Thursday, 31 January 2019
Encephalitis - Essay examples -- essays research papers
ENCEPHALITISEncephalitis literally means an punk of the brain, but it usually refers to brain inflammation caused by a virus. It whitethorn also be called &8220acute viral encephalitis or aseptic encephalitis. Encephalitis is an infectious distemper of the Central Nervous dust characterized by pathologic changes in both the gray and white affaire of the spinal cord and brain. It whitethorn be due to specific disease entity such(prenominal) as rabies or an arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus), or it may occur as a sequela of influenza, measles, German measles, chicken pox, herpes virus infection, small pox, vaccinia, or other diseases. The specific viruses involved may vary. mental picture can also occur through insect bites, food or drink, or skin contact. Once the virus has entered the line of reasoning stream, it can send the brain causing inflammation of brain cells and surrounding measures. White blood cells invade the brain tissue as they try to fight polish off the in fection. The brain tissue swells (cerebral edema) and can cause destruction of nerve cells, bleed with in the brain (intracerebral hemorrhage), and brain damage. This can cause neurologic deficits such as parplysis, speech changes, increased intracranial pressure, respiratory failure, seizure disorders, and horrify can occur.SIGNS AND SYMPTOMSMild cases absent superficial reflexesSudden fever *** magnify deep tendon reflexesPoor appetite opisthotnosLoss of energy nuchal rigidnessGeneral sick feeling increases resp. tract problemsSevere CasesHigh fever sore throatSevere HA *** malaiseN/V *** ... ...rin90% resp. tract infection5 to 7% prior illnes (chicken pox)S/S 5-7 days after viral illness, n/v, mental changes, lethargy, indifference, confusion, delirious, fast breathing as progresses breathing sluggish, seizures, coma may dieTX no cure support heart, lung, and brain function Keep blood levels balanced. ICU. logical argument samples, I&O, adjusting blood by IV, b/p, icp, breathing monitored maiden recognized in 1963 by acute brain disorder and fatty infiltration of liver and pancreas, heart, kidney, spleen, and lymph nodes. Mortality rate as high as 80%S/S hepatomegaly without jaundice in 40%, encephalopathy and altered liver function, combative behaviorTX blood electrolyte s controlled carefully, liver biopsyNI Neurological assessment, temp, alleviate hyperthermia, seizure precautions, I&O, impaired liverwort function, (signs of bleeding), tell don&8217t give aspirin. Peak incidence age 6. 1st noted in 1974 with 400 cases following epidemics of influenza B outbreak and chicken poxTX aggressive support to sort out metabolic abnormalities (hypoglycemia) and hemorrhage from blood clotting disordersSince 1987 no more than 35 cases/yr nation wide (usually
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
What Techniques Does F. Scott Fitzgerald Use When Describing the Lights and Colors of Gatsby’s Party?
Fitzgerald uses many different literary techniques and vivid when describing the visible radiations and colours of the company to exaggerate the sense of how bright the infirms and colours of his parties are. He seems to say that the twinkle of the gays at Gatsbys party are equivalent to the those of the solarise. He writes that the light grows brighter as the earth lurches a vogue from the sun he is talking nearly the sun going down and everything becoming darker, however he then says that the light grows brighter which suggests that as the sunlight goes away Gatsbys lights go up so high that they balance out the light lost from the sun going down.This shoes us just how bright Gatsbys lights in reality are, they are bright enough to replace the sun when it has gone down. That gives an whimsy of the party keeping the night alive and moving which gives a affiliate of life to the light that Gatsby has at his party. Fitzgerald then goes on to talk of light and colour in a lot less positive way than he previously has. he describes the guests clothes as rubbishy with primary colours which is describing how bright and colourful charge the guests are at Gatsbys parties.The guests clothes are not nice and scour though they consist of very simple primary colours they even manage to everyplacedo this with them then being described as gaudy, which means that they are just too bright. This translation is strikingly alike to the description of the light at Gatsbys parties. We get the sense that although both of them are very simple they are just too over indulgent and bright.This also reflects on the guests personalities with all of them trying to be the brightest of them all. Gatsby uses this description i think to try and tell us that everything at Gatsbys parties scream bright lights and colours not just the lights themselves. I think this is somewhat to help the reader with later descriptions that he makes somewhat light and colour so that they unders tand that he may not be literally talking about the lights or the colours but about another aspect of the party.
Saturday, 26 January 2019
The Dating Game
Gwendolyn Wendy Stokes Professor Josh McCall Intermediate Composition September 21, 2011 The geological dating Game Spectator or Participant Finding a profound man is like trying to nail jelly to a tree. round people say that all the good ones are either conjoin or gay. As a single heterosexual woman that has been in the dating scene, I must say that statement is non out-of-the-way(prenominal) from the truth. The hunt for Mr. Right is not for the feeble hearted woman. The learning curve on dating has been interesting to say the least.A few months ago, I was approached by a guy that seemed nice enough. We met at a local sports bar. We had mutual friends and he was interested, which was more than I could say for the rest of the male population. He asked if I was on Facebook. As our initial conversation progressed, I realized Facebook was his counterbalance of choice. What happened to the old fashion line of Can I digest your name? Yet, I decided to trudge forward and go with it. after(prenominal) a few Facebook chats, I agreed to let him visit me at home. He came over and flopped down on my couch.It was awkward but I was set(p) to find something we had in common. The conversations led to our higher(prenominal) school days. As he told story after story, it came to me that he was nowhere near the age I had originally thought. I interrupted him besides to ask, Exactly what year did you graduate? His response of 2001 made the hair on the back of my neck nominate up. I had been a mother for two years when he was tossing his high school graduation cap in the air. Needless to say, I courteously ended his visit with no goodnight kiss included.Another juvenile dating catch was the dreaded blind date. As I drove to the agreed upon skirmish place all I could think was Why do I get myself into these situations? Yet, the guy I met was really nice. He was extremely fascinating and had a great personality. I was pleasantly surprised at how light the conv ersation flowed from subject to subject without any awkwardness that I had antecedently experienced. As the gathering was breaking up, he asked if he could have my rally total and when would be a good time to call.Of course, I gave him my number and tried not sound eager as I said, Anytime would be fine. After he left, I overheard a conversation regarding his astonishingly recent separation from his wife. He was married. My newly elated attitude towards dating was rapidly deflated. Transitioning from the in a relationship world into the unattached world is not as transparent as I once thought. I have learned that men in my dating pool tend to be scorned by women from their previous relationships.Those scorned men are around always cautious to the point of being noncommittal. I have never enjoyed cleaning especially a mess created by someone else. When it comes to love, I just dont want to work quite that hard. After all, love is supposed to be easy in the beginning, isnt it? e xistence single is hard but being with the wrong man is correct harder. I have a tendency to believe that Mr. Right leave alone come along when I am least expecting it and then, we can just keep the jelly in the fridge.
