the related considerateness of Dai Sijies and Ha Jins stories. ... In the title stratum of Ha Jins disc, an example of a man being arrested because of the crimes of homosexuality is very intriguing as the seemingly undesired act was move by a married man (Ha 3-17). In this event, sudden mind-changing encounter deliberates questions on the brewed conviction of the people (in the story and the readers) as issues about homosexuality are brought about. People will now examine homosexuality as something not contained in certain stereotyped individuals. In here, we s ee how Ha Jins book becomes a discourse of gender issues. Consequently, we can see in the story several factors affecting the characters and the readers mood. Social influences as norms about the said issue are being modified in contrast with the struggle function of the individuals involved. Gender as a social concept, as well as other issues the like morality, fidelity and the like, is being analyzed by human agency as represented by the characters in the story. In Dai Sijies Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, a representative condition of a man facing the complex clashing of new ideas and the old ones in a setting that can be attributed to globalization is illustrated. The personas in the story are engulfed by a situation where their powers as human individuals are gimpy in order to overcome the difficulties in their lives and ultimately, find happiness. The cultural revolution evident in the story can be seen as one of the steps people and the society can have in order to adapt to the continuously changing world. The way characters in the story acted upon particular situations and the way the storyteller weighs things in his reflective lines represents the

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Apartheid is South Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Apartheid is confederation Africa - enquiry Paper ExampleSecond, I feature analyzed the apartheid impact on the education of the Blacks in southeastward Africa. For this purpose I have mainly used the book Black student politics high education and apartheid by Saleem Badat (1999). Other online articles have been used to complement the information. Aim The purpose of the research is to march that racism is a curse for any country. Segregation strategies will always have negative impacts on the saving and education of the subdued races. Section B Summary of evidence Effect of apartheid on economy South Africa experienced a significant growth in the economic sector between 1946 and 1975. During this period, South Africa was burdened with the pressure of preserving the apartheid system. The effort to maintain white supremacy resulted in the fall of GDP in 1987. To pre exercise the effort to impose restrictions on the black in the labour market, the economy of the country became o pen on migrant labour system. Initially this system did not have any negative personnel on the economic growth in South Africa. However, in the beginning of 1970s, the rigid policies of the apartheid system began to have negative impact in the modern economy. The low wage rates of the blacks and their limited access to education created deficiency of labour among the natives. As the number of immigrants grew, there was ready availability of migrant labours based on temporary contracts. The manufacturing and mining sectors of the country began to realize the benefits that can be gained from dealtled labour force. The canalize expenditure and the length of time involved in hiring migrant labours affected the level of gross intersection of the country. There were also other economic setbacks. There was growing unrest among the black communities because of the oppressive treatment. This force the government to spend more on internal security. The younger generations of the white po pulation were forced to meet military force. This resulted in decline of income because the military pay was lower than the job market. By this time, the government assay to consider several policies for black education which needed huge investments. The average expenditure of the government was 14.0 per centum in the late 1950s, and it increased to 24.7 percent in the mid-1980s1. Effect of apartheid on education In 1953, the Bantu Education Act was implemented by the South African government as an effort to stick out limited education to the black children. Before the Act was passed, most schools were run by missionaries and were funded by the government. by and by this Act was implemented, the government gave financial aid to black schools on conditions that they will follow the curriculum set by the Department of Bantu Education. Many missionary schools were closed down when they refused to promote apartheid. There were umpteen protests among the black students and their pa rents because of a separate system of black education. According to this Act, the black children received only that assortment of education that was necessary to work in factories. The talents and aspirations of the black children were ignored. This Act was designed in the way to serve the interests of the white supremacy. The black students had inferior educational resources and opportunities. Under this Act, the black children were taught that they were perpetual children in need of paternal supervision by whites. This limited their view of their social status in the

Explain why United States based media conglomerates are so successful Essay

Explain why United States ground media conglomerates are so prospered on the world media markets - Essay ExampleYet, the synthesis between the local and the global in issue has become the order of the day as it is successfully adopted and implemented by the United States based media conglomerates.Since media plays a vital role in the ethnical lives of millions of people and the fact that media sector is by and king-size controlled by American interests, there have been arguments in favour of the idea cultural imperialism. Although the central demand of cultural imperialism thesis remains valid due to the lopsidedness in the global media market, the so-called cultural imperialism through the American cultural products cannot be seen as one sided as the theorists of cultural imperialism perspective mute it to be. In the light of the recent developments taking place in the media sector, especially the regional media in the exploitation countries and the changes bought by the per tly media technologies, this paper intends to examine the case of United States based media conglomerates and their role in what is possibility around us. The core concern of the essay is to examine what is remaining relevant with the arguments and concerns regarding American media supremacy and the criticisms provided by the contesting theoretical doctrines from the vantage point of the tremendous transformations occurring with the global media conditions from the very beginning of twenty first century.The condition global media denotes the collective of big media players and multinationals working in the integrated global media environment. They spread around the ball and significant share of the national markets and have the ability to pace up the opening up of new markets or even invent emergent markets. However, both global and local media organisations represent the characteristics of each other. Thussu (2007) has asseverate that the development of

Monday, 22 April 2019

Basic Concepts and Theories of Modern Architecture Research Paper

Basic Concepts and Theories of Modern Architecture - Research Paper ExampleAs new-fangled architecture is displayed in society, it is able to create an impact on the philosophies and understanding that is a part of both community. The beginning of modern architecture is one that was initially defined by the Greeks and Plato, with the belief that architecture that influenced or changed visual understanding and impact was considered modern. The most recent definition of modern architecture however, began in the 1850s with the egress of the industrial revolution and the movement into World War I. The concept that was utilize with modern architecture became influenced done the avant-garde movement, which began to create theories based on experimentation and influences through the breaking of boundaries and traditional forms of architecture. The theories that were created from the avant-garde include changes that directly impacted the technical, economic and social understanding thro ugh alternative philosophies. Moving outside of the mainstream and evaluate demands of popular culture then became the basis of modern architecture and the avant-garde movement. The movement was defined specifically by altering, changing or disregarding the expectations within architecture and the buildings that were a part of this. Instead, architecture was used as an expression of art and the society that surrounded this (Benevolo, 1977). The concept of experimentation and the modern architecture that has followed this is raise defined by the approach that many architects have used for contemporary methods of buildings. An important aspect of this is the inclination of sophisticated technology. Combining this with the architecture that it is used for practicality, function, and design has become an important component in architecture.

Sunday, 21 April 2019

Contemporary issues in HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Contemporary issues in HRM - Essay ExampleThe gentle resource management requires fighting for the values, ethics, culture, in their organizations, especially in teddy of diversified working environment which takes place due to globalisation. Fluctuations in the economy, global advancement, workforce diversity and chop-chop transforming business as a result of globalisation tend to generate many new take exceptions for military personnel resource management. Recruitment and management of diversified workforce and checking the availability of skil take labour is another challenge faced by the clement resource management. The objective of the study is to analyse how globalisation is leading to resume standardised human resource management (HRM). The aim is to study the extent of national differences in human resource management as explained by culture and institutions and then draw a conclusion to the study. there lies a significant relationship between globalisation and standard isation. Standardisation of the human resource practices are considered oftentimes important and are considered as one of the most critical elements at workplace in the knowledge base of globalisation. The concept of globalisation existed for the past several years, but in recent scenario introduction of various technologies has led to the acceleration of globalisation (Friedman, 2007). In order to survive in the global competitive market human resource management is considered to be necessary. The requirement of structuring human resource systems worldwide has mandated the adoption of standardised policies and practices in the global businesses. There exists a lack of awareness in the field of awareness. In discussing issues relating to standardisation in the global organizations, it becomes very obvious for the executives to exhibit lack of awareness in understanding the critical ask of standardisation. Standardisation is evaluated as the vital component in the foundation of gl obalisation

Saturday, 20 April 2019

The Benefit of Management Information System Research Paper

The derive of Management Information System - Research Paper ExampleInformational system softwares corresponds to the unavoidably of the end users and promises to be central to all future day application systems. It enhances the informations management to acquire diverse applications from the market in regard to the needs and cost appropriately while offering the guarantees and capacities to enmesh with the global system. Dr S.shajahan (2004). Basing on informational researchers and practitioners the requirements to curtail emergent technological risks has been a contentious point. Informational accessibility, confidentiality and integrity hold been viewed as an integral aspect, nevertheless, the development of protective measures against a potential threat such as viruses, hackers and system failures have been the primary concern. One of the major challenges that management and precisely information engineering science managers face is keeping handle of management informatio n systems and optimizing the benefits of information technology derived from meeting current touch on demand and strategic processing demands. Information technology is difficult to determine what systems to invest in. The question that lingers is whether to invest in information technology solutions that are currently needed or invest in information technology solutions that cater to the future needs of the organization. Technology is fast moving and management systems have evolved over the years from performing grassroots payroll tasks to complex tasks such as providing information regarding sales, inventory and decision making processes.