Friday, 25 January 2019
Reflective paper on event management Essay
As per the course requirement, we run through undergone the sue of supplying an international music core. While the whole process was a simulation, we could still ca-ca the contends and excitements that an solution film director faces in his/her life story.At the first phase of the project, groups were formed following Belbins Theory (West, 2004). Belbin proposed a model that specifies the aspects of an various(prenominal)s personality, i.e. strength and weakness that he/she shows in workplace. tally to the model, there ar nine social occasions an individual commode consort within a group. These portions are Plant, Resource investigator, Coordinator, Shaper, Monitor evaluator, Team worker, Implementer, Completer finisher, and Specialist. I was chosen to play the role of Team worker within my group. My means responsibilities were to carry out the instructions given by the team drawing card and cooperate with others on every stage of the event simulation planning.As we have lastd, the planning of an event, especially an international music gig is a complex process. There are a number of factors that need to be considered along the way and the event itself has multifaceted stir on the society, environment, and culture. However, this get word was immensely valuable considering my event management as my in store(predicate) public life choice as it has given me a better understanding close the cognitive operation and the real life drill of an event really helped me to realize how to work in a team and synergize all the tasks with others that are ask to execute a musical event successfully. However, as the course teacher promised us at the beginning of the course, I also came to realize that event management is pure fun.Planning an international musical event involves varied aspects of the even including the financial planning, rules and regulations, possible tinge on the local community, round management, branding of the performers, sponso rship and so on.Different scholars attempted to define Event in different ways. Getz (1993) gave the minimalist exposition of themed public celebration, which was further flesh out by Douglas et al. (2001) as events are for people to come together to celebrate, to demonstrate, to worship, to honour, to remember, to interact. From this list of public purposes, events look like modern day rituals which were reflected by the definition given by McDonnell et al. (1999) where they argued that events are proper(postnominal) rituals or celebrations that are planned and created to mark any special junction. Goldblatt (1997) gave a much simpler definition as he said that an event is a unique split second in time celebrated with ceremony and ritual to satisfy item needs.In my make love of working with this group, the first thing I realized about what an event is that an event is not just an occasion where people come together, get entertained and go back to home. An event is much more than that. An international music festival has the advocator to adjustment a small, relatively unknown town in the corner of the awkward into one of the most celebrated destination. If planned and executed properly, a considerable event has the capabilities to transform a place and the lives of the people in the community. It is, unfortunately, every bit true that same applies on the prohibit side if an event is sickly managed and executed.The planning and organization of an event requires the formation of a working team, as we were formed into teams. This team acted as a temporary organization where the role and responsibilities of each member were specified. According to Slack and Parent (2006), organizational material or structure may have three dimensions_Formalisation_ refers to the degree to which the rules and regulations, strategies, and individual and team roles place the activities of the team._Complexity_ the inner structure of the event management team with the hierarchy and authoritative system._Centralisation_ the degree to which an individual exercises his/her role as the finish maker of the even management team.Since our project was a drill, while the ii aspects of an event management organization were noticeable (Formalisation and Centralisation), the third element, Complexity was not strongly present since the team was not very hierarchical. However, we followed the formal procedure and showed respect to the laws and regulations while we planned the event. In addition to that, we followed the policies mentioned during the course lectures to adjust different aspects of the event such as financial planning, impact management, stave and volunteer management, environmental and political effect and so on.Event planning and management always requires team effort, regardless of the size or part of the event. Hence, there has to be a member of the team who plays the role of facilitator to guide the knowledge and resource sharing proc ess. The facilitator is not exactly the team leader. Bens (2000, p.7) asseverate that facilitation is a way of providing leadership without taking the reigns. In our group, different members play the role of facilitator at different stages.I observed the roles they played and learned how to disperse organizational knowledge for a better performing team. According to facilitation theory, scholarship within a team occurs with the help of the facilitator, not only by someone who provides knowledge to the group (Lambert and Glacken, 2005). My personal realize sustain this theory since I have experienced that personal knowledge can add little value to a group unless it is fairly disseminated and discussed by the other members within the group.If I look back at my experience of the group work this give be my primary takeaway that I have learned the importance of facilitating ideas and knowledge among the group members and in future I will be aware of applying this knowledge in my flight as an Event manager. Even if I dont stop up to be an event manager, this learning will help me to work better as a social being and as an individual. As an event manager, I will focus on the decentralisation of power and letting other assume responsibility and take the lead when necessary. It is sometimes better to play the labour and sometimes play the leader.Performance of a team is determined by the participation and effort given by each member. The team leader or the event manager plays the role of the director of performance (Vidal, 2004). He synchronizes individual performances and creates synergy among the group members and specific functional departments while he enjoys working creatively and collectively with the site of achieving certain objectives (Vidal, 2004, p. 394). Hence, I realized the nature of the work of an event manager and I am now more attracted to pursue a career in event management than before.The event management industry is somatic with a numbe r of challenges that every event management effort has to endure. The biggest challenge is to ensure financial viability. The economy is yet to recover from the recession all and it is still very unenviable to organize a profitable event. As Smith et al. (2010) addressed, allocating the limited resources of an event effectively has become more circumstantial than ever. For our group as well, financial consideration posed tremendous challenges and I realized that the skills I have acquired regarding event budgeting will be curiously helpful in future.Another area of troublesomey was the impact compendium and contingency planning. Every event has several possible confident(p) and negative impacts on the local society, environment, governance, and politics to some extent. Maximizing positive impact and reducing negative impact requires intelligent strategic decisions and planning. This was another learning outcome for me from the experience.However, there were a few places wher e I identified shortcomings in terms of group performance or my individual performance. First of all, effective communication among the group members was an issue. Every individual is different and we were formed into a group with people with different personalities. Also, there was no elected leader or director of the group. Hence, in the beginning it was a bit difficult to ensure effective communication which led to some confusion and inefficiency. As Greenberg (2002, p.217) explained that communication is the process of sending and receiving information, it requires the meaningful coding and decoding from the some(prenominal) end.Another shortcoming of the exercise was that we could not specifically measure the impact of the event on the community. Actually, unless the event takes place in real life, it is difficult to say whether it would be received well by host communities or not. Though I had the experience of planning an event with a team, without the experience of exec uting the plan, it is always incomplete.However, this was a very enjoyable and valuable journey. The experience will add values to my character as an individual and will help me to become a better event manager in future, if I pursue this career for myself. However, even if I dont end up to be an event manager, this experience will move me about the values of working in synergy to produce positive results. For me, that was the significance of the whole experience._REFERENCES_West, M. A. (2004). _Effective teamwork practical lessons from organizational research_ (2nd ed.). Malden, MA BPS Blackwell.Getz, D. (1993). bodily culture in not-for-profit festival organisations concepts and potential applications. _Festival Management and Event Tourism_, 1, 11-17.Douglas, N., Douglas, N. and Derrett, R. (eds) (2001). _Special engagement Tourism_, p. 356. John Wiley and Sons.Goldblatt, J. (1997). _Special Events Best enforces in Modern Event Management_. John Wiley and Sons.McDonnell, I., Allen, J. and OToole, W. (1999). _Festival and Special Event Management_. John Wiley and Sons.Vidal, R. (2004). The vision conference Facilitating creative processes. _Systemic Practice and Action Research_, 17(5), p. 385 405.Slack, T. and Parent, M.(2006). _Understanding sport organizations The application of organization theory_ (2nd Ed.). Champaign, IL Human Kinetics.Bens, I. (2000). _Facilitating with easiness A step-by-step guidebook_. San Francisco Jossey-Bass.Lambert, V. and Glacken, M. (2005). clinical education facilitators A literature review. _Journal of Clinical Nursing_, 1(4), 664 673.Rogers, C. and Friedberg, H.J. (1994) . _Freedom to learn_. New York Merril, Macmillan College Publishing.Greenberg, J. ( 2002). _Managing behaviour in organizations_. New Jersey, NY Prentice Hall.
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
Activision: Case Study Essay
Activision was established in 1979 as a triad party video game developer- publisher. Formation of Activision has been one of the most(prenominal) probatory events for romp assiduity. Activision is publisher of one of the most famous game publisher right away. Games like Call of Duty, Guitar belligerent and Pitfall series are promulgated by Activision. Currently Activision is merged with Blizzard (creator of worlds most played subscription base game) to form Activision Blizzard manhoods largest fun company in a deal worth ? 9. 15 billion. somewhat the time of formation of Activision, companies used to dominate grocery place. looseness manufacture was not stable. but the things have changed today its a global multibillion dollar business. In the starting days of Activision, they had to compete with Atari in games. But later both companies came to understanding that availability of much game for Atari platforms meant more sales of hardware. And both companies kept build ing games for Atari platforms competing with one another and existence benefited from competition. Creating games is a long and expensive process as normal games repulse about 2 year and $20 million while MMOGs may take from $50 to $100 million in quintette years.What Activision and Atari started as co-operative competition still prevails in manoeuvre industry and has helped a enormous deal in development of gaming industries. In 2010 in that respect was 8% loss of packaged goods sales of consoles game but online receipts was booming. Activision was able to predict this change in gaming industry market and locate itself in front of customers. In 2010, around 50% of summarise revenue made by Activision came from digital sources. Since its merger with Blizzard, Activision is becoming more and more console independent.Starting as publisher for console games, today Activision publishes games for anything that can play games like ipad, iphone, phone social gaming (facebook), and so on And the ability to adapt to changing market has kept Activision in extend of the gaming industry for so long. There is an argument that more than fractional of Microsofts xbox live subscribers are there for Activisions Call of Duty. This tin an issue should Microsoft be the simply one being benefited from this while Activision only gets paid once during sale of game disk.This makes console gaming muted in compared to World of Warcrafts online subscription payment (Activision Blizzard charges fees for playing World of Warcraft online in PC). Activisions competitor EA games seems to have found a transparent solution, In order for online multiplayer, gamer have to either buy new disc or buy online registration code that allows them to go online using aged disc whose online code is already used. Activision could use this strategy restricting passel who bought used games and people who borrowed games to get online hence focusing only on customers who paid for online.For f irst gear time ever, in 2008 Activision was the number one US console and handheld game publisher in dollar. In 2008 it make two games Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare and Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock which were number second and first best merchandising game in US and Europe in dollars during fiscal year. scratch revenue earned by Activision in 2008 was $2. 9 billion. Activisions order gate model Greenlight Process has helped in development in its increase a lot. This process includes analysis of new products in development degree before entering market in four stages as concept, prototype, first playable and alpha.Making sure that product functions properly and is as demanded by current market customers is a very important step in product development which is carried out by high-level cross structural team. Keeping your product polished and problem free is very important. Gaming industry is product based market. Even though there go forth be customer grouping making your pr oduct fit and well is the most. If the product is good customer from another group can be attracted by this (RPG players are different than first person shooter players). In July 9 2008, Activision finally merged with Blizzard entertainment.Blizzard is owned by French conglomerate Vivendi and is the owner of World of Warcraft, worlds largest subscription based MMORPG. This merging helped Activision expand its reach in the industry. Instead of diversifying product Activision trip toward merging has proven rather useful. Gaming industry is one of the speedy growing industries. Changes occur daily in market place. Gaming industry started with text games then moved to cartridge based platforms to todays next gen consoles. And research shows that any gaming device staying in market for more than 10 years is considered to be outdated.So the change is pellucid and Activision has to be aware of these changes. Transition period between one genesis of console to another generation of con sole hugely effects gaming industry. Activisions performance record shows that gaming industry faces a huge halt at these times. During recession Activision was able to maintain its sales and gain curve but in 2005 when all console developers like Sony and Microsoft were preparing for tack of their new consoles gaming companies like Activision and its rival EA has to face depreciation in their business as customers are waiting for newer version of game and gaming consoles.
Thursday, 17 January 2019
Ideas And Issues In “The Visit†And “A Chronicle Of A Death Foretold†Essay
Many works of contemporary literature discuss ideas and topics which be seen in the world around us today. These themes atomic number 18 either presently demonstrated or implied. Two works as such ar The experience by Friedrich Durrenmatt and A story of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The issues raised in these two books are justice, communication, usage, and moral values. usage is the on-going obligation to commit to something, which is an act that has existed for many another(prenominal) years.More often than non, customs helps keep a community in genius piece, much standardized laws do. In other cases, customs duty obligates people and makes them do things they normally wouldnt do. In A Chronicle of a Death Foretold, tradition is one of the forces that drives the Vicario twins to vote down capital of Chile Nasar and therefore clean their familys name. tho, the Vicario brothers stress to dismount tradition. They had a debt which they greatly doubted and criticized. They know what the tout ensemble town expects them to do.solely on the other side, their everyday life and friendship with Santiago Nasar, their victim, fills them with thrill to fulfill tradition and do their pre-said duty. In The Visit, its tradition in the first place that brings the much anticipated lady Zachanassian to Guellen. So, in other words, tradition executes Ill as well as Santiago Nasar. Intertwined with the complications of tradition are the moral values behind any in sortigibly human act. The only reason tradition has always been so knockout to adhere to is because of the moral issues behind the acts that tradition is composed of.This is seen in two pieces. In A Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the Vicario brothers are in a state of great misfortune non only because of the dishonour inflicted upon the Vicario family name but also because of the deed the gather in to carry out. However they also want their duty to be through with(p). In an atte mpt to immix both, the twins unsuccessfully try to be caught whilst looking for Santiago Nasar. In other words, they seek someone to stop them by telling the undivided town of their intentions. ,in reality it seemed that the Vicario brothers had done nothing right with a passel to cleanup spot Santiago Nasar immediately and without any public spectacle, but had done much more than could be imagined to have someone stop them from killing him, and they had kick downstairsed (p. 56). In The Visit, the town tries to hold its moral values disdain the ironic reward the people and state willing get if they do not. Later on in the book, even though Guellen has completely wooly its morality and plans on doing Maddamme Zachanassians bidding and killing Ill, the townspeople will not admit, whatsoever that they have lost their towns values.Moreover, they blame Ill for not having any morality and tell him that if he had any values he would use a gun on himself outright. Ill, however deni es the Mayors suggestion. Mayor Pity. Youre missing a chance to redeem yourself and be a more or less decent human being. (p. 81) Tradition and the morality behind it are the two most ancient forms of justice. Today, justice is defined by laws and mainly is democratic and receive. But every individual has their own form of justice for things, often acquiring either evil or praise thereafter or none of the two.Self-justice is reflexively self- apologiseing. In The Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the Vicario brothers want Justice. However, their morality, as discussed above, does not allow them to justify their familys shame by killing Santiago Nasar. For the sake of tradition they kill Santiago anyway. Pablo and Pedro Vicario tell everybody they come across that they will kill Santiago Nasar, hoping to get caught.. That way, they would have done their justice and duty as the brothers of Angela Vicario, the violated girl, by attempting to kill Santiago and not really slaying him.T hey do not commit a crime the do not want to commit and which they consider immoral. Also, when Santiago appears to them, the Vicario twins do not face him head on. Instead they give him a chance of escape by remaining of the opposite side of the street and giving him a head-start through their body language. Clara Zachanassian in The Visit loses all of her moralities during her childhood as a prostitute and thus ends up defying the right and wrong of justice. Therefore, she goes onward and offers money for an assassination. The townspeople of Guellen try to force back their moralities but fail to do so.As a result they foreshorten an alternative send off to solving their problem. They masquerade the immorality of the crime of murder as justice. What follows is that they kill Ill with their bare hands. For justice and tradition to be enforced, a clear communication line must be drawn. Communication is what leads to the smooth electric current of traditions and miscommunication t o their collapse of justice. Morality has to do with a persons cleverness to communicate to oneself what they truly consider right or wrong in this case it is contributed to justice and questionable traditions.Pedro and Pablo Vicarios failure to alert the whole town of Riochacha of their imminent crime is a result of poor communication. They misinterpreted the ability of the townspeople to pass on information and the rate in which the intelligence service would diffuse their way to Santiago Nasar or to the police. However they did not take one aspect of tradition into account But most of those who could have done something to prevent the crime and did not consoled themselves with the pretext that affairs of repay are sacred monopolies according to tradition, giving access only to those who are distinguish of the drama. (p. 114). So, according to tradition, most people in town could not tell the authorities, nor anyone for that matter, about the Vicario twins and on top of that they could justify themselves by blaming it on the towns ethics. Destiny makes us invisible (Quote, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 1928) The town of Guellen, on the other hand, had a level of communication between them far bring out than any other. They could communicate through the sub-conscious. It is not exactly stated that the Guelleners had actually decided upon killing Ill, so this could be assumed.They were very well nonionic and swift in killing Ill, as they were able to put many new products they wanted, more than needed, on account. As is clear, tradition, morality and justice are all connectable aspects which are usually bound together by a means of communication. Situations become elaborate and complications arise. The Chronicle of a Death Foretold and The Visit are two great examples of a situation that results from the combinations of those four issues.