Friday, 19 April 2019

Whole Foods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Whole Foods - Essay ExampleHowever, evidence reveals that effective and cognitive components usually do not always match the behavior of a person.Instrumental values be usually invariable in nature and they are mainly comprised of individual character traits. Terminal values are nearly of the things that can be worked towards so as to come across a thing. The things that Mackey said about grotesque oats are part of his instrumental values however, the act of him wanting to acquire the company was in an attempt to satisfy his terminal values. The reaction by FTC and SEC were based in Mackeys instrumental values.From my personal perspective, prank Mackey did not act ethically. According to professional ethics, the attitude of a person should not be bare in a manner that is like to change the perception of people towards a company. The comments by Mackey whitethorn have influenced the attitude of many people towards wild oats and that is not an ethical thing to do.John Mackey is operating(a) at the effected morality level. This is because he is trying to develop interpersonal relationships that are good by defending his comments and he is also trying to maintain a social order so as to justify his words and his alleged intentions for his comments (DiBella, & Nevis, 1998).The attitude that is provided in regard to Mackey is that of hate and that makes him to try to protect his comments towards wild oats. The values that are portrayed concerning Mackey are those of one trying to maintain a social status. That is because he is trying to be little wild oats so that his company can appear to be more(prenominal) superior and that is not an ethical behavior in the business world.As a responsible attractor who is ethical, Mackeys behavior should fit in the 3rd level of moral development which is the post conventional morality level. This is true because he has to attempt to protect rights of individuals, and to settle disputes in a manner that

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Governor James E. Mcgreevey of New Jersey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Governor James E. Mcgreevey of unseasoned Jersey - Essay archetypeIn 2001, he was elected as the governor of New Jersey and during his tenure he was fitted to stabilize the state budget. He maintained his endeavors in 2003 in order to promote employment and arrest New Jersey on the whole. He wanted the state to become a technological and financial hub. During his tenure, McGreevey invested heavily on education and employment programs that allowed the creation of 20,000 jobs and numerous schools. Education was being promoted by make schools and encouraging students to read. His services in the field of healthcare and environmental stability have been considerable. He emphasise on clean air and water, tried to control over-development, and tried to protect the health care of the mass as well as New Jerseys natural reserves. His efforts in the field of healthcare and question resulted in the creation of many healthcare companies, institutions, and scientists. An important insu rance reform was signed by McGreevey in June 2003 that altered the approach of auto insurance. His office lasted till November 15, 2004 when he resigned (National Governors Association, n.pag.) after a uncivil scandal after which he admitted to being homosexual. Although McGreeveys services contributed a lot to the state of New Jersey, his coming out as a homosexual do him the first governor to state that openly in the entire history of the US. During New Jerseys property tax crisis, governor McGreevey announce that he had assigned a citizens task force to obtain a solution to the problem (Schwaneberg, n.pag.). fit in to the official website for the State of New Jersey, half of the state budget was allocated to property tax alleviation and a greater allocation of money on education than ever (n.pag.). According to a forge implemented by the New Jersey governor, all seniors and middle class families were relieved of property taxes. In addition, the final cause allowed the power to reform the tax to shift to voters (State of New Jersey, n.pag.). However the skeptics were still cynical about the plan and about the commission that was entrusted to provide a solution to the crisis. According to them the property tax factors led to simply few constructive outcomes. The formation of the commission was also seen as being a step to ensure the action and to keep stalling it (Schwaneberg, n.pag.). Nevertheless the plan provided immediate relief to the people by utilizing the millionaires tax and cutting down on the state spending (State of New Jersey, n.pag.). Another significant conk out done by the New Jersey governor was to prioritize education. As a result, research was promoted in various areas, particularly biotechnology and other technological disciplines. An initiative began in order to improve the standards at school. This was done by increasing the requirements for new teachers and removing those that were inefficient. Computers, internet and other fac ilities were installed in schools to enhance the curriculum. Efforts were also made to train teachers, instill character education in schools, and preventing abuse by starting relevant programs. The overall standards of teaching and education were raised so as to enable New Jersey children to receive a high-standard education (On The Issues, n.pag.). Apart from this, $113 million was allocated to higher education to fund a stem cell research that was being conducted by the Rutgers University and the

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Activity Plan and Initial Recommendations for Tourism Company Essay

Activity Plan and Initial Recommendations for Tourism Company - Essay recitationThe researcher testament be looking into past results and report with the help of secondary data collections methods which will be gathered from books, journal, internet and previous report with respect to tourism. Since the idea is to increase the rate travel in our target consumers, we will be focusing on questionnaire which will focus on questions equivalent frequency of travel, favourite destinations, etc. with these kinds of data we will be able to understand the trend of our consumers, their desirable destinations so that design and modify our packages accordingly. Before the researcher starts the activity planning and showcases the company, he needs to pulp the audience in to present it to them. So audience building is an essential part of the tourism industry. So the first focus will be building a new and existing group of audience. listening development is about putting them in the center of the stage and trying to comprehend what individuals need exhibiting our facility, forum or activity in a manner which is receptive, and welcoming and empowering interest and engagement. As of late, there has been an expanding accenting on audience improvement, especially from Government, open segment offices and stipend giving forms, for example, the Lottery funders. The inclination is that creating a more extensive cross-area of help is critical to building future backing for the legacy and that openly support organizations have an obligation to captivate with all segments of the neighborhood.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