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Critical thinking Essay
Critical thinking involves the bear on of mentally analyzing, reflecting, observing, evaluating, examining, exploitation reasoning skills, mentally taking apart and dissimilating information. It is a mental handle that endure be used in worry solving by knowing what you want the outcome to be and evaluating what move you need to take to arrive at that outcome and in what high society you need to take those steps. Critical thinking involves serious thought process and often requires time to really follow through in using the critical thinking in obtaining accurate results from the process.To ensure that you are canvas believable information, there are many things you can do when take care the various information sources and look into topics in the library. Some of the things you can do is obtain your information from conceivable physical sources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, newspapers and research books. When using online databases, you can select peer-reviewed, s cholarly, or refereed before beginning your search for information sources in the various databases.Your results will be more credible results since these information sources were write by lords in those particular areas and deemed credible by their peers in that area. You can use Google, however, you can use Google>Advanced face (option to the right of regular Google) and you can enter the celestial spheres . edu and/or . gov in the battleground search box to do subject searches in these two credible domains rather than the less credible domains like . com and . org.Some of the more credible sources one would find located in the reference collection of the library, the books that can be read or copied but not circulated outside of the library. In the material itself you can check to enamour if it has an creators name, see if the author cited credible information sources in writing the article, and if the material is unflurried relevant or if it is dated material. Another thing to check is if this author has written other articles on this subject or if any articles written by others has cited his/her work in them.Information that you can locate on a nett rapscallion includes the name(s) of the person(s) who created the web page, the web page traverse or Uniform Resource Locator (URL), the date the web page was created and/or the date the web page was last updated, what type of domain does the web page come from, contact information, what if any purpose the web page has, whether the page has a commercial Internet Service provider (ISP) or uses another provider.References Chris, V. & adenylic acid Thomas Tinney. (2007). Professional Library Sources. Retrieved April 8, 2007, from present-day(prenominal) Library News & Library Information site http//www. academic- geneology. com/professional Librarysources. htm Critical Thinking. (2007, April 4). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 8, 2007, from http//en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? title=Critical_thinking&oldid=120149553 http//en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Critical_thinking (2004). decision Credible Information Online. Retrieved April 9, 2007, from Performance Learning Systems Web site http//www. plsweb. com/resources (2006,December 12). conclusion Information on the Internet A tutorial. Retrieved April 9, 2007, from Evaluating Web Pages Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask Web site http//www. berkeley. edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/Evaluate.
Tuesday, 15 January 2019
Blood Clotting Essay
Blood clog upting is an adaptive/defensive utensil of the pitying body. Its primary purpose is to observe the loss of argumentation from the cardiovascular governance from damaged demarcation vessels in order to avoid shock and possible death. This accomplished by a process called coagulation wherein blood solidify at the site of deformity through a complex process involving blood platelet aggregation and fibrin establishment coupled with thrombin and a dozen other clotting factors. Though the mechanism is designed to prevent deleterious harm, clotting can also be harmful especially when inappropriately triggered much(prenominal) as in the berth of accidents and infarctions.In the article by Cathleen Genova, she discusses the findings of a motif made in the April 17th 2009 issue of Cell, a journal from Cell military press Publication, where researchers rig a possible way of preventing life-threatening clots. The discovery superpower wisecrack a new way to fight c lot system to begin with it can even begin, according to the researchers. According to the findings, thrombin isnt the only pseudo in the clotting process, in fact enzymes known as matrix metalloproteases have deep emerged as important players in platelet serve well and the biology of blood vessels.Two of those enzymes, MMP-1 and MMP-2 can actually encourage platelet activation early in the clotting process. If treatments were aimed at blocking the MMP1-PAR1 pathway, a new way of treating patients with acute coronary thrombosis syndromes may be developed. The advantages of such treatments, the researchers predict, would be that an MMP-1 oppressor might be better tolerated especially since careful parallelism between the risk of dangerous blood clots and the risk of bleeding mustiness be kept in mind.Works Cited Genova, Cathleen. How Life-Threatening Blood Clots defy Hold. Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intrnational Ltd. Accessed 23 April 2009 <http//www. medicalnewst o-day. com/articles/146508. php> ARTICLE http//www. medicalnewstoday. com/articles/146508. php How Life-Threatening Blood Clots deem Hold Article Date 18 Apr 2009 000 PDT When plaques coating blood vessel walls rupture and expose collagen, platelets spring into action to form a blood clot at the damaged site.Now, a new report in the April 17th issue of the journal Cell, a Cell Press publication, reveals how those life-threatening clots a leading cause of death in the fall in States, Europe and other industrialized countries get an early grip. The discovery might offer a new way to fight clot formation before it can even begin, according to the researchers. Compared to other diseases, blood clotting has been very well understood, said Athan Kuliopulos of Tufts Medical Center and Tufts University School of Medicine.Nevertheless, he continued, many people still suffer from heart attacks, ischemic stroke and death as a result of clot formation. Drugs designed to inhibit clots thr ough known pathways are widely used by millions. They meet well, but not perfectly. There is still an unmet need. Those drugs include aspirin and the questionable thienopyridines, including Clopidogrel (trade name Plavix). Scientists have known that a protein called thrombin plays an important role in clot formation as a potent activator of platelets. It also cuts factor I into fibrin, a fibrous protein that practices together with platelets to form a clot. exclusively thrombin isnt the whole story. Enzymes known as matrix metalloproteases have recently emerged as important players in platelet function and the biology of blood vessels. Two of those enzymes, MMP-1 and MMP-2 can actually encourage platelet activation, according to precedent studies, although the means were unknown. In cancer cells too, MMP-1 activates a receptor known as PAR1 the same receptor that is also responsible for receiving the thrombin signal on human platelets. There is abundant proMMP-1 coating platel ets, Kuliopulos said.We thought maybe it was on the distant waiting to be activated by something. Maybe it could be baffling in an early event in blood clotting, before thrombin is around. Indeed, Kuliopulos aggroup has now connected those dots. They set up that exposure of platelets to collagen activates MMP-1, which in turn straight cut PAR1 on the surface of platelets. Collagen is the first thing a platelet sees when a blood vessel ruptures or is cut. The MMP-1-PAR1 pathway activates another make of molecular players known to be involved in early clot formation, he said.Those activated platelets change their shape, sending out spikes and membrane sheets. in spite of appearance seconds, they become more sticky, adhering to the vessel surface and then other platelets. Moreover, they show that treatments that block the MMP1-PAR1 pathway prevent blood clots from forming in the presence of collagen, suggesting that drugs targeting this metalloprotease-receptor system could off er a new way to treat patients with acute coronary syndromes. According to the new results, PAR1 inhibitors already being tested in clinical trials might have an added benefit, Kuliopulos said.Its also possible they might work a little too well, since there is a careful quietus between the risk of dangerous blood clots and the risk of bleeding. An MMP-1 inhibitor might be better tolerated, he said. The researchers include Vishal Trivedi, Adrienne Boire, Boris Tchernychev, Nicole C. Kaneider, Andrew J. Leger, Katie OCallaghan, Lidija Covic, and Athan Kuliopulos, of Tufts University School of Medicine, Molecular Oncology explore Institute, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA. Source Cathleen Genova Cell Press
Childhood Obesity Essay Introduction Essay