A History, a past, and a Trail Essay Example for Free

A History, a past, and a Trail EssayThe discovery of the North the Statesn continent created, literally, an entirely new world. With the congestion of europium and a desire for agricultural land, more from the East loaded upon massive carrier ships in army of a new life. It was a commodious voyage across the Atlantic. The sight of the new world from off-shore had been set forth as salvation. What these settlers did not know was that they were entering into shore-side cities that were even more cramped than their original location. The flocking to America is what attributed to the congestion and size of New York itself.This degraded living conditions and created an entirely new form of social status that had neer been seen by Europeans. Something needed to be done to expand out the population of the Eastern shore side. fortuitously our rookie government, fresh out of a war, had a creative idea to promote a movement to the West. These politicians, in a vote of fifty-two to fifty. decided to intervene by offering any unify couple six-hundred and forty acres of land. This was the equivalent to one square mile of land. They labeled the effort indorse Destiny. One can imagine how tempting this sounds to factory workers and small time farmers.Previously to this, around advance(prenominal) explorers thought it necessary to devise a route from East to West. Lewis and Clark were the first to map the go. The route they took cover 2,170 miles and practically covered all of the land that was accessible to wagons(Wiki). After a little fine-tuning by throne Jacob Astor, to avoid dangerous areas of the Rocky Mountains and hostile Blackfeet Indians, the operating room Trail was set in stone. This sparked many to vex the dangerous move from East to West. Settlers that lived in cramped suburbs and local Camp Towns now had the motivation to spread out their horizons in a search for wealth and happiness.Manifest Destiny developed from a inhalation to a realit y. With all of this came the hearsay and rumors that many viewed as dangerous. Many had heard of the Dead Lands located in the South Western dessert. Fatal stories were told about land that was not suited for farming. Although this caused a delay among some settlers, many had no choice to move westward, and set off on to their destination. Starting in Kansas City, the operating theater Trail began following the Santa Fe Trail. The growth of Kansas City can be attributed to being at the bulge of the massive trail Local business sky-rocketed within a few years (END).The need for supplies caused many stores to become profitable overnight. Since there wasnt much on the route to operating room, many had to stock up for the long journey. Horses, food, and spare parts were just some of the many items a traveler would need to complete the journey (END). Many referred to the Kansas City area as The Docks, in reference to it being a loading come in for the expansion. After leaving Kansas City, and sticking to the rules of survival, wagons would use the natural terrain to their advantage. Many would stick to lower valleys that followed the river.After a few years, the trail was in reality visible to those who traveled it however, this does not seem to hold true for the curiosity of the trip. Nebraska was in sight for most that started the trip. After crossing the Blue River it was just one river after another until arriving at the Rocky Mountains. Along the way, settlements began to form, which made the journey easier. The more who traveled, the easier it became. Many did not actually travel the entire route. If a good location or opportunity arose, families would start their new lives at that very spot along the trail (Wiki).Since many had no idea of where they were going to live when they established their journey, it made sense that, if a good location was spotted along the way, that became their home. This is what forged cities and trade routes along the way. Even in the Rocky Mountains people began to settle. Mountain towns became good places to start the logging industry. With the rivers along the surgery Trail flowing from North to South, logs from the Rockies found their way back down the trail to Kansas City. The direction of trade, however, was not a one-way street.The towns that were created along the trail needed supplies too. Many who traveled beyond the Rocky Mountains were authoritative to bring over-stocked supplies with them. Supplies were almost as valuable as aureate on the Oregon Trail. Beyond the Rockies, it was reasonably much a straight shot to Oregon. Following rivers one could go as far as Washington State. Many started homes in the forests of Oregon. After avoiding the southern desserts, it was clear that this area was suitable for cultivation and living. The and problem was that Oregon had harsh winters and very short windows of time for farming.New ways, such as the gold rush, were what sealed the fate of the northwestern states as being a contributing district of America. The settlers of western America were not just poor people looking for a way out of trouble. Many spicy tycoons took advantage of the rising boom towns. When starting any venture, most people need a lender. Banks started to swarm at several points along the trail. In terms of business, it was common practice for towns to make their start, purely on credit. Many say that this is the reason the west side of the continent received venues for big business.It was until a newer ameliorate method of conveyance was devised that the Oregon Trail became the secondary path to the west. Until the invention of the Transcontinental Rail Road, the Oregon Trail was the main route for traversing the middle section of the country (Vance, 1961). People still relied on animal-based transportation and inefficient ways to cultivate their lands . This is where a change needed to take place the most in our country. Since the land was hard er to farm and many were having a hard time finding the resources to do so, many view that ingenuity was the only answer to the wests problems.The need of the settlers is what sparked the inventions that farmers were looking for. New methods of plowing and irrigation were among the advancements along the trail. It seems, though, that pure mountain and not the Oregon Trail is the hammer that etched the fate of the western states into stone. The Gold Rush of 1848-1855 operate the remainder of the population to the west . The search for gold and prosperity could be seen in people throughout the country. Although most were leave empty handed, they had at least gained a new home in the left side of our country. This new home would suit them nicely.In the end, the Oregon Trail can be say to have carved a path of prosperity along the horizon of our nation. The details of this can practically be seen in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco. Many started on a destination of uncert ainty and ended up with more than they had bargained for. The rest worked hard and put food on the plate. History is the only area that the Oregon Trail is used today. Even though US Highway number 26 practically parallels the trail, the era of the trail stays in the culture and heritage of families that live in the Western United States. deeds Citedhttp//www.endoftheoregontrail.org/histhome.htmlhttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon_Trail

Future Developments of Video Games Essay Example for Free

rising Developments of Video Games EssayThe field of video posts is one of the most exciting because it is constantly createing and go so quickly. Un standardized a lot of argonas of ICT which rush reached a level of stability, all spark offs of games, tacticsing period and games development argon still growing and will pass to grow. This means there is the potential for individuals to have set knock d acceptly stark naked ideas and be the first to create something in the field.The popularity of games is growing exponentially, with more(prenominal) and more hoi polloi disc overing an interest and passion for games all the clock time. A game now will reach a lots larger, international audience and games developers netnister bring enjoyment to a extensive array of people.Console manufacturers, games developers and separate involved in the game industry and notoriously secretive around new projects being actual until they argon almost ready for announcement an d release and even then sometimes games and products can be cancelled at the last minute. All employees working in the industry have to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) most of the time which forbids them legally from revealing either of their companys secrets. Releasing any information about a product could potentially jeopardise its sales.Technology evolves in amazingly quick speeds. If you need any real observable proof of the speedy advancement of digital technology over the years, take a look at the gaming industry. From the very early years of black-and-white 2D games like niff (1972) to the first 3D game, 3D Monster Maze in 1981, and from primitive first- psyche shooters like Wolfenstein 3D (1992) to complex, life-like shooters like Battlefield 3 (2011), theres no doubt that the gaming industry has searchn its fair overlap of technological evolution.Hardware DevelopmentsEach new coevals of comfort hardware do use of the rapid development of processing technology. impertinenter machines could out swan a hugeer range of colours, more sprites, and introduced graphical technologies much(prenominal) as scaling, and vector fine art. One way console makers food marketed these advances to consumers was with the measurement of bits. The TurboGrafx-16, Sega genesis, and SNES were among the first consoles to advertise the fact that they contained 16-bit processors. This one-quarter generation of console hardware was often referred to as the 16-bit era, and the previous generation as the 8-bit.The bit-value of a console referred to the word length of a consoles processor (although the value was sometimes misuse, for example the TurboGrafx 16 had only when an 8-bit CPU, and the Genesis/Mega Drive had the 16/32-bit Motorola 68000, but both had a 16-bit dedicated graphics processor). As the graphical execution of instrument of console hardware is dependent on numerous factors, using bits was a crude way to tidal bore a consoles overall ability . For example the NES, Commodore 64, Apple II, and Atari 2600 all used a very similar 8-bit cpu. The digression in their processing agent is due to different causes. For example the Commodore 64 contains 64 kilobytes of RAM and the Atari has much(prenominal) less at 128 bytes of RAM.The jump from 8 bit machines to 16 bit machines to 32 bit machines made a noticeable difference in performance, so consoles from certain generations are frequently referred to as 8 bit or 16 bit consoles. However, the bits in a console are no weeklong a major factor in their performance. The Nintendo 64, for example has been outpaced by several 32 bit machines.Its only inevitable that gaming hardware is going to constantly be improved, with more processing power, graphics capabilities, goodish quality and storehouse capacity.The input method using a command has drastically developed over the years beginning with a clunky controller and simple joystick on arcade games, the video game controller ha s evolved to be ergonomically designed to feel comfortable to avoid injuries such as the ones in the repetitive strain injury group or carpal tunnel syndrome. Most youthful controllers are designed with the relaxed position of the hands in mind, resulting in the pronged design that reduces soreness and cramps after drawn-out use, compared to older pads such as the NES or the Sega Master System. There are still a vast array of input methods to create an even more immersive knowledge, these include steering wheel, pedals, light guns, dance pads, quietus board, fishing rod, microphone and rhythm game controllers (drums and guitars). Many of these have been specifically designed to be used for a certain game or gaming series, such as guitar hero for example. The evolution of the controller to include more buttons proves that video games themselves are advancing as more buttons are required to complete different tasks within the game.New input methods are being developed to make the gaming experience more enjoyable and interactive, such as being able to control the character by dead body movement with sensor pads or clothing such as gloves. This type of input method can be seen back in the EyeToy for Playstation 2 which used a video camera. Most recently this market had been taken by storm with the introduction of the Wii and its totally unique controls. Many console manufactures have pick out this technique can be seen in the Playstation Move and the Xbox Kinect which both involve the player as a means of compulsive the game instead of pressing buttons. This means of input is being pushed forward by many of the console manufacturers as it removes the stigma of video games being only for people who sit down all day and are lazy, and they are withal seen as an alternative to exercising.The gaming industry has helped develop graphics and sound technology that can be incorporated as VR (Virtual Reality). An early 1990s flak at a headset for console gaming and for hobbyists, was made by Future Vision Technologies. A modern example would be the Wii where the controller tracks and sends motion input accurately. There is also a new VR headset form in development designed specifically for gaming called the Oculus Rift. The headset translates approximately a 110 layer field of view, absolute head orientation tracking, USB interface and a 1200800 resolution with the final consumer version aimed at 19201080. Some of the future games that will support the Oculus Rift includes Doom 4, Strike Suit Zero, team up Fortress 2, Miner Wars 2081, Minecraft and many more. Virtual reality has always been something that was portrayed in movies and television shows as something that will be the future of gaming. Attempts at creating it in the past have not shown popular results. However, it is something which is enough more of a reality as technology advances, although whether we will ever reach the point of it become the standard of gaming is yet to be seen.Software DevelopmentThe aim of software development is ordinarily to reach a new level of realism or immersion. As processing power and memory increase, enhanced art and animation are able to be created. This allows images and movement to be more realistic.In the early days of first-person shooters, non-player characters (NPCs) had the intelligence of nicely rounded rocks. But theyve been getting much better latterly look no further than Half-Lifes storytelling NPCs and Unreal Tournaments excellent bot AI. The market success of titles such as these has prompted developers to put more effort into AI, so it looks as if smarter NPCs will continue to show up in games.AI investigateers rarely use computer games for their research, outside of classic board and card games such as chess, checkers, and bridge. by chance they see most game AI problems as simple engineering problems. This view has not been altogether unjustified because often the goal of game AI is not to create in telligence, but to improve gameplay through the illusion of intelligent behaviour. Many of the techniques used to improve the illusion of intelligence have nothing to do with intelligence, but involve cheats, such as giving game AIs extra production capability or the ability to see through walls, or faking it by creating bots that talk to each opposite but all ignore what is said. There also has been a drift in AI research toward problems and approaches where precise experiential evaluation is possible. Needless to say, gameplay isnt something that todays AI researchers feel comfortable evaluating.Although there is currently a significant gaolbreak between game developers and AI researchers, that gap is starting to close. The inevitable march of Moores law is starting to supernumerary up significant processing power for AI, especially with the advent of graphics cards that move the graphics processing off the CPU. The added CPU power will make more complex game AI possible. Sti ll, game developers should still be wary of AI researchers who say, My algorithm doesnt run in real time right now, but just wait. In a few more years, Im sure the processing power will be there.A second, equally powerful force that is closing the gap is sociological. Students who grew up agreeable computer games are getting advanced degrees in AI. This has the dual effect of bringing game research to universities and university research to game companies already there are at least five AI Ph.D.s at game companies. AI researchers are discovering that building elicit synthetic substance characters in computer games is much more than just an engineering problem. Moreover, games provide cheap, robust, immersive environments for pursuing many of the core AI issues. They could be the catalyst for a rebirth in research on human-level AIThe final force is the game-playing public, who are starting to postulate better AI. With the saturation in the quality of computer graphics, better p hysics and AI are the 2 technologies that have the most potential to improve gameplay. Players are looking for more realistic AIs to populate their worlds with interesting non-player characters (as in The Sims) and humanlike opponents who must be out-thought and not just out-shot (and who dont cheat). AI can also provide dynamic game control, adjusting the gameplay based on how the game is played. Imagine playing a first-person shooter where the AI not only reacts to your behaviour, but also anticipates your actions by using an internal model of the way you play the game to make its plan.It also adjusts its skill at the tactical level to match yours, so that the game is never a blowout for either side. What can computer game developers do to hasten the collaboration of developers and AI researchers? The most important thing is to make commercial computer game interfaces available to AI researchers. Developers of games such as Unreal, Quake, and Half-Life publish DLLs, making it pos sible for not only hobbyists but also AI researchers to build bots that play games. If developers from other genres such as real-time strategy games follow suit, you would see an explosion of research on AI for these games. Game developers can also join AI researchers in discussing AI problems and solutions in open forums. There is now a yearly symposium sponsored by the American railroad tie for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) on AI and interactive entertainment that brings together game developers and AI researchers. structure good AIs is hard and difficult work.Automated learning approaches such as neural nets and genetic algorithms can tune a well-defined set of behavioural parameters, but they are grossly inadequate when it comes to creating synthetic characters with complex behaviours automatically from scratch. There is no magic in AI, except for the magic that emerges when a great programmer works very hard. With the development of artificial intelligence, NPC characters ar e becoming cleverer. It is predicted that this AI will continue to offer more and more realistic opponents who can think almost like a human. New TechnologiesIt is becoming more popular to connect the Xbox 360 to a Windows PC, which is easily possible as both are Microsoft products. XNA is a set of tolls which allowed games to be built for Xbox and tested through this connectivity. Where hobbyists had been frowned upon by consol manufacturers in the past, Microsoft are positively encouraging homebrew gaming. They run competitions to find newly developed XNA games and release them on Xbox Live Arcade. This is not only evidence of the future of homebrew games and hobbyist being accepted, but it also signals the integration of console with other media equipment with the seventh generation being best known for major consoles branching out into other types of media rather than solely focusing on games. All three consoles offer basic abilities such as photo-viewing, listen to music and browsing the web, as well as the ability to connect to external memory such as USB flash drives and SD cards.The Xbox 360s DVD player was plagued by quality issues but other media options became available afterward such as an external HD-DVD drive (now a dead standard), Zune downloadable meat, Netflix streaming and Last.fm internet radio. PlayStation 3, on the other hand, offered HD movie playback out of the box via Blu-ray in addition to later services like Netflix streaming, and Qriocity music.This new generation for the first time has all of the major consoles focusing on online integration. All three have their own connection services Wiis Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, Xbox Live, and PlayStation Network. Competition has branched now from simply offering the best games to the best online content smaller games can now be purchased and downloaded from online stores within the consoles, and extra applications such as Netflix streaming and Facebook connectivity are heavily supported. Almost all games sold in retail have online support, including online multiplayer and downloadable content for bug patches and new accepts, potentially increasing replay value in certain games for even years.Another notable feature in current-gen gaming is the use of avatar characters. Nintendo first introduced Miis with the Wii console, caricatures of players that could be created and used in flagship titles such as Wii Sports however they lack the ability to customize that Xboxs avatars have, as clothes and annoyories can be purchased online or open in games played. PlayStation 3, instead of an in-game character, offers PlayStation Home, a social simulator where avatars can talk and explore, and customize their homes with elements from games played. This basic idea allows the person playing the games to have a more personalised feel to their console and that they have become truly integrated with it.The console is becoming a central element that is integrated into a whole medi a system. pot may become to get rid of their stereos and DVD players as this one central piece of equipment makes many other defunct. It may even be that in the future the console is the integral part for controlling a house, including the lighting, temperature and other devices.With more reliable and faster internet connections, the technology of cloud computing has begun to arrive at some momentum. The Sims creator Will Wright embraces the idea of cloud gaming as a crucial part of the future of the industry. For one thing, the gaming industry sees it as an opportunity to make games as easy to access as music and movies.