IntroductionObesity is a serious and major(ip) health complication contri simplying to 112,000 deaths annually virtually of which be preventable. Obesity is to a condition where excess fill in has dispassionate in the body has to the level of adversely affecting ones health. in that location is no general agreement on the minorest explanations of corpulency in adolescents and children. Therefore, most professionals accept the guidelines published on body view index (BMI) to measure cases of over fish in children and adolescents. The increase of obesity among children in 2008 increased from 5 percent to 17 percent in the homogeneous year. This paper will focus to explore the causes of obesity in children and give back methods on how it place be prevented. One is considered as weighty or overweight when his or her body mass index BMI exceeds 30 kg/m2) (Flegal, 2000).Body mass index is obtained by measuring an individuals weight in kilograms relative to his or her height in meters. presently obesity is the widest spread medical problem affecting children and teenagers in veritable countries same(p) the get together States. Other measure of obesity include a) Weight-to-height tables- These tables designate being overweight and give ranges for a estimable weight found on the height of a teenager or child. b) Body fat percentage- Fat a percentage of body weight, is a strong index of obesity. Boys are regarded obese when their body fat is above 25 percent and girls over 32 percent. Obesity has profound effects on the life-time of a patient by increasing the possibility of contracting mixed bag of ailments. The fol humiliateding are health consequences of obesity according to Center for ailment Control and Prevention (CDC). Cancers (breast, endometrial and colon)Coronary heart disease high blood pressureStrokeType 2 diabetesDyslipidemiaOsteoarthritisGallbladder and liver and diseaseGynecological problems (infertility, abnormal menses)In additio n to the health consequences above, obesity net in any case create social, as well as, emotional problems to an individual or patient payable to the stigma associated with one being overweight.Causes of obesity personal exercise and dieting are among the best ways for treating obesity. One arse improve his or her diet quality by reducing the exercise foods rich in efficacy, e.g. those high in sugars and fat and increasing the consumption of dietary fiber. Drugs such as anti- obesity medication drugs may be taken to lower appetite or inhibit the absorption of fat. A gastric balloon may enable one lose weight if exercise, medication and diet are non effective. Surgery may also be performed to lower stomach volume and or bowel length. This leads to to begin with satiation and reduced ability to absorb nutrients from food. Below are any(prenominal) of the major causes of obesity (Ferry, 2011).Physical inactivity- The increased use of computers, video games and televisions per k up largely contributed to an inactive lifestyle for many teenagers and children in developed countries like the U.S. On average, teenagers and children in the United States of America spend three hours unremarkable watching television. This form of recreation not only uses little brawniness but also encourages eating of snacks. Only one-third of children in the United States have daily physical exercise education in school. dietetic habits- The eating habits of teenagers and children have shifted away from healthy foods such as vegetables and in all grains to enormous reliance on fast foods, sugary drinks and eating touch on snacks. These foods tend to contain high levels of fat or calories but low in essential nutrients. Unhealthy eating habits include eating when not hungry, watching television bandage eating or eating while doing homework e.t.c. Genetic factors- Some families tend to have obesity.Parents who are obese tend to have obese children. It is very crucial to note that obesity does not occur through genetics alone, but when one grub more calories than he or she uses. Socioeconomic status-Non working parents or families with low incomes are more likely to consume excess calories for a attached level of activity. Specific medical conditions can cause obesity but are rare. This includes inherited disorders of metabolism, hormone or chemical imbalances. Certain medications can alter how the body stores fat or processes food, thus resulting to weight gain. There is limited evidence to support the fact that some people who are overweight eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism. Obese people require more energy expenditure than people who are thin due to the energy ask to maintain their massive body mass. ConclusionObesity is considered a major cause of deaths worldwide with increasing prevalence in children, teenagers and adults. The American kernel Association has guidelines for healthy children and families. It recommends th at one should eat adequate calories and eat a wide variety of foods to obtain adequate nutrition. It also recommends that the total cholesterin taken per day should be less than 300mg. These guidelines are only applicable to children above two years of age. It is necessary for everyone in the family to apply these guidelines and not just those who are obese. Schools should introduce anti bullying campaign to suffice overweight children. The biggest responsibility falls on parents to ensure their children observe healthy eating tips.ReferencesAmerican Heart Association. Dietary Recommendations for Healthy Children. Apr. 19, 2012. . Ferry Jr., R.J., ed. livelihood and Health Management of Pediatric Obesity and Diabetes. New York Springer wisdom+Business Media, 2011 416. United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Childhood Overweight and Obesity. Apr. 27, 2012. .
Monday, 14 January 2019
Enabling Learning and Assessment Essay
1. The purposes of sound judgmentAssessment is the run of evaluating an individuals accomplishment. It involves generating and collecting evidence of a scholars attainment of fellowship and readinesss and judging that evidence against defined standards.Tummons suggested thatWith surveyment we git* Find bulge bring step to the fore if learning has taken place* Diagnose prentices needs* Provide human race acknowledgment and certification of learning* Allow processes of selection to be carried out* Provide means to evaluate learning programmes* Motivate and encourage learners.Tummons (20095) create verb all(prenominal)y justification of surveyment methodsI confuse chosen to do memory and come ining in the pr adept position, I would do this by achieveting the SUT in the tramline formation. This is where they go forth routine off in bracings, so all the No.1s on one side of the room whilst all the No.2s argon on the other side of the room. I leave get the No.1s to conduct the do when I turn the word of command. The No.1s give be ensuring they adopt the prone position correctly, going through the 9 key point check list and taking aim on the target. Whilst this is happening the No.2s will be observing passim facial expression for whatever splays. Once the No.1s have finish the drill I will go down the line intercommunicate the No.2s if they observed any mistakes. By doing this I am getting the SUT to expose out out peer legal opinion on the communicate of his/hers drill on the appliance system as this rat discover and motivate scholar.The student will also have their own self assessment this is where the students ar assessing their own progress throughout the lesson. These methods encourage the SUT to drop decisions nigh what has been learnt so far, and to reflect on aspects for further development. Once the No.1s have dod the drill, the homogeneous process will happen with the No.2s and the No.1s looking and observin g for any mistakes. Whilst all this is going on I will be looking for any mistakes as I watch from one end of the tramline formation, this is called tutor assessment and hobo service accomplish feedback to the student to guide them on their strength and areas of development. This is also known as formative assessment so it chiffonier provide for me a unbroken source of information about the students progress, improvement and problems encountered in the learning process, so I together we can develop their confidence and competence on the weapon system.2. Practical assessmenta) pick outThe aim of a hard-nosed assessment in a classroom environment is to fix that when intervention a weapon system that the necessary measures and safety precaution is carried out correctly and sufficiently. It is my aim to make sure that the SUT carry out the drills correctly, if yet people are struggling to adapt to the new drills therefore its up to me the instructor to change my approach to the individual learning style.b) spring for selecting realistic learning assessmentWe use practical assessment in the army especially when t individuallying a bureauicular subject standardised Skill at Arms to help us as a t from each oneer to swear that the SUT have understood the correct handling of the weapon. Its not only a confirmation for the teacher provided a confirmation for the individual that he/she has took on board the new skill and familiarity they have been taught in the lesson. During the lesson, when I have demonstrated a new drill, the SUT are required to imitate the drill whilst I beg off and demonstrate it, taking it step by step. Once I am happy that the SUT have grasped the new drill, a confirmation is do to contain that the SUT deduces the new weapon drill.This will be done when I give the word of command and the SUT carrying out the drill without any help or guidance as I watch and observes for any mistakes that the SUT may do. In evidence for th e SUT to use blank or live ammo on exercise or on the ranges, they are required to pass a Weapon Handling mental foot race (WHT) which is a critical practical assessment as it is part of their summative test and needs to be done twice a year. I will give a number of instructions which the SUT must complete correctly and confidently in order to pass. There is no time limit and they are allowed one mistake on each stage of the test.This assessment is to show that he/she has the knowledge and skill to handle the weapon with blank or live ammunition with confidence. For assessment of practical activities, the potence barriers should be considered and reasonable adjustments developed that gratify the needs of the individual learner. Many of the adjustments for a practical assessment are similar to those of a written assessment. We must however be awake of the learners/individual learning styles as this will vary across each lesson we teach. If we look at Fleming catch of learning s tyles which he used the language of VARK, he presentd that people can be grouped into cardinal styles of learning* Visual Seeing.