Monday, 15 April 2019

Communications Essay Example for Free

Communications Essay1. What is an implication, in general, and what are specific implications of the presence of the U.S. flag, Constitution, and Bill Of Rights in all the classrooms at the University of genus Arizona? a. A general definition of an implication is an assumption that can be inferred from a given scenario that is non obviously specified. The US flag, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are all important symbols of granting immunity in the linked States. The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments to the Constitution that preserve the liberties and freedoms prevalent in the United States. The Constitution sets forth the structure of the government we created after rebelling against the British monarchy.The US flag contains a design of the original 13 colonies that rebelled against the British monarchy as the stripes and the current 50 states as the stars, this representation nurtures a strong symbol of Americanism. A specific implication of having the U.S . flag, Constitution and Bill of Rights in all University of Arizona classrooms is to help remind students of the freedoms that are available to them in the United States. These symbols of personal freedom promote mavins ability to be an outspoken man-to-man, go against the grain in everything they do, and maintain an individual spirit.2. Problems in business, government, and relationships are frequently blamed on a lack of discourse or a ruin to communicate properly. Use the Tubbs talk cast on page 9 of your Human Communication text to diagnose a communication problem and suggest a recommendation for fixing the problem.a. Tubbs communication model involves ii communicators and contains trio main components of communication the capacitys, interference, and the channel. Communication problems can exist across all three components of Tubbs communication model. Messages can be intentional and unintentional, when we send an unintentional subject matter we give a sum that we didnt intend to and will usually not find out about the error until we peck feedback from the receiver. Communication problems in channels can occur when sending a message through with(predicate) the rail at channel, each channel serves a primary purpose and sending the wrong message through a channel can lead to a breakdown in communication. Interference is what causes a sent message to become misunderstood or missed completely, usually due to a distortion in the message or the receiver becoming distracted.A fairly common problem that has become more handsome in communication since the rise in popularity of electronic messaging is the inability to relate sarcasm, irony, or opposite emotions effectively. Usually when someone says something sarcastic it can be taken as a serious narration and the receiver can view the sender as ignorant or senseless. To fix this the person every has to relate the message through a more emotionally efficient channel, such as a telephone call, or include a signifier that allows the person to realize the text should be taken as sarcasm, such as including the tag /sarcasm afterwards.3. What subject matter is at the punk of the expanse of communication? To answer this question, imagine that a friend or family member asked you what communication as an faculty member subject was about. How would you respond to that person so that they had a clear understanding? a. Communication has replaced a long deal over the last 2400 years but has always maintained a primary tenderness to its study while adding more and more elements. In ancient Greece, Socrates and Plato used communication (then called Rhetoric) as a means to discover the trueness and distinguish it out of their students. Aristotle took Platos view and expanded onto it that truth is not always absolute and humans must therefore ascertain the probable truth.These early understandings still entertain relevant today and create a framework for the contemporary study o f human communication. At the heart of communication is the need for understanding, the need for people to be able to help others understand what theyre verbalise and understand what others are saying. With this need for understanding Plato stated that rhetoric would be used to promote finesse over truth while Aristotle saw that either falsehood or truth could be promoted and it is the profession of the citizen to use rhetoric to defend the truth. Communication covers the central topic of providing information to other people through multiple channels in an efficient and effective manner. As communication progresses it will continue to hold its central subject matter while adding more and more relevant areas of interpretation.4. How was the ancient Greek city-state of capital of Greece involved in the history of communication? What connections exist in the midst of communication in ancient capital of Greece and communication in the world today? a. Athens was home to the three sc holars who created the two primary views to what we shortly know as communication. Socrates, Aristotle and Plato provided a strong foundation for the study of communication while coming from two different views of rhetoric. Socrates and Plato were credited to creating the view of Divine Truth which sought to use reasoning and dialogue to draw out knowledge and understanding. Where as, Aristotle viewed that truth is all around in the environment and must be taken in through the senses.Much of what Socrates, Aristotle and Plato put into communication (rhetoric) is still valid today Aristotle stated communication is purposive and can be evaluated on whether they accomplish their purpose. Socrates demonstrated a strong relationship between communication that would result in the discovery and appreciation of truth and beauty this gave a precedent to the order of ethics in communication. Each view puts value into a different way of viewing the truth that surrounds us every day one sees t hat there is truth in everything and its up to the individual to find that truth while the other views that truth is dependent on the person and can change depending on a persons view. These two views from ancient Athens will continue to lead the study of communication and help shape the continued understanding of the field.

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Google Searching Essay Example for Free

Google Searching probeSearching for information on Google is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Is that true? Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. They got its name from the mathematical term googol (a number that has a bingle followed by a hundred zeros. The intention of Goggle was to help control the all the information on the web. That being said they have made meddling for information pretty easy to navigate. All psyche has to do is type in a word or phrase and the information is there instantly. It has convience everyplace the conventional library of the 19th century. You ar often on time restraints while using the library and only have limited resources.As technology grows hunt clubing for information becomes more efficient and less(prenominal) time consuming. How is searching in a specific database, such as Ashford Library different from searching in Bing, Google, or Yahoo? Roughly 1.46 billion people use the internet. (Mark D. Bowles , Introduction to Computer Literacy,p.6.4). fair in the U.S. there are 2.27 million users, which is 75% of the population.The main difference is the type of database each search engines uses. Ashford Library is a proprietary database in which only those who belong to the institution can benefit . Google and the others are a public domain database which means anyone has access to them. In my opinion the two are whole different. One is for a specific group while the other is open to everyone.

Friday, 12 April 2019

The Right of Children and Young Person Essay Example for Free

The Right of Children and four-year-old Person EssayThis was aimed at understanding kidren better and for the Filipino teacher to be more sensible of the kidskinrens correctlys. The code contained the following provision To understand and help youngsterren better, it is important for every Filipino teacher to be cognizant of such rights.The provisions of the Code regarding such rights are as follows All children shall be entitled o the rights herein set forth without distinction as to legitimacy, sex, social status, religion, political antecedents, and otherwise factors. 1. both child is endowed with dignity and worth of a human being from the moment of his conception, as generally accepted in medical parlance, and has therefore, the right to be born well. 2. Every child has the right to a salutary family life that will provide him with love, care and understanding, guidance and counseling, moral and material security. . Every child has the right to a well-rounded devel opment of his personality to the end that he may pose a happy, useful, and active member of society. 4. Every child has the right to a balance diet, adequate clothing, suitable shelter, proper medical attention, and all the basic physical requirements of a healthy and vigorous life. 5. Every child has the right to be brought up in an atmosphere of morality and rectitude for the enrichment and the strengthening of his character. 6.Every child has the right to an education commensurate with his ability and to the development of his skills for the improvement of his capacity for service to himself and his fellowmen. 7. Every child has the right to full opportunities for safe and wholesome recreation and activities, individual as well as social, for the wholesome use of his leisure hours. 8. Every child has the right to protection against exploitation , improper influences, hazards, and the other conditions or circumstances prejudicial to his physical, mental, emotional, social , and moral development.

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Client’s Advocacy Essay Example for Free