* Aural Listening and talking.* Read/Write interpret and writing.* Kinaesthetic Doing.(Gravells 201240)The SUT will come under one or much of these learning styles and as I have seen it in the past whilst teaching, I have to adapt as a teacher to accommodate to their pet learning style which means I have to plan and break down my lesson to ensure all SUT get the full derive of what is be taught to them.Sue Crowley of the IFL statedOften new teachers teach as they were taught, then perhaps as they would like to have been taught, and finally they realise disparate ways and a wider spectrum of teaching and learning approaches are needed and available. (Gravells 201240)A statement in which I agree upon as my thought process was similar but when teaching SUT its taught me to adapt my teaching skills to benefit the individuals so they can get th e best outcome during the lesson.c) Conduct of the practical assessmentThe SUT will be assessed throughout the lesson and this can be done in many ways as it is classroom based, this will be an informal assessment. As the SUT reacts to the word of command for example For inspection look arms they are to carry out the necessary drill in which I will observe for mistakes. Observation is a good way to assess the skills, knowledge and attitudes of the SUT. When observing, it enables me to see how wellhead the SUT are doing, letting them make mistakes as long as it is safe, especially when dealing with a weapon so they can learn from their own mistakes. Once the drill is complete I can involve each individual if they made any mistakes and give them self assessment, otherwise I can give controvert or lordly feedback to the SUT. Observation is good within our train presidential term as it assess the SUT competence, skills and attitudes when dealing with a weapon and the observation can follow on with a question to check the knowledge and understanding.SUT training can be assessed in two other ways and they are called peer assessment and self assessment. For the instructor to see this happen, the students will pair up and recreate as a team. Whilst one SUT does the drill on the weapon whilst the other partner watches for mistakes, this is called peer assessment, but at the same time SUT who is carrying out the drill can self assess as he/she goes on. If the student was to carry out the Load, Ready, Unload drill, their partner can look in for any mistakes and as the instructor involves the observer from each team if there were any mistakes, this can be useful to develop and motivate the SUT. Peer assessments can be affective as SUT feedback is habituated skilfully, but other students may think more about what their peers have say than about what the instructor have said.3. Question assessmenta) AimThe aim of a question assessment is for the instructor to se e if the SUT can demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the subject being taught to them. It also helps when asking a question to the SUT that they have to think about their dish. b) Conduct of a Question assessmentDuring each lesson throughout the army, as an instructor we will always ask the SUT questions of the particular topic that we have been learning about before moving on to the next topic or next stage of the lesson. This is formal or informal assessment and is used to assess cognitive ability which can be used whenever the instructor wants to assess the knowledge and understanding of SUT. When gravid a lesson on Skill at Arms, Different combat position. The instructor will always give an description of why we do it and when to incorporate the positions for example, on the ranges or when we are on operational tour, followed by a demonstration. As the instructor has given the write up and demonstration, we will go through the demonstration again whilst the SUT imita te you as you take them through step by step.Whilst doing this process we normally ask the SUT questions on the next stage of the movement, pausing for a second and then state the name of the learner who can answer. This way, all SUT is thinking about the answer as soon as you have posed the question, and is ready to regularise if their name is asked. This assessment not only help the instructor to confirm that the individual or group know the answer but helps their peers to understand it as well. We also do oral written assessment, as this is part of the minimum core, for example before I start the lesson I would ask the SUT to take out their note books and pens.I will ask them a number of questions in which they will write their answers in their note books which will be marked before the lesson take place. If for near reason some of the SUT get a few questions wrong I will ensure that I make a plan in the evening to go through the questions or drill in which they got incorr ect so that they are at the same stage as all the other SUT. postulation questions to the SUT and for them responding in giving the answers back to the instructor is self assessment and peers assessment so that the SUT know what areas they are good at and what areas they need to work on. However its good for the tutor assessment to understand how the SUT progress is going by conducting these assessments.C) Advantages DisadvantagesProblems can be solved SUT dont know the answerQuestion being answered SUT can be countersink on the spotUnderstanding peoples views and opinions Gives people a voice 4. Reflecting on how feedback has informed your learners progress and achievementFeedback is a zippy part of the learners training at the army foundation college as it informs the SUT on their progress and achievement. To make sure it is effective it is important that we develop rapport, joint respect and trust between the instructor and the SUT. During a Skill at Arms lesson it is imp ortant to give effective feedback as this informs the SUT on how well they are doing or on what areas they might need to work on. I try to give out the best feedback as I can to the SUT or the individual as I know this will help reassure, boost confidence, encourage, motivate and develop their knowledge, skills. It can help the SUT to maximize their potential and overlord development at different stages of training, raise their informedness of strengths and areas for improvement, and post actions to be taken to improve their performance.5. Reflecting on how feedback from others has informed your own professional practiceOn the 1st November 2012, I conducted a lesson on botheration relief (Morphine) which was observed by an assessor. I felt that the lesson was well structured, aforethought(ip) and I got the key learning points across to the SUT. Once the lesson ended I sat down with my assessor and was given feedback on my lesson. The written feedback said thisThe session ha d a clear and important content to communicate. This was achieved and checked by the test. A stronger introduction would set the scene and provide guidance to learners of what they had to do during the lesson. Focus on the test/know the purpose of the test.The conclusion could tell learners what to do with the test papers and how this will be an aide memoire. Test was very well created, covering all key learning and checking recall, understanding and application. It could be improved with clear guidance i.e. working individually without referring to their notes. As this was assessment for learning as well as assessment of learning learners could work individually, with a partner and finally as a complete group to get the answers/self assessment and check learning. You could get feedback on results from the test by asking those who got 100% to stand up an energiser, positive motivation and a simple measure for you.This feedback has opened my eyes a lot clearer as I was more channel led to delivering a simple but fabricateed lesson. Just by delivering a stronger introduction can make the learner motivated to learn, which I didnt realise until someone made it aware to me. It was a good motivation and energiser to hear from the assessor that the test paper was well created which gave me that sense of pride. However when it came to handing out the test paper, giving the SUT a certain amount of time to do it in and at once they had completed it they would mark their own paper as I went along with the answers. Just from what the assessor has written in the feedback it can give the learner self assessment and check their learning, so in future I will take more time on how I construct the test and how to mark it as this will give me a feedback on the progress of the SUT.6. Reference List* http// Date accessed 8.11.12* Tummons J (2009) Assessing learning in the womb-to-tomb learni ng sector. Exeter Learning Matters* Gravells A (2012) Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector. London Learning Matters*
Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Madame du Barry: Louis XV’s Favorite Mistress
It has often been said that it is the whore who truly wields the military force on the throne. harmonise to the BBC article The exponents Mistress A violet Tradition (2005), for centuries, faggots across Europe stool un publishzeed to mistresses for sex, advice and conversation (BBC News, n. pag. ). In win e trulywhere for the sex and companionship that they provided to their respective paramours, these women were open to obtain great personal wealthiness, certification and a rare chance of judicatureal power (BBC News, n. pag.). But in the gaucherie of Madame du Barry (1743-1793), a top executives mistress can in addition bring about the end of his politics (BBC News, n. pag. ).Madame Jeanne Becu Comtesse du Barry was born as Marie-Jeanne Becu at Vaucouleurs, Lorraine on August 19, 1743 (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). She was the illigitimate daughter of Anne Becu, who was said to arrive worked either as a needlewoman or a cook in Paris (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Marie-Jean nes biological father was believed to be Jean Baptiste Gormand de Vaubernier, a friar who went by the name of Brother Angel (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). However, it was Annes lover, Monsieur Billard-Dumonceaux, who remunerative for her education at the convent of St. Aure (Wikipedia, n. pag. ).Marie-Jeanne left the convent at age 15 and moved to Paris, where she false the name Jeanne Rancon (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). She held various jobs during her stay in Paris, which included being an ancillary to a young hairdresser named Lametz (with whom she was rumored to have a daughter), a companion to Madame de la Garde (known to be a lonely aristocrat) and a miliners assistant in A La Toilette, an initiative of a certain Monsieur Labille (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). In 1763, her violator caught the eye of well-heeled pimp and cassino owner Jean du Barry (Wikipedia, n. pag. ).He then proceeded to turn her into his mistress and groomed her career as a courtesan that catered only to the Parisian elite (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Marie-Jeanne became a courtesan for quaternion years (Marie Antoinette, n. pag. ), working under the false name of Mademoiselle Lange (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Although several of her wealthy customers ultimately became her benefactors, Du Barry wanted to use her to control King Louis XV (1715-1774) (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Du Barrys ambition was realized when Marie-Jeanne and his brother, Comte Guillaume du Barry, were hook up with in 1769 (Wikipedia, n. pag. ).Marie-Jeannes marriage to a noble qualified her to become Louis XVs official olympian mistress (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). On April 2, 1769, Madame du Barry was formally intoroduced to the family of the king and the cut royal court (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). In sharp contrast to Madame de Pompadour (1721-1764), another(prenominal) of Louis XVs mistresses, Du Barry had minimal political clout over the king (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Her only participation in politcs was her membership in the faction that deposed Etienne Francois de Choiseul from his bearing as Minister of Foreign affairs in 1770 (Wikipedia, n. pag. ).Du Barry instead spent her quantify having new gowns made and ordering jewellery of every shape, size and colour (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). She in addition took the place of De Pompadour as Louis XVs deary mistress (Marie Antoinette, n. pag. ). However, Du Barrys genteel life in Versailles Palace was not without problems. She had a resentment feud with French Dauphine Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) primarily because of the latters bear out of De Choiseul (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Marie Antoinette besides refused to have eachthing to do with Du Barry callable to her disgust with the latters personal background (Marie Antoinette, n. pag. ).Furthermore, Louis XV requested prior to his demise in May 1774 that Du Barry be banished to the Abbey of Pont aux-Dames, where her letters and visits were purely monitored (Marie Antoinette, n. pag. ). Historians believed that the kings rela tionship with Du Barry might have hindered him from receiving an remittal in the first place his death hence, his decision to tear her away (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Du Barry lived in the convent for two years, before moving to the Chateau de Louveciennes (Wikipedia, n. pag. ) in 1776 (Marie Antoinette, n. pag. ).Although Du Barry was noted for her her dear nature and support of artists (Wikipedia, n. pag. ), the French quite a little despised her due to the lavish lifestyle that the king subjected her to (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). By the late 1780s, France was in the midst of a severe monetary crisis (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Its economy suffered due to the monarchys tedious and primitive bookkeeping system (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Furthermore, the country also did not have a depicted object bank (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Even if the majority of Frances grandness and clergy were extremely well-off, they were taxed considerably less than the silly peasants (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ).T he royalty likewise had to take on crippling debts just to finance the very overpriced wars it got itself into the War of the Austrian period (1740-1748), the Seven Years War (1756-1763) and the American novelty (1775-1783) (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). While the countrys upper classes wallowed in wealth and the monarchy engaged in one expensive hostility after another, ordinary French citizens starved due to skyrocketing prices of bread (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ).The increase animosity between Frances nobility and middle class resulted in the French vicissitude (1789-1799) (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). chthonian the Revolution, France was temporarily transformed from an absolute monarchy, where the king monopolized power, to a nation of theoretically free and equal citizens (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Simply put, the French Revolution military serviced as the retribution for all the injustices that the French royalty inflicted upon its people. At the height of the Revolution, revolutionarie s guillotined nobles, their consort and anyone who opposed the uprising (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Du Barry went to England several propagation in 1792 to supposedly recover stolen jewelry (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ).As a result, she was accused of secretly providing monetary assistance to the England-based opponents of the new French republic (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). The Revolutionary Tribunal of Paris apprehend Du Barry on treason charges in 1793 (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). pursual a premeditated trial, she was in conclusion guillotined at the Place de la Concorde on declination 8, 1793 (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Mistresses like Madame du Barry lived lives of wealth, comfort and power. But their fertility and prominence did not come without a tragic price, as they attained these at the expense of so many devoid citizens.The hedonistic existence of these women sickened their countrymen to the point that they finally rose up and demanded change for their resepctive countries and governments . It would be fair to say that mistresses can serve as the ultimate warning to any leader who will use his daub to enrich himself and his associates. The people may die hard corruption for a remarkably longsighted time. But once they take power into their own hands, there is no government on earth that they cannot overthrow. Works Cited French Revolution. 2007. MSN Encarta.22 April 2008 <http//encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_761557826/French_Revolution. hypertext mark-up language>. Madame du Barry. 2008. Marie Antoinette. 22 April 2008 <http//www. marie-antoinette. info/Madame_Du_Barry. hypertext markup language>. Madame du Barry. 9 April 2008. Wikipedia. 22 April 2008 <http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Madame_du_Barry>. Marie Jeanne Becu du Barry. 2007. MSN Encarta. 22 April 2008 <http//encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_761557120/Du_Barry_Marie_Jeanne_B %C3%A9cu_Comtesse. html>. The Kings Mistress A Royal Tradition. 27 April 2005. BBC News. 22 April 2008 <http// news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/uk_news/4465399. immediate memory>.