Clients advocacy EssayAbstractAdvocacy is an beta aspect of e actually counselors role thus, counselors indwelling to help remove environmental barriers that hamper lymph nodes well-being by increasing the nodes sense of face-to-face power and to foster environmental mixed bags that reflect greater responsiveness to leaf nodes sense of personal postulates. Outreach, empowerment, sociable justice, and social action argon all apart of advocacy. Counselors indispensability to help the guest pr withalt psychological distress by percentage them develop resources and strengths while trim negative influences. There are three models the wheel of wellness model, the indivisible self- model, and advocacy. These models emphasize the importance of enhancing mortal strengths and environmental resources and decreasing individual limitations and social stresses.Sally Jo Jacobs, 34, Female client whom is Caucasian and divorced with quaternary children and two living at home, youngest is living in Arizona with his Father, her ex-husband She hasnt seen him since 03. She is divorced from him beca practise he was scurrilous to her forciblely and mentally. Her oldest son is living In Seattle and working, going to college, and has his own radio show from the college at jet River Community College. Client has one older sister, who lives in Alabama, which is on her 5th marriage due to her in competency to deal with the abuse sustained when they were growing up. The client has two younger brothers, who were abused, plainly not informally by their fetch.Her and her children are now living in the area with no family support or even communication with her parents. Client states she has a violent social intercourseship with her father. Client states her relationship with her mother is on and off.The client was referred by her regular Physician for opinion and unable to come up with healthy coping skills. The client doesnt drink but twice a month, quit smokin g in 03, doesnt gamble, doesnt do street drugs, but is on prescription drugs due to chronic pain from a previous work injury and her physical abusive ex-husband.She loved working on cars and trucks, roller skating, going 4x4ing, gardening and yard work. She states that she has a very limited ability to do these things she loved to do and is having a hard succession dealing with the circumstance that she kitty no longer do the things she loved to do.Client states she is taking Percocet 7.5 325 mg, 6 pills in a 24 hour period of time, Cymbalta 60mg in the morning, Flexerall,10 mg and a sleep aid at night. It is important for the counselor to be aware of what medications the client is on in order to help in the relation to the clients well-being.Client states that she has nothing to do and she thinks about what happened when she was growing up with the abuse and her casualty on a constant basis, which leads her to depression. She says that when she was growing up there was cozy and mental abuse by her father, that her father abused her and her sister when their mom was working or out bowling. She has very specific memories, she remembers from when she was in a crib to her last day of high school, which was the last time her father touched her in an inappropriate manner. Childhood abuse and neglect may be markers for other positionors that guard an impact on the developing child or may share with PTSD a common origin in a disrupted and disorganized childhood. Another concern is that previous research has suggested that abused and neglected children are at increased risk for early behavior problems and conduct disorder. Behavior problems in childhood or adolescence may be associated with increased risk for engaging in risky behaviors. In turn, such behaviors may lead to increased risk of exposure to traumatic events and to subsequent PTSD.A third possibility is that childhood victimization may be associated with PTSD through its effect on a persons lifesty le, which places the person more or less at risk for exposure to traumatic events and, ultimately, PTSD. PTSD, such as low levels of study and extroversion, that serve to expose individuals to social roles and environments associated with high risk for victimization. (Cathy, 1999.). This learner believes that she stayed in abusive and unhealthy relationships because of what her father did to her as a child and now she is experiencing depression and PTSD. The goal of this client is to empower her to solve her problems on an individual basis by serving her understand herself and to help her encounter the ability to problem-solve. The counselor needs to spend time esteeming the seriousness of the concern presented to her and provide structure to the counseling process (such as understanding the conditions, procedures, and nature of counseling), and helping the client take initiative in the change process.The goal for this client is to get her help for her depression with tools a nd education to help her work through what her father and ex-husband have put her through. My first priority is to build trust, rapport, and be able to set goals and design a interference plan for change. The counselor provide need to build up her psychological health by helping her build coping skills, self-esteem, social support, personal power, problem solving skills, self- care, sense of humor, sense of control, sense of worth, and stress management. Because of her abuse, she has developed depression and stress. The saloon programs the counselor needs to use for this client to help with stress is identifying the source of the stress, recognizing the physical and emotional consequences of stress, and erudition and implementing adaptive coping responses.Strength-based health counseling interventions may help abused survivors develop coping skills to upraise both overall quality of life and everyday functioning across multiple domains, while too providing a healthy foundatio n from which to explore and reframe their abuse experience. One of the most common interventions with adult women survivors is trauma- focusinged, or exposure-based, treatment, where the sexual abuse experience is reviewed in some way. Trauma focused interventions are based on the notion that the meaning attached to the abuse, as well as the personal impact, is imbedded in the details of the experience And therefore requires in-depth review of the abuse experience (Hodges Myers, 2010). Fostering supreme appendage is an appropriate therapeutic goal posttraumatic growth increases positive feelings of self, self-efficacy, and resiliency, which lay the foundation for continued Improvement in other areas of life.Wellness-focused interventions offer clients a positive lens for viewing their strengths and strategies for using those strengths to cope with the issues created by their sexual abuse history. Wellness-focused interventions validate the individual and the fact that the importa nt thing is not why the individual survived but how. Advocacy is an important factor in every counselors role and it serves two purposes to increase clients sense of personal power and to foster environmental changes that reflect greater responsiveness to clients personal needs (Gladding in the rawsome, 2010). In order to help the client with advocacy, I would join the Montana Coalition against internal and sexual craze and get my client guidance through them. The Montana Coalition Against Domestic Sexual furiousness (MCADSV) is a statewide coalition of individuals and organizations working together to end domestic and sexual violence through advocacy, public education, public policy, and program development.Our mission is to support and facilitate networking among our member organizations while advocating for social change in Montana. Currently, MCADSV represents over 50 programs across Montana that provides direct services to victims and survivors of domestic and sexual viol ence and their children. In addition, the membership includes other nonprofit and government organizations and individuals (professionals and members of the general public) who are interested in addressing domestic and sexual violence in a way that holds offenders accountable and provides support for the people they victimize. Our membership is lax to anyone who is in accord with their philosophy. Their philosophy is We base our actions and interactions on the following basic tenets we advocate for policy that supports and/or forwards them and we work to increase public awareness on issues related to them. We believe all women have the objurgate to live a life free of violence or the threat of violence.Women have the right to freedom from violations of their personal autonomy and physical integrity on the street, in the home, at the workplace, and in the Coalition. Furthermore, women should not have to restrict their freedom of movement, their bodies, or their activities in order to be safe. We believe all women have the right to make their own decisions regarding sexual and reproductive affaires, lifestyles, finances, education, and employment. We believe religious beliefs and practices are a matter of personal conscience and individual choice, and a Montana Coalition member shall neither promote nor caution a particular religious belief in the course of his or her work. We believe classism, racism, ableism, ageism, homophobia (and all forms of elitism) are attitudes that serve to divide people who might otherwise join forces. As such, they interfere with womens ability to pool their efforts and reach their full potential. Our membership is open to people of all backgrounds.Furthermore, survivors of violence represent an essential constituency in our movement, and the Montana Coalition strongly encourages full participation by and equity for survivors (MSADSV, 2010). MSADSVs goals are to eliminate all forms of oppression, provide support and networking op portunities and training, and to encourage increased awareness and understanding of domestic and sexual violence and the concerns of survivors and to explore and support innovative policy approaches to issues related to domestic and sexual violence. This website has a masses of information for the client to get additional help and tools for her recovery. During the advocacy with the client, the counselor needs to be sympathize with and show commitment in order to provide motivation to take action.The counselor needs to use verbal and non-verbal skills in order to be an effective counselor. Some skills the counselor needs to have is integrity, flexibility, empathy, patience, persistence, and resourcefulness. The client needs to have outreach, empowerment, social justice, and social action. Outreach involves reaching out to vulnerable populations in the community and helping clients find new ways to cope with the stressors. Empowerment is a process which the client gains resources a nd skills they will need to have more control over their environments and lives. Empowerment is important in this case because it helps the abused woman become aware of inappropriate use of power and privilege that her partner was claiming. Social justice is promoting admittance and equity to ensure full participation of all people in the life of a fraternity as well as a belief system that values fair and equal treatment for all members of society.Social action derives from the belief system, resulting in the actions taken to promote equal rights. The counselor is convolute in confronting barriers faced by clients. Abusive relationships has a signifi crappert and pervasive impact on individuals, producing a variety of mental, emotional, relational, physical, and trauma symptoms. Most therapeutic interventions focus primarily on reliving or retelling, in great detail, the sexual abuse experience. However, many clients lack a positive sense of self, an internal focus of control, and an ability to view the abuse as only part of which they are rather than the defining elements. by a focus on Wellness factors, therapists can help adult women recognize their strengths and use them both in and outside of sessions to create and sustain positive lifestyle change.Helping clients experience positive outcomes of Wellness choices is empowering and facilitates their ability to invest in and cope with the healing process. Considering the multiple challenges many survivors bring to counseling, these outcomes are passing important. A wellness-based intervention may increase self-efficacy, resiliency, and awareness of healthy coping skills, resulting in positive changes in everyday functioning. Such changes are inherently helpful to the survival process and can offer survivors valuable tools with which to approach future experiences.Therapists need to consider symptom presentation and prioritize the goals for therapy accordingly. Once safety is established, therapists a nd clients can incorporate a Wellness intervention into a range of treatment options, positive growth can occur simultaneously with distressing emotions. As with any therapeutic intervention, the therapist must continually assess the clients experience with the intervention and alter interventions when necessary.ReferencesCathy, S. W. (1999). Posttraumatic stress disorder in abused and neglected children grown up. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 156(8), 1223-9. http//search.proquest.com/docview/220471620?accountid=27965 Gladding, S.T., Newsome, D.W. (2010). Clinical psychogenic Health Counseling in a Community and Agency Setting. (3rd Ed.). New Jersey Pearson Education. Hodges, E. A., Myers, J. E. (2010). Counseling Adult Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Benefits of a Wellness Approach. Journal Of Mental Health Counseling, 32(2), 139-153. Montana Coalition Against Domestic Sexual Violence (2010). Retrieved from- http//mcadsv.com/

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Interview people about the economy Essay Example for Free

Interview peck ab appear the economy EssayThe people of the Orange County be an optimistic bunch. Yet, angiotensin-converting enzyme can see this optimism slowly fading away into the darkness. For a country which is so close to perhaps worlds biggest entertainment hub, this is not a more or less picture. It would be wrong to blame the people. Little has gone sort out for the county since the stinting ecological niche of 2008, the effects of which be still quite visible. For a county which was already suffering from one of the more serious unemployment problems than compared to the average figures of the unify States of America, the recession of 2008 has spelt doom, and its repercussions can still be felt. Take the case of the 34-year ancient Mr. Matthews who had a down(p) shop selling electronic goods. However, with most people who gave him patronage, out of vocations or saving up for the faint future, in that location are no takers for his once steadily selling sho p of television sets and radios. His only accept is a government bailout, so that his customers have more money in their hands, or in former(a) words greater purchasing power so as to indirectly get him out of this mess. Mr. Matthews smear is in complete contrast with Mrs. Mosby who is a secretary with the local government authority.She has been affected very atomic by the 2008 economic recession but maintains that she is concerned about a lot of her friends, whose businesses have chuck out or who have been shown the door in their telephone circuits. The only consequence of this recession on her is that while her pass on has not increased, prices of many commodities of even general use have gone by which proves it difficult for her to depict the ends of her househ oldish meet. She is for the moment thankful that she has a government job, but strongly advocates that it is the states tariff to find her fellow citizens a job which at the very least promises them adequate means of survival. recess and the deteriorating economic situation is a concern not only to those who are soon affected by it, but also those who may be affected by it in the future. Take the case of 24-year old microphone, who is a final year student at the local university. He agrees that the heat in the get off can be felt by all, and even though his university manages to put together a elfin career fair every year, it reckons a difficult proposition this year. Although in the top half of his class, Mike admits that getting a job which helps him repay his educational loans he took for college, at least currently, seems to be a daunting task.He is desireful that by the time he graduates, the situation would improve. He doesnt catch up with a case for out and out state intervention, but hopes that the state would help big economic powerhouses by giving them incentives and subsidies. Things have turned sour for those who are self-employed as well. Take the obiter dictum of a lawye r who has his own practice, Miss Timberlake. Litigation has become suddenly too expensive, and people seem to prefer to hold up matters for now. Even matters of home foreclosure have got delayed for now.People are flavor at otherwise normal litigation procedures as a luxury service, which they are unable to succumb at the moment, and are not as big a priority as say checkup and health expenditure. Health redress companies are facing the heat as no other correspond to Jeff, who works at one of the biggest insurance companies. The health and medical costs have spiraled over the extreme few years. The fact that people have very little disposal income, and are defaulting on their even premium payments is making the matters worse for the insurance companies.Their existence no solution in sight, people are turning to each other and urging them to perform acts of gratitude. For instance, appeals are being made to doctors and other hospital staff to give up a days pay. People are b ecoming a good deal more cautious and conservative in spending their money. For instance, the younger siblings are getting their older siblings clothes. The insurance companies dont have enough cash flowing in so as to be able to cope up with the increasing medical costs.This spells a disaster not just for one or two companies, but for two industries which are vital to the US economy health and insurance. Whether there is a way out of this mess is the million dollar question facing everyone right now. The companies in both sectors, however, are optimistic and hope to see things improving with the Obama administration. Obamas success in being able to pass the health insurance bill is being seen as a huge supportive and people seem to be oddly comforted by his words of promise. Job creation is what people are currently looking forward to.Perhaps, the only sections of the society who have nothing to lose right now are the school going children. However, it is amazing how the economi c crisis has made way into their everyday conversations as well. David who is only 14 is angry at the whole situation. He maintains that the whole crisis is the fault of the government, which allowed risky investments to be made. He is also unhappy about the liberal policies which have allowed a bulk of the work to be outsourced to other destinations where labour is frequently cheaper.Stricter laws are needed, he argues emphatically. Those who are retired have been hit badly as well. Their pension schemes and other insurance amounts are simply not enough for them to be able to make their ends meet. Home foreclosures are likely and in the offing, and this has most of them worried. Take the case of Mr. Andrews, who is 66 years old and survives on a small pension scheme. Recently the prices of even basic consumables have risen so sharply risen that he is finding it difficult to make the ends meet.His old age means that it is much more difficult for him to find a job as compared to oth er freshers just out of college. He is worried that if the State fails to take some concrete steps soon, many Americans could be tinkering on the border of starving poverty. Take the case of Mr. Murdoch who is a stock market analyst and broker. In the economic recession of 2008, he lost close to $100,000. He says that he is devastated and doesnt know if there is any hope remaining for his business, and whether he will be able to revive it in the near future.He is currently torn between the idea of continuing his business, or taking up a small job somewhere. However, he himself laughs at the irony of it all, given that it would be near impossible to find a job anywhere. He also feels responsible to many of his clients, who he was acting for, and have lost a great amount of money in the stock market. At the same time, however, he is quick to point out that investment in the market is subject to market risks, and therefore, one is understood to have assumed the same.

Monday, 8 April 2019

The issue of prostitution Essay Example for Free

The issue of whoredom EssayThe issue of prostitution is usuall(a)y treated and represented in two different ways the adherents of traditional values unambiguously label this phenomenon as terrific vice that is in full discord with normal, let alone pious, life. They point out at the results the oldest commerce produces on an individual who gives or gets that service, and on a society with all its moral principles, ethical standards, requirements and taboos. sexually transmitted diseases, human trafficking, slavery, personal degradation and other by-products of prostitution are quite strong arguments for its restraint or, at least, severe limitation. The second approach is liberal-like, it posits the legitimacy of prostitution appealing to the freedom of plectron, pluralism, natural ask and even the inevitability of eradicating this kind of service. It is often said that women choose that occupation themselves, and men are non forced to visit them everything is petty(a)d on the free will of both parties, and the others, those who are not envolved in it, should not engage any concerns for that.Nickie Roberts, for instance, writes that it is implicit in the demand that the women waste control over their bear bodies that they also have their rights to sell their own sexual services, if they wish to (qtd. in Jeffreys 129-130). Claiming to support freedom, such a position in concomitant justifies prostitution with the help of liberal, pluralistic rhetoric, and it does not seem to be truthful as it predominantly focuses on the apology of prostitution afterwards general introductory declarations about freedom, choice etc.Thus, the prevailing argument in a pro-prostitution discourse is choice. Let us have a more careful look at the sphere of sexual services (ibid. ). Do all those women really appeared in that position completely voluntarily, or maybe they have been dreaming of that profession since their childishness and their dreams have successful ly come true? I guess the 15-year-old girl from New York was not intending to be advertised on Craigslist for prostitution in Maryland, she was going to Montgomery County for a modeling photo postulate (Morse).There cannot be seen any free choice in Jasmine Caldwells returning to the street after escaping her pimp and being abused by a police forcemen as well (Kristof). And how many other pornographic and especially juvenile females are decoyed or forced into prostitution? They are not able to coif their right to leave that sphere and lifestyle. These victims are the main imputation against justifying the sphere of sexual services. Some people understand any woman as a potential prostitute, e. g.in Schopenhauers Studies in Pessimism we may articulate in the chapter On women the statements like it is also revolting that she a woman should spend her husbands bullion with her paramours the money for which he toiled his whole life long, in the consoling belief that he was prov iding for his children and other ones emphasizing the base intentions and motives of the women (62-75). Although such statements are grounded on his experience, such generalizations are unfair, and they insult the dominant majority of women.The inevitability of prostitution, the fact that street sweeps do not reduce prostitution (Petrocelli), the legalization of brothels in Nevada (Powers) are not a reason to stop limiting and struggling with this detestable phenomenon of our life. It is far from being victimless (Goldman 92) and even those who are volitionally engaged in such services do not feel safe as their radical rights are being constantly infringed (Slayton).Prostitution is a serious deviation from the natural demands and needs of women, it deprives them of matrimony, they do not experience the happiness of maternity, they are even bereft of a chance to be self-sufficing singles making real free choice at every moment of their life what to do, where to go, when to have f ree time and the like. Beyond prostitution, a woman faces a prospect of multifarious lifestyles, manifold occupations and hobbies, versatile possibilities. Direct opposite is the life in the street a dull, routine slavery that destroys both personify and soul, and inflicts harm to the people around.Works CitedGoldman, Mimi. Prostitution in America. Crime and Social Justice 2 (1974) 90-93. Jeffreys, Sheila. The vagary of Prostitution. Melbourne Spinifex, 2009. Kristof, Nicholas D. Girls on our streets. The New York Times. 6 may 2009. Web. 9 May 2010. http//www. nytimes. com/2009/05/07/opinion/07kristof. html? _r=1. Morse, Dan. Montgomery police arrest three in human trafficking, prostitution cases. The Washington Post. 2 March 2010. Web. 9 May 2010. http//voices. washingtonpost. com/crime-scene/montgomery/montgomery-police-three-human. html. Petrocelli, Joseph. Street prostitution. Police Magazine.1 February 2009. Web. 9 May 2010. http//www. policemag. com/Channel/Patrol/A rticles/2009/02/Street-Prostitution. aspx . Powers, Ashley. Male prostitution is Nevadas newest legal profession. Los Angeles Times. 6 January 2010. Web. 9 May 2010. http//articles. latimes. com/2010/jan/06/nation/la-na-male-prostitutes6-2010jan06. Schopenhauer, Arthur. Studies in Pessimism. Trans. Bailey Saunders. New York Cosimo, 2007. Slayton, Philip. A examination in error? Why should a Toronto court decide Canadas prostitution laws? Macleans. 24 celestial latitude 2009. Web. 9 May 2010. http//www2. macleans. ca/tag/prostitution-laws/ .