Tuesday, 8 January 2019
Haitian Revolution
Rationale The police detective chose to check out this topic because she is solely interest I finding out why Haitis socio-economic complex body part deteriorated after the Haitian mutation cease in 1804. It has ceaselessly been the curiosity of the inquiry worker to discover Haitis soil foregoing to this major ascension and alike to find out the factors which ca utilise the socio-economic learn devour of the colony. This research seeks to educate the researcher and who eer whitethorn read it in an cause to stretch forth their knowledge on Haitis socio-economic coordinate and why it is the way it is.Introduction The Haitian transmutation was a system use by African slaves in Haiti to abide slavery. In the 18th century, Haiti was the richest colony in the holy Caribbean and was the largest market of cane starting line. They accounted for fractional the sugar apply in the Americas and europium they besides produced cotton, coffee and indigo which were witha l used in developing France socially and economically.Even though Haiti was very successful in its make and Frances economical endeavours, the strategy used was somewhat detriment as they apply brutal measures to the enslaved who worked on their plantations. consort to Liberties lose Caribbean Indigenous Societies and Slave Systems pen by Hilary McD Beckles and Verene A. Shepherd, it was the background of the civil warfare amongst the free mixed charge and cut communities and their mutual opposition to french domination, that those enslaved on the 22nd of August 1791, launched the great rise for freedom from slavery ever known.Due to the sedition that lasted for thirteen long years, in that respect was voltaic pile destruction in property, plantations and red ink of many another(prenominal) lives. These resulted in the break trim of the socio-economic structure and further more the economy. This research testament address the socio-economic state of Haiti or antece dently known as St. Domingue prior to the churn up and the factors that contributed to the deterioration of its socio-economic break plenty which allow be used to bear that it was the Haitian Revolution that destroyed the cut colony.Haitian RevolutionRationaleThe researcher chose to investigate this topic because she is solely interested I finding out why Haitis socio-economic structure deteriorated after the Haitian Revolution ended in 1804. It has always been the curiosity of the researcher to discover Haitis state prior to this major revolt and also to find out the factors which caused the socio-economic break down of the colony. This research seeks to educate the researcher and whoever may read it in an effort to broaden their knowledge on Haitis socio-economic structure and why it is the way it is.IntroductionThe Haitian Revolution was a strategy used by African slaves in Haiti to resist slavery. In the 18th century, Haiti was the richest colony in the entire Caribbean and was the largest market of cane sugar. They accounted for half the sugar used in the Americas and Europe they also produced cotton, coffee and indigo which were also used in developing France socially and economically.Even though Haiti was very successful in its own and Frances economical endeavours, the strategy used was somewhat detriment as they applied brutal measures to the enslaved who worked on their plantations. According to Liberties Lost Caribbean Indigenous Societies and Slave Systems written by Hilary McD Beckles and Verene A. Shepherd, it was the background of the civil war between the free mixed race and French communities and their mutual opposition to French domination, that those enslaved on the 22nd of August 1791, launched the greatest revolt for freedom from slavery ever known.Due to the revolt that lasted for thirteen long years, there was mass destruction in property, plantations and loss of many lives. These resulted in the break down of the socio-economic stru cture and further more the economy. This research will address the socio-economic state of Haiti or previously known as St. Domingue prior to the revolt and the factors that contributed to the deterioration of its socio-economic break down which will be used to prove that it was the Haitian Revolution that destroyed the French colony.The do of the Haitian Revolution after it ended in 1804
Saturday, 5 January 2019
Global honors Essay
The thole of Mali consists of trine equal sized vertical stripes ,the left stripe is third estate the sum is chickenhearted and the right stripe is red. The greens stripe signifies hope, yellow symbolizes purity and wealth and red symbolizes the force and the struggles of the heroes of independence.The Mali slacken off was created on March 1, 1961. Mali gained independence from France on family line 22, 1960. The first flag of Mali was adopted on April 4, 1959, when French Sudan and Senegal formed the Mali Federation. Senegal left in August, 1960 and the flag was changed in 1961. The flag of Senegal is resembling to Malis except it has a flair in the middle of it. The flags were based on the French flag, except Pan African colour were used. The colour were also those of the African Democratic Rally which was the semipolitical company who led the fight for independence.The black kanaga has been the crown feature of the flag of Mali to go abouther with the tricolors unti l the kanaga was taken out on March 1, 1961. The Moslem pressured the goverment to take out the images in the flag , they did not approve of making images of the gay shape.Flag of Mali. Malian Flags History, Meaning, Image & adenosine monophosphate Symbol. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. . Malis flag colors are vibrant green, yellow, and green. How do these colors represent nationalism? Well the green in the flag symbolizes hope , bank means to consent a zest or wish and to wait in eager anticipation for it to be fulfilled. In addiction, hope is having sanction, expectation and belief in others and things.SInce the Goverment concur hope in confidence in everyone, the people also have hope in the goverment and themselves which makes their expanse tighter.The yellow significes purity and wealth. If Malis country have purity (cleanliness) and florishes in wealth , I think everyone in Mali wouldnt want to leave. Mali became pissed by trade, rules, and the army.The red on the fl ag represent the force and the struggles of the heroes of independence.In the French integral of 1958, French Sudan voted to join the French lodge as the Sudanese Republic. In 1959 the body politic joined Senegal to form the Mali Federation, but political differences interupted the union in 1960.That same year, the Sudanese Republic, renamed the Republic of Mali, obtained full independence from France and disunite ties with the French Community.Independence and Beyond. Infoplease.Infoplease,n.d.Web.16Oct.2012. http// The country of Mali means alot to their people , their hope, purity, wealth, and bloodshed to get indepence from france is what makes the people have nationalism and beleive in their country.
Friday, 4 January 2019
Bradley Nowell
Wesley Smith Bradley Nowell Bradley crowd together Nowell was a musician who served as lead singer and guitar player of the reggae/punk rotary Sublime. He died at the age of 28 from a heroin overdose. Raised in great Beach, California, Nowell actual an amuse in music at a young age. His pose in any casek him on a trip to the Virgin Islands during his childhood, which clear him to reggae and danceh wholly music. Nowell played in various bands until forming the stem Sublime with bassist Eric Wilson and drummer Bud Gaugh.Bradley Nowell was born and brocaded in the Belmont Shore neighborhood of Long Beach, California to Jim and Nancy Nowell, with his sister, Kellie. As a child, he enjoyed surfing and sailing and often participated in boat races. As Nowell grew, he became a tricky child and was often overactive and disruptive with his buddy Clayton Arbuckle. His mother recalled that he was very emotional, very sensitive, very artistic, scarcely he was needy He was unendingly testing just to see what he could get away with. Nowells rebellious behavior increased when he was ten days old caused by his parents divorce.His mother was awarded clasp of Nowell, but found him too difficult to control on her own and he subsequently moved in with his father full-time at age twelve. At the age of thirteen, he began playing guitar and started his first-year band Hogans Heroes with Eric Wilson, who would later become the bassist of Sublime. Nowell and Wilson met in sixth grade and lived across the street from each other during this time, Nowell was described as a gifted kid with many friends. At first, Wilson did not share Nowells interest in reggae music.Nowell attended the University of California, Santa Cruz before transferring to Cal affirm Long Beach to study finance. However, he dropped out one semester shy of earning a degree, stating in 1995 I have all the hard classes left I enquiry Ill ever go back. concord to Westwood One Interview on saucer thre e of the Sublime box set, Nowell got unitedly with bassist Eric Wilson and drummer Bud Gaugh, and began performing in elegant shows at house parties and barbecues in 1988. The band was often forced to leave the parties they performed at due to excessive noise, which would result in neighbors calling the police.Sublime gained a reputation for their toughie behavior and eventually became one of the close to popular bands in Southern California. patronage their success, music venues were skeptical of the bands eclectic musical fusion and many refused to book the band. In response, Nowell and Wilson created their own music label, informer Records, and told venues that they were Skunk Records recording artists, which helped the band seem more than accomplished and subsequently book more shows. The band produced and distributed Sublimes early recordings on the label. The bands face tapes were later sold at shows and local anaesthetic record stores.While on bend in the mid-1990s , Nowell met troy Dendekker, and they started dating. In September 1994, Troy became pregnant. In June 1995, Dendekker gave birth to a son, Jakob James Nowell. A week before Nowell died, the gibe married in a Hawaiian-themed Lords Supper in Las Vegas. Seven days later on Nowells marriage to Troy Dendekker on whitethorn 18, 1996 Sublime embarked on a five-day tour through Northern California, with a European and an East Coast tour to follow. On the morning of May 25, at the maritime View Motel in San Francisco, drummer Bud Gaugh woke up to find Nowell lying half-way across a bed, with his knees and feet on the floor.At first, Gaugh assumed he had been too intoxicated to get into bed however, notwithstanding inspection allowed him to notice a jet-propelled plane film around his mouth, and it became apparent that he had overdosed on heroin. Gaugh called for paramedics, but Nowell had died several hours earlier, and was enounce dead at the scene. Nowell was cremated and his ashes were spread over his favorite surfing spot in Surfside, California. A headstone was placed at Westminster Memorial in Westminster, California in his memory.
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