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Crane migrations Essay Example for Free

Crane migrations EssayAs mentioned, the foot of both schoolbooks is exsert migrations. However, the content of the full treatment greatly differs. The article talks closely a new crane reserve, where cranes, which ar an endangered species, atomic form 18 grown in what looks them like a completely natural environment, but actually, they are still defend by humankinds, according to the article, in crane uniforms. The article says that these cranes have been raised in captivity, but neer heard a human voice nor fitn a human form, except in crane costume (Lines 9,10). The poem is much more personal and talks about a particular cranes flight of steps, struggle to escape the hunter and its demise.As we see, both texts are about cranes, but their audience and objective is unalike. To a Waterfowl is a poem and it is meant to express the authors feelings to the commentator through the flight of a crane. The poem is meant for a more mature audience, beca usage it is comple x, written in old English, which children cant easily understand, and has a serious theme. On the other hand, the article doesnt choose its audience sound judgement by their name and age,it is simply people who are interested in crane migrations, especially in the USA. Its purpose is to inform the referee about the new crane migration project in central Wisconsin.Wisconsin is know to be a calm region, and so is the tone of this article. The narration and description are similar to a character documentary film, we see that in line 7, where the author says big sky, undulations of tall marsh grasses, ludicrous whopping cranes. After the higly descriptive introduction, the narrator goes on to talk about their project. From that point, the articles scientific mood comes into play. The poem starts off with an easy-going flow, which dramatizes as the hunter appears and disembowels more and more dramatic until the cranes death, ultimately leading to a fade-out effect in the outro.The s tylistic devices in both texts rely to a great extent on description, especially in the poem, where we see a lot of sensory details, such as underweight lake, rocking billows, crimson sky This lets us completely imagine the landscape the flight is taking place in. To get the reader more into the poem, the author adreses the reader as he is the crane, like in line 2, where he says Far, through their rosy depths, dost thou pursue thy solitary way?. This type of narration gives us the cranes point of view, but much more importantly, a personal emotional connection with the crane. The stylistic devices in the article are not that broadly used, except for the beginning. This is quite vernacular in scientific articles.In conclusion, we see how two completely divers(prenominal) texts by structure use completely different methods of narration, description, but share a common goal to portray their common theme of crane migrations, be it in a scientific way or an emotional descriptive poe m.Paper 1 HL Sample 1.2 (birds)People have al shipway been fascinated by birds. Text 1, an article from National geographic from 2004, and Text 2, a poem by William Cullen Bryant from 1815, show how people and birds learn from from each one other. While these texts lookexperiences that people have with birds, they target different audiences and use different techniques. These differences are largely accounted for by the different contexts in which they were written.Text 1 is very characteristic of a journalistic article for National Geographic, which targets nature-minded readers. Text 2, on the other hand is characteristic of Romantic meter from the 19th century, read by literary enthusiasts. We see the journalistic nature of the National Geographic article in its reporting of newsworthy content. There is something phenomenal about people wearing crane costumes (line 11) who teach young cranes how to fly and migrate from an ultralight plane (line 16). Whats more, the journalist explains that this practice is happening in Siberia as well. Whereas birds learn from people in remarkable ways in Text 1, the poet, William Cullen Bryant learns a life lesson (line 26) from one bird in Text 2. The poet has written an ode to this waterfowl, who has taught him about the importance of solitude and steadfastness. We know that it is an ode through the use of poetic language, the title To a Waterfowl, the use of rhyming quatrains and apostrophe, (when a poet asks an object a question). These qualities require readers to hear the spoken word, and therefore the audience is approximately likely interested in its literary qualities. Both texts are very different in their purpose, as they come from different centuries and target different audiences.Although the purposes and contexts of these texts are different, they comment on a similar theme the importance of nature. Text 1 is built on the assumption that nature and the whooping crane moldiness be preserved. Lines 24-27 d escribe a plan to restore the birds knowledge of the ancient flyway. The extreme measures that are taken to military service these birds migrate, including the costumes, the reserves and the gliders, are never questioned in this article. The message of Text 2 is also built on the premise that nature is important. The poet asks the crane why it pursues its solitary ways (line 4). Eventually he claims that the birds purpose is to guide him on his lonely path in life, as stated in the nett stanza He who, from zone to zone, / Guides through the boundless sky they certain flight, / In the long way that I must tread alone, / Will lead my steps aright. Its message is very characteristic of Romantic poetry We can learn how to live through observing nature. As in Text 1, the premise that we must preserve nature and look to it for inspiration is never questioned but affirmed. Asthe texts have a common theme, there are also similarities in their use of tone and mood. As Text 1 aims to invad e readers with the slew of the whooping cranes in North America, it uses diction that is descriptive. The narrator seems to be hiding in the reeds or emerald dark-green grasses (line 3). This colorful choice of words indicates that she is enthralled by the natural elements around her. Words like snow-white plumage and elegant black wingtips that spread like fingertips are rather poetic and sketch an public figure in the readers mind that is quite romantic, rural and rustic. The effect of this descriptive language on the reader is both matter to and sympathetic. As the interviewee whispers to the reporter, the reader becomes drawn in and concerned about the fate of the whooping crane. Similarly, Bryant makes use of descriptive language that engages the reader. Phrases like the crimson sky, the abyss of heaven and the chafed naval side all paint an image in the readers mind and make the text come to life.Besides the choice of words and the use of imagery, both authors use struct ural devices to convince the reader of their cause. For example, Text 1 plays a clever trick on the reader. After a colorful caution grabber, in which the journalist describes the whooping crane in its habitat, the second paragraph explains that this would be a primordial scene. She explains that the cranes are in fact in pens, which surprises the reader. Like the use of imagery, this structural device also has the effect of intriguing the reader. The reader wants to learn more about why the chicks have never heard a human voice (line10), why the humans wear crane costumes (line 11) and there is a runway for an ultralight plane (line 17). The facts follow, including the number of miles they fly, the number of birds that participate and the similar project in Siberia. This kind of structure is characteristic of a feature article article.The structure of the poem is very different, but equally effective in its aim of creating sympathy for nature and birds. As mentioned the poem is a n ode, where the poet praises the qualities of an object and take cares inspiration in it. Furthermore there is a rhyming scheme and rhythm that are aesthetically appealing to the reader. The rhyming scheme in each quatrain is ABAB. For example the final word of line 1, dew, rhymes with the final word of line3, pursue. Line 2, day, rhymes with line 4 way. This creates a sense datum of harmony and perfection that relates to the poets understanding of the waterfowl. Each line contains detached iambic feet, meaning there are unstressed syllables followed by stressed syllables. There are triplet iambic feet in the first and last lines of each quatrain and five feet in the second and third lines of each quatrain, creating short-long-long-short pattern to each stanza. The effect of this pattern is that the reader feels a rocking sensation, which may relate to the steady beat out of the birds wings or the poets pondering mood. This too ads to the aesthetic harmony and sense of perfe ction that the poet wants us to associate with nature.To conclude, both Text 1 and Text 2 enlighten their readers on the behavior and beauty of waterfowl. While Text 1 shows us how people can help birds find their migration patterns, Text 2 shows us how birds can help people find inspiration. Their focus on these birds helps the reader understand and appreciate the importance of nature.About these adsShare thisTwitterFacebookLike thisAbout tonyapaulESW and IB Lang and lit instructorView all posts by tonyapaul This entry was posted in IB Lang and Lit, Lang and Lit Articles, Lang and Lit Assignments, Lang and Lit Notes. bookmarker the permalink. 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